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The Most Important Factors To Consider When Choosing A Dog Breed

Rottweiler Dog Breed
Rottweiler Dog Breed

There are so many different dog breeds out there that it can be difficult to decide which one is right for you. Each breed has its own unique set of characteristics, and it is important to consider all of them before making a decision. This blog post will discuss the most important factors to consider when choosing a dog breed. So, whether you are looking for a large or small breed, or if you want a playful pup or one that is more laid back, read on for some helpful tips.

Consider the dog breed’s temperament

One of the primary things that you need to consider when choosing a dog breed is the temperament of the animal. Some breeds are known for being very aggressive, while others are more docile and playful. For instance, Rottweilers are known to be very protective of their family and can be quite territorial. This means that in choosing between American and German Rottweilers, you have to think about whether or not you intend to have a more good-natured dog or a gentle playmate. In this case, the latter is the gentler kind.

On the other hand, Beagles are typically friendly and good with kids. This means that if you have children, then this breed may be a better choice for you. Otherwise, you can always opt for another breed such as Lhasa Apso or Shih Tzu. It is also important to remember that the temperament of each dog can vary from one another depending on their age and background. For instance, some dogs are born shy while others become more confident as they grow older. This means that it would be wise for new owners to consult with a veterinarian about which breed would be the better option for them.

Additionally, some dog breeds are also more trainable than others, and this can be an important consideration when deciding on a specific type of pup for your family. If you want to get into agility training with your pet, it may be easier if the animal is already used to being in high-energy situations. For example, Labrador Retrievers are known for their athleticism and they tend to be more open-minded than other breeds like Yorkshire Terriers or Miniature Pinschers which may not respond well to new environments. As much as possible, consider whether or not the dog’s personality will mesh well with your family.

The dog’s size and weight also matters

rottweiler Rottweiler Dog Breed history
rottweiler Rottweiler Dog Breed history

When choosing a dog, it is also important to think about how large or small they will eventually be as adults. If you want your pet to grow into an adult that is large enough for its body type but not too big that it becomes difficult to handle, then you should consider breeds such as the Golden Retriever or the Bulldog. On the other hand, if you are looking for a small dog that is easy to transport and does not require a lot of exercise, breeds such as the Poodle or Shih Tzu might be a better fit for you.

Another thing to keep in mind is the dog’s weight. Some breeds, such as Newfoundland, can weigh up to 100 pounds and are not suitable for people who live in small apartments. Other breeds like the Boston Terrier only weigh around 25 pounds and would be better suited for those with limited space. Otherwise, you can always opt for a smaller breed like the Pomeranian or even adopt one from your local shelter.

The amount of exercise that a breed requires is also another crucial factor to consider. Some breeds are very active while others don’t need much exercise at all. For example, the Jack Russell Terrier and Labrador Retriever require daily activities such as walks or runs for them to stay healthy and happy. However, these dogs do not necessarily need constant attention like other pups such as the Yorkshire Terrier who needs to be played with several times a day to avoid becoming destructive.

Think about their grooming requirements

Another thing that you should consider when choosing a dog breed is the amount of grooming they require and how much time it takes out of your day. Some breeds, like poodles and terriers, need to be trimmed regularly. Others do not need any professional grooming but may require more brushing and combing than others. If you are not someone who has the time to brush their dog’s hair every day, then a breed like the Shih Tzu that does not shed very much might be better for you.

Dogs with a thicker coat, like the Samoyed, also require more attention when it comes to grooming and may need to be bathed more often to avoid becoming matted. On the other hand, breeds that have short hair, like the Dachshund, only require a quick brush every few days to keep them looking their best. Nevertheless, you will still need to trim their nails regularly because they grow very fast and are prone to cracking if not maintained properly.

The cost of owning a dog should also be taken into account

When looking for a dog, it is important to consider the cost of ownership. Many breeds require more money to maintain than others due for example if they shed a lot or need expensive grooming appointments every month. Most dogs do not but some such as Pomeranians might because their fur grows so fast. This can add up quickly and make owning one of these dogs cost-prohibitive for some people.

The size and age of the dog might also affect how much they will eat in a day, which can become expensive if you are feeding them food from the store instead of making it yourself at home. This is why many owners choose to adopt senior pets who have already been spayed or neutered and generally eat less than puppies or young dogs. Others might opt for a smaller breed of dog that does not require as much food and is more affordable in the long run.

You should also take into account the frequency that you need to take your furry friend to the vet. Some breeds, like the German Shephard, are more prone to health problems and will need to see the vet more often than others. This can add up over time so if you are not willing to shell out extra cash for regular checkups then a breed that is known to be healthy might be a better fit for you. Some dogs might also have more medical issues than others so talk with your vet about what is normal for that breed before bringing it home. This way you will know if your pup has a regular cough or one that could turn into pneumonia over time due to constant exposure outdoors in cold weather conditions like wintertime snowstorms.

Consider their health history

When you are choosing a dog breed, it is important to also take into account their health history. Some breeds are more prone to developing certain illnesses than others. For example, Poodles are known for their long lifespans but they also have a higher risk of cancer than other breeds like the German Shepherd. Other dogs such as Yorkies and Chihuahuas might be more prone to dental issues because some people believe that small mouths cannot accommodate large teeth properly so these pups could develop tooth decay over time.

When you opt for a mixed breed dog, it is also important to consider their health history. For example, some people believe that Golden Retriever Lab mixes tend to be healthier than purebred Goldens because they have less of the genetic problems associated with this type of dog but others disagree on this point entirely so do your research before committing. Before you decide on a dog breed, it is important to do some research on the different types of dogs that are out there. This way you will have a good idea of what each breed is like and can make an informed decision about which one would be best for your lifestyle.

You can find tons of information online, from breed-specific websites to articles that compare and contrast different breeds. You should also talk to your friends and family who have dogs about their experiences with the breeds they own. This can help narrow down your options and give you a better idea of which type of pup would be the best fit for your home.

Think about the dog’s life expectancy

It is important to consider how long you expect your pet to live. Some breeds have longer lifespans than others, and this can affect which one would be right for you. For example, St Bernards can live up to 12 years but Chow Chows only have a life expectancy of seven or eight years so they might not be the best choice if you want a dog that will grow old with your family.

Just keep in mind that with a dog having a longer lifespan also comes the responsibility of taking care of them for a longer period. This means regular vet checkups, vaccinations, and plenty of exercise and love. So if you are not prepared to have a pet for the next decade or so then it is best to go with a breed that has a shorter lifespan. On the other hand, opting for a breed that is known to have a shorter lifespan can be a risky decision because you never know when their health might take a turn for the worse.

Factor in your home and lifestyle

Finally, you should also take into consideration where you live and how active a person is when choosing a dog breed. If you will spend much time outdoors or at work, then large breeds such as Labradors or German Shepherds might not be the best fit because they need plenty of exercise and can get bored easily if left alone for too long. Other breeds that have plentiful energy include terriers and boxers.

Conversely, breeds that are known to be inactive like the English Bulldog or Boston Terrier might be a better choice if you lead a relatively sedentary lifestyle. In this case, you can also opt for smaller pups that are less likely to get into trouble when left alone.If you live in one of these apartments for rent in Garland or elsewhere, then smaller breeds like toy poodles or Yorkshire Terriers are a better fit because they do not require as much space to run around and play fetch with their owners.

If you have children at home then larger dogs may be more suitable since they tend to be very protective over their families. It would help if you also thought about how much time you will spend with your pet before making any final decisions on which type of dog breed is best suited for your needs. It is important to do your research on the different breeds before deciding so that you can find one that best suits your lifestyle.

Just remember that every breed has different needs, so it is important to do your research before choosing one that fits with what you have in mind. Nevertheless, regardless of whether you want an active or inactive dog, there’s one thing you need to always keep in mind and that is dogs need love and attention no matter what their size is. So as long as they receive plenty from you each day then any breed will do.

Dog lovers everywhere know how hard it can be to choose the perfect pet. There are so many breeds out there and each of them has its pros and cons. It’s easy enough when considering things like size or life expectancy, but when you get into the specific personality traits of different breeds it can be difficult to make a decision. There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing a dog breed, but hopefully, this article will help you make the best decision for your lifestyle. Do some research on the different breeds available and think about what is most important to you before making your final decision. By doing so, you can ensure that your dog will be happy and well cared for throughout his or her life.

Feeding Working Dogs: The Importance Of Great Nutrition

Feeding Working Dogs
Feeding Working Dogs

Dog lovers believe that dogs speak, but only to those who care to listen. But that doesn’t mean that they tell you about their dietary needs. After a session of strenuous exercise, the way your body feels and responds will depend a lot on the food intake. The same applies to working dogs, including, but not limited to, police dogs, service dogs, sled dogs, herding dogs, and hunting dogs. keeping up with their nutritional demands ensures that these dogs give off their best.

Feeding Working Dogs
Feeding Working Dogs

To keep pace with their work, such dogs need to be given healthy nutrients and sustainable energy to keep them in their peak condition.

you’re keen to find out more details regarding dog food then check out Bella and Duke.

Categorizing A Working Dog

Working dogs generally come from larger breeds of dogs and are trained for specific tasks that can even be quite complex. They may be trained to take on tasks that require both intelligence on one hand and strength and stamina on the other. Specialized dog breeds fall into this category.

Read: How Do You Calculate Calories in Dog Food?

The usual breeds of working dogs include the Belgian Malinois, German Shepherd, Border Collie, Rottweiler, Siberian Huskies, and Alaskan Malamutes, boxers. But such dogs are not restricted to these breeds. Even Dachshunds are used by humans to track down burrowing animals, while Welsh Corgi can be used to hunt chicken.

Classifying your dog as a working dog isn’t restricted to specific breeds. So your dog doesn’t have to be on the list of working dogs. Any dog that is taking on a hard workload can be categorized as a working dog, whatever the breed.

Broadly categorized, working dogs fall into multiple categories. There is the endurance category that entails work types that are low-intensity but high-duration, such as endurance dogs.

The next category of working dogs can endure moderate-intensity and moderate to high-duration exercise. They include hunting dogs, service dogs, search and rescue dogs, and police dogs.

Read: Improve your dog’s diet to avoid common health conditions: 3 homemade food ideas 

The third category is that which can endure high-intensity but short-duration exercise. These include sprinting dogs, dogs that require agility, and weight-pulling dogs.

Food Intake Of Working Dogs

The food intake of working dogs could be as much as 1.5 times to 2.5 times that of a dog that leads a sedentary life. Dogs that operate in extreme weather conditions will need an extra portion of food. The same goes for hydration. Dogs lose more water than normal during heavy exercise.

The type and amount of food that a working dog needs are linked to various factors.  This includes work duration and intensity, the environmental factors, the normal temperature that prevails not only during the period of work but also through the rest and recovery period.

Other factors that determine the food intake is the type of terrain and the body temperature of the dog.

A scientific method to determine the amount of food to be fed is through the Body Condition Score (BCS) of 9 points.

Animals that indulge in exercises of low or moderate intensity are placed at a BCS of 4-5.

Dogs indulging in high-intensity exercises are kept at 3-4 BCS.

The time of the year is another factor that needs to be considered while formulating a diet for a working dog. Hunting dogs, for instance, may be required to work harder in winter and fall and less in summer and spring. Their food intake has to be adjusted accordingly.

The Ideal Ingredients Of Working Dog Food

Several factors need to be considered when evaluating the food choices of working dogs. They need specific quantities of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, and water. Both the proportion and the quality of the ingredients determine how healthy your dog turns out to be.

Working dogs require a diet based on high proteins to build up and maintain a strong healthy muscular frame. But there are differences in protein. They require animal protein as a basic component such as pork, turkey, or beef. Fodd with grains, soy protein or corn as basic ingredients are not expected to deliver the nutritional requirements

Sustainable energy is another important requirement for working dogs. Food with relatively high-fat content is needed more for working and performance dogs that require extra calories to retain weight. Dogs feeding on grass-finished or grass-fed meats have a higher intake of the natural form of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids.

To keep their joints healthy, working dogs should have food that contains chondroitin and glucosamine. Egg-shell membrane is one good way to promote healthy joints.

Working dog food should not contain colors, artificial flavors, sweeteners, and other additives. While totally devoid of any benefits, some ingredients may even harm the dogs.

Some Rules To Follow For Working Dog Diet

Here are some dos and don’ts to follow for making any alteration in the diet of working dogs.

Water is vital to a working dog’s basic diet. Always have water available as dogs take in water in large quantities to avoid dehydration.

Dogs are sensitive to changes in their diet. If you must, add the new food composition slowly over 2 to 4 weeks.

The volume of weight is also one sensitive factor. Because your dog exercises strenuously, it does not mean that its food intake can be increased drastically. It may cause digestive issues. Food adjustment should be limited to 20% a day till an optimum balance between energy and weight is achieved. 

Consulting your vet for the optimum quantity and number of meals can help, but most dogs prefer 2-3 meals a day. Too much food at once can overwhelm the digestive system of the dog.

Ultimately it is for you to determine, with expert assistance if necessary, the dietary requirements of your dog depending on the many factors that determine a working dog’s diet.

How much to feed Rottweiler Puppies?

feeding your Rottweiler puppies
feeding your Rottweiler puppies

How Much to Feed Rottweiler Puppies: An Age by Age Guide

Rottweilers are common dog breeds that are excellent guard dogs. They are handsome-looking dogs, but the size is the first thing people notice about Rottweilers.

People think that Rottweilers eat a lot of food and pet treats. Just like other breeds, Rottweilers also have a proper eating scheduling. They are slow growers as compared to other breeds. Even some Rottweilers take up to 2 years to reach adult size.

If you are also thinking about how much food should a Rottweiler puppy eat, keep on reading? You will learn the right way of feeding your Rottweiler.

Age of Puppy Quantity of Food Per Day Number of Meals Per Day
5-6 months 3-5 cups 2
7-8 months 4-6 cups 2
9-10 months 4-6 cups 2
10-12 months 4-6 cups 2


The unpredictable behavior of Rottweilers:

If you are a Rottweiler owner, one thing that might bother you a lot is the unpredictable hunger pangs. One day, you will be stressing over your Rottie’s problem is not eating at all. You might decide to take him to a veteran. But, the very next day, Rottweiler will eat like a monster. This is extremely normal with Rottweiler, and they know how to fulfill their hunger needs.

Feeding pattern of Rottweilers:

In the case of Rottweilers, age is not the only factor considered. If you have a Rottweiler in-house, you should also have a dog scale. The weight of a Rottweiler is the main factor that will help you determine the food quantity.

Feeding chart of a Rottweiler:

Making a proper feeding schedule is the most convenient method. If your Rottweiler is two months old, you must give 2 cups of the meal three times a day. As soon as a month is over, increase one cup of meal. When your Rottweiler turns four months, increase the quantity to 4 cups: twice a day. Not that your Rottweiler is 5-6 months old; the amount of food should be 5 cups twice a day. When your Rottweiler reaches 7-8 months, increase the quantity to 4-6 cups. Follow the same pattern till 12 months.

Feeding frequency when training Rottweiler:

Do not free-feed your Rottweiler at any point in time (read: repeat) if you start free-feeding your Rottweiler, even when he is in the training phase. Giving leverage in food quantity while a Rottweiler is on training; will make him obese. It is important to balance the feed for the proper growth of muscles. During training, give the last meal a few hours before bedtime.

Over-feeding a Rottweiler:

Over-feeding a Rottweiler will lead to obesity, which will lead to muscular deformation. Hence, it is extremely important to recognize the signs of overfeeding. Keep an eye on your pup’s weight; if you feel that his weight is not normal for their age, you may be over-feeding.

Under-feeding a Rottweiler:

Over-feeding and under-feeding both are not good for your Rottweiler. If you are under-feeding your puppy, you are depriving the essential nutrient. If you feel that your Rottweiler is too slim or not according to the normal weight, you may be underfeeding him. You will also find your Rottweiler scavenging the floor for food. Increase the daily meal, but do not over-feed. Gradually increase the meal proportion.

 The final verdict:

Ensure that you are following a proper pattern for feeding your Rottweiler. Over-feeding and under-feeding both are harmful to your pet. An adult Rottweiler must be fed twice a day. However, puppies under six months should eat three times a day.

7 types of Household chores your Rottweiler can help you with


We all hate doing household chores and cleaning the mess our pooches tend to make every single hour. But what if they clean up all themselves or what if they help you with even your personal chores as well? Sounds really exciting! This is because we probably never imagined a dog helping us with household chores, especially Rottweilers, who are generally known for being outdoor working pooches rather than being a shy indoor family pooch.

Well, let me tell you Rottweilers are “completely family pooches” just like others despite having strong protective nature. In fact, Rottweilers are one of the best dog breeds that can help you with your chores. This is because they are super active working pooches and so, tend to become sad and destructive on staying jobless. Rotties eagerly wait for being tied into some work and this is a piece of great news for people who just hate doing household chores!

So, without a further delay, let’s get into the 7 different household chores your Rottweiler can help you with within your daily routine!

1- Pulling work

You can absolutely hand over all the pulling works to your Rottie while doing other household chores.

Let me explain to you why!

“According to the historical records, Rottweiler used to pull and take meat carts from butchers to the market many decades ago.”

Well, certainly, you will not be having a “meat cart” pulling work included in your chores list. Still, there are so many other pulling tasks you might have been doing alone for so long that you can certainly leave on your Rottie, from now on.

For example,

We all plan to clean yards but tend to postpone it again and again as it involves a wide range of different tasks. But you don’t need to postpone your cleaning plans anymore if you have a cute Rottweiler in your house.

Do all the sitting tasks like cutting, leveling, re-edging, seeding, and watering yourself, and let your Rottie pull the debris cart from one place to another every single time. You can also ask your buddy to run and bring tools and other stuff so that you can do the whole task in a really short time.

Other pulling tasks you can involve your Rottie into can be, pulling off a grocery cart in the supermarket, moving garbage trolley to the street dustbin, taking serving trollies to the guests, and pulling baby prams or strollers sometimes if needed. However, of course, you will need to train your pooch for all the stuff but they will surely learn all this in a really quick time as they were initially bred for pulling work which still might be running in their bloodline.

2- Lifting work

Rottweilers are working dogs and are super strong. They are one of the most muscular dog breeds.

Hence, you can get assistance from your Rottie in lifting works as well.

As mentioned previously, your Rottie can help you with trolly pulling when you are checking out

the labels of food products and finding other stuff in the supermart. But furthermore, this grocery shopping can become even easier if you allow your Rottie to carry and take these shopping bags from your car to inside your house. Your Rottweiler will definitely gonna love this, as they just need “any job” to do.

You can also ask your Rottweiler to take dirty clothes baskets to laundry areas or washed clothes baskets back to the wardrobe. You rottie can also help you out by moving boxes filled with heavy stuff to other rooms if you have just shifted your house or need some assistance while renovating your rooms.

3- Early morning support

We all struggle to wake up early in the morning. Sometimes due to our late sleeping habits and sometimes because we just get lazy and keep on snoozing our alarms.

Well, you will be surprised to know that your Rottweiler buddy can be your natural alarm clock as they can attack you with their licks and cuddles every morning. Rottweilers can also learn tricks for the opening and closing of curtains. This “curtain opening” task alone is enough for you to get up as you will be getting natural sunlight directly on your face.

Other than all these, fidos usually hang out around the whole house and check if everything is fine after getting up just in case you are still asleep, and this is something really satisfying for the owners.

There are a few more things that your Rottie can help you with at the very beginning of your day. You can ask you Rottie to call all the family members one-by-one so they can have breakfast downstairs.  Your Rottie can also fetch you mail or newspaper from the mailbox outside.

Dogs not only help us wake early in the morning but can also become a “reminder” for our daily routine tasks. They are scheduled-buddies and want everything to be done at their specific fixed times. So, if your Rottie is trained well, she will definitely remind you when it’s mealtime or homework time or whenever you are getting late for something.

4- Cleaning of the house

Cleaning and sweeping are actually one of the most time-consuming household chores and a bit overwhelming as well. The good news here is that your Rottweiler would love to contribute her efforts to this horrible household chore.

Rottweiler will quickly learn to vacuum and sweep if the vacuum cleaner you own is really easy to hold. Likewise, if you have soft-handle mops and Swiffer, moping and other different cleanings can also be handed over to your rottie, or at least they can help you complete your 50% work themselves.

Other household cleaning cores your Rottweiler can help you with can be – taking and leaving trash into the dustbins. Rottweiler can also help you with “furniture dusting” if they are really craving for work and want to help you with anything possible. They just need to hold a feather duster pole into their mouth and move around the furniture in a way that it removes all the dust away.

There are a couple more things you can ask your Rottie to do for you!

Let your Rottweiler learn to wipe his dirty paws before entering the house. You can also ask her to clean eating areas every time after they have their meals.

This time you are not seeking help but making them learn something that will prevent them from making the whole mess that you would be cleaning later on.

5- Baby protection

Guarding your little baby is another thing your Rottweiler can do for you when you are busy doing your housework or other chores. It is also one of the best ways to keep your Rottie completely busy just in case you need to run a really urgent errand.

Other than this, you can also tie your Rottweiler to a job where they have to entertain your crying baby when you are unable to focus on your work. This way, the things would get done in a really short time as you will not be handling two things at a time, anymore!

6- Usual Home tasks

Rottweilers are really smart and tend to learn whatever you teach them in a really short time. Hence, you can teach your Rottie almost all of the household chores you do in a day and prevent yourself from getting overburdened.

Well, you can’t totally hand over a complete task to your pooch in this case. You rather have to partly involve them in your chores in a way that they provide assistance only. You will eventually find that 30-40% of your work is getting done alone by a little furry friend.

Your Rottie buddy can help you a lot with the laundry work as it usually involves a bunch of easy tasks. Ask your Rottie to bring a dirty clothes basket to the laundry area. Let her put them one-by-one inside the machine and ask them to take all the clothes out when they are washed. Similarly, tell her again to take the washed clothes basket back into the room.

Rottweilers can also be asked to gather and put the toys they scattered onto the floor, into the toy basket. Moreover, they can be trained for taking a bowl to the kitchen to remind you when it’s a mealtime. Similarly, you can ask them to bring stuff from the fridge or pick something that fell down when you are busy preparing dinner. They can also help you with dishes, sometimes.

Fidos genuinely get happy when are asked to complete a task so you can fearlessly ask them to do anything whether it is a cleaning chore or something relevant to the kitchen.

7- Retrieving Jobs

Even if your Rottie doesn’t help you with the above-discussed 6 types of household chores, just a lot of retrieving tasks done by them throughout the whole day will be pretty much enough for you. This task alone will eventually make you feel relaxed and less stressed at the end of the day.


what retrieving jobs you can offer your Rottweiler?

There are a bunch of things in our daily routine that are super annoying to us. For instance, bringing the mobile phone you left in your backyard, going up the stairs to pick a fallen key, carrying shopping bags in a mall, finding lost documents all around the house, and so much more.

In such situations, you literally wish to get a personal assistant that can help you do those stupid annoying tasks.

But you are actually lucky if you have a Rottweiler dog in your house. Here is the list of retrieving tasks you can ask your Rottie to do for you:

Pass the remote from a nearby table.

Bring a soft drink from the fridge.

Pick up the fallen things from the ground.

Carry baskets or other heavy stuff.

Close the door of the room.

Switch off the light and close the curtain (when you are too sleepy).

Find all the lost keys and important stuff.

Close kitchen’s open cabinets and drawers to make it look organized.

Rotties can undergo all these tasks faster than you as they are one of the most energetic dog breeds and always remain eager to get more and more tasks!


Keep in mind that you will not get the results if you immediately leave this site and ask your Rottweiler to do something. Your Rottie puppy will need to undergo obedience training, command learning, positive reinforcement, and a lot of practice to help you with each of the mentioned household chores. If they are grown up and well trained, they will definitely require lesser time and effort.

Moreover, Rottweilers can become stubborn sometimes.  In such cases, do not force or hit your Rottie to do anything or they will become aggressive and growl at you. Make a lot of fun times with your Rottweiler puppy first to get them to respect you. Then gradually move on to the learning process!

If you are new to the rottweiler breed and want to know so much including whether they are dangerous canines, then give a read to “Everything you need to know about Rottweiler”.

6 signs your Rottweiler is jealous of your phone

signs your Rottweiler is jealous
signs your Rottweiler is jealous

Rottweilers by their nature require a lot of attention. You might have noticed your Rottie barks constantly every time you get a phone call. This is because they are trying to get your attention. Because pets are unable to convey their emotions and moods in language, they occasionally show their moods by behaviors. It is no exception that Rottweilers get jealous of your phone.
When you spend a lot of time remaining glued to social media, your pooch will try to knock out your phone from your hand. It is a sign that your Rottie is jealous of your phone. She will show jealousy aggression coupled with pushy behavior and tricks to get the expected attention.

6 signs Rottweiler is jealous of your phone

Rottweilers require special interaction, lots of caressing, and games to remain active and entertained as they belong to a working group. They are included in the top 10 most jealous dog breeds. This makes sense. They often need us and don’t wish to share us with another pet or human or a device like a phone or a laptop.

