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Rottweiler defends & protects little girls from DaD Abuse

Rottweiler defends & protects little girls from DaD Abuse
Rottweiler defends & protects little girls from DaD Abuse

Rottweiler , hmmm , the first thing you think when you hear this name is that you are in big big problem right ? because many many people have the wrong idea what rottweiler is ,  rottweiler is wonderful breed amazing friend love all the family and protect them till death , rottweiler is honest dog if you need a man friend then you should own rottweiler , in this video we gonna see a father pretend that he hit his daughter and rottweiler defends/protects little girls he dont wanna hurt the father he just jump on him to make him stay away from the girls watch this video and please don’t forget to share it with you friend and all your family member let us introduce that breed to the world , because rottweiler deserve to be the best :))

video source  : An nA

watch Cesar’s Worst Bite


watch Cesar’s Worst Bite we all know about cesar millan , Cesar Millan, is a Mexican American,  dog trainer and he helped many dog owner in changing there dog bad behaviors, he love dog to death and he owne mora than 200 dogs  . He is widely known for his television series Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan, in this vedio we gonna see that a family ask cesar for helping them in change there dog bad behavior when she eat she can bite anyone that close from the food so Cesar millan come to help but what happens ? let watch and see what happened to cesar millan  , and just to let you know guys the dog now is friendly and her bad behavior changed totally :))


vedio source NatGeoWild

watch The ICE DOG! You won’t believe what you’re watching

rottweiler puppy
rottweiler puppy

Dogs are the best  of all; i think many many peoples will agree with me . They surprise us with their amazing acts, they are loyal and best friends. They are very cute ; this video will make your day much much better believe me .

you will definitely fall in love with this amazing dog ; he was playing with  ice and when his friend called his name , he popped out in a amazing  nice way.

dogs have a very special relation with snow,may be  because they have a thick coat ,when they lick ice cubes and play with it they became a lover with the ice , till they are all grown up. But before they go and play in snow you have to make sure that the fur on their paws are trimmed to prevent ice sticking between the toes and the hair, and after they had finished  playing in the ice , it’s better to move the ice yourself, don’t let them lick it  .

The video was uploaded on YouTube and crossed more than 100,000 views, they all love this amazing ice Golden Retriever, well, who can’t fall in love with him?

video Source Petsami

Family Dog save 7 months old baby from an abusive babysitter

Family Dog save 7 months old baby from an abusive babysitter
Family Dog save 7 months old baby from an abusive babysitter

Another brave Dog Saves baby life from abusive babysitter the story is really scaring what the babysitter did is horrible but when the best guardian dog in the world is here he will not let that happens  A South Carolina couple is thanking their dog for saving their 7-month-old from an abusive babysitter. please share this story and show the world that Dogs are the best dogs in the world they are not aggressive or dangerous with babies they are the best guardian dogs in the world



Source Radicals4J

Story Source : http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2013/09/hero-dog-saves-boy-from-abusive-babysitter/


The Bravest Dog In The World saved His Friend Dog On The Highway

The Bravest Dog In The World saved His Friend Dog On The Highway
The Bravest Dog In The World saved His Friend Dog On The Highway

we all know that dogs are the best friend ever you can have he is honest and love his friend to death in this story we gonna see a brave dog who don’t accept to leave his friend on the highway and try to save his live and even if he could lost his life i hope that story learn us something as we always learn from dogs this story will make you cry for sure please share this story to all your friend so all the world know about his brave dog

source youtubify

sheltie Dog Caught Cheating while He is doing some Exercise.


actually to be honest we all cheat while having some hard workout at the gym , the amazing cute lovely sheltie just found out a way to do half the energy during his workout at gym . though that his master maybe don’t notice that he is cheating ! Watch his hilarious movie this dog really make me lough for all the day he is really smart i hope to watch him acting  in a cinema movie after i watch that video  :)))) . and many thanks goes to  America’s Funniest Home Videos! watch the video



source : America’s Funniest Home Videos dog

8 Facts About Fleas and Ticks In You Dog

Fleas and Ticks
Fleas and Ticks

8 Little Known Fact About Fleas and Ticks
By Adrienne Farricelli

Without a shadow of doubt, we all love our dogs, but we surely aren’t fond of those pesky parasites which hitchhike on our beloved pooches and end up inside our homes where they reproduce freely quickly causing an infestation problem. One of the most common parasites found on dogs are fleas and ticks. How much do you know about them? Knowledge is ultimately power, as only by knowing your enemies well you can better eradicate them from your best friend and your comfy fortress.

Getting to Know Fleas Better

Nobody wants to get close and intimate with fleas, but it’s inevitable if you live in an area where these parasites thrive. Many dog owners confess they have never seen fleas until they have introduced dogs and cats in their homes. These critters come in small packages, but their effects on your companion can be quite big. Your dog will itch and scratch miserably and look at you with a pitiful face asking for help. Following are four little known facts about fleas.
Their Saliva Can Cause Issues
It’s easy to point the finger at fleas for causing that annoying scratching, but hold your horses before blaming them. Truth is, it’s often not the flea per se to cause that intense itching; rather, it’s an allergic reaction to their saliva. According to veterinarian Ron Hines, when fleas bite, they insert their mouth parts into the dog’s skin and their saliva contains an anticoagulant that makes the blood flow freely so they can easily enjoy their meal. It’s this saliva that turns out being highly irritant to some dogs which develop generalized itching. All it takes is just one flea for an upsetting bout of itching and scratching to start. To make things even worse, the constant licking, biting and scratching to ease the itch, may trigger an annoying skin infection.

They Leave Undeniable Proof ‘Behind”
Wondering if your dog has fleas? There’s an easy way to find proof of their presence. Consider yourself extra lucky if you own a dog that has a light colored coat. If you look carefully at your dog’s coat and see something that looks like dirt, chances are, you may be looking at flea droppings. Not too sure? Simply grab a little of that “dirt” and place it on a wet paper towel. If it assumes a reddish tint, you’re dealing with flea dirt which is simply digested blood.  A fun fact: female fleas are true vampires, they’re indeed capable of consuming about 15 times their body weight of blood in their lifetime!

They Can Mutate into Worms
OK, this is a bit of an exaggeration, as they obviously can’t directly turn into worms, but if your dog ingests an infected flea, he may end up with tapeworms. How is that? Fleas act as intermediate hosts for tapeworms. So if say your dog is grooming himself, and he accidentally ingests an infected flea, once in the dog’s intestinal tract the flea’s body will break down releasing larvae which attach to the dog’s intestinal lining and grow into adult tapeworms. Another good reason to get rid of fleas.

Fleas on Your Dog are Only the Tip of the Iceberg
One of the biggest mistakes dog owners make in fighting fleas is only treating the pet. Truth is, if you only treat your dog by applying topical products to his coat, you’ll likely see fleas again very soon. To say “Sayonara” once and for all, you’ll need to treat the environment as well. It’s a hard fact to accept, but female fleas lay about 20 to 30 eggs a day and these eggs often fall to the ground which means on your dog’s bedding, your carpet and even your bed if your pet is allowed up there. To completely eradicate fleas, you must therefore treat the dog and the dog’s indoor and outdoor environment. Look for insect growth regulators which kill adult fleas and all the flea’s other life stages.