If another pet or even family member such as a new baby gets too close to you, Rottweiler will try to push that pet away from you in order to obtain your attention.

Rotties are included among the most possessive dog breeds who become dependent on the love of their owner. They will definitely don’t share their owners’ love and time with any other person or thing even if it is just a phone.

When a dog exhibits jealous behavior, such as growling, snapping, whining, or attacking another creature or person, she is expressing her insecurity, confusion, and in fact jealousy.

Here are six signs your Rottweilers get jealous of your clinging to phone screens.

1- Making noise and barking

signs your Rottweiler is jealous
signs your Rottweiler is jealous

If you ever receive a phone call and your Rottie fellow starts barking or if you are sitting somewhere and your Rottie jumps on you trying to knock out the phone from your hand, it is a sure sign that your Rottie wants your attention and is jealous of your phone speaker hearing the voice of another person talking with you.

Even if you put handsfree and try to act like you are self-talking, your intelligent Rottie will know the reason and she will continue to bark until you give her attention.

If you don’t pay attention to your Rottie and continue doing your work even after a lot of barking, she will become aggressive and start to knock out the objects and make noise.

She may also choose to bark even louder sometimes!

This is because Rotties are supposed to be addressed by you but you tend to ignore her. They don’t know to whom you are talking when you are on a phone call so they start barking and run towards you to get a pat. But if you continue to ignore your furry buddy and she further gets to hear another person’s voice on phone speaker, she will get super jealous and bark even louder.

To stop your Rottie from being jealous of your phone calls, you can use a lot of training techniques!

For instance, by using mock calls and ringtones, pick up the phone at the first ring and keep talking to yourself, while at the same time, let your Rottweiler sit down and wait. This is referred to as a “conditioned response”. It is a mechanism that can develop desirable behavior for phone jealousy in your Rottweiler.

Pro Tip:

If your Rottie is afraid of phone ringing, let her listen to that sound more often and she will soon become used to it.

2- Scratching phone screen

Dogs often scratch their paws on your phone screen to keep you away from using your phone. The same is the case with Rottweilers. Our Rottweilers are aware that it’s something going on on our screens, but they don’t fully comprehend what is happening.

The content on a little screen is too tiny for dogs’ eyes to interpret. So, while our Rottweilers are incapable of comprehending why we’re gazing at our screens, they are sure to know how much we are eager to pay attention to our smartphones, and this is what they hate the most!

This actually seems so hurting, especially, when you decide to take your Rottie out to the park to play games. However, after a while, you find nothing to do and end up scrolling your phone sitting in a corner. At that time, your dear Rottie will start scratching his paw on your phone screen showing that she is getting jealous and needs your attention. She can even attempt to bite your phone.

If you are at home and scratching behavior doesn’t work on you, your Rottie might take your phone into his mouth and throw it away.

Well, it is not a good idea to remain glued to your phone while having a Rottie by your side as her scratches on your screen can make your phone useless. Beware of these little rascals!

3- Bad Chewing Habits and pushy behavior

If you continuously ignore your Rottie while on the phone, she’ll find one of his toys and go to town on it, chewing on it nonstop. You might even need to remove or throw away your furry buddy’s toys since she can also rip them open and eat portions of them. It is a strong sign that your Rottweiler is jealous of your phone.

Even if you take your Rottie’s toy over and put it somewhere else, she will jump to that place too to get her chewing business back.

The most insane sign of Rottweilers’ aggression is their strange staring. You may have noticed your Rottweiler stands still staring at you with his tail raised to full height if you continuously choose to ignore her excessive barking.

This can actually scare you if you are engrossed in your phone and suddenly look up to have a quick glance at your Rottie. This is a horrible sign of Rottweiler’s jealousy from your phone.

Moreover, your Rottie might act like a pushy dog. Rottweilers understand that if they strive hard enough, they will typically get what they want. Hence, a fetch-driven Rottie may repeatedly drop her stinky ball in your lap until you finally give in and toss it for her.

4- Irritating behavior

According to psychology, Rottweilers manifest irritating behavior by distracting you from your focus of attention by making scenarios that seek your interest like playing tricks and bothering other pets in the home. In other words, they are really clever!

Your Rottie will start crowding your space where you are using your phone. She will lay in front of you and start making sad faces and cocking his head sideways. This continues for some time but after she is being ignored for more than an hour, she will shift her irritating behavior to aggressives.

When Rottie becomes unable to unglue you from your phone, she finds another way of showing jealousy. It is a muzzle punch. She can punch you with her nose showing a warning sign for you to leave that screen.

She will start doing the things she was forbidden to do like jumping on couches and furniture and running around the house like a maniac because she will consider it simply a tactic to get your attention.

If you still remain clung to your phone screen, your Rottie may experience anxiety issues.

According to American Kennel Club, leaving your pooch alone in a way that they feel stressed can actually cause them suffer from separation anxiety.


Not just that, your Rottie will get mad by barking excessively and possibly can participate in irritating and unpleasant activities. They may stalk the home, destroy objects, or even have “accidents” inside.

5- Aggression and breaking things

Rottweilers that do not succeed in getting your attention when you are on your phone, usually end up breaking furniture and other stuff in your house. It is the major sign that your Rottie is jealous of your smartphone and wants you to put down your phone and give her some attention. Your Rottie will start misbehaving and doing anything around the house to get your attention.

Similarly, when you get a new puppy into your home, the atmosphere changes. Since puppies are charming and sensitive creatures who require love and time, all family members will naturally devote their entire attention to that new dog. As a result, your old Rottweiler in the house will be distressed and shift herself to aggressive and jealous behavior.

Although Rottweilers are included in the average category of aggression, they can get even crazier in aggression if triggered by harsh circumstances. According to a Research paper published on most aggressive dog breeds, 4.6% of 223 aggressive dogs belonged to the Rottweiler breed.

Your Rottie is accustomed to being by your side and your friend, but if other dogs take you away, your furry friend will become agitated, envious, and even violent.

Since that new puppies seem to be at risk, pet parents may fear for their lives. However, this is absolutely normal behavior. When jealousy emerges, it is critical to correctly deal with your Rottweiler’s feelings.

Well, in such situations, try to keep things normal and introduce the new addition to your family to your Rottweiler in a friendly manner!

6- Leaving the place and doing tricks

It is found by a survey that 36% of the pets including Rottweilers, tend to leave the place when their owners remain clung to their phones.

At first, your Rottie will try to get your attention by doing different tricks like lying down on your feet and jumping on you. If Rottie finds herself ignored, she will get sad and finally leave the room and hide somewhere.

Your jealous Rottweiler is also likely to have some insecurity as she might think of being replaced by a stupid phone screen.

According to the psychology of Rottweilers, their memory is really good and they do remember the techniques you applied while training them where they got rewarded multiple times. Your Rottie can repeat some of those tricks to get your attention this time.

If Rottie just disappears and you end up finding her around the house, it is a strong sign that she is harshly jealous of your phone and wants you to find her.

Try calling your Rottie canine and check to see whether she responds to your command. If she does and starts doing something else, it is not a big matter to get worried about. However, if your Rottie buddy ignores your command and lays there emotionless, it is passive disobedience which is a sure sign of jealousy. In such a situation, you need to cherish your Rottie before she steps into depression.

How would you prevent your Rottie from being jealous?

To prevent your Rottie from being jealous, you can train her some commands like stop, wait, or hang on.

If your Rottie genuinely becomes aggressive about you spending too much time on the phone watching videos or scrolling social accounts, the simplest way is to reduce your time and take out more time to cherish your Rottie canine.

Also, if your furry buddy is showing serious stress signs, you probably need to consult your vet at once.

Final Thoughts

Remaining glued to your phone is the thing that can cause many jealousy problems and aggressive behavior in your Rottweiler. Our poochy Rotties can’t talk but they do show emotions by their behavior. They try to let us know that they are jealous of our phones and don’t like us to be very social through a large number of mysterious signs, and as a pet parent, one should never ignore those cute jealousy signals!

5 Best Rottweiler-Friendly Vacation Destinations

Rottweiler vs German
Rottweiler vs German

Nothing seems fantastic than having your lovely Rottweiler by your side when you are traveling. It actually seems difficult to leave your Rottie at home especially when you and your pooch remain bound all the time while being at home. Your pooch can intuitively sense your thoughts, so it’s not unexpected if your Rottweiler recognizes the symptoms that you’re going to leave for a vacation without him. Well, you no longer need to leave your Rottie at home. We have found a list of Top 5 Rottweiler-Friendly Vacation destinations.

Here are the 5 Best Rottweiler-Friendly Vacation Destinations!

Rottweilers by their nature enjoy long mountain hiking, playing, and running around in the park. They are initiative and close to nature. You can take your Rottie to a large number of dog-friendly parks and restaurants as they act more mannerly. Rottweilers are allowed on most of the beaches but they don’t fancy swimming unless taught carefully. Here I have listed the top 5 vacation destinations that you shouldn’t miss if you are planning a vacation with your Rottie.

1.Orlando, Florida

Orlando, Florida
Orlando, Florida

The charming state of Florida has a plethora of dog-friendly hotels and accommodations, including earthy campsites, cheap hotels, and even attractions that entertain your four-legged friends.

With Florida’s beaches, cities, hiking trails, and food outlets, you’ll never run out of pet-friendly places to visit or activities to enjoy with your pooch.

There are so many parks and thrilling spots to visit with your Rottie in Orlando. Some of them are discussed down below:

Winter Park, Florida

Winter Park, located just north of Downtown Orlando, is a beautiful and artistic city with a wealth of enjoyable activities for both families and their furry friends. Over 70 dog-friendly parks can be found in the neighborhood, as well as a charming yet bustling downtown area and a large range of yearly fests.

Park Avenue is known as one of the most famous streets in Orlando where dogs of every breed are welcomed.  Play hide and seek, water games, and jolly bottle fetch with your Rottie. You can find a lot more fun activities out there.

Moreover, Bullfish is a Rottweiler-friendly store in Park Avenue. You can take your big Rottie fellow to pick its own choice. Pookie’s Pet Nutrition and Bow Bow Bakery are particularly famous for dogs. You can get anything you need for your Rottie from here.

Dr. Phillips Dog Park, Fleet Peeples Park, and Lake Baldwin Park, which also offer a sandy dog-friendly beach, are all popular for Rottweilers. Your Rottweiler can enjoy off-leash running after the ball, playing, and having a lot of fun.

Windermere, Florida

The most attractive and thriving city in Orange County, Florida is Windermere. It’s one of Orlando’s world’s most popular suburbs. Windermere is well-known for its magnificent lakefront houses, celebrity residents, and peaceful, lovely ambiance.

Windermere is crowded with dog-friendly vacation resorts, a long chain of hotels that offer dog-friendly rooms.

It also has Windermere Farmers Market that allows leashed pets. You can bring your Rottie fellow with you and enjoy shopping. You can shop for any Rottweiler accessory or food item from this market.

It is 6 miles away from Disney World. If you get bored of just roaming and seeing in Windermere, you can even take your Rottie to Walt Disney World Resorts, parks, and campgrounds.

If your lovely Rottweiler loves beaches, the good thing is that Windermere is only 25 miles away from the Atlantic Coast. Rottweilers enjoy going to the beach because it provides them with a fresh environment to roam. This is particularly true for Rotties who have become accustomed to living in cramped quarters as a result of city life or apartment living. In fact, dogs of all ages can enjoy the sand and waves. Let’s go splash in the sea and tour the shore with your lovely fellow!

2. Sedona, Arizona

Sedona, Arizona
Sedona, Arizona

If the name “Arizona” makes images of desolate, sandy scenery, you’ve probably never gone to Sedona. There’s something very mystical about such paradise covered in red rock formations, which are thought to offer soothing relaxing power. The abundance of leisure relaxation and the magical sensation in the wind. Dogs are allowed at multiple venues throughout the city.

There is nothing desolate in Sedona but a lot of fun things to do and visit with your lovely Rottie. It offers many dog-friendly hotels, parks, and long road trips in jeeps with your doggie fellow.

Adventurer Red Rock Tours

Many tour operators offer guests tailored adventures. Whether you want to explore the red rocks or see around Sedona you can choose between three different tours: Boynton Canyon Tour, Bell Rock Tour, and Chapel of the Holy Cross Tour.

The best thing is dogs are welcomed on all trips, even Rottweilers! If your Rottie doesn’t want to go, he can stay even with other dogs. They will take proper care of each and every dog. And even if he wants to enjoy things with other dogs, they can bring him on tour with them. Is it not so sweet?

Some tour operators in Sedona also offer a special discount simply for bringing your dear Rottie fellow with you.

Sedona Dog Park

Visit Sedona Dog Park and let your dog enjoy the richness of nature and of course running too. During the summer, Sedona Dog Park has various covered areas in which you and your dog can rest and catch a breath. There are many sitting areas to relax you and your Rottie and well-managed dog-friendly water spots in this park. Rottweilers are also welcomed in this park.

The best thing about this park is it has separate areas for small and large dogs. If you have a pup, it won’t be afraid of Bull Dogs and if it is a Bull Dog it probably won’t make pups afraid.

The only thing you have to take care of is putting your dog on a leash while entering or exiting the park. Rest of it your dog can enjoy.

The second best thing about this charming dog park is if your Rottweiler loves hiking, there are separate fenced areas for off-leash hiking with your lovely dog. Have fun running after your dog in the mid of the atmosphere!

Buddha Beach

Do you have a notion that Arizona is a desolate land? Let’s prove this wrong with the stunning beauty of Buddha Beach, Sedona.

Buddha Beach in Crescent Moon Park in Sedona is stunning, with views of Cathedral Rock. It’s just another beautiful side of Sedona.

Having a hot day, your Rottie would love to dig in the sand. Run after the flying sparrows under the wilderness of the sky. You can also make a dash into the water with your lovely Rottweiler if he has been taught swimming.

Also, you can visit Red Rock State Park, Slide Rock State Park, Whiskers Bakery, and Secret Garden Cafe at Sedona.

3. Vancouver Island, Canada

Vancouver Island, Canada
Vancouver Island, Canada

Vancouver Island is known for its vast, untamed beaches, which provide a wonderful summer retreat and a winter core for hurricanes and riding. In addition to climbing, camping, and boating excursions, the Island provides enough chances to relax on its picturesque resorts and luscious orchards.

Vancouver Island is dog-friendly. It is also good for large breed dogs so don’t miss exploring this beautiful island with your Rottweiler.

A large chain of hotels offers dog-friendly service and top destinations are also Rottweiler-friendly.

Cypress Falls Park

This park has 1.8 miles long Cypress Fall you can enjoy with your well-behaved Rottweiler. As Rotties are good-tempered dogs, this is an ideal dog-friendly place to visit with them. You can enjoy hiking, playing games, and running with your dog.  A very fine hiking track that continues through Douglas Fir and Red Cedar is very pleasurable to hike on.

The sight of lower cypress fall from the above stony area looks very calming. The best thing about this park is your Rottweiler can enjoy an off-leash leisure walk in cabin areas.

McDonald Beach Dog Park

Does your Rottweiler like to swim and dig in the sand? He can have fun at McDonald Beach Park. It is a dog-friendly park with a glorious collection of 9 beaches, all offering a pet-friendly environment.

There is so much off-leash area that your Rottie can run without running out of time and space.

It is also good if your Rottie is a good swimmer and after taking a swim in cool water on a warm day, he will feel relieved.

Nothing to worry about if you forget to bring your furry friend’s food with you. A chain of picnic places also offers dog-friendly foods.

Dog Mountain

The Dog Mountain Trail is a quick, simple hike from Mount Seymour that provides a beautiful sight of Vancouver. It is a few kilometers trip. There is also a lake on the way so your dog can enjoy swimming too.

This mountain is specifically famous for hiking with dogs and dogs also enjoy this very much.

If you plan a vacation with your Rottweiler, don’t miss this lovely mountain hiking.

Many other worth seeing places with your Rottweiler on this island include Kings Mill Walk Dog Park, Ambleside Park, and a lot more worth seeing destinations.

4. Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam, Netherlands
Amsterdam, Netherlands

This city is dog-friendly, hence canines are allowed in the majority of Amsterdam’s spots! This includes cafes, shops, resorts, and, in short, all sites.

If you’re concerned about how you’ll move in the city with your dog, Amsterdam makes it easy. Dogs are accepted as free guests on all public transportation in this city except trains.

This area is crowded with dog-friendly parks, resorts, and hotels.


Flevopark is a dog-friendly park on Amsterdam’s eastern outskirts in the Indische Buurt area. This park is well maintained and allows Rottweilers.

Run under the limitless sky, enjoy the most enchanting sites with your Rottie, and play fetch games.

The best thing about this park is it has a water pool for dogs.  In the summers, it is a perfect place for canines to cool off after a day of touring in the city on hot days. It also goes down to a canal where you can enjoy yourself with your Rottie.


This amazing dog park is one of the nicest dog parks in the world. It has separate playgrounds for canines. You can bring your Rottie here to run and play off-leash.

This park is also proximal to Albert Cuyp Market, it’s also a pet-friendly market.

Most of the restaurants in Amsterdam are dog-friendly, the most famous ones include Drovers Dog and De Vondeltuin. You can also explore the city through a tour like Rederij Paping is the Rottweiler and other pet-friendly tours.

5. Paris, France

Paris, France
Paris, France

Paris is one of the dreamlands your Rottie might think to visit if he can. Almost all the parks, cafes, and places in Paris are dog-friendly. It is found by a survey that every 7 Parisians own a dog so you don’t need to worry about what breed is your dog. Especially for Rottweilers, they are most common in Paris. They are treated friendly in every hangout space and tourist attraction except Eiffel Tower.

Champ de Mars

The most historical park of France used to celebrate republican victories is Rottweiler-friendly. The good thing is that you can take a closer look at Eiffel Tower with your Rottie and snap some memorable moments.

Only leashed dogs are allowed in Champ de Mars. Don’t forget to put your dog on a leash before enjoying this spectacular walk in the park.

Batobus, Paris

The good thing about Batobus is they are circulating buses that cover almost all the worth seeing places in Paris. You can take a pass for five or seven days and ride whenever you like. They allow Rottweilers to ride on. So why miss seeing a glorious city with your glorious Rottie?

Many other off-leash dog parks in Paris include Buttes Chaumont Park, Jardin du Luxembourg, and Bois de Vincennes. Other worth seeing dog-friendly sites include Saint Rita Church. The most popular and best serving dog-friendly restaurant is L’Esprit du 12éme.

Final Thoughts

Going out for a vacation with a Rottweiler is absolutely a good idea. There is nothing more exciting than having your Rottie by your side while traveling to make some fun and of course memories together. 

How Do You Calculate Calories in Dog Food?

Calories in Dog Food
Calories in Dog Food

Dogs are often referred to as a man’s best friend, a relationship that started almost 23,000 years ago when people domesticated dogs for security, help, and warmth in Siberia. Dogs are loyal, friendly, and protective, making them an ideal species to keep around as pets; their only expense is food and care. Furthermore, dogs have provided psychological therapy to veterans, civilians, and even other animals.

Dog Energy Needs

A dog’s energy needs depend upon a host of different factors, including the type of breed, level of activity – resting or active, gender, environment, type of activity the dog is engaged in, e.g., hunting, racing, or working, age, size and weight of the dog. An appropriate way of measuring your dog’s energy needs is multiplying the specific dog’s weight by 0.75 and multiplying the result again by 70.

For example, a typical 10 kg dog needs 400 calories in a day using the above formula. Pet dogs that stay in the house seem to require less energy than working dogs.

Calories In Dog Food

Resting or pet dogs require 100 calories for smaller dogs and 1000 calories for large dogs. Dogs with moderate activity require 200-1200 calories and dogs with high activity levels require 450-2100 or more calories to ensure their bodies can function properly.

Dry dog food contain between 300 to 600 calories per pound, which is why you need to keep watch of your dog’s diet to avoid underfeeding or overfeeding. You can visit a pet store like Whiskers N Paws for natural dry dog food and kibbles, so you’re sure that your four legged friend will enjoy healthy food. Semi-moist food ranges between 80 to 90 calories per pound, while wet dog food has the lowest calories at 20-30 calories per pound. Food labels are a good source of information on how many calories the particular dog food you buy contains.

How Many Claories Is Enough

Proper dog food should ideally contain fats, proteins, and carbohydrates to ensure the dog gets the needed calories for the day. Fats contain the highest calorie count at 8-9 calories per gram, while carbs and proteins only have 3-4 calories per gram. However, a balanced diet is more important to a dog than just reaching the required daily calorie count. To ensure your chosen food has the right amount of calories, dog food manufacturers usually provide the nutrient contents on the labels, which you can use to calculate the correct number of calories contained within. Multiply the fat amount by 8.5 and the carbohydrate and protein amounts by 3.5 to get the accurate number of calories in the food.

Moreover, it would be best to look for foods containing either chicken meals, meat meals, fish meals, or high protein meals. However, avoid any foods that contain soy, wheat, or corn as they are not suitable for dogs. Remember, dogs are carnivores that need high proteins to survive and obtain essential nutrients such as amino acids. Therefore any vegan type of food should be avoided if possible.

Four hundred calories a day is average for most dogs. A well-balanced high protein diet will provide your dog with a well-functioning digestive system, a smooth skin and muscle tone, and additional energy for pregnancy, healing, and growth.

Monitoring System For Body Condition

However, even if you feed your dog the proper diet, you may need to check it often for any underlying problems affecting it. Symptoms that your dog may be unwell include; intermittent eating habits where the dog’s appetite varies wildly, excess thirst, rough skin tone, vomiting, uncommon stool characteristics, extra weight loss or weight gain, change in eye color, and a general decrease in activity.

You can use a body condition monitoring system to ensure your dog is regularly monitored for such problems. A BCS exam ranges from score 1 to 9, where an ideal dog should scoring between 4.5 and 5. The first test involves feeling the ribs; if you can feel the ribs by soft-touch, then the dog is at an ideal condition (score 4.5 to 5), whereas if the ribs are too visible, then the dog is emaciated (score 1 or 2), and if it is difficult to feel the ribs the dog is obese (score 6 to 9).

Furthermore, if the dog has a visible waistline, it is healthy (score 5). If the waist is clearly visible, the pet is underweight (score 2 to 4). Lastly, the dog’s hips can tell you where it is healthy, where clearly defined hips denote a healthy dog, and lack of muscle shows a thin dog.


A dog that gets its required calories daily will have well-toned skin, fleshy muscles and be healthy enough to perform tasks, keep you secure, and keep you company.

Can Rottweiler Puppies Eat Adult Dog Food?

Rottweiler Puppy
Rottweiler Puppy

Have you recently got a Rottweiler Puppy and looking for what you can feed him on? Well if that’s the case then you might be wondering if you can just give your pup adult dog food. Owning a puppy is a lot of work, but it’s also a lot of fun. There are so many things you need to consider when taking care of your new little friend, and one of the most important things you need to consider is what food to feed.

Puppies have different dietary needs than adult dogs. They need more protein and fat, and they also need more calories since they are growing. In this article, we are going to take a look at what you can feed your Rottweiler Puppy and whether or not you can give him adult dog food.

What To Feed Your Rottweiler Puppy

There are a lot of different foods that you can feed your Rottweiler as a puppy. However, each food has its advantages and disadvantages. You might think that you can just give your pup regular dog food from the grocery store, but this is not a good idea. Puppy food is specifically designed to meet the nutritional needs of puppies. There are a few different types of puppy food that you can choose from. Here are the most common ones:

Dry Food – This is one of the easiest foods to find. Dry food comes in large bags and can be stored for a long time. The downside to dry food is that it doesn’t have a lot of moisture, so your pup could end up getting dehydrated.

Wet Food – Wet food is a better option than dry food because it has more moisture and can be easily swallowed. It comes in cans or pouches, and it needs to be stored properly after opening. The downside to wet food is that it can spoil quickly, so you need to make sure that you don’t keep it for too long.

Raw Food – Raw food is becoming more and more popular, and it is the healthiest option out of the three. It is made from organic meats, fruits, and vegetables, and it provides your pup with all of the nutrients that he needs. The downside to raw food is that it can be expensive, and it can be difficult to find.

Is Adult Dog Food Okay For Puppies?

Rottweiler Puppy
Rottweiler Puppy

Some people think that it’s okay to give their puppies adult food. However, this is not a good idea. Adult food does not meet the nutritional needs of puppies. The canine lovers at Gentle Dog Trainers warn that if you give your Rottweiler adult food it could end up having serious health consequences. So if you find yourself asking “can they eat adult dog food?”, the answer is no. Some of the most common consequences that you could expect are problems with bone development, skeletal defects, and even premature death. You wouldn’t want to put your puppy through any of that, so it’s best to just stick to feeding him puppy food.

Most pups will be able to move on to adult dog food between the ages of 10 and 12 months old. This will depend on the size, breed, and activity level of your pup. If you start adding adult food to their diet too soon, they will not get all of the required nutrients. However, if you feed your pup too much puppy food it will have the same effect. Make sure that when you’re feeding your Rottweiler Puppy you meet the nutritional needs

Which Food Is Best?

The best option for feeding your Rottweiler puppy is a combination of wet and dry food. This will give your pup the best of both worlds – the moisture from wet food and the nutrients from dry food. When it comes to wet food, make sure you don’t overfeed your pup. If their diet is not balanced, it could make your puppy sick. Just feed him equal parts wet and dry food, and you’ll be good to go. The best time to switch from puppy food to adult food is when your pup is about 10 to 12 months old. He will have stopped growing and will need to start eating adult food. You should do this gradually so that you don’t cause any digestive problems for your pup.

A Rottweiler puppy should eat only puppy food. Adult dog food does not meet the nutritional needs of puppies and can cause health problems. A pup will be able to move on to adult food between the ages of 10 and 12 months old, depending on the size, breed, and activity level of your pup. When making the switch, do it gradually to avoid digestive problems. A good way to feed your pup is a combination of wet and dry food. If you have any more questions about what and how to feed your Rottweiler puppy, it’s best to contact your vet.

Top Ways To Create A Pet Friendly Home Every Owner Should Consider

Rottweiler dog
Rottweiler dog

As a pet owner, you know what it’s like to love your furry friends. You go out of your way to make sure they are happy and healthy, but sometimes you struggle with finding ways to create a home that is both safe for them and comfortable for the human members of the family. Luckily, many tips and tricks are available to help you keep pets in mind when designing or decorating a home. This article will discuss some great ideas from our experts on making a pet-friendly house.

Designate Feeding Areas

Place the feeders in an area away from where you eat and other places to keep the home free of contamination by those items. Invest in non-chewable feeders and waterers to keep your pet from damaging these areas.

Pets Accessories

Supply your pet with various toys and make sure they are well cared for. This will keep them entertained as you do not want pets destroying appliances or expensive furniture when they get bored. You can also invest in custom-made wall art that has your pet’s favorite scene on it or their picture. Learn more here to find the best portrait design that will work for you and your furry friend. This type of art will help you remember a beloved friend and at the same time decorate your home.

Place Child Safety gates in Areas You Do Not Want Pets In

Smaller pets can squeeze into tight spaces that may be dangerous for them, which is why it’s vital to keep an eye on where they are going as well as maintain certain areas blocked off from them. Close off any spaces you don’t want them to go, like the kitchen when cooking or your bedroom when sleeping. Consider using a baby gate to block off staircases if you have pets that love to run up and down them.

Pick Up After Your Pet

Make sure to always pick up after your pet, whether outside or inside. Doing this is important for hygiene reasons and because you do not want them stepping in their waste and bringing germs into the house.

Create a Safe Environment

When choosing furniture for your home, make sure to get both pet and child-safe pieces. Many items on the market are made specifically with pets in mind, like scratch-resistant materials and water-resistant fabrics. You don’t want your pet getting hurt or sick because of a mistake you made while furnishing your home.

Pet Doors

Install a pet door for easy access for your furry friend. These are great for allowing pets to go outside whenever they choose but prevent them from escaping or getting out. Depending on your needs, they come in different sizes and styles, so it is easy to find one that works best for you. Dog doors for small dogs have become popular for interior doors where crafty, diy parents make tiny living rooms in small the nooks of their homes. Be sure to have a secure way of locking the door when you are not home to prevent them from wandering off.

Install a Fence in the Backyard.

A fence can help ensure that pets stay safe while playing outside and also helps to contain any messes they may make. If you live in an area with severe weather conditions, be sure to provide a warm shelter for them to retreat.

Create a Pet Resting Area.

Pets like having their own space, just like people do! Choose an easily washable location near your furniture where they can rest without fear of being jumped on or disturbed. You can also create a designated space for your pet in each homeroom. This will make it easier on everyone if you are not constantly tripping over or stepping on them.

Create Refuge Areas

Include a shady spot where they can take refuge from the sun and heat. Pets can overheat very quickly, especially during the summer months, so it is essential to provide them with an excellent place to relax. Make sure there is plenty of fresh water available at all times.

Ensure all Electrical Cords are Hidden or Covered.

Avoid having wires exposed in high-traffic areas where your pet may chew them, such as baseboards and corners of furniture near walls. Dogs can be especially attracted to chewing on cables when they contain current running through them, i.e., lamp or phone cords.

Get an Identification Tag

Ensure you have a current pet identification tag on your animal if they get lost and need to be returned home. Include your contact information and any emergency contacts who can help out if needed.

Everyone in the home must understand how to maintain a clean, safe space for pets and humans alike! Hopefully, with these helpful tips, creating a more harmonious living environment with your pet will be something that you can easily achieve.




How Cryptocurrencies Are Helping Save Animals Around the World

Save Animals
Save Animals

We’ve all been witnesses of animals left on the street in the past. Whether it’s abandoned rotties or small pups left on the side of the road because someone didn’t care enough, strays are a major problem in the world right now. There have been more than a few successful campaigns to save animals from the street, but there’s still work to be done.

What if technology could help? In the past few years, many charity organizations have been focused on crypto donations to help save animals. While cryptocurrencies are still a mystery for many people, they’ve managed to enter various aspects of our lives. No matter how you feel about them, you can now pay with Bitcoin at online merchants, play in a Bitcoin casino, use your cryptos to buy pizza online, or even donate to animal rescue organizations.

While it feels like a longshot, it’s an idea that’s already being accepted. Numerous organizations are accepting crypto donations right now, which is a much-needed financial injection for the people that fight for animals around the world.

How Does it Work?

One of the many advantages of cryptocurrencies is how easy it is to use them. Sure, it might be confusing for rookies, but with crypto, you can set your wallet up in minutes and transfer cryptocurrencies between wallets effortlessly.

Fiat money donations have been regular for animal rescue organizations in the past. However, no one is truly willing to share a lot of their savings to donate to these organizations. The wealthier are getting wealthier and one reason for that is that they rarely share a lot of funds to help the world heal. Every year, more and more animals need our help, yet it’s a costly and time-consuming process that requires a lot of funding. With governments ignorant of the cries for help, animal rescue donations have turned toward crypto.

Take International Animal Rescue, for example. It has only recently set up various crypto wallets and is accepting donations for its projects as of August 2021. The organization has partnered with Exodus and accepts all the cryptos the exchange has. These include Bitcoin, Litecoin, Binance Coin, Ethereum, Solana, and Cardano.

So far, the organization has run a few successful crypto campaigns including rebuild the refuge (Costa Rica). It aims to help protect an entire animal sanctuary in Costa Rica which should preserve the country’s unique flora and fauna. In that way, the organization isn’t just saving animals. It’s protecting the environment as well.

Current campaigns include a crypto donation plea to help end the suffering of millions of animals around the world. With crypto donations, the organizations can save abandoned rottweilers from the streets and endangered species around the world. As donations grow, it will help cut free captive bears from Armenia and India, rescue and rehabilitate orangutans in Asia, and treat injured howler monkeys in Costa Rica.

Crypto Saves the World

In these financially unstable times around the world, crypto is the beacon of light many stick to. It has shown that it can help rebuild economies from the ground up. Cryptocurrencies are becoming a viable alternative to fiat money, no matter how hard banks fight against the change. With fiat money dwindling in value and the wealthiest trying to protect their profits, crypto donations are a great alternative.

Animals need their help, and we’re not just talking about stray dogs and cats. There are bigger problems in lush jungles around the world. Hunting for trophies has left endangered species in ruins, and all these problems require our attention. You might not think that saving a few tigers helps, but take them out of the food chain and see what happens. It can be the positive butterfly effect that could change the world.

Now more than ever, animals need our help, and the solution might lie in cryptocurrencies. It’s easy for anyone to donate to organizations that accept crypto donations. Simply send a portion of your cryptos to a specified wallet and you could be saving dogs from the street or elephants roaming the plains in Africa. You’d be making a positive change, and that’s what matters in these dark times.

6 Warning Signs That Your Rottweiler’s Health Is Getting Worse

Rottweiler's Health
Rottweiler's Health

Dogs are our best friends. They’re always there for us when we need them, they keep us company during the long hours of the day and they make sure we don’t go out to get ourselves into too much trouble. But sometimes, without even knowing it, our furry friends can be suffering silently from health conditions that might not be immediately detectable to an untrained eye (like ours). Here are six warning signs that your Rottweiler‘s Health is getting worse.

1. Stool Issues

One of the first and most obvious signs that your dog’s health is getting worse is if it suddenly becomes constipated or experiences diarrhea, and it happens more than once. You should also look at the color as it might contain small white traces that can be a cause  for concern. Make sure you take your pet to a veterinary clinic as soon as possible so it can receive the treatment and care it needs. If a dog has diarrhea, then you should also take it to the vet as soon as possible.

2. Weight Loss

A sudden weight change, whether it’s losing or gaining, can be a cause for alarm and you should pay attention to this as it might indicate that there is something wrong with your pet’s health. Make sure you’re feeding your dog the right amount of food as this is the best way to keep it healthy and keep a close watch on its diet. Weight loss also means that it might not be receiving the nutrients that it needs, so this is another warning sign you should look out for.

3. Bad Breath

Another very clear warning sign of worsening health in dogs is their breath, or rather how bad it smells. If your pet’s bad breath continues after using teeth cleaners and brushing its teeth regularly, then it’s a clear sign that something is wrong. You should also pay attention to its gum color as it might look inflamed and red, which can be an indicator of some serious health conditions. A lot of dogs, especially aging dogs, can develop periodontal disease and this can be a serious health problem that might even lead to tooth loss.

4. Lethargy

If your dog suddenly seems more tired than usual, then this could mean that it’s changing its internal organs and the only way to prevent a more serious health problem is if you take it to a vet as soon as possible. Lethargy might be a sign that your dog has something wrong with its heart, lungs, kidneys, or some other organ and this can have very serious consequences if it’s not treated in time. Lethargy might also cause them to bump into walls and furniture, however, you should also consider the possibility of your dog slowly losing its eyesight. This can be caused by age as well as a bad diet, but also by cataracts.

5. Increased Vomiting

When your dog suddenly starts vomiting, without any other visible causes, then it could be a sign that its health is deteriorating. The first thing you should do is stop feeding it and try not to make it eat or drink anything. After a while of fasting, take your pet to the vet as soon as possible so they can diagnose what’s wrong with it. Increased vomiting might also be an indicator of pancreatitis, which can lead to a lot of serious health problems if it’s not treated in time.

6. Loss Of Appetite

Loss of appetite is another very common warning sign that your pet’s health is getting worse and you should pay attention to this as it could indicate internal bleeding or even kidney failure. Make sure you take your pet to the vet if it starts losing its appetite, so they can determine what’s wrong with it and provide it with proper treatment. A loss of appetite might be caused by any number of serious health conditions such as pancreatitis or even cancer so you must take your pet to the vet to get a proper diagnosis. A loss of appetite can indicate a wide range of serious health conditions and you should pay close attention to this sign regardless of what caused it. If your pet stops eating, then you should immediately take them to the vet so they can determine how serious the situation is and provide your pet with proper treatment if needed.

If you think your dog might be unwell, then it’s best to get them checked out by a vet just in case. This way, you’ll know what the problem is and how serious it is and you can know exactly what to do next so your pet gets the proper treatment as soon as possible. Never ignore any warning signs that your dog’s health is getting worse and always look out for these very common symptoms to ensure your pet stays healthy and safe from all potential harm. If you think something might be wrong with it, then take it to a vet immediately!

9 Small Dog Breeds for Families with Kid


A dog provides a fantastic companion for you and your children. But this is a lifetime commitment, and so care is needed to find the perfect breed and size of dog for your family.

You may be surprised to learn that there are some little breeds that make excellent pets for young children. These dogs typically have a patient and gentle nature as well as being bright and obedient. Don’t forget, though, that you should always supervise when your dog and children are together.

While Poodle mixes have become incredibly popular, it’s still really important to know a little about the breeds they’re crossed with to find your perfect new family addition.

Here’s our list of the top 9 small breeds suitable for kids:

1. The Pug


Believed to have been developed from Bolognese dogs brought to Germany by the Romans, the Pug was bred down in size around the 16th century. This cheerful little dog soon became popular as lapdogs for nobility across Europe. The Pug’s expressive face has made it a favorite of painters, writers, and cartoonists over the years, with its image appearing in many famous works.

Pugs are very good with children and other pets. Care is needed in hot weather as the Pug can suffer from heat exhaustion because of the flat structure of their face.

2. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles was developed from spaniels used by hunters in France in the 16th century. It was named after Charles I of England, whose courtiers portrayed him with this type of spaniel.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is gentle and affectionate, making it an ideal family pet. While small (it weighs in at around 14 lbs), Cavaliers are playful and energetic when young but often become calmer with age, requiring less exercise than larger breeds.

3. The French Bulldog

French Bulldog
French Bulldog

The French Bulldog originates from a cross between English Bulldogs and French Terriers imported to England in the 1800s. Its appearance has changed dramatically over the years, with its popularity sadly leading to indiscriminate breeding for show rather than type. So do make sure that you find a breeder who ensures that their pups are fit and healthy.

French Bulldogs are small dogs, typically weighing around 14 lbs, although they can get up to 16 lbs. Generally, they are very affectionate and tolerant of children.

4. Beagles


The Beagle was originally bred in France for hunting hare and rabbits and later, were popular with huntsmen in the UK who produced their own strain. They were introduced to America in 1885 and have remained a popular breed there ever since. They weigh around 25 lbs and come in a variety of colors, including red, lemon, black and white, or tri-color (white with orange or lemon markings).

Due to their hound heritage, Beagles are independent dogs who like exploring. They can suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for long periods, but they do well as family pets as long as the children are gentle. In fact, Beagles have been described as ‘the perfect family pet’ due to their even temperament and lack of aggression towards people or other dogs.

5. The Dachshund

Dachshund means ‘badger dog’ in German, and this is a popular breed throughout Europe and America. Thought to have been developed from a cross between a Black and Tan Terrier and a French Hound, there have also been links made with Weimaraners and Pomeranians.

Dachshunds originate from a landrace of dogs bred for hunting small, burrowing animals at ground level, such as badgers and rabbits. As such, they are known to be tenacious diggers with great stamina and determination, although they can make excellent pets for families with children who treat them gently.

Dachshunds come in two sizes, the standard and the miniature. The standard is 8 – 9inches tall and weighs 16-32 lbs., while the miniature is 5-6 inches in height and weighs 11 pounds and under.

6. The Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is a popular breed across the globe, but it originates from Tibet. Here it was kept by noblemen as a lapdog and prized for its ‘lion-like appearance. It is the official dog of Thailand and was used as a guard dog in Imperial China. They can get up to 14 lbs. in weight and come in a variety of colors, including black, white, brown, and gold. They have dark eyes and long hair (which requires regular grooming).

Shih Tzus are intelligent dogs that love attention, but they need to be handled gently and taught not to jump up on humans or furniture. Training them not only makes life easier but also helps build your relationship with your pet.

7. The Chihuahua

Originating from Mexico, the Toltec civilization bred the Chihuahua from dogs believed to have been brought from Asia over 1,000 years ago. They became favored by the aristocracy in the 16th century when Hernan Cortez brought them back to Spain. They began appearing in the UK and America during the 1920s and were officially recognized by The Kennel Club (UK) as a breed in 1928.

The Chihuahua weighs just a few pounds but is very strong for its size. It has a smooth, glossy coat that comes in a wide range of colors, including fawn, black, white, silver, and parti-color. Like other toy breeds, they can be prone to dental problems, so regular brushing of teeth is essential.

8. Miniature Poodles

The Miniature Poodle has been around since at least the 15th century when they appeared as companions of French Royalty. In France, they are called ‘Caniche,’ which means ‘duck dog’ in French, although they are known as ‘poodle’ in other countries.

The Poodle’s coat requires regular clipping to keep it tangle and mat-free, and this is best done by a professional groomer. This breed does make a good family pet but can sometimes be timid around small children. That means that it’s best to get them used to kids while they’re still young.

9. Yorkshire Terriers

Originating from Yorkshire, England, the Yorkshire Terrier was bred by local mill owners as ratters on the many cotton mills across the region. They became popular through Queen Victoria, who was given one of these terriers by her cousin, Princess Alexandra of Denmark (the wife of Edward, Prince of Wales).

Yorkshire Terriers are lively and intelligent dogs that can be very affectionate with children. They require regular grooming but only need a small apartment to live in as they’re very small (weighing 4 lbs or less) and don’t need much exercise.


Aging Fur: How to Take Care of Your Old Rottweilers

Rottweiler dog
Rottweiler dog

Imagine having had a long day from whatever it is you are doing, and as you are entering your home, your adorable Rottweiler warmly welcomes you, and just like that, the stress you feel disappears. Without a shadow of a doubt, seeking comfort and companionship in a dog is one of the best decisions a person can make.  

Rottweilers, specifically, are great additions to the family! Having them around will make you feel all fuzzy inside because they are loyal, sharp-minded, and friendly guardian animals. Owning a Rottweiler pup may be quite a challenge, but so is having an old Rottie in your house. So, one must make an effort to keep them happy and healthy.  

Just like an elderly human being, an old canine will also show signs of aging. Their mental and physical health slowly declines, grayish hairs are creeping in, and they may quickly get tired. However, your senior Rottweilers are still the loyal guardians they once were, but they need extra care. Thus, read this guide to give you tips on how to take care of your old fur babies. 

Regularly Visit Your Vet 

Your senior Rottweilers need to regularly visit the veterinary clinic to catch any problems and illnesses if there is one since they are prone to them due to their age. If you live around Australia, you can visit the experts over at Vitapet Australia for your pet’s checkups. The vets have very crucial roles in the lives of people’s pets since they treat and detect any diseases.  

Senior pet checkups are similar to those for younger pets, but they are more comprehensive. They typically include dental care, bloodwork and may undergo specific procedures to look for physical symptoms of more common diseases in old pets. 

Maintain Excellent Oral Health 

Having poor oral health can be harmful to a senior dog whose immune system is already declining or does not function as well as it once did. Gum disease affects up to 80% of dogs at some time in their lives, and poor oral health can significantly impact senior dogs’ general health. 

One thing you can do is brush your Rottie’s teeth every day to avoid gum disease and foul breath. Brushing their teeth twice or thrice times a week will also be enough to eliminate tartar and the bacteria inside them. 

Create Appropriate Diet Plan 

Adequate nutrition is essential in your senior Rottie’s overall health! Pets’ food requirements alter as they age, depending on the activities they usually do and their overall health. With that said, it is better to consult first your pet’s veterinarian or a veterinary nutritionist before moving your pet to a specific meal plan to give you the appropriate nourishments for your dog. 

Keep Them Active 

An aging Rottweiler’s energy and strength will eventually deteriorate. They will also be more susceptible to health and physical problems, including arthritis and weight gain. However, regardless of your dog’s physical limits, there is always something enjoyable to do to assist him in maintaining his active lifestyle and best health. 

Walking your dogs is always a good idea because they will always look forward to it no matter how old they get. Rottweilers are social dogs, so they will still enjoy socializing with other dogs, especially their age. 

It is also an excellent plan to choose activities that target their weak spots. For instance, suppose your dog has delicate hips, then you might want to consider engaging them in a physical activity that will help relieve stress on the joints in those areas while also strengthening their muscles. 

Give Them Time and Affection 

Dogs bring years of joy and love to many households and expect nothing in return. However, it is still better to reciprocate their loyalty, which is also one of the ways to give them happiness. Give your old dog the same time, love, and affection, just like in his early years, as if nothing has changed! 

As their dependency on humans develops, senior dogs are likely to become more affectionate toward their human companion. Calmly talk to your dogs and offer them praises and treats. Any love and attention you give a dog should be gentle since they can now quickly get stressed, unlike before.  

Also, make their comfort a top priority; this is another way of showing them affection. Since they are now sensitive to their environment, you can help them by simply making their bed cozy and avoiding exposure to extreme surroundings such as too much direct sunlight or cold. 


Having an old Rottweiler may take a lot more effort. Still, when you think about it, the best things in life are typically those we have to work hard for, and trying out the tips from this guide is already an indicator that you are taking the next level to take care of your dog, making you a great dog owner! 

Spending time with your dogs and showing them affection whenever you can help them feel more at ease around you and, as a result, be more friendly and affectionate. Through all the lazy days and fun nights you encounter, your dog will always be there to keep you company. 


Dog Training – Will Dogs Work for Bones?

Rottweiler Dog Training
Rottweiler Dog Training

Dog training is especially important if you’re looking for obedience, agility, or behavioral correction. Basic obedience training for puppies typically takes place from the moment the puppy is brought into your home, from around eight weeks. This stage of training can continue until around five months of age. Puppy training is important insofar as the dog develops the right socialization skills.  Due to the limited attention span of puppies, training sessions are short but strategically designed.  

Each stage in the puppy training process builds upon previous achievements. We are all familiar with the basic commands such as sit, stay, down, and come. It can prove especially challenging for a puppy with the attention span of a gnat to understand these commands. Ultimately though, with the right training, motivation, and leadership, these skills can be learned. Dogs need to learn appropriate behavior for a variety of reasons. Rottweilers, being big dogs, need to be trained in order to be controlled. A dog that learns bad behavior is a danger to other dogs and to humans too. 

Before you lose hope, consider puppy training, or obedience training, depending on your dog’s needs. You certainly don’t want to let your dogs run amok in a cartoon-style frenzy of wild animation. Just the thought of this is reminiscent of The Dog House Slot at Casino.com, where a friendly Rottweiler is the top-paying symbol in one of the most popular slot games from Pragmatic Play. A rambunctious dog cannot be brought out into public or be around people in the home.  

The food-lure training method is one such technique that can be used to motivate puppies to do what their human handlers are trying to teach them. Contrary to popular opinion, dogs understand the value of certain types of treats. There are high-value treats for obeying important commands and learning new skills, and there are low-value treats for performing certain actions such as stay.  

One of the most effective training techniques for dogs is known as crating. It doesn’t require much effort on the part of the human handler – simply place the dog in a crate to calm down. This is not done as a punishment; it’s done to comfort the dog and allow the animal to relax. Many new pet parents struggle with puppies that won’t stop crying unless they are put on the bed next to their humans.  

Of course, this is not advisable. Dog trainers always recommend crate training as the most effective way to potty train them and to have a safe place where they can curl up and rest. All dogs can benefit from being crate trained – since dogs by their very nature actually like sleeping in little dens with little space. 

How to Effectively Motivate A Dog With Food? 

Dogs are motivated by food like most animals that can be trained. The animal associates the food with performing the desired action. But it’s not only sustenance that gets a dog to do what you needed to do. It’s the complete package – the human handler (who must be the pack leader – the alpha), the learning environment (free of distraction is best), and the quality of the training techniques (consistency, clarity, and conditioning). Dogs respond well to positive conditioning, not to negative conditioning. 

The Internet is peppered with dog training academies that promise to deliver a brand-new dog in 1-3 weeks. Unfortunately, many of these supposed trainers use punitive measures to condition dogs into not behaving a certain way. The most commonly used approaches – believe it or not – are shock collars. It would be nice to think that no physical beatings take place at these dog training facilities, but numerous instances have been cited over the years. Expert dog trainers do not recommend that a poorly behaved dog be trained in such a way. 

By suppressing a dog’s behavior through fear of being hurt, the dog may one day decide to act out against his or her human handler. The most effective training techniques are positive reinforcement techniques. The dog gets rewarded for doing something right and wants to keep doing things right to get more rewards. So, in answer to our question – yes, your dog will work for bones if they are flavored just right! 

Important Steps You Need To Take To Keep Your Rottweiler Dog Healthy

Rottweiler dog
Rottweiler dog

If you’re looking for a way to show your Rottweiler dog how much they mean to you, then look no further. Owning a dog is great and can be very rewarding, but there are some responsibilities that come with it. Read on the following steps to make sure you keep your furry friend healthy and happy. 

Take Your Rottweiler dog On A Walk at Least Once a Day 

Rottweiler dog
Rottweiler dog

Dogs love walks. Not only is it a great way to get some exercise, but they also feel like they’re part of the family. You can enjoy quality time with them and make sure that they remain mentally stimulated as well as physically healthy.  

Taking your dog on a walk is one of the most basic responsibilities you have as an owner. Every day, or at least every other day, make sure to take them for a walk around the neighbourhood. This will get their energy out and they’ll be happier. Plus, taking them outside means they are more likely to do their business outside rather than in your house which makes it easier for you to clean up afterwards!  

If you can’t do it yourself, hire a dog walker or ask a family member or friend to help out. 

Feed Your Rottweiler dog Quality Food

Rottweiler dog
Rottweiler dog

Another way you can contribute to your dog’s health is by feeding them quality food. This isn’t always easy though as there are a lot of options out there and it can be overwhelming. Look for food that has the right balance of nutrients and make sure to talk to your local veterinarian first to see if they have any recommendations.  