Getting to Know Ticks Better
If you thought fleas were bad enough, wait until you learn more about ticks. Like fleas, ticks are attracted to your dog’s blood and just can’t wait to feast on him. Unlike fleas though, ticks are not bugs; rather they are arachnids, which makes them related to spiders. Following are four important facts about ticks.

They Cause Diseases to People and Dogs
Depending on where you live, ticks can be carriers of several debilitating diseases transmitted to both dogs and people. Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, erlichiosis, anasplamosis and babeiosis are just a few examples of tick-born diseases found across the globe. Learning how to recognize tick-borne disease in dogs is important if you live in a tick-infested area, but most importantly, you want to work on prevention. Luckily there are many products that can help keep them at bay.

Timing is of the Essence
The risk for tick-borne disease gets much higher the longer the tick is attached to the dog’s skin. This is why it’s a good reason to often check your dog’s coat for the presence of these parasites. According to the Food and Drug Administration Newsletter, when a tick is removed within 24 hours, the chances for Lyme disease and other infectious tick-born diseases lowers.

Avoid Stressing them Out
It takes a certain strategy to safely remove ticks from your dog. Avoid jerking, twisting, burning the tick with a cigarette or a match or pouring kerosene or nail polish on the critter. These strategies cause the tick to be in distress and cause it to expel contents of its digestive tract into the wound and can even put you at risk for cross-contamination if the tick is infected and you have an open cut. The correct way to remove ticks is to simply get a pair of tweezers or a tick removing tool and pull straight up without squeezing the tick’s body.  It’s a good idea to wear gloves.

Don’t Let Ticks Lose Their Heads

When you grasp a tick with the tweezers or those special tick-removing tools, make sure you grasp firmly as close to the dog’s skin as possible right where the tick’s head and neck attach. Don’t squeeze or twist or the head may break off and remain embedded in the dog’s skin. If the head remains embedded, it may cause a local reaction but it will then work its way out on its own.

Rottweiler stops child abuse Amazing !!

Rottweiler stops child abuse
Rottweiler stops child abuse
Rottweiler stops child abuse
Rottweiler stops child abuse

We know what Rottweilers look like, and if you are on this site, you most likely proudly own a Rottweiler or are looking to learn more about this beautiful breed, but what’s behind this breed and how was this beautiful creature morphed throughout history? What’s behind this black and tan dog that attracts us so much? By looking at a Rottweiler’s past, we are better able to understand him, the roles he played, we can also see why he acts in certain ways, why his body looks the way it is and what made him the creature we look at today. While the Rottweiler’s past is a bit blurred and not entirely documented, there’s belief things may have gone this way.

Rottweiler stops child abuse
Rottweiler stops child abuse

we all know how loyal and friendly is the rottweiler , the rottweiler is wonderful breed always love his friend and can give his life just to save his owner in this video we will watch a small trick a father did just to show us how lovely is rottweiler he is pretending to hit his son and the rottweiler stop him, that’s show us how smart is the rottweiler its all a game he is not hitting his son , please watch this video and tell us a lovely story happened with you and your lovely rottweiler


Rottweiler loves to work and guard. They were originally bred to be guard dogs, they love to work and drive cattle on farms and pull carts for people. They notice everything around them and their self-confidence makes them fearless of things and alerts, which makes them very good watch dogs.
Now you don’t need to worry about your little girl, because Rottweiler can take care of her and guard her. They assist blind people as they are excellent leader dogs. Also, they love to visit sick and elder people. their faithful nature makes them amazing companions.


video source Scott3714

A cat with two faces incredible !!!

A cat with two faces incredible !!!
A cat with two faces incredible !!!

Looking For Something Weird To Watch?

A cat born with  two faces. watch this video  an interview with the cat owner explain how  rare this condition is. the owner of the cat take care of her and watch after her carefully   The cat looks healthy and happy she plays a lot and love to stay with her owner . Watch and listen to the story of the weird cat with two faces. and tell us about what you learn from this amazing story and what you would do if you find a cat like her you will let here go or you will take care of her like her owner did ??

Source of the video The Telegraph

The New Trend that is Chinese Panda Dogs

panda dog
panda dog

The New Trend that is Chinese Panda Dogs
written by: viviyai

A new wave that is not related to the latest fashion trends or mobile technology is fast sweeping across China. Actually, it is about the adorable and unique panda dog. It has become so popular making it difficult for pet stores to meet the high demand all over the country.

The Panda Dog
From its name and appearance, you may think that it is a new breed. Reports show that these feathery and lumbering companions belong to the Chow Chow breed. This is one of the native dog breeds in China, although it has been made to resemble the panda following a grooming and dying process.

The Bichon Frise is full of glamour and appears to be the native bear in danger of extinction in China. It is a two hour process while the color lasts for about 6 weeks, after which the pups should be returned to the shop for a touch up.

One of the pet store owners in Chengdu City; Hsin Ch’en revealed that the perception of the Chinese about having dogs as pets has extremely changed. In the past, the Chinese were known to prefer eating dogs than having them as a companion. However, currently the Western idea of adopting them as family members has been adopted.

In the recent past, most people preferred keeping the Tibetan Mastiffs as pets. They were followed by the Lab and the French bulldog. The latest trend among the Chinese middle class is the Panda dog.

Although the panda dog pups are more priced than the other breeds, people do not have a problem in buying them. It is because their owners love the attention they get as they walk their Chinese Panda dogs around the town. Being able to show off about the price of the dogs to their friends is also of great worth.

It is a controversial topic
There are no harmful chemicals or form of cruelty that is involved in changing the pooch to a panda. However, sufficient information about the process of grooming such as the exact dye used has not been provided by the owners of pet stores or other concerned individuals. However, Cesar Milan, who is a famous dog trainer in the world, claims that the use of dyes makes the whole process unsafe for the animal.

All dyes used on dog fur contain some amount of chemicals in them. The dye used on human hair is even more harmful. The chemical causes harm on human skin and is bound to have more rates of irritability and present long term danger to the dogs.

There are risks of the chemical getting into the mouth, nose and ear of the dog causing serious health effects. Food coloring is the safest way to do the grooming. The use of real food like beets and blueberries would be the most appropriate since they contain no chemicals. The food should be safe for dogs. Organic or artificial foods are also a proper alternative.

The Chinese pet store owners are using the food coloring option which lasts between 4 and 6 weeks to obtain the new panda look. It is appropriate that dog safety is considered first before their profitable sale.

12 Most Effective Ways to Calm Your Siberian Husky


12 Most Effective Ways to Calm Your Siberian Husky
written by: bhanuseth

Siberian Husky is a great pet to have, their size vary from medium to large, and they have a very joyful nature. This breed originated in north east Siberia and therefore is a working dog breed characterised by lots of energy and a dominant personality. Husky’s tend to be very active and therefore need constant stimulation to spend their energy. If not taken care properly, Husky’s tend to become very wild and crazy and may get into trouble, therefore it must be made sure that they remain active as much as possible to keep them calm.

Here is a list of 12 most effective ways that will help you calm your Siberian husky and help it relax:

# 12 Rub its chest:
When your husky starts getting restless, make him sit down and start rubbing its chest, specially the are between his neck and legs, this is the soothing spot which will help your dog to relax and stay calm.

# 11 Hold him close to you.
Holding your dog close to your body while slowly caressing his body is another way to calm you dog. The warmth of your body, the constant heartbeat and the relaxing motion of your hand work together to provide a soothing effect for the dog. It is a effective way and helps dogs to relax easily.

# 10 Let him play with Balls.
Dogs love playing with balls, so it is a good idea to have a collection of balls of various sizes in your back yard. Go and purchase different balls like soccer ball, tennis ball etc. and put them around in your home. The dog will spend most of his energy playing with them, running around them etc., and hence will stay calm and composed.

# 9 Running
If you are an active runner, a Siberian husky can be a great partner for your morning runs. They have got great stamina and will run along you as long as you keep going. Dogs love running, it keeps their body active as well as it improves their behaviour. So running can be beneficial for both of you.

# 8 Be confident and act smart.
Siberian husky are very smart dogs, they can sense the behaviour of their trainer very easily, if you are not authoritative enough, they will take advantage of it. So having strong confidence and temperament will surely help you calm your dog and have a firm control over him.

# 7 Consistent training.
You need to give him a consistent training from the start, and it should be done regularly without being irresponsible. The dog needs to know that the control lies in the hands of the trainer, otherwise, when you will try to calm him down, he won’t listen and do whatever he likes.

# 6 Visiting Dog Park.
If possible, take him to a dog park for at least one hour daily. It is a great way to spend their energy and to meet other dogs. Interacting with other dogs improves their behaviour and helps them stay calm.

#5 Doggy Day care facility.
If your busy schedule does not allow you to devote so much time with your dog and take him out on several occasions, a Dog day care centre is a great way to keep your dog active. There he can physically and mentally active under proper supervision while you take care of your professional life.


# 4 Reward him for good behaviour.
Whenever your god does a good job and obeys your order like fetching something or even calming down when you ask him to do, you should reward him with a nice treat as a gesture of affection and praise, it will keep the dog happy and in control all the times.

# 3 Indoor playing toys.
It is not possible to always take your husky out for playing in the backyard or the park, so having a good set of toys for your dog helps him focus and stay busy with them. Playing with them, he will spend his energy and will feel relaxed.

# 2 Create Space for him.
Getting separated from your family is not a happy experience, and this anxiety can make your husky restless sometimes. Making them comfortable in your home helps them control this anxiety. Make a space in your house, a corner dedicated only for him, surround that place with toys and blankets to make it comfortable for him. Never use that space as a punishment ground for him, and he will have a safe place of his own in your house. This will greatly affect his behaviour and keep him calm.

# 1 Persistent training.
Commanding your dog and getting the desired outcome can be difficult task, and most of the times your husky might not even obey them, but letting it go is a mistake that most of the dog owners do, it makes the dog feel that he can get away without doing what is instructed to him. So while training your dog, you should be persistent, despite how many times you have to repeat yourself, always complete the task and then only stop the training.

Siberian Husky are very loyal pets, and with proper training they can be great companion too. Love and affection are most important while training your dog, and these tips will help you control your dog even better.

Can Husky Talk ?


Can Husky Talk?

written by : Nada Saad

In general, talking and barking are actually genetics yet they are not compatible. A dog who talks won’t bark often.Training a Husky is a challenge. They are extremely intelligent, stubborn and independent which can make it difficult when training. So it will take big time to train them, it’s not impossible to get your husky dog to talk but you need patience and time. On the other hand you can find your husky dog talking with no effort from your side, thanks to their intelligence level.


Huskies are usually vocal, but they’re not barkers. They howl more frequently than they bark and this helps in getting a husky dog to talk. They will never talk like humans, they won’t spell letters, they will just howl in the rhythm of words.For ex: I love you, you will hear It “I wooow yu”.

It’s a bit close to how babies learn to talk at first.All you need to do is to notice what makes them howl. Some huskies howl when you expose them to weird sounds that may compel them to howl like music, videos of howling dogs, treat, teasing them with a toy and some will howl just because you howl. And as a husky is an independent and stubborn dog so some of them won’t howl unless they want to and this is why it’s important to keep your patience.
Find a way to make them produce the sound (like wooing at them), then reward them, as they understand what you’re looking for, add the command to it. Once they woo back every time, you should say speak or say hi or sing then woo at them.

And you can also repeat an easy word many times till they try to imitate you and say it back. Once they try to make a voice (howling) give them a treat.



Siberian husky Information and Facts You Should Know


Siberian husky Information and Facts You Should Know

written by: emma.wanjiku

Do you love dog pets? Do you want to rear a pet? Well, then you need to consider husky dog pet. Huskies are pet dogs with a medium size head. Their muzzles are long enough; the length of their skull. They have some well defined noses and their color carry with the color of their coat.

For white dogs, their coats are usually white, copper dogs are usually liver colored and black, grey and tan dogs have black noses.Husky pet dogs have some pretty eyes that are well spaced. Husky pet dogs have oval eyes that come in many different colors.

They come in brown, amber, blue or a mixture of these colors. You can find a dog with some unique eyes, a combination of blue and brown, which comes out more of hazel color. It’s not a wonder to find a husky dog with two eyes of different colors, one eye brown eye, and the other completely blue.

This dog has got the characteristic carnivore teeth-canines. They have long canine teeth that extend way below their lower and upper jaw in a threatening manner. Their dental formula resembles that of the conventional dog. They have a long tail that is always curved upwards resembling a sickle, right over its back. They have long legs and large feet that are covered by hair in between their toes to prevent them from excessive cold snow and also to have a better glimpse of the ground in snow periods.These dogs are suited to live and work in the cold regions.

They have a very thick and tough coat that helps them survive this snow. They can withstand extreme cold temperatures of up to -600. During warm whether, they can withstand temperatures up to 750 F, thus can live well in those polar areas. This coat is usually double thick for the medium length dogs. These dogs have a white face and underbody while the rest of the body ranges from pure white color to black.

Most of these dogs have some common color combination. Some of these color combination include; black and white, sable and white, dark grey and white, orange r red with some black tips, brown or white and wolf grey.

Siberian husky pet dog is usually a fast and effective walker. Its feet are light when running and the smooth way this dog moves is amazing. Its movement enables it to be preferred and used to transport light load as it has always been used as a transport animal. These dogs are strong regardless of their gender. They do not grow overweight or develop weaknesses fast.

The masculine dogs extend to approximately 21-23 inches in the withers, while the feminine read about 20-22 inches. They have a unique weight pattern since the weights are proportional to the dogs’ heights. The masculine huskies are a bit heavier averaging 45-60 pounds while the females come close at 35-50 pounds.

This husky dog is usually very gentle and friendly. It is also very alert. However, this dog is not a good guard as it lacks the guard-dog qualities. It does not react aggressively to strangers or with fellow dogs. This dog is however easy going and thus a perfect human companion.