Here are more tips for picking dog food: 

  • Avoid low-quality dog food brands. These are the ones that are very cheap because they usually use byproducts, corn, and other ingredients that aren’t good for your pet.
  • If you’re not sure about a certain brand of dog food, check their website or talk to your vet first before purchasing it just in case.
  • If you have an injured or elderly dog who is having problems with chewing or digesting hard kibble, wet foods are often better for them as they come pre-digested so there’s less effort on their feeble system. Just make sure it’s balanced with the right nutrients because too much protein can be harmful to some dogs too. You can also ask your vet if they have any suggestions for food that are easier to digest.

Brush Your Rottweiler dog’s Teeth Daily 

Rottweiler dog teeth
Rottweiler dog teeth


Daily dental care is essential for your dog’s overall health, and it doesn’t take long either! Cleaning their teeth regularly can make them live longer because plaque buildup can lead to heart problems and other complications too if left unattended.  

You don’t need special toothpaste or cleaning tools; normal human ones will do just fine like your toothbrush and baking soda. Just rub some of the powder gently around their teeth then brush it off with water afterwards. If you’re worried about hurting them, talk to your vet first before doing this every day.   

If brushing isn’t enough though, ask your vet about getting yourself a pet-specific toothbrush and toothpaste. 

Keep You Rottweiler dog Nails Trimmed 

Rottweiler’s nails
Rottweiler’s nails

Trimming your dog’s nails is another simple but important duty as an owner. If they get too long, it can cause pain and discomfort for them so it’s always better to keep them short with clippers you can buy from any pet store.  

Just be sure not to cut all the way down into the quick, where blood vessels and nerves are found just like our fingernails and that area would hurt pretty bad if we accidentally cut into it! Depending on how fast their nails grow, you might need to do this about once a week or two weeks maximum.   

Don’t forget to reward them afterwards by giving them a treat or patting them on the head to show your appreciation so they know it’s not something painful. 

Take Them To The Vet For Regular Checkups 

Just like how you visit the doctor every so often for checkups, dogs should go to their vet at least once a year or even more if they have health problems 

Your local vet may give you a physical exam and conduct some tests before diagnosing your dog with any health concerns he/she may have, which could determine whether or not the treatment will be expensive or not. They might also ask you about your lifestyle and what kind of things you’re feeding them because that would affect their conditions too. This way they can get an idea of what needs to be done in order to keep your dog healthy or what diet would be best for them to avoid any dangerous complications. 

If you’re worried about the cost then don’t worry too much because there are a lot of low-cost clinics in most cities where they can provide basic treatments at significantly lower rates compared to regular ones.   

Don’t Force Your Dog To Do Things They Don’t Like 

Of course, you should never force your dog to do anything they don’t want to. If you’re giving them a bath and they keep trying to run away for example, just let them be happy because forcing them would only make things harder on both of you.  

If your dog doesn’t like something or is afraid of it, then give them enough time to get used to the situation before doing it again since most dogs are naturally wary of new things at first. After all, it’s better not to do anything that will stress your dog out which could lead to behaviour problems too! 

Spend Time With Them Everyday 

Although spending time with your dog isn’t as important as their basic needs, it’s still an essential part of being a responsible dog owner nonetheless. Dogs are social animals so they need to interact with their owners for them to feel loved and satisfied.  

You don’t have to do anything special or go out on specific dates because just spending time together while you’re home is already more than enough! If you’re busy, you can play with them in your yard alone or watch some TV shows together while cuddling around the house too. 

Make Sure They Get Proper Rest 

Just like humans, dogs need plenty of sleep every day for them to function properly throughout the day too which means 6-8 hours is ideal for most breeds.  

If they keep waking up at night whether from training or from being so excited, you’ll need to establish a routine by doing the same thing at the same time every single day. So for example, if they woke up every night at around 11 PM and refused to go back to sleep then just set your alarm clock for that time and take them out when it rings so they can do their business outside before going back to sleep again by themselves. 

So to sum things up, just remember that you should take good care of your dog by providing them with these basic needs so they can be healthy and happy all the time. Whether you have a new puppy or an adult dog, proper daily care is something that should never be overlooked!  

How Much Does a Bernedoodle Cost? 


Bernedoodles are a mixed breed between Bernese mountain dogs and poodles. They are a fairly new breed, introduced in 2003, but they quickly gained popularity as America’s most loving hybrid breed. Bernese Mountain dogs are big meanwhile poodles are small; this combination brings a cute, small and lively dog. Due to their increased demand, bringing them home from a breeder has become quite expensive. 

In this article, we will first look at the average price of a Bernedoodle. Then, we will look into some of the factors that will justify the price such as a Bernedoodles coat color. 


Expect to pay between $2000 and $5000 for a Bernedoodle if you are adopting from a reputable breeder. The average price must be around $4000. If you are adopting from a less reputable breeder, then the price range will be around $800 to $1500. If you are looking for a proven hypoallergenic non-shading Bernedoodle, then the price range would be $3000 to $5000. The miniature Bernedoodle is difficult to breed, so it is expensive too, and the price starts from $3000. An example is that Central Illinois Doodles is charging $4,500 for a tri-color Bernedoodle. 


In the case of Bernedoodles, like every other breed, there are many different factors that affect the cost of the dog. The cost is not just the puppy; the maintenance and care are also added into the price range. New puppies require lots of different stuff and attention, so you are paying the price for everything. Not all are created equal, so the factors that impact the cost of the breed are: 

  • Coat color 
  • Types of coat 
  • Generation type 
  • Size 
  • Geographic location 
  • Breeder 
  • Maintenance of the dog and mom 
  1. Coat Color

Bernedoodles have a variety of colors and patterns. They have four characteristic color profiles, and each of them comes with a different price range. 

  • Tricolor Bernedoodles 

These are the type that resembles the parent Bernese mountain dog the most. They have well-defined areas of white, rust, and jet-black colors that are not blended into each other. They are high in demand which makes them expensive. Their price range typically starts from $1000. 

  • Parti Bernedoodles 

These dogs have a distinctive look; that’s why they are expensive, like tricolor Bernedoodles. They have white fur with brown blotches and brown fur around their eyes. Their features are different from the parent Bernese mountain dog. 

  • Merle Bernedoodles 

These dogs have a solid base color like brown, white, or gray and have light grays and brown speckles on it. 

  • Phantom Bernedoodles 

They have two colors, black being the main color and brown fur on it. They are the least expensive out of all the Bernedoodles kinds. 

  1. Types of Coat

The Bernedoodles have three types of coats: 

  • Curly coat: being the most expensive 
  • Wavy coat: the second-most expensive 
  • Straight coat: the least expensive 
  1. Generation Type

The generation types also affect the cost of a puppy a lot. 

  • The F1 generation is the Bernedoodle where 50% parent is Bernese mountain dog, and the other 50% is a poodle. 
  • The F1b generation is the Bernedoodle, where the F1 generation dog is bred with a poodle; the resulting Bernedoodle will be 75% poodle. 
  • The F2 generation is where two F1 dogs are bred together. The F1 generation Bernedoddle costs $4000 or more, where an F2 generation Bernedoodle can cost up to $8000. 
  1. Size

Since mini Bernedoodles are hard to breed, they are more expensive than the medium or big Bernedoodles. The smaller teacup and micro mini Bernedoodles that are bred with a toy poodle are way more expensive than all of them. 

  1. Geographic Locations

Prices vary from place to place. It depends on the area or city you are living in or where the dogs are bred. If you live in a country with an increased economy, taxes, and an expensive cost of living, you can expect to pay a large sum for a Bernedoodle. 

  1. Breeders

Bernedoodles are considered a new breed of dogs, even though they first came out in 2003. As every new thing comes with a big price tag, Bernedoodles are expensive too. Considering the fact that they are produced after breeding two different dogs, there are not many quality breeders. The lack of many breeders is also one of the factors that impact the price. Bernese Mountain dogs that are one of the parents of Bernedoodle are prone to several health issues, and their life span is short. Since it is necessary for both the parents to be healthy for quality breeding, a healthy Bernese mountain dog is hard to find. If found, they should be given lots of attention and care. This reason also adds up to the price range. 

Breeders that have been in this business for a long time tend to breed quality and healthy dogs and usually have an increased price range. 

  1. Maintenance of the Dog

Breeders also charge extra rates because of the high maintenance that is required by both the Bernese mountain dog and poodle. Breeders invest a great amount of time and money in health screenings. They find out if their dog that is to be bred is free from genetic disorders or diseases. Female Bernese mountain dog doesn’t have a successful pregnancy rate, so they require extra care and attention to breed. The other maintenances include providence of good quality food and the time they spend to train them. All these factors impact the cost of the Bernedoodle a lot. 


Given all the information, features, and characters of the Bernedoodle breed, it is safe to say that the more characteristic the puppy is, the more will be the price. If you adopt a tri-color puppy with a curly coat that is also teacup or micro-mini in size, $5000 will surely be the average price. It all depends upon the kind of Bernedoodle puppy you are looking for and which kind of characteristics plus features you’d like in your new family member. The prices will vary in the range from $2000 up to $8000. 

6 Ways to Have Fun with Your Rottweiler 

Have Fun with Your Rottweiler
Have Fun with Your Rottweiler

Who doesn’t love enjoying fun activities, especially, the activities where a cute Rottweiler is being involved in? But sometimes, we genuinely run out of interesting fun ideas or want to have the best fun possible with our Rottweiler that also suits our entire situation, time limit, and mood of the day. 

You’ll find hundreds of fun ideas if you Google: “how can I enjoy time with my Rottweiler”. But here I’ve come up with 6 different types of fun you can have with your Rottweiler which are being discussed in detail category-wise, so you’ll better understand what you need to do in your current situation.  

Plus, since Rottweilers have their specific personality traits, I will definitely highlight dos and don’ts for your Rottie while talking about each fun idea in this article.

Let’s Get Some Ideas to Have Fun with Our Rottweilers!

1- Go for an Adventure

Have Fun with Your Rottweiler
Have Fun with Your Rottweiler

Here adventure totally doesn’t mean you need to take your pooch on a Paris or London trip. You just need to get out of your house and take your Rottie to some nearby places!  

Rottweilers really enjoy evening walks, peaceful road trips, and, if convenient, a boat ride as well. Walks can be really good, as they can be served as a source of socialization for your pooch. Moreover, trying different routes can make a walk super interesting. Well, short and sweet trips with your Rottie are something you will also enjoy and are genuinely worth your time.

Hiking at hill parks is another really interesting fun thing for you and your Rottweiler if you are looking for something for a sunny day. Rotties are so energetic and love to burn energy so they will definitely gonna love this one. These trips, full of different experiences, also boost fido’s mood and mental health.

Pro Tip: You can simply type “where to take my Rottweiler for hiking near me” into Google search bar and can get a list of peaceful places!

Dos and Don’ts: 

  1. Do take water along when going for a hike and better postpone the plan if it’s too hot outside.
  2. Do not let your pooch get threatened by anything during the trip-time, as this can make them bite you. 

2- Get into the Water

Have Fun with Your Rottweiler
Have Fun with Your Rottweiler

If it’s summer season going on right there, then water fun is just perfect for your Rottweiler. Rottweiler’s past background doesn’t link to water-relevant activities in any way, still, they really love having fun in the water. As Rottweilers are born with muscular bodies and energetic souls, they can be really good at swimming if trained well.

Get some summer stuff and take your Rottweiler to a peaceful dog-friendly beach on a super-hot day. You will have a lot of water fun and can enjoy time making sandcastles together.

You can also keep this all really simple by taking your pooch to the backyard pool or by getting a portable swimming pool online. You can make this home water fun even more interesting by playing a lot of different pool games with your Rottweiler. Or, simply just get a beach ball and jump into the water!

Another simplest way of having water fun with your Rottweiler is by switching on the sprinkler fixed in your backyard (water pipes can also serve well). Get into the spray of water and call you Rottie. Honestly, you will find your Rottweiler having the same fun that she might have at a beach.

Dos and Don’ts: 

  1. Your Rottweiler can be nervous at the very beginning, so don’t just think that she hates water. 
  2. You will need to make your Rottie learn some basic commands and tips before going into the water.
  3. Remember to keep your pooch hydrated on a sunny day. Let your Rottie stay under shade during the peak sun hours. 

3- Build an Obstacle Course

An obstacle course is something that can burn your pooch’s energy and can serve as a brain-stimulating activity for her at the same time. In other words, this kind of fun is good for your fido’s both physical and mental health.

Other than all this, this game can bring hours of entertainment for your Rottweiler. It also makes the bond between the two of you even stronger than before, as the game is entirely based on teamwork.

How to build an obstacle course ?

You can easily set up a DIY obstacle course in a wide part of your house or outside in your backyard by collecting things from all-around your house. Building such a course with your Rottweiler is something really interesting and you can definitely try it during these quarantine days while being at home.

House stuff that can help include:

  1. Sofa cushions
  2. Footstool
  3. Stack of books 
  4. Pillows
  5. PVC pipes or agility poles

Backyard stuff/areas that can help include:

  1. Backyard sitting chairs
  2. Steps of deck
  3. Benches
  4. Footpath
  5. Tires placed for decoration

You will need to complete the course at first in order to make your pooch understand the game concept, and then it will be super fun! 

You can also get some agility equipment from a pet store. Or, just like I mentioned previously, you can Google “Obstacle Park near me” and can take your Rottweiler to an obstacle course set up at a nearby place.  

Dos and Don’ts: 

Rottweilers are eager to please, so do remember to praise them every time they do something really well. 

4 – Have Some Hiding Fun

Have Fun with Your Rottweiler
Have Fun with Your Rottweiler

This idea is really good if you want your Rottie to have some indoor fun in the late hours of the night, during winters, or when it’s raining outside. Rottweilers are really smart, so this indoor activity is just perfect for this dog breed. Hiding games are something that we all have enjoyed in our childhood, so we will definitely enjoy this type of fun ourselves as well.

Here I’m highlighting two hiding games that both you and your Rottweiler are going to love madly.

Hide and Seek  

Hide and seek is a simple game that can bring you and your Rottie so much excitement. Well, you don’t necessarily need to keep it to a two-person game. You can easily add all little puppies to the game and can ask other family members as well for their contribution. In other words, hide and seek is a family game that just strengthens the bond between pups and their owners.

How to play? 

  1. Go hide in some hidden place when the pooch is not paying attention to you.
  2. Call your Rottie to find you.
  3. Give some hints by creating noises when fido comes close to you. 
  4. Praise your pooch and give her treats when she finds you.
  5. You can make the game more challenging by hiding yourself in typical places, if you find your pooch enjoying it. 

Dos and Don’ts: 

Rottweilers are clingy so they can keep following you all-around your house even if the game has ended. So, do make sure this fun remains limited to the game time only.

Hiding Things They Love

Alternatively, you can hide your pooch’s favorite thing and let them find it. Finding stuff can be really good for your Rottweiler’s brain stimulation. The hiding thing can be their favorite toy or treats they really love to eat. This game is perfect for rainy days and late nights when you cannot go out to the backyard to play with your pooch.

You can also make your pooch enjoy the simplest version of this game in your tired busy days while still lying in bed. Just get a treat, keep switching it between your two palms, and let your pooch find it. 

Dos and Don’ts: 

Rottweilers are eager to please, so do not forget to praise them when they smartly find the hidden things. 

5- Go for All-famous Dog Games

Have Fun with Your Rottweiler
Have Fun with Your Rottweiler

You can definitely go for the most famous pet games we already know about. The only thing is that these games require your efforts and still might not be as enjoyable for you as the games I mentioned above were.  

Still, famous pet games are famous for being an opportunity for your pooch’s training and are their favorite as well, so you definitely need to consider them! 

Tug Of War 

Your Rottweiler will certainly beat you in a tug of war since they are too energetic and are born with super-strong jaws as well. This is why Rottweilers really enjoy playing tug of war.

Another positive thing tug of war can provide your Rottie is self-control, which helps to reduce their aggressiveness. Besides, you can also enjoy this game with Rottweiler puppies. In fact, it can be a source of command learning for them.  

To play tug of war with your Rottweiler, you don’t necessarily need to go outside. You can simply go to your backyard and enjoy this game for a couple of hours.  

Dos and Don’ts: 

  1. Get soft tug-of-war toys only or toys that are made from rubber. 
  2. Keep teaching ethics and manners while playing tug of war, as Rottweilers can express their aggressiveness by biting or by pulling clothes.
  3. Rotties are eager to please, so do praise them every time they defeat you. 
  4. Never involve your body parts in their games as they are born with strong jaws which can lead to serious problems.


Do you ever feel tired and want your Rottweiler to have fun and burn energy without you being involved significantly? Then fetch is the game you need to choose for your Rottie!

Fetch is one of the easiest games that brings lots of exercise for your Rottweiler. In other words, fetch serves as a game as well as a physical exercise. This is why dogs love playing it so much and it has been famous as a dog game for so long.

Fetch is a perfect game for energetic breeds like Rottweilers. They are really good at it as well. Besides, this off-leash game can help your Rottie puppy a lot with command training as it involves commands like wait, drop it, come, sit, here, and go.

Take some water and your Rottweiler along, and go to a nearby park on a sunny day. Or, you can also head towards your backyard to play this easy peasy fun game.

Dos and Don’ts:

  1. A tennis ball can be a choking hazard for your pooch and sticks are more likely to cause damage to the mouth. So, don’t use either of the two things while playing. Instead, get your Rottie soft rubber fetch balls.
  2. Make sure the ground is safe with no dangerous areas.
  3. Don’t forget to praise your Rottweiler every time they get you the ball.
  4. Prefer avoiding this plan during hot summer days.

6- Try Interesting Fun Things

Now, I‘m revealing a pack of crazy fun things that you might love to do with your Rottweiler but haven’t done yet due to the lack of ideas. Here I’m listing all of them; choose one according to your and your pooch’s current mood!

  1. Get a laser pointer from a nearby store. Switch it on, get your pooch’s attention, and let them chase after it.
  2. Teach your Rottie some fun tricks and have fun. Tricks can include rolling over, shaking hands, playing dead, etc.
  3. Dress up your pooch and do some photoshoots.
  4. Watch a movie together.
  5. Play a party song and dance together.
  6. Call all your friends and their dogs at your home and let your Rottie socialize with other pooches. This is a good way to keep your Rottweiler busy for hours.
  7. Go shopping together.
  8. Have some fun by trying to balance their favorite food on their nose.

Final Thoughts

Making fun not only makes your Rottweiler happy but also helps her in so many other ways. A moment of fun can be a source of training, exercise, fun, confidence, bonding, happiness, mental health improvement, and an anxiety-free & better life.   

Everything you need to know about Rottweiler 


I would love to begin this informative post with an interesting fact I recently discovered, that Rottweilers have the potential to defeat the dangerous Lions. Surprised right? Rottweiler Life’s book “Our best friends; Rottweiler” clearly tells that Rottweilers are genetically so strong and powerful that they can easily knock out and kill dangerous animals like bears and lions. However, this totally doesn’t mean Rotts are dangerous to humans and couldn’t be adopted as pets; in fact, an owner’s life tends to get filled with lots of fun when he starts living with a cute Rottweiler. Well yes, this is not just a fun-fact post so readers please relax; you guys will get almost everything you need to know about Rottweilers a little down below.

I’ll discuss Rottweilers’ diet, health issues, exercise and grooming requirements, temperaments, and some more interesting facts with you in this article. Readers confused about getting a Rottweiler puppy can easily make better decisions by getting help from a given list of “Rottweilers’ expectations from their owners”. Besides, cost, tips, and breeder details have also been provided for positive-decision-making readers, at the end of this post.

Now, keeping all the in-depth details aside, let’s get started by discovering the looks of these pooches! 

Basic Rottweiler Breed Information  

Physical Appearance 

The body size of a Rottweiler is what an ideal dog seems to have. The heights of male Rottweilers generally range from 24 to 27 inches; however, female Rotties tend to grow 22 to 25 inches at most. Rottweilers are one of the heaviest canines, so the weight of a male Rottweiler can be easily expected somewhere between 110 and 132 lbs. Even the weight of female Rotties that usually stay around 77 lbs, easily tend to reach 105 lbs.

Now other than this all, if you look at Rottweilers’ coat, the black and rust color combination it gives is just so unique. In fact, that’s not just a two-color combination, but something that makes Rotties look naturally painted with rust markings. You’ll find these rust markings on some specific coat parts only, like on the chest, cheeks, legs, and most incredibly, spots each above the two eyes.


In terms of nature, Rottweilers can be summed up in two words: working and loving!  

Genuinely, a lot of us need pooches with this impressive two-trait mixture. The working trait runs in Rotties’ blood, so you can definitely adopt one as your guard dog, too. These pooches tend to look handsome twice the time when they appear as confident and fearless buddies in challenging situations.

Other than this, Rottweilers are really good with little kids. The sweet and obedient attitude they are born with makes them one of the most adopted dog breeds. Honestly, you’ll find a cute Rottweiler in every other house.

This breed will be a perfect match if you are looking to get a family pooch with defensive drives. Training and socialization at early ages are, however still, one of the major necessities of Rottweiler canines.

Grooming Requirements



Just like all other canines, Rottweilers also undergo heavy shedding. To avoid this shedding mess, you’ll need to brush your Rottie regularly, especially during the fall and spring seasons.

Other than brushing, another thing you’ll need for your Rottie is a deshedding tool. I will recommend you this  FURminator undercoat deshedding tool. It will remove the loose hairs from your pooch’s fur, reaching deep inside the undercoat. Run this on your Rottie’s coat once or twice every week.

Bathing, on the other hand, should be scheduled once every 2 to 3 months. Use  shampoo to prevent unpleasant things like skin-oil dryness and itching issues from happening in your Rottie.

Lastly, brush your Rott’s teeth thrice a week, whereas nail trimming should be done
once every 1 to 2 months.

Exercise Requirements


Rottweilers need 2+ hours of exercise every day as they are born to burn energy.

Rottweilers are one of the old dog breeds and are known for their working capability since Roman times. This clearly gives the idea that Rotties are not those indoor kinds of pooches and need exercise on a regular basis. This is one of their major body requirements that they might even crave for.

You should walk your Rottweiler half an hour to one hour daily besides engaging them in other energy-burning activities. Moreover, get your Rottweiler buddy mental stimulation toys to keep her in good mental health condition.

Health issues and Diet  

Rottweilers are one of the healthy dog breeds and are born with a lifespan of 8 to 12 years. They usually don’t tend to have any major medical issues. Still, bone and lymph cancer can be declared as the most common disease found in Rottweilers. Other than this, Rottweilers are most likely to face heart issues like aortic stenosis, joint problems like hip and elbow dysplasia, and eye diseases like PRA and cataracts.

Surgeries and therapies are the options that will help your pooch fight against these diseases. Still, do make sure you get your Rottie health checkups regularly so you’ll be consistently getting pictures of whatever is going on inside their body.

Furthermore, the dietary intake of your Rottie should be healthy enough to fulfill all her body requirements. Protein should be the major component of a Rottweiler’s diet while fats being the second major. Their daily meal intake should be around 7 to 8 cups. Get your Rottweiler’s complete meal plan from the vet or check out this quick vet-designed meal plan  while being at home with just one click.

Wonderful Facts about Rottweilers  

  • Rottweilers had been working as butchers’ dogs in Rottweil townin the past where they were used to carry meat-carts from place to place.  
  • Rottweilers are one of the famous dog breeds that were used to find and rescue injured people after the 9/11 attack in New York. 
  • Rotties went extinct for almost half a century when their use as herding dogs decreased unexpectedly. Soon after the 19th century, the breed got to become popular again when started serving as police dogs. 
  • “Carl the Rottweiler” has been a famous book character until now since the time a picture book named Good dog, Carl got published by Alexandra Day. 
  • In 2015, A Rottweiler therapy dog, namely “Wynd” was honored with an AKC Humane fund award for comforting military team members in the best way possible.

    Rottweiler history
    Rottweiler History

Who Should Adopt a Rottweiler?  

Someone who needs therapy or a service dog can undoubtedly go for this breed. Other than this, for those who want to have a family dog but need the addition of protective personality traits, Rottweiler is the right choice!

What do Rottweilers expect from their parents? 

  1. Rottweilers are big and strong canines with weights often more than 100 lbs. So ideally, you should be strong enough to handle these pooches at times when they tend to get out of control.
  2. Rottweilers need to exercise every single day so you must be able to take out time sufficient enough to fulfill your Rottie’s daily needs.
  3. Rottweilers love to hang out here and there, so the bigger your house, the better it will be.
  4. Rottweilers require a decent amount of training. So if you are going to get a young one, you’ll definitely need to put some effort initially in order to get a well-behaved pooch.
  5. Rotties are shedding dogs, so you must be able to endure black furs all-around your house during spring and fall.

How Much Does a Rottweiler Cost and Where To Get One?  

Rescue Vs Breeder  

You will be having a couple of options when you decide to bring a Rottweiler to your family. Some pet owners prefer getting rescue dogs over purchasing one, while some choosing the breeder option end up wasting a lot of money. 

Breeders  usually bring up packs of dogs at a time in order to get more and more profit. Requirements of pooches either do not get fulfilled on an individual basis there. Reputable breeders can be considered a better option, though. However, finding one and making their on-demand payment is still overwhelming to many of us. 