If you need a pet dog, this husky pet dog will prove a good companion due to its intelligence and friendly nature.

Husky Behavior Problem – Owners Beware


Behavioral Problems of Husky Dogs

written by: parsibagan
Siberian Huskies have distinctive characteristics and traits. They are gentle, loving, casual, social, playful, and independent. These dogs love their families, which makes them a great family pet. They are smart and can be trained. If you have children at home, huskies are likely to be friendly with them, and they can also easily get friendly with strangers. They do not bark and thus cannot be good watchdogs.

They just make howling sounds and are friendly with all.Even though husky dogs can be very obedient in classes, they will not perform what they learned when they get back home. Thus, these dogs are very stubborn and can be a big challenge for their owners.

Siberian huskies are playful and always brimming with energy, particular when they are young puppies. They can get bored quite easily and need exercise on a daily basis. Huskies love to run, and even after running for really long, they are not likely to get tired

.If you like running then this dog shall prove to be a great company. They will accompany you anywhere, for as long as you desire. Just make sure it is not too hot outside since they have thick, strong coats. Huskies are basically arctic by nature.

Be sure to keep your husky on a leash always. They can keep running for miles without stopping and in the process might get lost. Huskies can easily get friendly with any stranger they come across and become a part of their family.

Husky dogs will obey their owner’s command only if they are more strong minded than they are. They themselves love being leaders. They have traits just like wolves and frequently exhibit a behavior like their ancestors. Instead of barking, they howl, and have a hunting drive.

If you do not show yourself to be a strict leader, do not expect them to obey. Even though they might listen, but will not follow. You need to be consistent and put in lots of patience while training a husky. Their wolf like traits needs a strict leadership or else, they can become stubborn and naughty.

You should not leave a Siberian husky alone without much exercise for a long time. It is important to give your husky both physical and mental exercise on a regular basis. You must not forget that this dog is a sled dog by soul and heart.Huskies love being in company of people and tend to get lonely if they find no one around. If they are left alone without much physical activity, they can end up destroying your home, taking off wallpaper, eating your sofa, and will chew anything that they will come across.

If you leave them in your yard, they can end up digging your plants and destroy everything around.It is a good idea to raise husky dogs with other pets right from their puppyhood. They do not like cats at all, and thus it will be best to keep cats away from them. These dogs do not have a big appetite and this makes them a popular choice for sled dog racing. If you like the characteristics of Siberian huskies, and are ready to spend in enough efforts and time on them, they can surely prove to be the best companions for you.

Why dogs hate cats


Why dogs hate cats

written by: Abbynduts13

Every society has its own myths. The bottom line is to try and understand the reasons behind how things in real life are they way they are. One such interesting Chinese myth is why dogs hate cats. Here is the story:
There lived a Chinese family, the Wang family. One winter, there was serious food shortage that resulted from a number of factors- Ming-li, the son had caught pneumonia, thus more money was spent on medicine, and worse still, his father had fallen ill, and had been sacked. Unfortunately, he died a short while later.The bereaved family was left in dire poverty.

They lived on crumbs. However, Ming-li always stayed hopeful, and went out daily searching for work, so as to get food for his family. He hoped to get some copper which he could sell, if work evaded him completely, invoking his belief in the provision of the gods. Other victims of this dire food shortage were two pets- a dog and a cat named Blackfoot and Whitehead respectively.

One day, an old bald priest passed by and Ming-Li’s mother almost sent him off highlighting their plight. However, the priest was adamant. He showed her a golden beetle and told her that it was a gift from the god of filial conduct, who had noted her sons’ goodness.

On seeing it, Mrs. Wang was very excited. She thought that she could be sold for some good money that would be used to buy millet that could sustain them for a few days. However, the priest informed her that the beetle was not to be sold, as it had brought good fortune to them- it could feed them. All she needed to do was boil some water in a pot, put the beetle inside and mention all the food she wanted. She would then cover the pot for about 3 minutes.

Mrs. Wang was ready to test this new solution. She thanked the priest. She was advised to try it out when the priest left. Immediately, she followed the instructions, and in a while, the pot was full of dumplings, which she had requested. She gluttonously ate and fed her two pets. This was quite unusual. When Mingli came back home, he found his mother extremely excited. In a little while, there was food for him, and his mother couldn’t wait to explain. The two pets were fed with all the remainders of food, an unknown phenomenon in the Wang family.

The Wang household became replete with all sorts of food and they all grew fat and lazy. Mrs. Wang began to invite friends over to enjoy her delicious food. One day, Mr. and Mrs. Chu came over and they stole the golden beetle. When Mrs.Wang came back home that evening, her treasure was gone. This was marked beginning of sliding back to their previous lifestyle, where they had survived on.

Hunger drove the pets to the streets looking for left-over bones and morsels. Interestingly, Whitehead began to look excited and Blackfoot wondered what he was up to. Whitehead had actually seen Mrs.Chu steal the beetle. They hatched a plan to retrieve it.

When they got to the Chu’s, a big rat helped them retrieve it, with a promise that Whitehead would not feast on her. On their way back, Blackfoot swam across a river with Whitehead on his back. Whitehead was distracted by a fish and he let go of the good fortune as he dived to get the fish.Blackfoot helped him retrieve the fortune.

When they got home, Blackhead was tricked into waiting outside, while Whitehead went inside. The latter got the best food, while the former got thinner and thinner. Angered, Blackhead killed Whitehead and called the other dogs to witness the results of selfishness.

This is the story that the Chinese use to try and understand the animosity between these two pets that we like to have in our homes.

Top 10 Smartest Dogs In The World.

Smartest Dogs
Smartest Dogs

Have you recently brought a canine companion to your family and are eager to know how intelligent is he compared to others? Have a look at the list of top 10 smartest dogs in the world to see if your friend finds a place among them:

1. Smartest Dogs Border Collie

Smartest Dogs
Smartest Dogs

The Border Collie tops the charts because of the unparalleled intelligence and energy. When this energy is not channelized, it may result in a wrecked house if you leave it alone. Their intense human connection makes them ideal human companions. They are happiest with people of the same energy level as theirs and this is what makes them get frustrated with children. If he is in company of the right human, the Border Collie can be an exceptionally good companion.

2. Smartest Dogs Poodle

Smartest Dogs
Smartest Dogs

Poodles are easily trainable and sharp minded dogs that love human company. Even with their strange hair-dos, they are quite effective as guard dogs. Poodle trains fast and is an extremely obedient dog that loves creativity during playtime. This has also made them popular as circus dogs.

3. Smartest Dogs German Shepherd

Smartest Dogs
Smartest Dogs

This dog was originally bred only for intelligence. Being protective, smart and courageous, this dog is a dependable companion. German Shepherds do not require repetitive commands to train. Always in search of some purpose, these dogs are eager to learn something new. They have been used as search and rescue dogs and even trained by the military for para-jumps.

4.Smartest Dogs Golden Retriever

Smartest Dogs
Smartest Dogs

These dogs are known to learn over 200 commands which makes them an indispensable companion at work as well as home. They have a keen desire to learn and are extremely loyal and patient. These traits make them excellent homely dogs.