On the other hand, rescue or shelters are set up so as to save tons of canine lives. They are not making efforts for the sake of money and so; you get dogs from shelters at very decent rates. 

The Cost 

A puppy Rottweiler usually costs around $850 to $2,500while a grown-up can be found at prices ranging from$600 to $1,500. On the other hand, adoption of Rottweilers costs you a bit less, i.e., around $300 to $600. However, do make sure your adopted Rottweiler, whether male or female, has already been vaccinated, and registered.

Why You Need Dog Insurance for Your Rottweiler? 

rottweiler Insurance
rottweiler Insurance

Being so aggressive and dangerous against people they don’t know, the Rottweiler is also a very beautiful breed. They are well built, along with a gorgeous black and tan coat that covers their body.  

Having said that, whether you own a young puppy Rottweiler or a fully-grown one, it deserves to have the needed health care.  

Let’s go through a few details on why your Rottweiler needs to have dog insurance and what it is initially.   

What Is Dog Health Insurance? 

Dog health insurance is a policy that comes with a monthly premium payment. If your dog gets sick or picks up an injury, your health insurance will cover the needed expenses after you submit a claim to your insurance company. Every policy covers different illnesses or pre-existing conditions. You may have to pay a percentage of the bill, or a deductible amount when you submit a claim.  

No matter how much you pay, the monthly premium payment is much less than paying for it by yourself. Surgery removal for tumors, injury treatments, therapies, can all cost hundreds to thousands of dollars when you don’t have dog insurance.  

How Does It Work?  

If your Rottweiler is already ill, then insurance companies will require a health check-up before they can impose the coverage. For accident coverage purposes, the waiting period is just a few days.  

You may pay for the vet bill first and then get reimbursement after. The insurance company will deposit the funds in your account or send the payment through the mail. In case the claim isn’t complicated, the process shouldn’t take more than 3 business days. Here are the main parts of insurance claim reimbursements:  

  • Reimbursement Levels- the insurance company will pay a percentage of the bill, ranging anywhere from 50% to 100%.  
  • Deductible- Ranges anywhere from $0 to $1,000. This is the total amount you pay before you get reimbursed.  
  • Annual Max- Your insurance company will inform you of the maximum amount it will pay per year. Anything above this maximum limit will need to be covered personally by you.  

Why Does Your Rottweiler Need Dog Insurance?  

As a dog breed, Rottweilers have genetic health issues compared to mixed dog breeds. In each stage of their life, a Rottweiler is exposed to different types of health risks.  

Rottweilers can develop retinal atrophy, eyelid deformities, and many other eye-related issues. They also have a history of joint issues and sometimes heart problems like cardiomyopathy, narrowing of the aorta, etc.  

Giving your dog the right medical treatment should never be a second thought, especially when it is a Rottweiler. Long-term health issues can lead to excessive expenses when you try to avoid health insurance for your dog. So set up a monthly plan, and say goodbye to worrying about if anything bad will happen to your Rottweiler the next day.  

Each dog insurance company will cover different things, so here are one of the best dog insurance companies we recommend:  

  1. PetFirst- low deductibles and has coverage for accidents in 24 hours.  
  1. PetPremium- accepts all budgets available and offers personalized coverage.  
  1. Eusoh- no age limit, allows you to use any vet and is very transparent on pricing. 


This was an in-depth review of why it is important to take maximum care of your Rottweiler.  

Dog health insurance will not only save you money in the long-term but eliminate all your uncertainties of what might happen to your Rottweiler in the future.  

Never forget to do the necessary research and see what your health insurance covers for your dog before you take it there.  

5 products and ideas for remembering your Rottweiler


Anyone fortunate enough to have a Rottweiler in their life knows that they are a special breed. They are big dogs full of love and devotion, and a breed that forms close attachments to their family and those who they consider pack. When your Rottie passes away, it leaves a big hole in your heart, and you want to find a way to memorialize your beloved pet so that you can hold on to the good times and the joy that they brought to you.

5 ways to honor your Rottie’s memory

Here are five ideas for keeping the precious memories of your Rottie alive in a way that honors their life.

1. Pet portrait of your Rottie

Our pets deserve a special place in a family gallery wall of photos. Services, such as Paint My Pooch Pet Portraits can create a special, modern portrait of a pet or several pets. The best thing is that you do not have to wait until they grow old, and you can have several created so that you can remember what they were like as they were growing. When the time comes to let go, you will be glad that you have these precious memories that can be used to create a special memorial.

Rotties can be clowns, and they can also present a regal character that you want to capture in your photos. It is important to find a company that can display this character in a way that reminds you of their big, beautiful personality. A professional pet portrait can do this and create a piece of artwork that allows those cherished memories to live on forever.

2. Memorial bracelet

Another way to remember your Rottie is with a memorial bracelet. You can have their dog tag made into a keychain, bracelet, or necklace so that you can keep them close to your heart. Some companies will even make a bracelet for you and donate a certain portion of the proceeds to a local shelter or dogs in need. You can also have a photo of your pet incorporated into a locket or piece that can be used on a special memorial bracelet.

3. Garden stone

Many companies that make stone memorials for humans will also create one for your pet. They can be in the form of a steppingstone or special stone for your garden. You can have a poem or special symbol that means something to you and reminds you of them. Planting a garden with a special stone to remember your Rottie is an excellent way to create a space for reflection and spending time with precious memories.

4. Donate to a cause

Another way to honor your Rottie is to make a special donation to a cause that means something to you. You could donate to a local shelter or to a breed rescue to help Rottweilers that are currently waiting for their new family. Helping Rotties in need is an excellent way to honor your own, especially if your Rottie was a rescue.

You could donate financially, or you could donate your time to a shelter by helping them care for Rotties in their facility. Your experience with the breed gives you an advantage when working with them. If you are not ready to bring a new friend into your home yet, you can still get all the big dog hugs and kisses without a commitment. One word of caution if you choose this route is that you know how easy it is for one of these gentle giants to win your heart.

5. Ash urn or casket

Another way to   your Rottie is to have them cremated and have their ashes placed in a special urn or casket. You can either choose to bury them in a special place in your garden, or place them on your mantlepiece or a side table with a pet portrait. This is a traditional option that many people choose for their pets, and you can personalize it in many ways.

If you are like many Rottie owners, we know that you have many special pictures on your phone. Printing them and creating a special album for the memorial is a nice touch that honors the years they spent with you. A professional pet portrait service can remove the background, create a portrait with special effects, and present the photos in a special way that honors your pet and brings out their goofy side or their more serious side.

We know that Rottweilers are a special breed and that letting go of them is especially hard. They are devoted protectors and generous in their love for their families. These five suggestions will help you find a way to keep those precious memories alive and a way to honor their life.


How Much Weather Is Too Much for Your Rottweiler?

Rottweiler Dog
Rottweiler Dog

All living beings have a level of tolerance towards the conditions to which they get subjected during their lifespan. Often it happens that we choose a pet that may not be ideal for a particular climatic condition.

Choosing the pet based on the natural conditions can help you acclimatize them easily to the new setting. For example, if you are in Mannford, Oklahoma, and planning to get a pet, you must check the weather conditions first.

Mannford weather can suit most pets. The temperatures are generally in the comfortable range in Mannford with August hitting the highest levels on the mercury. February is when one can expect snow in Mannford. Rottweilers can be a great pet for all such conditions.

Can They Handle Extremes?

Rottweilers can handle cold weather better than most breeds of dogs. The dog breed has a double coat that keeps them warm. The black color of the coat often makes them look very aggressive and fearful too.

Dogs that face cold climatic conditions, generally have a thicker coat. However, rottweilers with their short coats can withstand cold very well. They withstand temperatures upwards of twenty degrees safely.

The out coat of this breed helps them to isolate and keep themselves dry. Although it is not advisable to frequently expose them to extremely low temperatures.

We prepare ourselves to brace for the winters. Do we take the necessary steps that are essential to keep our dogs prepared for the winter? Your rottweiler can ride through the extremities of harsh weather conditions if you know how to take care of them during such times.

Rottweilers are native to Germany. This aspect ensures that the body structure of this breed of dog has all that it takes to bear cold winters. Checking the outside temperature before letting them go out is of course a good idea.

Severe temperature conditions can be unbearable for the rottweilers. You can choose to keep them away from extremely cold temperatures. Another crucial aspect that is worth mentioning here is the pedigree of the dog you opt for.

The dogs that have a direct lineage linking back to animals of the breed that are native to Germany show higher strength to face harsh cold conditions.

Cold Weather

The inherent ability of the rottweilers to face extreme cold makes them one of the most opted choices in the colder regions. The breed is native to Germany, where the temperature reaches only seventy degrees Fahrenheit in the summer.

The birth and raising of the dogs have a significant impact on their temperature tolerance levels. Gripping extreme temperatures can happen better when the raising of the dogs takes place in cold conditions. If the lineage of your rottweiler suggests that the birth of the pet’s parents or the pet were not in Germany, then the chances are your pet will not be able to handle extreme temperatures.

Rottweilers can flourish in colder conditions. However, since these pets did not have exposure to extreme cold conditions during their lifespan, they will not be surviving too long under such circumstances.

Rottweilers love to play outdoors in the cold. The reason for this can be because the dogs were initially bred as working dogs. This breed was especially nurtured to handle cold weather conditions. If you give your rottweiler a chance to stay inside or play outside, they will most likely opt to stay outdoors.

The solid and dense coats of rottweilers help them have a natural shield against harsh conditions and provide for isolation. The coat drops twice a year. The growth of a new coat generally happens at the onset of a season change. The coat gradually becomes thicker to embrace it.

How to Keep Them Warm?

If your pet lives indoors, there are not many changes required in their living arrangements and diet. Your house’s centralized heating can take care of them too, as they take care of you. They can aid in keeping them comfortable throughout the winter.

For the indoor ones, the food generally remains the same most of the year. Therefore, there are no special dietary arrangements that you need to take for them during the winters. They can go out for walks during the winter months, which is not a big deal.

For the ones that spend most of their time outdoors, there are a couple of changes that you can make for them. It can start with their living arrangements and diet. During this time, you can switch to a natural diet and stop any other feeds. You can make sure that there are enough provisions for water.

Administering more liquids to your rottweiler can be a great idea during the winter months as they help keep them warm. You can give them soup-type foods that ensure the same.

Therefore it can help you properly take care of your pet if you check their adaptability to temperature conditions. You can choose to keep a rottweiler that can withstand cold temperatures. However, exposure to very harsh conditions is not advisable.

Can You do Scooter with a Rottweiler ? 5 Winning Tips

Rottweiler Dog Breed
Rottweiler Dog Breed

Do you want to try a new activity with your Rottweiler ? I discovered a wonderful activity and I want to share it with you!

Go on dog scootering with your rottweiler! You are going to say to me: “what is this sport”? Well, that’s riding a scooter while being towed by your dog or vice versa. Unfortunately, my rottweiler is not a big fan of dog pulling sports. When we go dog scootering, I’m the one towing Sylvia more than the other way around (aha). To find out more about dog scootering, with help from Go2scooter, I preferred to interview an expert in the field: Emilie and her dream team of 20 dogs!

For a successful dog scootering session with your dog, I share Emilie’s 5 tips with you. Equipment for you and your dog, advice for a safe session, tips: here is what you need to know to go dog scootering

The “will to go”: A dog who loves outdoors

Before giving you Emilie’s first tip, let’s talk about dog scootering. It is a traction sport that is played with one or two dogs, or many more, towing a special scooter. The dog is equipped with a traction harness connected by an elastic lanyard to the apparatus. It is not enough to equip your dog and buy a scooter to get started in this dog sport …

Emilie spoke to me about an essential point during her interview: the “Will to go”… Sylvia, my dog, does not have it and that is what makes pulling sports absolutely interesting to her. not, much to my regret. When I put the harness on her, she looks at me like “if you think I’m going to pull your butt, you’re gutting! lol ”.

As Emilie told me, to go dog scootering or any other traction sport, you have to have a dog who wants to tow or the session quickly becomes catastrophic. This is the famous “will to go”. It is this desire to tow that the dog has at the start of sled dog races, for example, we see them barking, leaping, pulling like crazy … They are overexcited, almost possessed as soon as they put on the harness.

Does your dog have the energy to spare? Do you think she might like it? Before you get into a sport like dog scootering… make sure you have a dog listening to directions like left-right, stop, or ahead. It is absolutely essential, almost vital because the accident happens quickly. And on a scooter, it can hurt a lot! Emilie knows something about it… Unfortunately, she has already had some nasty falls. Before you start, she advises you to start by teaching your dog basic commands on a walk or in dog scootering.

The materials and equipment for you and your dog

Before any sports session with your dog, it is essential to check your material and your dog’s equipment.

Before leaving, Emilie must check her gear: carabiner, draft line, harness, scooter, and helmet. Always provides spare equipment in case of breakage. Finding yourself in the middle of nowhere with an ill-equipped or injured dog can quickly turn out to be very complicated. You have to be able to react quickly to start again. After 2 years of activity at the head of her company, Emilie knows something about it. You can never be too careful! And I will therefore advise you to always carry a first aid kit with you. In the event of a sore, you must be able to relieve your dog to take him to his vet. In all your activities with your dog, this is essential that you should never forget.

When she goes on dog scootering, Emilie provides small snacks for her dogs in case of hunger pangs and especially water. Like us, during intense physical activity, a dog can feel slack and need a little energy to restart the machine. She also provides for poop bags. For a big training session, Emilie recommends giving her dogs soup 1.5h to 2h before going on a run. Please note, it is strongly recommended not to feed your dog just before the physical activity so as not to run the risk of a stomach twist, which is extremely painful and very often fatal.

Dog scootering in complete safety

As always, when you go somewhere alone with your dog, always have the reflex to signal your exit. Emilie always takes her phone with her when she goes on a dog scootering outing with her dogs. In the event of a fall, an accident, an injured dog … she must be able to give the alert and prevent. She always takes care to warn someone, indicating her place of exit and the duration of the outing. If something happens to her and she isn’t able to give the alert, someone needs to be able to worry quickly to warn.


And it’s not Emilie who will tell you the opposite: “Warning someone may seem ridiculous, but anything can happen. In the same session: I was bitten on the arm by one of my dogs while trying to separate them because they had nabbed a nutria and a few minutes later I went under my quad. Following the general fight for the nutria, I wanted to reattach the quad and a rabbit passed in front of the dog team. They went after him and the quad passed me over and hoop Émilie under the quad! “

A dog scootering: The well-being of the dog above all

Whatever sport you share with your dog, you form a team with him: this activity must therefore be done in total respect with your canine teammate. You have to respect his abilities, his desires, and his pace.

Before any session, Emilie has established a routine and generally lets her dogs let off steam for 1 hour / 1:30 in the garden so that they can stretch their paws. She starts with the brakes on so that the dogs can channel themselves a bit and don’t get exhausted from the start. Emilie is the guarantor of the well-being of her dogs. She plays the role of coach, both in motivation and in managing the effort. Depending on the course (duration, difficulty), she plans breaks to rehydrate her dogs and make them breathe a little. Depending on whether it’s the restart or if it’s the end of the season, the dogs do not have the same form: she adapts her courses like a real sports trainer.

During the session, she has her eyes riveted on her teammates. On a scooter, you have to learn to be flexible, to use your feet safely but also to manage your brakes to avoid ending up in the sun. You have to observe your dog (s) know how to work in harmony with him, the right time to push, do it without generating a shock for the dog’s back, also respect the tension of the line so as not to run into it … the speed at which we go, the slightest mistake does not forgive. You have to guide and accompany your dogs to ensure their safety.

After each session, she is attentive to the needs of her dogs: food, hydration, care … She takes great care to pamper her team of top athletes.

Join a dog scootering group

Do you want to test the dog scootering? Don’t go it alone! Get in touch with a group or club near you and join their workouts. You will then be able to share your practice and benefit from their valuable advice. Training plan, equipment, dog equipment, food, competitions … they will be happy to guide you. You can find the names of the clubs affiliated with the Federation of Canine Sports and Leisure on their site. Emilie was the president of the canine sports club “Will to Go sports” affiliated to the FFST for 2.5 years.

This article is written not only for rottweilers but also for any bog dogs that want to enjoy the outdoors

Should You Travel Without Your Rottweiler?

Travel Without Your Rottweiler
Travel Without Your Rottweiler

When you’re planning a vacation with lots of adventures and good times ahead, it’s natural to want to bring your dog along. After all, taking a trip is always better when shared with a friend, right?

Traveling with a dog can be lots of fun or one heartache after another, depending on many factors. The both of you could have the best time ever. On the other hand, your dog could be stressed or unhappy, spoiling the holiday for both of you.

So how do you know whether to take your dog on your travels or not?

Let’s look at some essential elements for your decision – you may end up packing pet toys and treats in your suitcase, or your next move might be to look for boarding options for your friend.

Doggie considerations

Consider your dog’s personality

Although you might be tempted to ask around for friendly advice, no one knows your dog better than you do.

If your dog has lots of energy and enjoys a good romp in the fields, or if your dog is curious to explore new places, both with and without grass, then your dog will probably enjoy exploring with you.

If, however, your dog is anxious, is easily frightened, or prefers the creature comforts of home, then you’ll want to do what’s best for your dog. Even if it means being without them on your trip – at the end of the day, you want your dog to be happy no matter where they are.

Think about your dog’s age

If your dog is relatively young and full of pep, then your dog is likely to be more adaptable and happier to accompany you everywhere you go. Exploring cobblestone streets, hiking up to the top of the mountain, running along the beach – if your dog is up for all of that, then you probably have an excellent travel companion.

Is your dog well-trained?

If your dog knows not to jump up at strangers or to stay to heel when you’re out walking, then you’ll most likely have a good trip. You wouldn’t want to be asked to leave a restaurant because your dog gets overexcited every time a waiter or waitress walks by with delicious-smelling plates of food!

Having said that, you may be happy forgoing restaurants and taking food out with you on the go. That way, if your dog can’t resist snatching a treat from your lunch, it’s only you that misses out!

Other considerations

Safety of your destination

How safe is it for your dog? A deserted, dog-friendly beach may be perfect for your pet – but large outdoor events with lots of people milling around may be an accident waiting to happen. It’s all too easy for someone in a crowd to step on sensitive paws inadvertently, so choosing to book a pet hotel might be the kinder option.

Tropical destinations with long car journeys aren’t the safest, either. Dogs can overheat very quickly when left in hot cars. If you’re going somewhere with extreme temperatures – hot or cold – it may be safer for your dog to stay at home.

Look at how you’d travel

Does the journey require a plane ride? If so, check with the airline if they accept dogs. Some breeds like pugs are at a health risk on airplanes (and many airlines won’t accept them) because their respiratory tracts are sensitive to changes in cabin pressure.

Does your dog usually do well in the car? There’s no point taking a road trip that lasts for hours if your dog gets distressed in the car. Look at alternative means of transport – some dogs enjoy a train ride (if they can lie quietly by their owner’s side).

Check where you’d stay at your destination

It isn’t enough these days to choose a venue that says they’re ‘dog friendly’. Being dog friendly can mean anything from just about tolerated to VIP treatment with dog beds and toys. Contact your chosen accommodation before booking to make sure your dog will be welcomed.

Are you willing to have a backup plan?

When traveling with an animal, you can expect the unexpected, so flexibility is critical when traveling with a pet.

River rafting or a day at the beach might be one of your dream ways to spend the day, and your dog might love the water, but it pays to prepare alternative plans. You may want to bring a chair and something to read in case you get to the boat and your dog becomes less than enthusiastic – no one likes to be forced into something they don’t want to do, and that includes your friend.

Are you willing to put your pet first?

Our dogs depend on us for so many things – and it’s up to us to take care of them properly. For example, providing shade when needed, bringing water everywhere we go, and knowing when dogs are best left at home rather than taking them on every holiday outing.

So here’s the final question. You could be staying in a hotel, a boat, or a tent: is your dog safe to be there for a short time without you? And is it fair on him or her?

Hopefully, you now know whether your dog is best left at home or traveling with you.

3 Natural Ways To Control Rottweiler Ticks And Fleas

Fleas and Ticks
Fleas and Ticks

Rottweilers rank as the eighth most popular dog breed in the United States, according to the American Kennel Club (AKC). They’re known to be fun-loving and playful dogs with unswerving loyalty and devotion to their human pack. This is why they are the best family protection dogs any family can have.

When raised in a loving and gentle home with a calm and consistent canine leader, these dogs can be like big teddy bears. However, they can be vicious creatures when they perceive a threat to their loved ones. Rottweilers can be a force to be reckoned with when they’re on beast mode and can help deter, or in some cases, eliminate any threat to your family or property. With their enormous size, savage bark, and ferocious teeth, burglars will definitely think twice about trying to disturb your peace.

These are one of the most intelligent and highly trainable dogs you can get, which makes them the perfect family dog. Not to mention their beautiful, shiny black and tan coat which makes them even more attractive to dog lovers, dog trainers, and dog breeders alike.

These amazing physical and behavioral traits that Rottweilers possess are probably the reason why they ranked as the eighth most popular dog breed in the United States. Perhaps this goes the same around the world. However, there’s one threat to their overall health and wellness that can become quite serious if not promptly treated. This is the infestation of ticks and fleas.

Ticks And Fleas
Ticks And Fleas

Ticks And Fleas

Ticks and fleas are pesky blood-sucking parasites that can cause more than just itching and irritation. They can cause complications such as dermatological, intestinal, and other health problems in your Rottweiler.

Some of the health problems caused by these parasites are swelling and infections, loss of appetite, lameness and joint pains, vomiting and diarrhea, lethargy, and fever, to mention a few. But that doesn’t stop there. The aforementioned health problems can be mere symptoms of more serious complications, such as tapeworm infestation, anaplasmosis, tick paralysis, murine typhus, rocky mountain spotted fever, and Lyme disease.

As a matter of fact, these parasites can be so harmful that they can even affect your home and your family, moreover, your kids.

There are several veterinary solutions to this problem that are known to be highly effective. For instance, your veterinarian might write a prescription for afoxolaner, which is known to kill fleas and ticks. In addition to that, if your dog is in distress, it might need to start taking trazodone for dogs, too. However, many people out there believe that such medications may contain toxins or chemicals that can do more harm than good.

Some, however, believe that these solutions may have toxins or chemicals that can do more harm than good.

That’s why most dog owners opt for more natural alternatives in the form of topical ointments, oral medications, soaps, shampoos, sprays, and the DEWELPRO, which is believed to be the most convenient and effective. These products are made with the purest natural ingredients to ensure their safety and efficacy.

As a case in point, here are three natural ways to control Rottweiler ticks and fleas:

  • Lemon

Lemons contain a citrus extract called D-Limonene that can kill and repel ticks and fleas. This citrus extract is also commonly found as the main ingredient to some natural anti-parasitic pet products such as sprays.

To make a lemon spray on your own, just boil thinly sliced lemons with equal parts water and then simmer for around half an hour. Let the lemons soak overnight before you pour the liquid into a spray bottle, and spray all throughout your dog’s body.

But remember not to spray around their face as this can be toxic to their eyes’ ocular surface. Although this spray wouldn’t cause damage to your dog’s eyes, the pain can be excruciating. You can also use this concoction to spray in and around your hous1e to effectively control ticks and fleas.

  • Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is a natural substance made from fossils of freshwater organisms and marine life. It’s harmless to dogs but ultimately lethal to ticks and fleas. This is because it has razor-sharp microscopic particles that can tear through the ticks and fleas’ armor-like skin, causing them to dehydrate and die. However, you must remember to use the food-grade variant instead of the ones used in pools, as they can be toxic and harmful to your dog.

The food-grade diatomaceous earth can be sprinkled directly onto your dog’s coat and even in rugs, carpets, or any part of your house or yard where infestation might be prevalent. This can also repel and prevent any more future infestations.

You can also mix this non-toxic, natural substance with your dog’s food to eliminate internal parasites, such as hookworms, roundworms, pinworms, and whipworms. It’s recommended to be given to dogs for 30 days but can work within seven days of daily feeding.

  • Proper Hygiene

A clean and fresh-smelling dog is known to be less attractive to ticks and fleas. Simply giving them a bath with natural pet soap and shampoo products regularly will help prevent infestation or at least control it. Remember not to bathe them too often, though, as doing so may make their skin and coat look dry and dull.

When giving your dog a bath, it’ll be easier for you to spot the parasites and remove them using tweezers. Make sure you put them in a container filled with soapy water or rubbing alcohol. The fleas will die of toxicity and drowning, giving them a slow and painful death—which is probably the best revenge for these pesky parasites.

Final Thoughts

Although there’s no guarantee that your Rottweiler will permanently be tick-and-flea-free, there are other natural preventive measures you can take. One such measure is by having plants around your house or yard. Lemon balm, lemongrass, sage, catnip, mint, and basil are known to repel ticks and fleas. They may not do much with a current infestation but will surely prevent future ones.

There are a plethora of natural ways to control these parasites—or so they say—but there are no scientific data available that could prove their efficacy. To be safe, it’s best to consult your veterinarian before giving anything to your dog.