5.Smartest Dogs Doberman Pinscher

Smartest Dogs
Smartest Dogs

With an inborn fearlessness and stamina, Doberman is a popular dog that can be trained both ways; for docility or for dominance. They have been used in the past as war and police dogs and hence they appear fearsome. They are a great friend due to their sharpness and fidelity.

6.Smartest Dogs Shetland Sheepdog

Smartest Dogs
Smartest Dogs

This is another herding dog that shows the same commitment for the human “herd” that it lives with as a part of a family. This highly intelligent breed learns with little repetitions and makes sure that the family it lives with remains safe and sound.

7.Smartest Dogs Labrador Retriever

Smartest Dogs
Smartest Dogs

This is the most popular family dog. Known for its intelligence, patience and gentility, they make a perfect kid’s companion. They can be easily trained and are most frequently used dogs for search and rescue, police work and as help for the disabled. They can also learn by observing humans and repeating them.

8. Smartest Dogs Papillon

Smartest Dogs
Smartest Dogs

This is a deceptively cute dog because it is tougher and smarter than it appears. They are best described as big dogs in small bodies who have excellent stamina for a long walk or a run. This dog is a true companion and is generally employed as a watchdog. They are ferociously protective of their own property and the keen intelligence possessed by them makes them an excellent company anywhere.

9.Smartest Dogs Rottweiler

Smartest Dogs
Smartest Dogs

Rottweiler began their journey from Germany where they were used as work companions. Their unparalleled loyalty, stoicism and courage makes them excellent guard and police dogs.

10. Smartest Dogs Australian Cattle Dog

Smartest Dogs
Smartest Dogs

This is a working dog that was traditionally employed as a herd dog. It is known for its alertness, intelligence, resourcefulness and a fiercely loyal nature to people and property. The only downside is that in the absence of any activity, they get into trouble while looking for something to do.

Top 10 Lazy Dogs For Lazy Owners

Lazy Dogs
Lazy Dogs

Playing with a dog is a lot of fun, but it can be exhausting too. If you’re looking for lazy dog breeds, this list has you covered! These small, medium and large lazy dogs will only require the minimum amount of physical exercise, playtime and mental stimulation. They nap the rest of the time.

10. Lazy Dogs “Bolognese”

Lazy Dog Breeds
Lazy Dog Breeds

This is a sturdy breed without any particular genetic health problems. The dog’s origin is Southern Italy and it is believed to have descended from the Bichon Frise. The Bolognese is not highly active and one of the top 10 lazy dogs and therefore only needs minimal space. This breed gets along with other animals and kids and only needs moderate grooming.

9. Lazy Dog Breeds “Japanese Chin”

Lazy Dog Breeds
Lazy Dog Breeds

The breed originated in China and is also known as the Japanese Spaniel. The dog is small in size and therefore does not need a lot of space. This breed is mild-mannered, quiet and smart and therefore does not need a lot of training. The Japanese Chin only needs occasional short walks because too much exercise can cause heat and breathing problems because of its shorter muzzle. The breed is very clean and only sheds lightly. The dog’s coat needs regular combing and brushing to avoid matting.

8. Lazy Dog Breeds “Greyhound”

lazy Dogs
lazy Dogs

The Greyhound is known to spring fast and was originally used in ancient Greece and Egypt for herding and hunting. The breed can thrive in small spaces despite the fact that it is very large. Greyhounds do not require extensive exercise despite the fact that they like running. This breed is sensitive to extreme temperatures but is good for people with allergies.

7. Lazy Dog Breeds “Bullmastiff”

lazy Dogs
lazy Dogs

This is a powerful guard dog that requires low maintenance. t only needs moderate exercise and a little training and grooming because of its short and smooth coat.

6. Lazy Dogs “Pug”

lazy Dogs
lazy Dogs

The breed originated in China and only needs moderate grooming to avoid infection and irritation. The pug has some trouble when it comes to breathing and therefore too much exercise is not advisable.

5. Lazy Dogs “Glen of Imaal Terrier”

Lazy Dog Breeds
Lazy Dog Breeds

This is a hunting dog that originated in Ireland. The breed is clever and therefore only needs moderate training. The Glen of Imaal Terrier can exercise in the yard without help and only needs low to moderate grooming.

4. Lazy Dogs “Bulldog”

lazy Dogs
lazy Dogs


This is very muscular breed that was originally used for fighting and holding bulls for butchers. A little exercise id good for this dog even if it is not a very active breed.

3.Lazy Dog “Puggle”

lazy Dogs
lazy Dogs


This breed is a mix of a Beagle and a Pug and is always considered as a recent crossbreed. Puggles are excellent house pets that require low maintenance and training.

2. Lazy Dog “Rat Terrier”

lazy Dogs
lazy Dogs


This breed originated in England and was bred to control game and vermin. The Rate Terrier is very smart and does not require a lot of training and exercise.

1. Lazy Dog “Chihuahua”

Lazy Dog Breeds
Lazy Dog Breeds

This bred is considered the smallest in the world and is fiercely loyal to one person. The Chihuahua requires minimal exercise and grooming.

You Can Also Read : 10 Top Oldest Dog Breeds Existence

Dogs Just like Babies

Reasons Why You Shouldn't Allow Your Dog to Sleep in Your or your kids Bed
Reasons Why You Shouldn't Allow Your Dog to Sleep in Your or your kids Bed

Dogs Just like Babies
Written By : Nada Hassan

Dogs aren’t slaves, and their role is not to please their owners. They have needs just like us and it’s very important to fulfill those needs,Dogs are similar to human beings when it comes to feelings, they feel happy, sad, angry, hungry etc. But their brain functions differently. They don’t think in words, they just have needs and goals, and they aim to achieve them

Sometimes you will find your dog destructive and aggressive. This only happens when their needs aren’t fulfilled. When we keep them away or lock them to protect our furniture and shoes, they become stubborn and their needs and goals are still there, there is just no room for them to achieve their goals, but soon you will notice their aggressive behavior If we didn’t provide them with proper activities they will act on their own, this is when they’ll chew up our shoes and tear apart our furniture.

Dogs love to run and play, and use their energy, if not, they will use their energy to destroy everything Just like babies, dogs learn through social learning, they imitate other dogs and humans through conditioning. There are two types, the classical and the operant conditioning. The classical is responsible for the involuntary response and the operant is responsible for the voluntary response

Classical conditioning forms an association between two stimuli, it is when the dog salivates when food is served. For example, before every meal ring a bell, so he will associate the bell with the meal and every time he will start to salivate when he hears the bell, because he will understand that food is on the way

Operant conditioning forms an association between a behavior and a consequence, it is when the dog sits for a treat. When training your dog, you should use two techniques, reinforce the good behavior and punish the bad behavior

For example, you are trying to train your dog not to jump on you, so you will start with the “Positive Reinforcement” give him a treat or attention, if he jumps then use the “Negative Punishment” don’t give him your attention. The other time he jumps give him “Positive Punishment” push the dog down or give him a bump on the nose, this is how you discourage the jumping. Finally, use the “Negative Reinforcement” stop pushing the dog down

Know More About Rottweiler


Know More About Rottweiler

Written By : Nada Hassan
Rottweiler males are bigger than females. They grow up to 27 inches tall and weigh between 85 to 115 pounds. They have amazing shinny short black coat that needs to get brushed at least once a week.
Work? Yes, Rottweiler loves to work and guard. They were originally bred to be guard dogs, they love to work and drive cattle on farms and pull carts for people. They notice everything around them and their self-confidence makes them fearless of things and alerts, which makes them very good watch dogs.
Now you don’t need to worry about your little girl, because Rottweiler can take care of her and guard her. They assist blind people as they are excellent leader dogs. Also, they love to visit sick and elder people. their faithful nature makes them amazing companions.