Dogs are the most commonly adopted animals as pets. However, the preferences may differ from person to person, as some people love taming smaller teacup-sized dogs and some love giant dog breeds. Owning a dog involves a lot of crucial things to do and one among these is selecting the right bed size for your dog. For example, large dog breeds like English Mastiff will require big dog beds to rest comfortably. 

More Relevant Facts 

While we adopt a dog, they aren’t fully grown up. They are puppies, and puppies don’t take much space. But, if you have adopted a large dog breed, your little friend will soon grow up as a giant-sized dog.  So, more extensive dog beds become essential as big dogs don’t like to adjust in smaller beds and compromise their comfort ability. But, finding extra large dog beds is quite a tedious task to do as they are not available so easily when compared to the smaller ones.   

Features of a Large Sized Dog Bed 

Do large dog breeds require better features in their beds? Yes, they do need beds with better comfort to ensure they can lie down and relax in a big space. If they find their bed is too small, there is a high chance they will end up occupying a bigger space in your home that makes them feel comfortable, like the sofa, your master bed, etc. So, look for the below features while purchasing a bed for your large dog breed to ensure it fits your pet’s size perfectly:  


If we are given a bed that barely adjusts our body, can we sleep with no other possibilities to tilt left or right? No, right? Similarly, if a dog’s bed can only fit the body size with no extra room for the body to move, it will be suffocating for your pet. Moreover, dogs have a habit of stretching, so in that case, a small-sized bed will make them highly uncomfortable. This is the reason why it’s ideal for picking extra large dog beds for giant dogs.  

To choose the right bed for a big dog, you should go for a bed that is bigger by 1/4th of its body size.   It will ensure that your pet will be able to stretch, relax, and sleep freely in its bed.  


For smaller dog breeds, elevation doesn’t have much to do while picking a bed. But, bigger dogs require an elevated bed of one or two feet above the ground. The reason for this is straightforward as a higher bed will be more accessible for them to go in and out of it.  A smaller bed can be uncomfortable and can lead to different health problems in big dogs as well. In search of an elevated bed, don’t pick an excessively high bed as it can increase the risk of your dog falling from a height getting injured.  

Better Support 

Giant dog breeds are found to be more prone to arthritis, and hence, they require a place that can let them sleep comfortably. Getting the right bed with good and soft support for your large pet will help them get a better sleep which will keep pain in their limbs at bay.  Moreover, it will also help protect your large breed’s skin and prevent any injuries that it might otherwise get due to sleeping on a hard surfaced bed.  So, to give  the best relief to large dog breeds,   premium quality big dog beds now come with 4-7 inches of memory foam,= which is highly relaxing and comforting to sleep. So, make sure you are choosing one such for your special big friend.   

Cooling Bed for Warm Season 

Dogs barely love to stay in a warmer place. They look for shady and cool areas to spend most of their time. You might have seen dogs digging holes in the sand to sleep.  They also have the habit of sleeping directly on the concrete floor to take up the coolness, but sleeping on the floor or sand can affect their skin and bones, especially the bigger breeds. So, opting for a bed that comes with an in-build cooling property is the smart idea to encourage your pet to sleep more often in its bed.  To achieve natural coolness, pick a mesh-style large dog bed. This allows the proper movement of air or uses extra cooling pads to keep the mattress cool.  


Dog beds are made with various materials, and the most common ones are velvet, canvas, denim, etc. The material of the bed plays a significant role in achieving the right comfort level when it comes to purchasing one for a large breed. This feature mostly depends on what your dog prefers. The bigger breeds often prefer a cushiony and soft texture. Well, no one can know you’re pet more than you. As the dog is living with you for a long time, you must be aware of its preferences. So, choose the suitable material for your dog that it loves; just ensure the material is easily washable as dogs make their beds dirty more often and it becomes crucial to wash and clean them.  


It isn’t that difficult to get the right bed for our giant buddy. Isn’t it? If we are aware of the right features and necessities, we can choose a perfect bed easily. Hope this article has helped you with the right information to buy extra large dog beds.      

6 Things You Should Do After A Dog Attack

Dogs are perhaps among the friendliest animals that people can interact with. While most canines are adorable and harmless, some can have behavioral issues that may prove life-threatening to people and other creatures. If you find yourself getting attacked by an aggressive dog, there’s a possibility you won’t be able to walk away from it unscathed.

Wounds, injuries, and trauma from a dog attack can hurt you physically, mentally, and financially. However, you can address those issues if you know what to do after getting bitten or mauled by a dog.

Not everyone who has a pet can be considered good or responsible, and you may be able to determine this by observing their pet’s behavior. A misbehaving dog can be the result of the lack of proper training or even mistreatment by their owner. So if a canine assaults you, you have the right to sue their owner so that person can take full responsibility for their pet’s actions. The steps you’ll take after a dog attack will be paramount to your personal injury case later on. You can learn more here about getting legal assistance for dog bite victims.

With that being said, here are six things you should do after a dog attack:

Dog Attack
Dog Attack
  • Seek Medical Help Immediately

Since most dog assaults result in an injury, your priority is to get medical attention. It’s not yet the time to worry about other matters such as following the dog to its residence and finding out the owner’s name. Whether the canine has inflicted a small or large wound, it’s crucial to stop the bleeding and have the bite cleaned before anything else. If you’re losing too much blood, contact health emergency workers right away.

  • Focus On Cleaning And Disinfecting The Wound 

Dog bites are serious and even potentially fatal. Essentially, larger wounds with noticeable bite marks can result in various complications, but there’s no guarantee that smaller injuries are safe, either. Some health issues that may arise from dog bites include:

  • Rabies
  • Nerve and muscle damage
  • Bacterial infection
  • Tetanus
  • Broken bones
  • Scarring

To minimize the risks of those problems, here’s how you can administer first aid for a dog bite:

  • Wash the wound with warm, running water and mild soap for five to 10 minutes.
  • Try to slow down or stop the bleeding by pressing a clean cloth on the wound.
  • Apply an antibacterial ointment to the wound and wrap it with a sterile bandage.

If a stray dog bites you, don’t hesitate to get a rabies vaccine at once. Also, call animal control so they can capture the dog and keep other people safe. If the animal acts aggressively or strangely, or if it’s paralyzed in any way, you’re at a higher risk for rabies, so vaccination for it is a must.

Dog Attack
Dog Attack
  • Document The Bite Injury

The wound, whether it’s a bite or a scratch, will be the most important piece of evidence in your legal pursuit. While the wound’s still fresh from the attack, don’t forget to document it by taking a picture or recording a video, making sure that the extent of the injury is well shown.

As you go on with the case, make sure to keep documenting your wound and the conditions surrounding it as it heals. Showing what the injury looks like before and after treatment will demonstrate to the jury the extent and severity of the attack.

  • Look For The Canine And Its Owner

After ensuring your health, it’s now time to deal with the legal aspects of the incident. If the dog that attacked you has an owner, contact the proper animal authorities stationed in your area and ask them to locate the dog.

Upon finding the dog, the animal control team will conduct a report on its safety, identity, and vaccine history. With this information, you may be able to find the dog’s owner or the liable party.

  • Find Witnesses And Get Their Contact Information

Along with the documentation of your injury, the testimonies of witnesses and bystanders can significantly help your legal cause. Within the incident’s perimeter, look for individuals who witnessed the attack and ask for their contact details.

During the legal proceedings, those individuals may help you testify against the dog owner. Apart from describing the attack, they can prove the dog’s dangerous predisposition by describing its day-to-day behavior or revealing if the animal has bitten someone else before.

  • Contact A Personal Injury Attorney

Dealing with legal cases alone is overwhelming for ordinary citizens. To ensure that you’re on the right path, find a dedicated animal and dog bite lawyer for legal help and advice. When looking for the right professional, you can narrow down your search within your area as the lawyers there would know the ins and out of state codes and laws.

Furthermore, if the dog’s owner or the owner’s lawyer approaches you, never speak or say anything to them without consulting your attorney first. Also, it would be better if you’re accompanied by your lawyer every time you communicate with the other party.


Trying to survive a dog attack is tough as most incidents are completely unanticipated by victims. If there’s no other way to escape and a dog has already assaulted you, it’s essential to know the steps to take afterward in order to minimize the physical, emotional, and mental effects you may have to deal with as a result.

Wakefield Rottweiler Eats PPE-Filled Box, Horrifies Owner

rottweiler eats ppe
Rambo, the rottweiler, who ate the PPE

A Rottweiler in Wakefield in the United Kingdom silently eats a box filled with PPE rubber gloves. Rambo, the Rottweiler, then had tried hiding the scraps underneath his bed. The dog owner thought that nothing was wrong when he could not find his PPE in the usual place. But on visiting the vets with his Rottweiler, he had a rude and horrific realization of what had happened.

Darren Coyne is the name of the owner. He works in Leeds for the Holiday Inn. On missing the gloves, he had naturally assumed that he had gone through the whole container of PPE gloves when he could not find it. But his dog Rambo, now 7 years old, became sick after some time. And then he came to know the location of the missing gloves.

Prompt Action For The Rottweiler That Ate PPE

On seeing the glove, Darren hurried Rambo to Vets4Pets in Wakefield’s Westgate. There he was told to go to the Vets4Pets hospital for Leeds and Birstall. On reaching the place, Keith Leonard, the owner of the hospital and veterinary surgeon took charge of the case. He and his team were left extremely surprised with the findings after they conducted an endoscopy on Rambo.

Keith said that they did not think they would find very much. It was even less expected since the Rottweiler was full of energy and happiness as he was bouncing while entering the hospital. The Rottweiler did not look like anything was bothering him at all in his world.

The PPE that was removed from inside Rambo

However, the endoscopy procedure which was supposed to be brief ended up being an operation that took three hours to complete, Keith continued. He stated that through the procedure the vets removed 29 more rubber gloves that were in Rambo’s stomach. That made the total number of PPE that the Rottweiler had eaten a whopping 30.

He explained how it did not seem to end for the team. Each time they managed to pull out one glove, there was one more waiting for them when they checked to see if there was any more left. The whole incident was unlike anything the team had ever heard of or seen in their careers.

An All-Round Effort To Safely Handle The Matter

Keith also stated that Rambo’s condition was quite healthy when seen from the outside. However, it would not have been long before the Rottweiler was in a critical condition. Thankfully, Darren’s prompt response and action to bring the dog to professionals and then the hospital effectively saved the life of Rambo.

Darren later realized that Rambo had eaten the PPE equipment when the dog was sitting in the car’s rear while they were going to walk. He said that he has been taking Rambo on several journeys. Usually, the dog did not care much for anything that was inside the car. Moreover, he has several such boxes in the car. This is the main reason why Rambo managed to do and hide the deed.

Also Read: Common Rottweiler Health Problems

Rambo was released from the hospital within half a day of the operation. Now, he has recovered completely. Keith advised owners to keep such equipment out of the reach of pets. Their inquisitiveness can easily lead to such incidents. However, if such a thing does happen, he advises following Darren’s steps. Darren believed Rambo was fortunate and was full of gratitude for the team of vets.

All image credits: Vets4Pets

Steps to guide to but everything that your dog needs 


Dogs need a lot of things. When you bring one home, it is important to keep them healthy, fed, and happy. Below are a few steps to guide you through how to do just that. 

 “What should I feed my dog?”- This is a very popular question among owners of dogs, and it is not surprising why it’s such a difficult issue to answer as there are so many different opinions on what kind of diet is best for dogs and why different foods can be better or worse than others for them. However, it is important to note that the vast majority of dog owners will feed their dogs a natural diet, one with plenty of meat and little in the way of processed food or synthetic additives. 

Although this can be difficult to do with some breeds of dogs (obviously less so with flat-faced breeds like beagles), it is possible for even those who have made other choices to raise their animals on this kind of food. It is simply a matter of being prepared to spend more time researching and shopping around for meats as well as vegetables that are as wholesome as they can be. 

Another important note that must be made is that there are various different kinds of dog foods out there. For example, some are more appropriate for puppies, while others are better for older dogs, and still, others cater to a particular breed or group of breeds. In addition to the various kinds of food that exist, it is also important to remember that certain types of foods should be avoided in certain situations. While it may be tempting to give in and use a canned food just because your dog seems interested (and it may seem easier than making your own), this is something you should not encourage in any way. Canned foods contain large amounts of sodium and/or other ingredients that can create problems if they are used on a regular basis. 

“How do I feed my dog?” – This is another question that many people have when they get their first pet. The answer to this question is quite simple: you should feed your dog whatever kind of food you choose. As explained in the previous section, it is important to be consistent and persistent in what you feed your dog so that he or she will come to enjoy it and not have a problem with it. However, this does not mean that you should force the dog to eat, but instead, if the animal decides he does not like what has been offered, he should not be made to eat it. 

You need to do an analysis of your competitors and the dog in front of you to write the correct type of food available. 

In some cases, this means your pet may have some allergies or other health issues that could be controlling his or her food consumption. In that case, talk to your veterinarian and they’ll be able to fully explain what different foods can be used by your dog and if there are any other issues that would limit what can be offered. 

Once you’ve made up your mind on what you think best suits your needs, it is time to take action. There are a number of different things you can do to prepare for feeding time. 

First, you need to decide on the method that will be used. There are several different options, but if you stick to the options that involve using a bowl or dish, there is a good chance your dog will eat. The two most common methods for feeding dogs directly into their food are either by putting it into their mouths using a spoon or just as a snack offered anywhere in close proximity. 

“What kind of food do I feed my dog?” This is one of the most important questions that should be answered as soon as you’ve got a new pet at home. When you take your dog home, he comes with certain expectations and expectations do change once they have been met. 

Getting a Puppy? How Transition It Into Your Family From Day One 


Congratulations on your decision to expand your family! It always takes a lot of soul searching – who will be responsible for cleaning up after the new puppy? What about walking duty and keeping track of training, discipline, and habit forming? These are all big jobs, for humans – and even more so for a brand new puppy.  

How can you prepare your home so the transition into family life can be as smooth and stress-free as possible for your new pet? We have put together some tips on how to make your puppy feel like they’re a part of the family from day one. 

Choosing a Breed 

If you have decided to expand your family by adding a canine companion to your household, it is important to consider your lifestyle and what breed suits you best. While it is important to remember that dogs are individuals, it is also important to consider that many different breeds were created for a specific purpose, not all of which may be compatible with your home. 

Preparing Your Home for Your New Best Friend 

It is very important to ensure that your dog has a comfortable place to sleep and escape to if they are feeling overwhelmed and a place to relieve themselves. It is important that your puppy has a specific area of the house that they call “their own”. This space can be a crate or simply a defined space in your home where your dog is free to be itself. It should be a place where your dog can relax and unwind.  

Ideally, this space should be in an area of the house that is close to your normal routine and near a door that leads outside to the yard. We recommend that this space remain consistent throughout the life of your pet. The space should also be large enough for your pet to move around freely and stretch out if it needs to. 

Games, Games, Games! 

Just like humans, dogs love to play! By encouraging your new pet to play games with you, you can help them learn to trust you and bond with you. It is important to find games that you can both enjoy. There are many games available for dogs; however, it is important to choose games that are also fun for you! You can even engage your pet in games you played as a child, like fetch or tug-of-war! Games are an excellent way for you and your pet to build a relationship together. 

Respect Your Pets Space! 

Before you bring the new puppy home, it is important to make sure everyone in the house understands the importance of respecting the pet’s space. It is also important to make sure that everyone knows how to greet a dog in a positive way so they can avoid startling them.  

The best way to greet your pet is to approach them in a calm manner. Try not to make any sudden movements or loud noises as this may startle them. You should also avoid making eye contact with them as this may lead the dog to view you as a potential threat. Instead, always look at the dog’s shoulder or chest area.  

When it comes time to pet the dog, you can rub their back or chest area and avoid petting their head if they seem uncomfortable with this. If they show signs of agitation, stop immediately and allow them to come to you. These best practices will help everyone in your household get off on the right foot with your new family member! 

Bring on the Love! 

One of the best ways you can prepare your new puppy for family life is by showing them all the love in the world from the very beginning. By showering them with plenty of attention and affection, you can help them feel comfortable and connected in their new home environment. Whether it be through petting, playing or walking, you can also help your new pup settle into their surroundings by giving them plenty of exposure to other people and other friendly animals.  

Doing so will help them feel more at ease around others when they meet new dogs and people after they arrive home with you! Remember that when the dog grows, and you treat it well, it will try to protect you! If that’s something that you would like your dog to do, you can check out offers of Cane Corso puppies for sale. 

By giving them lots of love and attention, you will be able to build up a bond with your puppy that will help them feel more comfortable throughout their life. Once they begin feeling more comfortable, they will want to explore their environment more and will quickly learn that there is no reason to fear anything in this new home! However, if they get stressed pretty quickly, you might consider, e.g, giving them CBD pet treats to ease their anxiety. 

Positive Behaviour Training and Correction 

It is important that when training your dog that you do so in a calm way that will help them learn from their mistakes and make better decisions in the future. When trying to teach your puppy how to sit, make sure that if they do something wrong, you immediately correct them so they may learn what is right and wrong. Do not let them remain in the wrong position. It is much easier to start training your dog right off the start before they have internalized bad behaviors. By getting them accustomed to doing things the right way right from the start, your job will be much easier. 


Before you decide to get a puppy, you should be absolutely sure that you can dedicate enough time to take proper care of it. After it, puppies have plenty of needs, and you will be their primary caregiver.  

However, if you think that you’ll be able to provide it with enough warmth and attention, it will give you back the same! We hope that after reading this article, you understand how to make sure that a puppy feels comfortable right from the beginning. 

A Step-by-step Guide To Buy Everything That Your Dog Needs

Rottweiler life
Rottweiler life

Getting a dog for your home is one of the best decisions that you can possibly make. It is amazing having something there that is always going to show you unconditional love and be there for you during the hardest times. That being said, however, while a dog does provide great emotional support, you also have to ensure that you can support it both emotionally and financially. There are things that a dog needs in order to stay healthy and happy and you have to make sure you are providing for it. If you do, you will have a pet that sticks by your side.

Here is a step-by-step guide to buying everything that your dog needs.

Flea Collars

If you have had pets before, you know that fleas and ticks love to settle down on them and feast on them. It is important that you stop fleas and ticks as quickly as possible as they can dramatically impact the health of your dog for the worse. What can you do to help them? The easiest thing to do is invest in a good flea collar for your dog. There are plenty of Flea Collars for Dogs that are not only comfortable for them to wear, but also will help do the job of eliminating all of those unwanted pests. There are a few things that you have to look at with your flea collar however to ensure that your dog is comfortable.


First, you are going to want to look at the ingredients that the collar is going to be emitting. Flea collars work by emitting odors, gasses, or chemicals that ticks and fleas cannot survive in. You can look for flea collars that emit all-natural ingredients such as essential oils that can keep these pests away without harming your pet in any way.


The next thing to look at would be the sizing of the collar and how it fits on them. Try a few collars on your dog and see how they react to it. If they are scratching at it to an extreme, it is generally a sign that it is quite uncomfortable for them. Going with a cheap collar is another way to create an issue for the dog. You get what you pay for in these products and your dog is probably going to be extremely uncomfortable wearing something like that.


Finally, you are going to want to look at how well the flea collar works. A good collar will start working immediately and should have noticeable progress within 24 hours. If the flea collar is not working right away, it is a sign that it is not nearly as effective as you thought it was.


This is a lot of information on flea collars, however, it is important that you not only buy the right product for your dog, but also one that is going to be comfortable for them. Failure to do that can result in a bad experience for both you and your pet.


Gates are a great way of setting boundaries within the house. Because you can’t communicate with your dog, it can be difficult to show them where they are allowed and where they aren’t allowed. Instead of having to yell and discipline your dog whenever they go somewhere they shouldn’t, why not get a gate instead? Simply block off the area and be done with it. They are a great thing to invest in as it makes training your dog that much easier.

A Proper Diet

All living creatures need the right food to survive and get by and pets are no different. You might be tempted to feed them the food that you eat, but a dog’s stomach cannot handle some of the things that we have. This is going to make them quite sick. Instead, look to buy them kibble which will contain all of the necessary nutrients along with some raw food such as chicken. Getting natural raw food is great for your dog because that is what their species is accustomed to eating. It might be a little more expensive but it is going to help them grow into the strong pet you are hoping for.

A Bed

Your dog is going to need a place to sleep at night. While sometimes you might let them snuggle up next to you in your bed, you have to establish their own safe space that they can go to most of the time. Having a nice comfy bed that is properly sized for them will go a long way towards creating this safe space. Place the bed in a location that is close to you so they don’t get separation anxiety as well. They will soon love their bed and go there at the end of the day when it’s time for sleep.

A Crate

Some people mention that crates are cruel for your dog but it all depends on how it is used. A crate can be great for training, especially when the dog is young as it instills good habits. The crate should not be used as a form of discipline but instead used to create a safe space for them. You know you have done this right if your dog heads into the crate by themselves and has no problem being in it. Crate training your dog is an important thing and so you should definitely look at buying a crate for them.

A Leash

Finally, if you are going to be taking your dog out for walks, you are going to have to have a leash and harness for them to make sure they don’t run away. When looking at a leash, make sure you get one that doesn’t strangle them if they pull a little. This can damage your dog’s throat and affect its breathing. Find one that straps around the body and doesn’t provide too much discomfort if they yank the leash.

These are all things that you have to buy if you plan on getting a dog. Some of these things might be a little expensive, but they are necessary to ensure that your dog is well-trained and responsible. What do you plan on buying for your dog?

Our Little Furry Friends: Rottweiler Training 

Rottweiler Training
Rottweiler Training

In the process of training, especially among inexperienced dog breeders, many questions may arise, therefore in this section, we will consider how to train a Rottweiler and teach a dog to obey commands unquestioningly, which mistakes are most often made by breeders in raising this breed. 

It should be noted right away that representatives of this breed, despite all the affection, respect, and love for all family members, from the first days of their appearance in the house, choose for themselves only one owner or “leader”. It is with him that the dog establishes a delicate emotional contact, psychological relationships, therefore it can be confidently asserted that the Rottweiler is a breed of one owner. But it is also worth noting that the person who is the owner of the Rottweiler must have authority in the eyes of the dog. Only a patient, self-confident, persistent person can achieve complete obedience and unquestioning execution of commands. To raise a Rottweiler correctly, in addition to patience, it is necessary to show perseverance and determination, since dogs have a rather wayward and, one might even say, stubborn disposition, which is manifested in animals of this breed already at an early age. 

Rottweiler Puppy Training

Rottweiler Puppy chewing can be a problem, but it is only a problem if you do not give your dog an alternative. There are many ways to prevent your furry friend from chewing up the things that matter to you. This article will advise you on alternative methods to help curb your puppy’s chewing.
If you want to have a well behaved Rottweiler Puppy, make sure that you are filling their most basic needs. They need to have water, food, shelter and love. These are essential to a happy and healthy pet, and only then will they want to or have the energy to let you tell them what to do and start your Rottweiler Puppy Training lessons.

Never reward negative behavior. Many dog owners have difficulty training their pet. When a long Rottweiler Puppy training session has ended and there has been no progress, they might find themselves tempted to reward their dog anyway. Even if you love your dog dearly, never reward their bad or undesirable behavior.

Just because your dog is obeying you, do not assume that they are done learning. Your dog is always learning. Never stop reinforcing good behavior. This is especially important if you move. A new surrounding can be very distracting for a dog. You might have to reteach them a great deal.

When feeding your dog, always expect the dog to be in a calm state and ready to eat. Hyper activity at feeding time will not allow the pet to properly address feeding rituals. Establish a ritual of a calm animal who sits and waits patiently for you to give food. After this behavior is taught, your dog will probably begin sitting patiently as you prepare their food.

A dog’s name should only be used when positively interacting with the dogs. Call the dog’s name to get him to come to your side or call his name when you are serving his dinner. Don’t, however, call your dog’s name when you are unhappy with his or her actions. The dog would negatively associate that with punishment.

When you first get your puppy don’t expect him to learn a large number of commands in a short amount of time. Your puppy needs time to acclimate to his new environment. During this time, it is possible to teach him two or three simple commands. Do not move on to other commands until your Rottweiler Puppy has mastered these.

Make sure to keep your dog training sessions brief. Animals become bored quickly and are less likely to respond if they are not engaged in what you are doing. Aim for working with your pet three times a day for approximately five minutes at a time. This will leave them wanting more and will make your overall program more successful.

Start training your dog as early in its life as possible, but not younger than about seven weeks. This helps build an early bond between you as the owner and trainer and the dog. However, starting too early will simply over stress the dog; a very young puppy won’t learn anything from training sessions.

Rottweiler Temperament
Rottweiler Puppy Training

Go through the door before your dog, eat your own dinner first and always make sure that you win tug-of-war, by taking away the toy when you’re done. This all asserts that you are the pack leader and your dog is subordinate. This will help curb other obedience problems and help in other aspects of training because your dog realizes that he MUST do what you say. It’s how he’s hard-wired.

Use food as a reward when training your dog. Many dogs will respond on a basic level to edibles. The reward of food will usually encourage them to continue on a food winning path. Vary the types of treats you get for your dog. Alternate fresh meat with packaged treats.