Rottweiler Need Exercise
As most breeds Rottweiler like to keep busy. Whether busy learning to work and pull carts or playing and running around. They are family oriented dogs, they like to lay around the house with their family, but needs to go for a walk even if they live in a large yard.

It’s best to train Rottweiler dogs when they are puppies. As they grow, they will get stronger and it will become harder for you to train them. It will be harder to teach them tricks and manners in obedience when they grow.

Dog basic need


Dog basic need
Written By : Nada Hassan

Dogs aren’t all the same. Each breed and individual within each breed are different, they have specific needs and habits. However, there are several basic common needs among all dogs. In order to be ready for a dog you should first be prepared to fulfill those needs.

Daily Exercise
Just like humans, dogs need exercise. Your dog must get the exercise he needs in order to be a balanced, healthy and happy dog. You should walk your dog at least twice a day till he gets tired, but if you are not physically able to walk for long distance, try a backpack. By putting a weighted pack on your dog, he will still be working through all that excess energy, therefore you can walk a shorter distance. But you must get back to your vet first concerning the proper amount of weight for your dog. Also, walking with your dog is an excellent way to bond with him.

Healthy Diet
Pay attention to your dog’s diet. Unbalanced and poor diet will mostly cause your dog to experience weakness, skin and coat issues, and even their behavior will change. You should feed your dog premium dog food and make sure its main ingredient is meat. Don’t look for cheap food because you almost get what you pay for.

Positive Social Interactions
Dogs are social animals, they crave social interactions, they love to meet people regularly and play with other dogs. Dog’s park is a great place for your dog to socialize, interact, play and meet new people and dogs. Yet locking your dog or let him spend too much time indoor will affect him negatively, he will be weary of humans and dogs, also it will lead to behavior issues. Furthermore; dogs need good quality time to bond with their owners, it helps them feel happy and secure within the family.  

Mental Stimulation
Dogs are very smart creatures, they love to learn. Their intelligence allows them to understand commands and signals. They love to practice solving problems and learn new tricks. Mental stimulation helps reduce boredom, anxiety and stress. Make sure your dog understands the trick before you teach him another trick. Also, dogs love toys, by providing your dog with interactive toys along with training sessions he will be able to think, work and play when you’re not around.  

Sufficient Shelter
Dogs have feelings just like humans, we can’t just leave our children outside in the yard. But if you have no other option and you have to leave your dog outside, then you must supply him with a proper shelter, make sure to provide him with a potent dog house to protect him from the cold/hot weather, and a constant supply of clean water.

Predictable Schedule
Dogs need to be fed and walked regularly in specific times. Don’t leave your dog to wonder when their next meal or chance to go for a walk may be. Confusion, frustration, stress and anxiety will occur when your dog’s schedule is inconsistent.

Comfort with Independence
Make sure your dog copes with separation, so he won’t suffer anxiety and behavior issues when left by himself. He should get plenty of things to do when he is left alone. If you spend too much time with your dog he won’t know how to be alone, yet that doesn’t mean to leave him alone for a long time. Remember they consider themselves a family member.

Clean Water
A dog can spend a long time without food, but can’t spend a long time without water during a hot day. This will cause him health problems. Make sure your dog’s water is clean and always available.

Basic Grooming
Dogs need to be bathed from time to time and their nails should be clipped regularly. It’s very important to brush you dog’s coat, their coats are higher-maintenance than others. Yet it doesn’t matter if their coat is short, because brushing gives you a chance to free your dogs from bugs scrapes and other problems.

Discipline and Structure
Dogs need someone to lead them. They will often experience stress and anxiety if left alone with nobody to lead them. Make sure that your dog understands that you are the leader, providing him with discipline and structure will make him feel at ease.

Quality Time
The best feeling is coming home to a wagging tail. Dog’s love is unconditional and they show devotion every single day. They need love, affection and approval. Also, they love to play with their owners, they just crave closeness.

Regular Vet Care
Take your dog to the vet at least once a year, even if he is perfectly healthy. Also, it’s very important to keep your dog vaccinated.  

Collar and ID Tag
Imagine what could happen to your dog if you lost him? It’s a dangerous world out there. It’s not an option to put a collar with an ID tag, it’s a must! ID tag will help get back your dog if you lost him.

Leash Training
Leash training is a bonding experience for you and your dog. It teaches your dog his place in the pack. It’s very necessary for a balanced and healthy dog.

Dogs might poop in line with the Earth’s magnetic field


Dogs might poop in line with the Earth’s magnetic field

written by: elyson

For a dog owner seeing a dog poop may not be surprising. However, that it always tend to spin around or move in circles before doing so can be startling. And the reason behind this norm is the Earth’s magnetic field. Dogs together with sea turtles, birds and even cows use this principle of aligning themselves to the Earth’s magnetic field to either orient themselves in the case of dogs and cows or gauge distances.

This is especially concerning the sea turtles and birds that use such magnetic field to travel over longer distances that they would in other circumstances not managed. For instance, while grazing cows tend to align themselves along the north-south axis and the main reason for this is unclear.

To the human beings this has not affected their behavior. Recent unearthings are however stating otherwise. According to the latest researches done, it has been discovered that human beings at one point back in history might have experienced the same thing with the Earth’s magnetic field. This is due to the presence of light-sensitive proteins found in their eyes.

When magnetic field conditions are calm and stable, dogs like to excrete while aligning themselves along the north-south axis, a similar practice noted earlier in cattle as they graze.

This trait was discovered by researchers from Germany and Czech who conducted a study on dogs of different breeds. The researchers analyzed more than 70 dogs all from 37 different breeds within a time span of 2 years.

They then published their findings in the Frontiers in Zoology and in the journal the conclusion was that, dogs under normal circumstances poop under the influence of the earth’s magnetic field. This practice cuts across all breeds and whether the dog is male or female it will still align itself the same way. It should also be noted that though calm magnetic field conditions come rarely especially during daylight hours, when they do, dogs even those that are often choosy about how to poop, would suddenly excrete along the specified north-south axis.


In terms of urinal traits or defecation, dogs of both sexes male and female, have no preferred posture that set them apart. Instead they urinate and defecate in the same posture even though male dogs tend to be more aware of the north-south axis. This is because unlike female dogs, they prefer to align themselves along this line each time they urinate.

In the process the lift their legs, a behavior that is consistent with all male dogs. However, what has baffled many researchers is knowing which type of leg a male dog would prefer to raise while urinating. Such tendency has now raised questions and is a case for ongoing studies. If successful, the researchers would like to find out which direction the dog prefers to face depending on whether it has lifted its right or left leg.