To train a dog careful thought is required by the owner. Before beginning to train a dog one should plan out what their command words are going to be to be the most effective. Words that are not commonly used will help them stick out for the dog. If one knows another language that can also offer more words and sounds to use in training the dog.

A good tip when training your dog is to take your dog outside for a walk if you notice him digging. It’s pretty common for dogs to dig when they’re bored and anxious, and getting a little exercise can go a long way in stopping a destructive behavior like digging.

Even if you think that you have taught your dog everything that he needs to learn, find something new to train him. Dogs will never stop learning and the more training you provide them, the more the Rottweiler Puppy will feel accomplished and happy. Training should be reinforced for their entire life.

Rottweiler Puppy Training
Rottweiler Puppy Training

Do you have a dog that pulls? This is one of the most common complaints owners have about their dogs, and it’s also incredibly easy to remedy. Go to your local pet store and purchase a cheap harness. A harness can significantly reduce pulling, which will cause your walks to be more fun.

Use the same simple words in a low, firm tone of voice, every time you give your dog a command. Don’t shout or repeat the command multiple times. Say it once, firmly and then, assist the dog in complying if he doesn’t understand (e.g. press down firmly on the hindquarters while saying “sit,” if he doesn’t sit the first time you tell him).

If your dogs are big and tough and young and go through beds as if they grow on trees, look for low cost alternatives. Use your imagination to come up with sofa cushions, comforters from the thrift store or garage sales, cast off pillows and other things that you don’t mind having destroyed. Your dog will probably outgrow his bed destroying phase, and it’s not worth it to get upset about it and spend a fortune on dog beds!

As was discussed in the beginning of this article, puppy chewing is a problem only if you do not give him something else to focus on. Apply the advice from this article on the proper way to train your Rottweiler Puppy not to chew up your home, and soon you will see your dog finding non-destructive ways to occupy his or her time.

How to Raise a Rottweiler 

In order not to suffer from the antics and tricks of a wayward, disobedient puppy, it is necessary from the first days of the appearance of the baby in your house to instill in him the right skills and the basics of obedience and immediately direct the dog’s actions in the right direction. The puppy’s psyche is emotionally unstable and such an attitude can embitter or, on the contrary, greatly intimidate the dog, which will lead to the fact that the upbringing of the Rottweiler will go down the wrong path. And, as you know, retraining, re-educating a dog of any breed is quite difficult. The most basic rule that the owners of a Rottweiler must remember is not to allow the dog to do what will be forbidden for it in adulthood! Show patience and perseverance, achieve the task at hand. If the puppy made a mistake in your absence or on a walk, call the dog up with a strict intonation and let the pet know that you are unhappy with this behavior. Rottweilers, with the right approach, are manageable, they perfectly distinguish intonation and try to please their beloved owner, so do not forget to encourage and praise the dog for the correct command or obedience. 

The upbringing of a Rottweiler must be organized so that the dog is clearly aware of the scope of what is permissible by 4-5 months. Starting from 5 months, a teenage puppy begins to show willfulness and independence, so try not to miss the opportunity. If the dog completely ignores you and your commands, you can give the pet a little thrashing, shake the dog by the scruff, yell, but it is often not recommended to practice this attitude towards the Rottweiler. As soon as the guilty animal realizes its mistake and completes the task, do not skimp on praise. 

Dog training is the same as cultivating habits in a person. What’s a good habit? Maintain posture, brush your teeth twice a day, do not postpone things on the back burner, honor the earning income site  instead of social networks, watch Netflix instead of bloggers. Everyone can make their own list of good habits that they would like to cultivate in themselves. But what about animals? 

Panther Abandoned By Its Mother Grows Up With A Human And Rottweiler Best Friend

Panther Abandoned By Its Mother Grows Up With A Human And Rottweiler Best Friend
Panther Abandoned By Its Mother Grows Up With A Human And Rottweiler Best Friend

Meet Luna, an adorable panther who was born in a zoo in Siberia.
Unfortunately, her mother chose to reject her and refused to give her the much-needed milk and of course care. Her chances of survival were very slim until an amazing woman stepped in and came to the rescue.

She had experience in raising big cats like Luna and decided to help her by taking care of her and feeding her with all the vitamins she so desperately needed.

Luna was rejected by her birth mother which meant she needed to be taken care of

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Naturally, the woman grew attached to Luna, and vice versa, so she decided to adopt Luna from the zoo. Luna was now part of the family, she met her new sibling, venza the dog.

After a while of slowly introducing them and making sure they got along, a beautiful friendship formed. Now they are inspeperable, you will always see them together playing about and exploring the world. They are certainly the best of friends, and they look so cute together.

Luckily, this amazing woman found her and adopted her. She has experience in raising big cats, so it seemed like a perfect match

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Luna was lacking special vitamins she would usually get from milk, so she was given special vitamins to make up for the shortfall.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

To find out more about Luna’s story, check out her videos on Youtube. You can see her progress as she grows into a healthy black panther.

Luna soon adapted to her new home and her new family

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Thanks to this amazing woman who saved Luna’s life

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

The woman that took luna is experienced in taking care of such animals. She knows exactly what she needs, in terms of food and love so rest assured, Luna is in safe and capable hands.

They were so attached to each other that the woman had to adopt her from the zoo.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Luna then met her new sibling Venza, the Rottweiler

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Initially, they started off slow, carefully introducing them

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

But not long after they became best friends

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Now they are always together. They are inseparable, playing and exploring life together

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Luna is now a fully grown healthy adult panther with a derpy face and cute personality.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Rottweiler Dog Names: 54 Most Popular Ones 

Rottweiler Dog Names
Rottweiler Dog Names

If you’re looking for some ideas for the most popular Rottweiler dog names for your new dog or puppy, we’ve got an excellent selection for you. 

Many new and popular dog names have been inspired by Covid-19, as well as celebrity trends. 

Here are some of the top Rottweiler dog names for 2021! 

Most popular boy Rottweiler dog names 

Last year, the most popular boy dog names included Charlie, Max, Cooper, Buddy, and Milo. In 2021, these names are still at the top of the list, in addition to lots of others: 

  1. Rocky 
  1. Cooper 
  1. Finn 
  1. Odie 
  1. Alaska 
  1. Brutus 
  1. Echo 
  1. Percy 
  1. Bailey 
  1. Gizmo 
  1. Archie 
  1. Maverick 
  1. Chewy 
  1. Biscuit 
  1. Rex 
  1. Hunter 
  1. Duke 
  1. Milo 
  1. Bear 
  1. Scout 
  1. Lucky 
  1. Axel 
  1. Spud 
  1. Gunner 
  1. Bane 
  1. Tank 
  1. Max 
  1. Bolt 
  1. Buddy 
  1. Yoshi 
  1. Shadow 
  1. Alfie 
  1. Blue 
  1. Apollo 
  1. Fang 
  1. Spike 
  1. Barkley 
  1. Duke 


Most popular female Rottweiler dog names 

Among last year’s most popular female dog names were Lola, Daisy, Bella, Luna, and Lucy. These names continue to be popular in 2021, including many other favorites: 

  1. Nala 
  1. Akira 
  1. Lola 
  1. Lucy 
  1. Ellie 
  1. Daisy 
  1. Athena 
  1. Addie 
  1. Roxy 
  1. Gracie 
  1. Bailey 
  1. Abby 
  1. Harper 
  1. Dixie 
  1. Aspen 
  1. Piper 
  1. Bambi 
  1. Pearl 
  1. Koda 
  1. Hazel 
  1. Roxy 
  1. Olive 
  1. Maggie 
  1. Ava 
  1. Poppy 
  1. Sadie 
  1. Winnie 
  1. Luna 
  1. Xena 
  1. Honey 
  1. Pepper 
  1. Raven 
  1. Aurora 
  1. Yuki 
  1. Cookie 
  1. Bella 
  1. Rose 
  1. Violet 
  1. Coco 
  1. Stella 
  1. Willow 
  1. Olive 
  1. Millie 
  1. Nyx 


Most popular cute dog names 

If you’re looking for a cute name for your dog, here are some ideas of the most popular cute names to choose from this year: 

  1. Scout 
  1. Alfie 
  1. Baby 
  1. Zoe 
  1. Hazel 
  1. Lucky 
  1. Pearl 
  1. Bailey 
  1. Yuki 


Most popular tough dog names 

If giving your dog a tough name is more your style – and this can be quite funny if you’ve got a small dog – here are some ideas for you: 

  1. Storm 
  1. Rex 
  1. Koda 
  1. Shadow 
  1. Echo 
  1. Harley 
  1. Alaska 
  1. Hunter 


Most popular food dog names 

Some people love funny names, and that includes naming their dog after their favorite food. If that’s you, try one of these on for size: 

  1. Brownie 
  1. Cookie 
  1. Honey 
  1. Cocoa 
  1. Peanut 
  1. Biscuit 
  1. Pepper 
  1. Nugget 


Covid-related dog names 

The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has brought about many changes, including how people are naming their pets.  

Covi is the most popular Covid-inspired name (its popularity is up by 1,159%). The next favorite is Rona (whose popularity rose by 69%), followed by Corona (24% more popular) and Covie. 

Other dog names inspired by Covid are Covid, Fauci, Cyrus, Panda, Hoarder, Hugger, Vax, Vaccine, and even one dog called Rona Von Covid. 

With disinfectants becoming more popular, so have dog names that are inspired by cleaning products. Take, for example: 

  • Charmin 
  • Soapy 
  • Roxy (instead of Clorox) 
  • Stimmy (short for stimulus check) 


Popular drink-inspired names for dogs 

Another result of the pandemic is that for many people, it’s always wine o’clock. Engagement with social media brands related to alcohol has gone up by more than 300 percent in recent months, with wine and beer being the favorites. While Corona beer stopped production because of its unfortunate name, there are other drinks for you to take inspiration from for naming your dog: 

  • Zinfandel (or Zin for short) 
  • Merlot 
  • Guinness 
  • Fireball 
  • Budweiser (or Buddy for short) 


Popular baking-inspired names for dogs 

Many of us have turned to home baking during these times. So here are some dog names that have grown in popularity as a result. Some are from easy recipes, and others from difficult-to-find ingredients. Comfort foods are popular names, too. Consider these: 

  • Grubhub 
  • Sourdough 
  • Flour or Flower 
  • Totwaffle 


TV show names for dogs 

You may have been watching a lot of Netflix series such as Tiger King on your bed with your dog (thank you Chasing Tails for the doggie ramp!) While you lounge about with your pet, you may find yourself tempted to name your dog after a popular character or form of entertainment: 

  • Disney Plus 
  • Ozark 
  • King 
  • Tiger 
  • Tiger King 
  • Bingey 
  • Hulu 


Celebrity dog names 

Last year, celeb names such as Chrissy, Kanye, Mila, and Jay-Z were trending up. These names continue to be popular this year, along with some ‘cool’ dog names like: 

  • Dre 
  • Harper 
  • Ace 
  • Boomer 
  • Dash 
  • Denver 
  • Harley 
  • Duke 


Home-schooling inspired names for dogs 

As distance learning has become the norm this past year, there are now some dog names along the theme of working – and learning – from home. Here are some examples: 

  • Classy 
  • Chalky 
  • Audible 
  • Cate or Eddie (referring to education) 
  • Stud (short for study) 


Apps and video game names for dogs 

While isolated at home, more of us have been online playing games or using various apps. With the popularity of these games, many of these names have found their way into people’s homes: 

  • Xbox 
  • TikTok 
  • Nintendo Switch (or Switch for short) 
  • Zoom 
  • Facetime 


How to Find Online Everything for Your Cat

Are rottweilers good with cats

Since the internet is innovating from time to time, online stores and businesses are growing. Before, the only option you have when you want to buy something you need is going to the physical store and queuing at the cashier to pay. Most establishments operate for specific times, but now people can shop 24/7 from the comfort of their home, and everything can be found on the internet.

Online shopping has become relevant nowadays since the pandemic happened. To keep yourself safe from the virus outside, most people shop online and pay everything in just one click and have it delivered right to your doorstep. Pets like cats are always part of the family. When you buy something for yourself, you also buy everything for your cats to take care of them. Here are some tips for finding the best pet supplies for your cat online.

Search for Product Information

The Internet is globally accessible, and you can find many pet products available to shop online. Because of the large volume of options available, most shoppers don’t pay attention to the whole detail and base their purchase on the reviews they see. Sometimes the product you bought is not appropriate and can harm your cat. According to an expert from Petsumer, it is best to read reviews from trusted brands to help you understand the products for your cats.

Fur parents consider their pets as their world, and choosing the best product for your cat shows how you truly love and care for them. Keep in mind that it is important to search and read about the product information before buying it since you can’t see the product physically. Knowing all the information helps you decide on the right size, fit, and amount of the product that your cat needs.

Select Reliable Shop and Brand

You always want the best for your cat, that’s why choosing the most reliable and suitable brand is essential to keep them happy and healthy. Commonly, online shops always claim to provide the best supplies for your pets, but all brands vary from the needs of your cat. Maybe your cat’s health is not suitable for the brand that most cat owners buy. It is essential to do your research or consult your cat’s veterinarian before choosing specific brands.

Check Deals

Many online shops are competitive because consumers have a lot of options to choose from. They have their deals and promotions to catch the consumer’s attention. It is an ordeal to checking and comparing different offers before purchasing to make your online purchase worth it. Some online shops offer expensive rates, but the quality is the same as other brands because you’re paying for their brand. If you find a better deal, you can buy everything you need for your cat rather than settling on the first thing you saw.

Online shopping is a very convenient and efficient way of buying everything for your cat. You can sign up for a newsletter and get updated with their latest deals every time. Just keep in mind that products vary from brands and the specific need of your pet. You should always consider certain points and do your research to make your purchase suitable and worth it for your cat.

Improve your dog’s diet to avoid common health conditions: 3 homemade food ideas 

dogs diet
dogs diet

 You will be surprised how quickly your dog will become your best friend and even a part of your family! There is something about dogs that make people want to forget about their problems and just play ball. Is it because of their sweet looks? Or maybe because dogs love their owners unconditionally? 

Obviously, you want the best for your four-legged friend. To make your dog feel better, improve his diet. Ideally, it should be adjusted to your dog’s age, weight, and breed in order to avoid any health problems in the future. 

Today, many pet parents take great precautions while choosing the ideal food for their furry friends and opt for products known for their quality and that are filled with all the essential nutrients. Ensuring that your dog has an adequate, well-balanced diet is one of the best ways to make sure that you’re doing everything in your power to keep your dog happy and healthy.  

Your dog may have his own food preferences, and you should observe what kinds of food he likes to eat and which products he usually avoids. 

To determine the best diet for your dog, consider checking Farmina dog food reviews. It will give you an insight into the ingredients found in dog foods. It is essential to ensure that your dog is getting the right amount of different nutrients, and those can vary according to your dog’s individual needs.  

Some dogs are more prone to suffer from heart or kidney problems; that is why in those cases, you should make sure that the foods you’re giving your dog do not contain substantially large amounts of ingredients that may incline the onset of those specific diseases.   

We prepared five homemade food ideas that will not only provide your dog with a nutrient filled meal, but leave him happy, and energized.  

The Old Standard: 

This easy, and fairly inexpensive meal is a great way to get your dog a head start in the day, and provide him with a nutritious meal he deserves.  

Simply combine 1 1/2 cups brown cooked rice (cook according to instructions), with 3 pounds of oil cooked ground turkey, 2 shredded carrots, zucchinis, and a cup of fresh beans- both canned or frozen will be good for this one! 

Mix all the ingredients together to form a consistent mixture, and it’s all done! Also, feel free to add any other vegetables or treats that your dog may like to the mixture, and he’ll love it so much more! 

Beef & Veggie Mix: 

This recipe is as straightforward as it sounds, it’s a simple combination of beef with vegetables! 

Simply combine 2 1/2 pounds ground cooked beef (Do not add spices), with 1 1/2 cups brown rice, 1 can kidney beans, drained and rinsed, 1 1/2 cups chopped butternut squash, and 1 1/2 cups chopped carrots.  

Preferably place all those ingredients in a slow cooker if you possess one, but if you don’t then simply leave them cooking in a water filled pot, on low to medium heat for an hour or two, and stir from time to time. When it’s all done, drain, and let it completely cool down, before serving it to your dog! 

Vegan Happy Dog Bowl: 

Did you ever think your dog may be secretly dreaming about becoming a vegan influencer? Well, think twice, because with this vegan happy bowl, your dog may just be tweeting out his next food pic!  

This super simple, healthy, and yummy dish, will allow your dog to get a mixture of complex carbohydrates, combined with some healthy vegetables!  

Combine 1 large sweet potato (preferably baked but can also be boiled) with 1 can (15 ounces) black beans, drained and rinsed, 2/3 cups boiled brown rice and 6 kale leaf stems, broken into 1 inch pieces. After all the ingredients are cooked, and added together with each other, simply let it cool down until it reaches room temperature, divide into a couple of equal portions (you know your dog’s appetite the best), and let him enjoy all that delicious food! 

dogs diet
dogs diet














5 Dog Accessories To Buy Your Dog Who Keeps Running Away From Home

Dog Owner
Dog Owner

Studies have been published to prove how dogs can give you a longer lifespan, help you become more mindful, and help you cope when you’re traumatized or upset. A dog can also cut down your stress and make you happier in the long-term. Hence, having a dog at home can bring many benefits.

Dogs can immediately become part of your family, which is why finding out that they ran away from home is always a cause for concern. A dog who regularly escapes can cause stress since you’ll be worried about their health and safety. You’ll also be paranoid if they can find their way back home on their own.

To keep your dog from escaping, immediately invest in the following accessories:

  • Smart Dog Collar 

Collars are important accessories every dog should have. Aside from allowing them to stand out from other canines, collars can also make your dog look more fashionable and enhance their safety. But are you aware that certain types of collars can help you locate your dog whenever they run away from home?

If your dog always runs away from home, look for smart dog collars, and have them wear it as soon as possible. This accessory works by identifying the location of your dog via GPS embedded in the collar.

One of these GPS collars also come with escape detection features, which means that you’ll receive notifications the moment the accessory detects that your dog escaped from your backyard. The sooner you’re notified about the escape, the easier it’ll be for you to bring your dog back your dog.

  • Dog Treadmill 

There are many reasons why a dog runs away from home, and one of the most common is boredom. Since dogs are social, they usually run away when they need attention or look for interesting activities.

If you believe your dog often runs away because of boredom or loneliness, consider investing in a dog treadmill. Similar to what human uses, dog treadmills work by preventing boredom, especially when the weather doesn’t allow them to go out and take walks. This accessory can also reduce behavioral problems and help your dog get fit.

Dog treadmills come in two types: mechanical and dog-powered. Mechanical dog treadmills use motor while dog-powered ones don’t. Also, mechanical dog treadmills are more expensive than the other type, so take the time to scout for options so you’ll end up buying one that fits your budget.

  • Interactive Pet Toys  

Aside from investing in a dog treadmill to prevent your dog from getting bored and escaping, you can also choose to give them interactive toys. These toys will surely keep your dog busy to the point that they’ll no longer think about leaving home and escaping.

There are different interactive toys for small dogs and toys for giant dogs, like rottweilers. Interactive pet toys are one of the best ways to keep your dog busy and active even when they’re staying at home. Make sure you choose an interactive toy that won’t need human intervention so your dog can play with it on their own.

There are also cool gadgets that have an autoplay mode. The autoplay mode lets the toy respond to your dog’s movements and responses. Some toys also have a drive mode that allows you to control the toy’s activities using an app installed on your phone. If you’ll be out for longer hours and if your dog is an extra active one, ensure that the toy has a large battery capacity.

  • Pet Camera And Monitoring System 

The advent of technology makes it easy for everyone to live their lives. With the number of software and apps available today, communication channels and the productivity of individuals have drastically improved. There are also several techs that are perfect for dogs who often run away from your home.

Pet cameras and monitoring systems are still new but are great investments, especially for dog owners who always leave their dogs at home. These accessories allow you to monitor the activities of your dog when you’re away. Other higher-grade cameras offer additional features like two-way audio and video so you can speak to your dog through the monitor.

Some high-end features also include releasing treats and some can even release calming scents so you can keep them relaxed while they’re alone at home. You can also invest in monitoring systems that’ll automatically send notifications to your smartphone when your dog escapes from home.

  • Puppy Bumpers 

Taking care of puppies can bring life to your home. Their size can be an advantage because it allows you to easily carry them around and even have your children play with them. Puppies also require lesser amounts of food than adult dogs.

However, the size of your puppies can also become the reason why they can easily escape your yard and run away from home. Puppies are generally small, making it effortless for them to fit through your fences and escape. Since puppies are small, they’re also susceptible to dangers when they’re out of your home. For one, drivers won’t be able to see them immediately on the road, which can become why your pet will be run over.

Another accessory that you can use to prevent your puppies from running away from home is puppy bumpers. Puppy bumpers are stuffed collars filled with polyester fiberfill that are very light and comfortable when worn. This accessory works by preventing puppies and other small breeds from squeezing themselves in fences, gates, and balconies.

Do Your Research 

As pointed above, there are several accessories to prevent your dog from running away. Thus, regardless of the breed, age, and size of your dog, you won’t have any problems finding an accessory suitable for them.

But if this is your first time letting your dog use such accessories, spend time to research the options presented to know which ones would work best for your dog. Utilize the internet so you can determine the pros and cons of each accessory and how other dog owners find its efficacy.


List Of Vital Accessories For Any Dog Owner

Dog Owner
Dog Owner

With everything that goes on around us every day, it can become extremely exhausting, and it is challenging to get by. However, if you are a dog owner, then you know how much of a blessing this can be because they truly are amazing and intelligent creatures. For this very reason, it only makes sense for us to go that extra mile to make sure that they have everything they need, and then some! This is why we have created the perfect list of the best accessories out there that you need to get for your dog right now.

Doggy Seat Belt

You are going to have to take that fluffball for a ride every now and then. Dogs love to take car rides and stick their heads out the window to taste the air, feel the breeze on their face, and get that stimulation they need to feel alive and happy. And sometimes, to the vet too! The best thing you can do for yourself and your pup is getting a doggy seat belt, which is designed in a way to keep them safe so that they can enjoy their rides without the risk of being all over the place and distracting you from driving carefully.


Playpens are essential for both training baby pups and older dogs because they do need a space to be defined for either nap or playtime. You need to create a routine for your dog, and they are smart enough to eventually understand what area or time is designated for what activity. It is extremely important that you integrate the playpen from the time they are little babies. The best thing you can do is find yourself a guide to playpens for puppies so that you are well aware of what kind of options there are and which kinds are best for your dog. It is important to first understand what kind of variety is available so that you pick the right one for your puppy and your dogs alike.

No-Slip Dog Bowl

If there is anything that drives us nuts, it is the fact that the water or food bowls tend to slip and slide all over the place when it is time to eat or drink. This is why it is such a great idea to invest in a weighted non-slip bowl that is bound to stay in place. Your doggy will be able to eat and drink more comfortably, and you won’t have to worry about having a mess of food and water all over the place either.

Doggy Camera

It’s no secret that your dog will get extremely attached to you, and it’s also no surprise that you’re going to have to leave the house quite a lot. Whether it’s for work, socializing, or just for a walk to the store, sometimes, you have to leave them by their lonesome. If the thought of their sadness is too much for you to bear, then maybe it’s time for you to invest in a doggy camera. There are a couple of options available, so see which one suits your needs best. You can get a surveillance camera simply to keep an eye on them, or you can get a 2-way camera. This option has a screen from which your dog can see you and a camera where you can see them as well. This way, it’s like you’re right there, calming them down and making sure they know that you haven’t abandoned them.

Airtight Storage for Food

This may seem like a simple accessory, but it makes a world of difference for dog food. You often don’t want to get small bags of food, which means you have to go shopping for dog food every other day or week. It’s best to get bigger bags. The only problem with that is you run the risk of the food going stale. This is why it’s important to get an airtight storage unit for their dry food. It’ll keep it fresh, and you won’t have to worry about having to shop for it all the time.

There’s a world of dog accessories out there, but you’ll find that these are the most vital to keep to make sure that your little best friend is taken care of pampered, and has the essentials to keep them happy. There are often many things we don’t think about, but it’s important to constantly keep an eye on your dog and just as important to keep them happy with the necessary accessories.


Insuring Your Rottweiler 

Insuring Your Rottweiler
Insuring Your Rottweiler

A rottweiler’s love for its owner is unique. They are a very loyal breed, as well as being protective and powerful. Their roles in history as drovers – which means they would help humans walk livestock long distances – and as protection, means they are not only hardworking but have a very close bond with humans. This history translates to their present temperament. They will be there for you. This love is both earned and returned while and by raising them. It is a natural part of the process. There is, though, a way to turn it up a notch, even future-proof, to an extent, that love: insurance. 

Pet insurance isn’t always factored into getting or adopting a pet. It isn’t part of the initial costs of purchasing them, food, bed, and toys. It should be. There are many perks to having it, and it can be a literal life-saver. Rottweiler’s can develop similar personality traits to their owners. Don’t let your rottweiler see your complacency. 