Generally, despite the fact that it is difficult to understand why a dog would align its body along the north-south axis, it is still a subject worth delving into. This way you might know a thing or two about your dog you never thought of before.

Why Does My Dog Spin Before Going Potty?


Why Does My Dog Spin Before Going Potty?
written by: tigerrlily218

Are They Making Crop Circles?

Almost all dogs make strange choices when it comes to potty breaks and odd bathroom behavior is not just confined to one particular breed. Some dogs will do their business in the grass regardless of weather conditions, while others refuse to even set one paw down if the grass is not well manicured and dry.

Some breeds may not even want to touch the grass at all and may prefer to go potty on concrete or your precious hardwood floors. However, a lot of dogs will spin in circles before finally settling on what appears to be a magical spot to relieve themselves.

This behavior is common in all dog breeds and ages and chances are, your dog has done this at least once! While it certainly is funny, you may be wondering why your fur child is spinning. We can assure you that there is a logical explanation for your dog’s odd behavior and it has nothing to do with making you laugh or shake your head in confusion.

Magnetic Fields and Your Dog

According to research, dogs spin in circles because they are trying to align themselves with the earth’s magnetic field. Like most animals, the earth’s natural magnetic field has a strong effect on them. Dogs prefer to do their business once their body is positioned along the north-south axis.

They also like it when the magnetic fields are calm. When the fields are out of sync, dogs will not necessarily align themselves with the axis and may not spin in circles at all.

While this may seem like a completely crazy theory, research and studies involving over 70 dogs in a 2 year span confirmed that dogs do prefer to align their bodies before taking a potty break. Unfortunately for Fido, the magnetic fields are only calm for about 20% of the day, which does not leave much time for alignment! Keep in mind that they will relieve themselves even when the magnetic fields are not perfect.

When these studies were conducted, the dogs were not given specific instructions or commands in order to avoid confusion and biased results. They were simply let outside to do their business and observed. For all intents and purposes, the study was blind.

During their research, the scientists also concluded that the sun has little to do with the dog’s positioning. A lot of people believed that this spinning behavior was due to the fact that the dog was attempting to find the best position available where the sun’s blinding rays were not in his or her face. However, the research done showed that the sun’s position had no effect on where the dog stopped to excrete.

So Why Align North-South?

Although scientists were able to conclude that your dog is spinning in an attempt to align with the earth’s magnetic field, they could not say for certain why this alignment was so important. They could not say with absolute certainty that dogs were picking up on a sensory effect of the field, or if they just felt more comfortable in that particular alignment. However, they did determine that dogs will avoid the east-west position when possible.


How One Dog Will Change The Lives Of All Dogs In The World (Based on true story )


How One Dog Will Change The Lives Of All Dogs In The World Based on true story  In 1938 Rose, a lonely lady, felt she needed a friend so she adopted the little dog puppy Rose showered puppy with attention and care as if it was her own baby Each day their relationship became stronger and they became more connected to each other Each morning puppy would go and wake rose up to start her day But one day, rose never woke up and puppy was left alone the pain was so unbearable for puppy that he cried for so many days. Every week puppy used to go to Rose’s grave hoping that his barking would reach her one day because puppy has been through this pain he knew how much it hurts and as a result he decided to do something really big for all other dogs that suffer puppy decided to devote his mission in life to help other dogs live better lives
Puppy Page

THE DOG THAT SAVED HIMSELF by calling the police



written by: Nigel647

Dogs have been known to be the most loyal pets to human beings since time immemorial. They are playful and they offer security to home owners. They even go as far as saving people’s lives by rescuing them or calling for help. The most outstanding thing, though, is when a dog saves his own life by dialing the 999 emergency services.

Well, this occurrence is not surprising for a dog that has been trained to dial certain numbers in case of an emergency. In 2006, a man named Kevin Weaver from Orlando was saved by his dog, Belle.

The dog speed dialed number 9 just as he was taught, on Kevin’s phone when he went in to a diabetic seizure and as such, he was saved. In England, 2009, a golden retriever named Bailey dialed 999 when chewing on a cordless phone. However, this other case is distinct since the dog in question had no prior training that involved calling for help in an emergency situation; in fact, the owners had always found the dog a bit sloppy.

Unfolding of events

George, the dog, knocked the house phone over to the floor and started playing with the phone’s cord. Amidst the fun he was having, he managed to get the cord over his neck and the cord was now strangling him. Even a sloppy dog knows when things are going wrong obviously due to the choking. As George struggled to free himself from the tangle, his paws miraculously managed to dial 999 on the phone. The operator that received the call could only hear heavy breathing and gasps from the caller.

He immediately assumed that the caller was sick and decided to send help to that particular house. Paul Walker, the neighbor, let the police in with his spare key. The police immediately went ahead searching the whole house for the patient, a human being to precise. Paul looked around too and was shocked to find George lying on the ground with a cord around his neck.

Paul untied the cord and freed George. He reported that he found the dog’s paw on the phone and that the miraculous dialing of the number had led to George saving his own life. An even more surprising factor is that the house phone was not the modern push-button kind, but the traditional ones with the dial ring. This makes the dog’s ability to dial even more astounding. George is a pet dog to Lydia and her father, Steve Brown. These two owners were just as surprised as everyone else to hear of the ordeal. They both claimed that George was an average dog with no special skills or abilities.

He had not been taught anything and that he always spent his time chewing socks. Cassie Murdoch of Jezebel said that they should probably let him chew on more socks after such a remarkable experience. She also advised the family to get a cordless phone to avert such accidents.

Such occurrences of dogs getting strangled by phone cords are common but they can be avoided by owners getting cordless phones. A dog saving his own life is miraculous.


How to Determine a Dog’s Age in Human Years

The Top 3 Canine Behavior Problems And How To Solve Them
The Top 3 Canine Behavior Problems And How To Solve Them

How to Determine a Dogs Age in Human Years

Most people don’t realize, but dogs age faster than humans. Their average lifespan is around 14 years. It depends on the dog’s health, lifestyle and size. There are many people who calculate a dog’s age in human years, it is not the correct method. Dogs age very quickly in their early years as compared to later ones. For the first five years, most breeds age at the same pace. However, smaller ones age slowly than larger ones. Here are some tips to determine a dog’s age in human years.

Estimate the Age – If you don’t know your dog’s exact birth date, you need to estimate the age. His teeth can be a good indicator to determine his age. A small puppy can have all the baby teeth by 8 weeks. The permanent ones show around 7 months of age. A dog between 1-2 years may have some tartar buildup. Similarly, a dog between 2-5 years may have some yellowing of teeth. Dogs who’re older than 5 years have serious tartar buildup. They may also suffer from some dental disease. Senior dogs who’re over 10 years old show signs of cataracts, graying fur, and joint disease.

Dogs Age
Dogs Age

Determine the Dog’s Size – It is important to determine the size of your dog. Small dogs weigh just around 20 pounds, while medium dogs are heavier between 21-50 pounds. On the other hand, large dogs weigh around 50 pounds. Most dogs age at the same rate in the early years. However, larger breeds age more rapidly. This affects the calculation of their age.