Insurance can help with the theft of your rottweiler. It’d take some doing to steal an adult one, that’s for sure. Ruling it out, though, is the sort of complacency that cost you dearly. The usual targets are puppies. These are easier to scoop up and make off with. 

There are reportedly two-million pets stolen annually in the USA. The recovery rate is a sad and low ten-percent. It is a national problem. Thieves recognise the monetary value of certain breeds. Stealing them is a way to make money by selling them on. There are other reasons for stealing dogs: illegal fighting rings is one such example. A big issue in the USA is with the state laws. Only fifteen states have laws which directly address dog theft. The states which don’t, treat dogs as personal property, rather than anything equivalent to a life. 

There are ways of deterring thieves or protecting your rottweiler. Having proof of ownership is key. Microchipping and having up-to-date tags will help authorities and a wider community find and return your rottweiler. Additionally, to prevent the theft itself, ensuring that the puppy is secure on your property and that there are security devices like CCTV will help. 

The insurance will kick in if the rottweiler isn’t found. Once it is decided that the likelihood of it returning is almost impossible, the insurance will cover the purchase cost. This is another benefit to having the proof of purchase and a receipt, as some insurances will go by market value. While it doesn’t replace the loss of your pet, it is better than nothing. 

Vet Bills 

Helping to pay veterinarian bills for your rottweiler’s health is the main reason to get insurance. 

Whatever the illness and whatever the treatment insurance will often help cover the costs. But it will depend on your policy and other factors about your pet. Let’s use Lemonade as an example. Does pet health insurance help cover cancer treatments? Yes, provided this isn’t related to a pre-existing condition from before the policy was active. Does it help cover surgery for a fractured leg? Yes. 

It isn’t just a way to lessen treatment costs, though. It will help pay for diagnosis too. 

Hereditary and congenital conditions will often be covered, provided that you have signed up for a pet health policy before these have been diagnosed, or before your pet has shown symptoms of these conditions. That said, it’s important to know what your individual policy does and does not cover. Insurers are aware of patterns. Some breeds are likely to be more susceptible to certain problems than others. Rottweilers have a tendency to develop progressive retinal atrophy, for instance. Insuring them while they’re young will guarantee that you’re prepared for any eventuality. 

Health problems are a major ordeal to cope with for you and your rottweiler. Money anxiety can contribute to that. In short, the fewer concerns the better, for you and your dog. 

Behavioural Problems 

Vets can recommend behavioural treatment and therapy for your rottweiler. There are some behaviours which could place them, owners, or others at risk, which the vet would want fixed. They will likely refer the owner to expert behavioural therapists. If vets do this, it is unlikely that it is a physical problem, so their judgement should be trusted. 

Behavioural therapy isn’t just a matter of potty training, as alluded to. The risk to the rottweiler’s own health can be caused by anxiety or stress, for instance. They could persistently bite at their front legs, or clean and lick themselves raw, or they can panic when left on their own and they could scratch and dig at the doors or floor and damage their claws and paws. 

Insurance will cover the costs of this therapy, as it’s deemed a medical necessity. 


As mentioned above, your rottweiler’s behaviour could put other people, property, or animals at risk. If this comes to be, and your rottweiler does cause harm or damage, then claims can be made. Owners will be liable. Insurance will cover the costs of any court fees or compensation. 


Keeping Your Rottweiler Healthy And Happy 

Rottweiler Healthy
Rottweiler Healthy

Wondering how to keep your adorable Rottweiler healthy and happy? As its new proud pet-parent, you should know that these dogs are special. While most dogs are already satisfied with average food, plenty of playtimes, and daily exercise, Rottweilers are one particularly unique dog that requires more attention and extra care. Rotties have great personalities too. But to name a few, these dogs are known to be highly sensitive and intelligent breeds. They’re protective, calm, good-natured, not vicious, obedient, and very loyal dogs. They can offer its owners an ounce of love, and for that, we cannot repay them. Instead, as its responsible owner and parent, you can give them the best life possible–to be healthy and happy.  

Since this black and tan furred pup is a wonderfully challenging dog to own, there are actually a ton of ways to make him healthy and happy. The following sections cover some tips that will help you keep your Rottweiler happy, healthy, and safe.  

How to Keep Your Rottweiler Healthy and Happy 

Choose a High-Quality Dog Food 

With so many various commercial dog foods out there competing for your dog food money, how will you know which is the best dog food to choose for your precious Rottweiler? One thing to keep in mind is that maintaining a healthy diet for Rottweilers breed is all-important. Some commercial brands of dog food are extremely high in sugar, fat, salt, chemical preservatives and other nasties that will surely become detrimental for your dog in the long run. It’s best to stay away from these cheap generic brands. Rather, look for high-quality ones with supplements that can improve your pup’s health, such as those that are rich in doggy multivitamins–but not too high in calories, high in protein but low in fat, and purchase those dog food with an ingredient that are mainly meat meal as well as omega–3 fatty acids. If you’re still not sure which one to buy, then it’s best to seek professional help from a veterinarian. Just be leery because some tend to recommend a specific dog food that is only found in their office. Although this doesn’t say that their dog food is not a good option, only that some might be motivated by using it for money, but not on your dog’s health. 

Find a Veterinarian and Visit Regularly 

Providing your adorable Rottweiler with the best veterinary care is a major responsibility. Start looking for a veterinarian that you can trust and make sure to visit regularly. Attending vet check-ups routinely is vital for your pup’s health. Stay up-to-date on your dog’s shots to protect him against certain diseases, and also to catch an ailment early before it gets serious. Remember to consult your vet about deworming and other parasites. If your dog needs special needs or a chronic condition, don’t forget to comply with your vet’s prescription about follow up visits and treatment.  

Establish an Exercise Routine 

Rottweilers are prone to joint issues due to its heavy weight leading them to problems like arthritis, hip dysplasia, and other joint complications. So aside from giving them prescribed joint supplements, it’s also crucial to give them enough exercise. Rotties are bred to be active and are trained for police or military use. They are known to have good stamina and required to burn off energy every day. Regular exercise is significant for a dog’s physical and mental health. Thus, proper exercise can keep your Rotty’s heart strong and healthy and improves his well-being and general fitness level. It also succors overweight since this issue is common for Rottweilers. To avoid this, the following are suggested exercises that will not only help your Rotty’s physical health but will be fun for you as well. These exercises include playing fetch especially Frisbees so it can jump, taking him for a walk, setting up an obstacle course, swimming, and tug of war. 

Give Them Attention 

Rottweilers are known for not doing well alone. Leaving them unescorted, even for a short period of time, can make them feel distressed or abandoned. As a matter of fact, a great percentage of them suffer from separation anxiety. This is because of the dog’s intense loyalty to their owners. No matter what you’re doing, they always wanted to be by your side. To keep your Rotty happy, calm and lessen his separation anxiety, you have to know how to make it easier for him. For example, keeping them occupied with toys, dog food or kibble, can distract them for a few minutes or might even forget that you left. But it’s best to keep calm before leaving and returning. It’s actually noteworthy to leave without saying goodbye and return silently. Lastly, never hit or yell at your Rotty as this will reinforce his anxiety. As a Rottweiler parent, it’s essential to give the silent treatment instead and be more patient with them. 

Watch Out for the Warning Signs 

Dogs cannot speak to us in words, so we tend to rely on their signs they show us. As its owner, it’s important to pay close attention to all these signs because they might indicate certain health problems. Why is your dog not eating anymore? Why was it suddenly no longer enthusiastic? What is all this dog whining about? Not all of these signs are alarming. But if you notice that your Rottweiler is displaying signs of illness, call your vet immediately. Again, consult your veterinarian about these health issues, take note of all his recommendations to assure that your Rottweiler is healthy and happy. 

The Bottom Line 

When humans live with dogs, we become part of their pack. The whole pack will only cooperate with one leader. Likewise, when your Rottweiler receives consistent training and leadership, it will be a good playmate for everyone. It’s also critical to keep them socialized in their early stage of life and be exposed to new people and environment. If not trained and socialized properly, it may lead to a lack of confidence, anxiety issues, or in some cases, it may become fear-ridden aggressive. But with a positive mind and right approach, your sweet Rottweiler pup will grow up to be a well-mannered and loving dog. Always remember to give him high-quality food, regular vet check-ups, proper exercise and attention, and look out for some problematic signs so your cute little furry pup will be healthy and happy. Note that the healthier and happier your Rottweiler is, the more likely he is to live long by your side. 


Huge Rottweiler Wins Over Grandma Who Only Likes ‘Lapdogs’

Huge Rottweiler Wins Over Grandma
Huge Rottweiler Wins Over Grandma

“They are attached. Grammy constantly chats with Gus and reminds him what a good boy he is.”

When Mike Flanagan decided to bring home a Rottweiler puppy, it wasn’t a popular decision with one important person: his mother-in-law, Peggy Allen.

“She likes all dogs, but at 80 years old and being pretty small herself, giant dogs are a knockdown risk,” Flanagan told The Dodo.

And Allen, known as Grammy, made her feelings known upon learning of Gus, the family’s newest member: “A Rottweiler? Well, I must admit I have always preferred lapdogs,” she said.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Still, Flanagan was cautiously optimistic that the two would get along. And judging by Grammy’s first visit, it seemed his instincts were correct.

“Grammy likes her peace and quiet and she likes her space,” Flanagan said. “They would not seem the best fit, but we were all surprised how quickly they took to each other. Grammy quickly taught Gus he was allowed up, but only if she invited him.”

Months passed, and when Grammy visited again things had changed. The once-petite puppy had grown into a solidly built 9-month-old dog weighing nearly 100 pounds.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Grammy’s life, too, had been altered by the loss of her husband.

Gus couldn’t have known that Grammy was visiting to attend a memorial service, but he knew she needed something. And the large dog seemed determined to be whatever that something was.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

“Gus didn’t leave her side that whole visit,” Flanagan said. “He slept by her bed. He waited outside the bathroom door. When she left and came back he let out an ‘AROOOOOOOO’ of happiness that Grammy had come back.”

Some might call his behavior a tad clingy, but Grammy seemed unfazed by the attention.

“When my wife said, ‘Mom, Gus sure does love you.’ Grammy casually replied, ‘We have a thing,’” Flanagan added.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

While Gus and Grammy have a special bond, Gus’ love doesn’t discriminate. This eagerness to snuggle has even earned him the nickname “Certified Loverbutt.”

“Gus has been an amazing fit,” Flanagan said. “We are a very outdoorsy family, taking hiking trips into the Catskills or staying local for picnics and trips to the pond. Gus is always up for an outing.”

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Just as Gus could tune into what Grammy needed, the dog has a different, special relationship with each family member.

“He’s a playmate with my sons. A cuddler with my daughter. His watchfulness has proven to be the biggest reliever of my wife’s anxiety. She simply feels safer in the house with Gus there,” Flanagan added. “He is always present, always there and always ready for love.”

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

It’s fair to say that the giant dog has earned the family’s approval — especially Grammy’s.
Now, whenever Grammy sees Gus, she makes sure her feelings are known.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

“They are attached,” Flanagan said. “Grammy constantly chats with Gus and reminds him what a good boy he is.”

12 Reasons to Choose a Rottweiler

Rottweiler life
Rottweiler life

1. They make good play mates.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

2. They make good cuddle buddies.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

3. They’re adorable as puppies.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

4. They’re adorable as adults.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

5. They’re protective.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

6. They’re loyal.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

7. They’re smart.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

8. Their hearts are as big as their bodies.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

9. They love to give doggy kisses.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

10. They love to give hugs as well.

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11. They know how to make you laugh.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

12. They’ll be your greatest pal.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

12 Reasons Why You Should Never Own Rottweilers


1. Rottweiler puppies are just terrifying…

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2. They can’t even catch a fish…

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3. Rottweilers just never listen to you…

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4. They don’t like swimming…

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5. Rottweilers don’t like children…

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6. These dogs don’t like playing!!!

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7. You never know when these dogs take a break…

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8. Rottweilers will never make you laugh…

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

9. Rottweilers will not protect you…

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10. Rottweilers can’t be your friends…

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11. And things only get worse when these dogs are older…

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12. Don’t get one of these monsters. It will be the worst thing you ever do!

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7 Signs You’re Completely Obsessed With Rottweilers


1. You constantly share Rottweiler videos on Facebook.

In fact, you share so many Rottweiler videos that people have probably un-friended you for flooding their news feeds. If a Rottweiler appears in the video, there’s a 99% chance you’re going to share it.

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2-You can safely assume that anytime someone tags you in social media, it’s referring to something that has to do with Rottweilers.

Whether it’s on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram; your friends and family tag you in a Rottweiler post whenever they see one.

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3-You greet the Rottweiler before anyone else.

Just stepped foot in your house? Time to say hi to the dog! Besides home cooked meals, your dog is the best part about coming home.

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4-You’ve actually matched your outfit…with your Rottweiler

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5-You have a collection of doggy related cards.

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6-You like Rottweilers more than you like most people.

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7-You “accidentally” drop food.

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16 Signs You’re An Overprotective Rottweiler Parent

Overprotective Rottweiler Parent
Overprotective Rottweiler Parent

1. No matter how tightly your home is locked up, you’ll imagine some scenario in which your dog escapes.

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2. Not to mention the countless other things that could go wrong when you leave them alone.

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3. You’ve definitely had to fortify your furniture with stylish-looking coverings.

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4. Clearly, going on vacation isn’t even an option unless you can take your pet with you.

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5. But if you absolutely MUST leave your dog at home, you leave them with a most trusted friend.

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6. You’re sure to check the ingredients of every new food you buy.

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7. That includes the treats that they love so much.

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8. And you know the weight of your dog right down to the pound.

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9. You know, by heart, what human foods to never give your pet.

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10. And if you own any plants, you’ve had to find ones that are pet-friendly.

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11. And for the tiniest scratch, you’ve been to the regular vet AT LEAST once.

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12. You take your pup with you EVERYWHERE you go and are constantly checking in to make sure they’re OK.

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13. And when you have to leave them home alone, you’ve got apps like Camio to keep a watchful eye on their antics.

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14. There are more dog toys lying around your home than, say, anything else at all.

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15.If your pet sleeps anywhere but right next to you at night, you worry that something might be amiss…

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

16.You sit at work thinking ONLY about how much your pet must be missing you right now.

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9 Things Your Rottweiler Wants to Tell You

Rottweiler Wants to Tell You
Rottweiler Wants to Tell You

1-«I want to protect you.»

You may think your dog belongs to you, but you belong to your dog, as well. That means he is going to claim you and protect you.When he’s sitting on your foot, it’s an ownership thing. If his [bottom] is on you, he’s marking your foot.It’s not just that he wants to be close to you, he’s saying, ‘This is mine; now it smells like me, don’t go near it. He does this for three main reasons: to feel secure about his place in your life, to warn other dogs that you are spoken for and because he wants to protect you. To ensure your protection, dogs will also bark at guests, growl at other dogs when outside and pull on the leash while out for a walk. There’s a line of thinking that the dog is your scout. He sees himself as a member of the pack, and he wants to make sure everything is cool before you get ther.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

2-«I can sense when you’re in a bad mood.»

Whether it was a stressful day at work or a fight with your significant other, your dog will pick up on how you feel—and feel it, too. It goes without saying, when you’re stressed, they’re more stressed; when you’re happier, they’re happy.

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3-«I need more exercise!»

If she’s eliminating on the floor, chewing the furniture or running circles around the coffee table, your dog is probably trying to tell you she needs more activity in her life. That’s where we see a lot of behavioral issues with dogs in households.

If your dog’s destroying stuff, he’s saying, I’m bored, you need to give me something to do.While exercise is important—dogs should receive 45 to 60 minutes of physical exercise and 15 minutes of behavioral training per day.

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4-«I’m scared you won’t come back.»

While most dogs are going to bark for a few minutes when you leave the house—just to let you know you’re forgetting someone—some dogs have a much more serious reaction.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

5-«Pay attention when I’m not myself.»

It’s important to pay attention to your pooch’s behavior because if something seems amiss, he’s probably not feeling well. You want to catch things in the earliest period to prevent unnecessary pain or worse.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

6-«I need a routine, but with a little variety.»

They say that a dog’s mental capacity is that of a toddler; and just like a toddler, dogs thrive on routine. Knowing what to expect is really, really important, otherwise they don’t know how to react. A general routine is best, but that doesn’t mean you have to do everything at the same time each day. In fact, varying the time will actually help in the long run.

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7-«I’m not a human.»

There’s no doubt your dog is part of the family—but that doesn’t mean she should be treated like a person. «Thinking your dog has the motivation of a person is the number one problem I see,» says Gina Spadafori, pet columnist and executive editor of the PetConnection.com. Whether your dog eliminates in the house or chews up the remote, the cause has nothing to do with revenge. «It’s not an emotional or rational response. It’s either a lack of training, illness or a stress reaction that can be triggered by a change in the house,» Spadafori says. So if your dog is acting out, start by trying to find the root cause. Is she sick, improperly trained or has there been a recent change in routine? Once you locate the cause, understanding and correcting her behavior will be much easier.

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8-«Be clear when I’m doing something wrong.»

Correcting your dog is important—and how you do it is key. Avoid explaining your dog’s behavior to him, or using a calm voice. Take a firm (not mean) tone and be direct. Dogs respond to tone. If you say, ‘No!’ while a bad action is happening, you’re going to get a much better response than if you say it in a gentle voice or wait to say it afterwards.

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9-«I can tell when you’re not feeling well.»

It’s a hard phenomenon to explain, but many dogs seem to be able to detect illness in their owners. They can smell the ketones on a diabetic’s breath when their sugar is low. For epileptics [about to have a seizure], they can alert their owner so they can get out of harm’s way

Some canines are even more naturally empathetic to humans. Often, these dogs become therapy dogs, providing affection to those in need, while also sensing—and being able to react to—health problems. Some people just need a dog to lay still with them; others need a reason to get out of the bed. It’s the weirdest thing how therapy dogs know when to [move] close or far away.

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8 Weird Things We Do As Rottweiler Parents

Things We Do As Rottweiler Parents
Things We Do As Rottweiler Parents

1-Refer to yourself as “Mommy” or “Daddy.”

As in, “Daddy loves you” or “Give Mommy kisses!”

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

2-Bake your pooch special homemade dog cookies.

Because everyone loves baked goods that are made with love–even your pup!

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3-Let them slobber all over your face.

It’s a thing you do with those you love, right?

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4-Let your dog sit in your lap.

dogs like to cuddle, too!

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5-Figure out ways to sneak them into non-dog-friendly places.

If anyone asks, you just have a barking purse.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

6-Let your dog sleep in bed with you.

Oh come on, everyone does it!

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

7-Have conversations with your canine.

Others may not understand it, but your dog definitely talks back–in her own way.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

8-Make up excuses to bail on plans just to hang out with your dog.

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7 Tips For You To Conquer Your Rottweiler

Conquer Your Rottweiler
Conquer Your Rottweiler

1-Talk to your Rottweiler

Studies using MRI technology show dogs understand human language better than previously thought. So talking out loud to your dog isn’t as crazy as you might think.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

2-Lean On Me

Did you know that a Rottweiler leaning against you is a sign of love and trust? Leaning against your dog is a great way to add a little love boost to your dog’s day.

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3-Sleep Next to Each Other

If you don’t care to let your dog in bed with you, even an afternoon snooze on the couch together will relax both you and your dog.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

4-Walk Together

Shared experiences and training sessions build trust, communication, and partnership. Walks and adventures give plenty of opportunity to work on skills like loose leash walking and recall. Dogs thrive on routine and schedule, so a daily walk with training mixed in help them understand how much you love and care.

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5-Share a Relaxing Massage or Groom Session

This one’s a no-brainer. Just touching your dog releases oxytocin in the giver and receiver, so a soothing massage, gentle grooming session, or extended petting time will tell your dog in no uncertain terms how you feel.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend


Most dogs love to play. Playing with their person is even better. Instead of the normal game of fetch, try something new like Hide & Seek or Treasure Hunt. This will keep the dog mentally stimulated and make her happy to be with her owner.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

7-Long Car ride

It’s not just us humans that enjoy a good road trip. If your dog loves a leisurely car ride, pick a good weather day to take your pup out for a trip. Make sure they are properly secured. It can be part of a destination pampering day because …

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

9 Signs Your Rottweiler is Taking Over the House

Rottweiler is Taking Over the House
Rottweiler is Taking Over the House

1. You find yourself buying ridiculous items for your Rottweiler that you once swore on your life you wouldn’t lay a hand on. And if your husband has more willpower than you and won’t let you, you have multiple websites booked with perfect presents for her first birthday dog party.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

2. You rearrange furniture for the Rottweiler . More open space means fewer broken lamps and airborn drinks launched.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

3-You’ve given up on decorating your bed because you keep a permanent “dog blanket” on top of everything. Guilty.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

4-. Your sleep cycle has been permanently altered. Waking up in the middle of the night is no longer a surprise, and being awoken by a sad, sad, hungry Rottweiler whimpering for breakfast at 5:45 AM is like clockwork. You would think we never feed the thing. She acts like we starve her. (Is this starting to sound like a baby??)

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

5-When that sad, sad, puppy dog does whimper, you’ve learned to deciper her noises. Things like, “no honey, she’s moaning because she’s hungry,” “no honey, she just wants you to take her on a walk,” “no honey, she just wants to play,” “no honey, she really DOES need to go potty”.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

6-Before you have guests over to your house, the first order of business is hiding any evidence of Rottweiler hair for fear of being “those dog people.” And lighting a candle. In every room.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

7-You’ve given up on caring for your hardwood floors, for they are no match to the slobbery jowls of a thirsty Rottweiler. I speak not from personal experience. But I will say, it’s a pure act of God that a trail of water can make it from her water bowl in the dining room, all the way through the living room, past the front door, and into our bedroom.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

8-You spend more money on a bag of dog food and a bag of treats than you do a week of groceries for you and your husband.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

9-You no longer care about your rugs, because all the corners have been chewed off.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Scientists Prove Your Rottweiler Loves You More Than You Ever Realized


Scientists at Emory University scanned dogs brains and came up with some very sweet findings. Not only do dogs love their owners very deeply, they also see their humans as family and seek emotional support from them more than other dogs.

The scans revealed that the smell of a dog’s owner activated their “rewards center,” meaning that they see their owner’s presence as a treat. More than that, they are hard-wired to seek out and perceive our emotions. they then seek to engage with people in those emotions.

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They are also cognitively wired to look to humans for emotional support in the same way a toddler does. When horse or cats are afraid, they run away from people, but when dogs are scared, they run to their owner for protection like a child.

You knew your dog loved you, but it seems they need you more than you ever thought.

Panther Abandoned,Mother,Grows Up,Human,Rottweiler,Best Friend

Study Proves That Your Rottweiler Really Is Deliberately Manipulating You


Your dog may be a master manipulator, deliberately making puppy eyes to pull at your heart strings, according to a study into a ploy many mutt owners have long suspected.The research suggests that dogs may be in control of their facial expressions, using them to communicate, researchers reported in the journal Scientific Reports.Until now, it was assumed that dog expressions were involuntary.

The new study suggests, however, that man’s best friend may be very well aware of the reaction a scowl or grin will elicit from its master.

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«The findings appear to support evidence… that expressions are potentially active attempts to communicate,» said study co-author Juliane Kaminski of the University of Portsmouth.

In a series of experiments with different types of pet dogs, the team discovered that the animals «move their faces» more when humans were paying attention to them.

Raising the brows, which makes the eyes appear bigger to produce heart-melting «puppy dog eyes», was the most commonly-used expression, the researchers found.

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When humans had their backs turned, or were distracted, the dogs’ faces were much less active – regardless of whether the human was offering a food treat or not.

Previous research has shown that dogs are aware of how attentive humans are.

One study, for example, showed they stole food more often when a human had their back turned or eyes closed.

«We now know dogs make more facial expressions when the human is paying attention,» said Kaminski.

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It was too soon, however, to state categorically that dogs have a perception of what a human may be thinking or feeling – a state of awareness considered a sign of high intelligence displayed by humans, the team added.

Signs Your Dog May Be Manipulative Its movie night and your pals have just arrived to pick you up. You’re all Star Wars fans and can’t wait to see the latest offering. As you get ready to go, you here a whine coming from the sofa. It’s Storm, your baby setting up a protest. You go to check him out and his face tells a story of pet-mom abandonment. His eyebrows are creased in despair and his furry head is cocked to one side. He lets out a “don’t go,” yelp and its game-over for you. As you say goodbye to your friends, Storm goes into manipulation overdrive. He’s wagging his tail and play bowing with froggy, his favorite toy. This smooth-operator stares into your eyes with the innocence of a toddler wanting mommy to stay home. Storm raises his paw, then crawls into your lap. Darth-Vader will have to wait, as the force is strong within Storm.

Experts believe a dog has the thinking age of a toddler who can use fake crying and tantrums to get their parents’ attention. If a dog can manipulate their owners in similar ways, it’s fair to say we are pawns in their puppy paws.

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