Calculate Approximate Human Age – You can simply multiply the age in months by 2. This should be done for small puppies up to 5 months old. It is important to understand that puppies age very quickly in the first year, especially the first five months. Gradually, this rate of growth will decline.

For puppies between 6-8 months, you should multiply the age by 1.5. This is done to consider the decreased rate of growth and aging.

While calculating the age of puppies who’re between 9 months to 1 year, you should multiply the age by 1.25. A one year old dog in human years is around 15 years old. Dogs age 3/4th of a human year for every month. Therefore, when a dog is 2 years old, he will be around 24 years in human years. For some breeds and sizes, this number may be smaller.

For dogs aged between 2-5 years old, you should subtract 2 from the age and multiply the number by 4. You need to add 24 to this number to determine the dog’s age in human years. This figure is always the same for breeds up to 5 years.

For dogs who’re over 5 years old, you need to subtract 5 from the age. For smaller breeds, you should multiply the remainder by 4, and add 36 to it. For medium breeds, the remainder should be multiplied by 5, and 36 should be added to it. For larger breeds, the remainder needs to be multiplied by 6, and 36 needs to be added.

It is important to understand that large breeds over 15 years old age around 27 human years when they’re between 15-16 years old. This is because of the larger bone structure of the dog. It may lead to joint problems and other issues.


How to Teach a Dog to Swim


Follow the steps to teach a dog to swim. Majority of the dogs are born without knowing how to swim especially water retrievers like Chesapeake Bay retrievers and Labradors and they have to be taught swimming when they are puppies or young adults. If you want to teach a dog to swim, you have to train it which is not daunting task as you only need to have ample water for the dog to swim so that his feet do not touch the bottom of the water and the dog should also be willing to learn swimming. Dogs possess an excellent capacity and physical capability which enables them to learn the swimming lesson very quickly. 

 If you want to teach a dog to swim you can do it easily with the following steps which includes-

Step 1- preparation for swimming- firstly you should put the vest, collar and life jacket of the dog for preparing him to swim. Let him walk for a while with his jacket until he is comfortable and relaxing and shows the sign of being well prepared when he starts wagging his tail. 

 Step 2- location selection- you have to be very careful while selecting a location as the dog may experience difficulty in approaching the water if he had only interacted with water in the bath tub. Thus at first you have to be careful while introducing you dog to the water that has no currents or waves and the water body should be quiet and small like a pond or kiddie pond. You should avoid water with discernible current but you can have a stream with grassy bank.

 Step 3- gradual approach- always let your dog go into the water slowly so that he can sniff the water and play with it as he wants but you should always avoid chlorinated pool water. You should lead and coax your dog if you want to teach a dog to swim.

But if your dog stops while going into the water then let him relax. If swimming is making your dog feel uncomfortable then you will know it from his rigid posture which includes low and forward head and tail positioned downwards in between his legs.

The dog may even whine and grimace. If you notice any of these postures then make him feels comfortable by talking slowly to him and don’t allow the dog to come out of water. Gradually stroke the chest, neck and head of the dog to make him relax until he starts wagging his tail again.

Step 4- proper encouragement- encourage your dog to approach the water gradually as he put his front feet in the water and make him follow you into the water and reward him for taking initiatives for swimming. You can offer him a floating toy as a reward that is stuffed with treats as he will love it. 

 Step 5- prepare for dog’s reaction– wait to see the reaction of the dog when he first leaves the bottom of the water. Hold the dog under his midsection with your arms while placing a hand at his ribcage’s bottom and the other hand on his stomach. You should also encourage your dog to use his hind legs as using his front paws only will make him too tired very fast.

If you want him to put his neck forward then lure him with food and toy that will enable him to keep his head on the water’s level. If you want to teach a dog to swim, you should always support him for making him relaxed so that the dog can use all his legs for swimming. After he starts swimming without nervousness or encouragement then remove the leash from his collar.

Another Benefit form the Dogs’ Strong Senses


Another Benefit form the Dogs’ Strong Senses

written by: larabrooke

We all know that dogs have great senses, way stronger than the human ones, but a new study from this month, March 2014, amazes us with the information it provided.A team from Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), dealing with research activities, has been working on a study and determined how dogs can find explosives like Composition C-4 for example. This research found the these animals react best to the real explosive, this creates a doubt in the usage of products made to imitate the scent of C-4 for the training purposes. This new information is a result of a hard work, and the contract for this research is for four years.

John Goodpaster gives us information about the process, he explains that the dogs were trained to achieve these results, to find actual explosives.The work of these well-trained detector dogs is effective and proven, and the study wants to find more information, to improve its work and to find out which chemical compounds cause the dog to sense a specific explosive and to give some alert.

Previous researches have given information and have supposed that some specific non-explosive chemicals released by Composition C-4 can cause a dogs to give an alert, and that these substances could be used for training of dogs in place where real explosives can be found. This is an important step of the improving of people’s safety.

At the beginning of the study, the researchers from the university found that the non-explosive chemicals emitted by C-4 mimics can be found in a lot of everyday different plastic objects. There were many objects that were included in the testing, like PVC pipes, movie tickets, plastic bags, plastic wrapping, etc. Some of the tested objects emitted significant levels of the compound recommended training dogs.

The researched decided to test the senses of the dogs in the second phase of the project. 33 trained dogs were used to see if they would actually respond to the compounds.

The performed trials showed that these animals did not respond in any meaningful way to some of the odor compounds from the C-4. The dogs seem to be very smart or very sensible, they cannot be easily fooled, and they are very specific. The study revealed that if they are trained on the full scent, they will find actual explosives only.

And because they are very specific in what they find, the study can be really helpful in court, the dogs detection can be used as evidence; it can resolve some of today’s issues.

The team performing the research recommended that the training should be done with actual explosives. As we know, there is technology for seeking and detecting explosives, but dogs may be a better option, because they are fast, have strong sensitivity and can search for many objects.

They are not that hard to be trained, this means that their potential can be improved with the proper training, and may be soon there will be more studies like this one, encouraging and with great results.




How To Relax A Nervous Dog


How To Relax A Nervous Dog
written by: marvintana

There are different causes of dog nervousness, but in most cases, the nervousness might develop from a stimulus such as separation, fireworks, or thunder. Dealing with the nervousness includes behavior adaptation and the creation of a perception that will make the dog see the environment differently. The approach is geared towards making the dog perceive the situation or the stimulus as a positive thing rather than a negative one. There might be extreme cases of nervousness and this is where the need for a veterinarian arises. In other mild cases you can follow the following steps on how to relax a nervous dog.

First Step

It is crucial that you monitor the behavior of your dog so that you can identify the cause of the nervousness. If need be, you can create a stimulus such as playing a recording of a certain noise that you believe causes the anxiety.

Second Step

Pay attention to any situations or stimulus that might be causing the nervousness. If there are general anxiety disposition, then you might be dealing with an attention seeking fake anxiety. This type of nervousness can be handled through obedience training, play time and spending time with your dog.

Third Step

You should expose your dog to the stimulus you believe causes the anxiety. If you believe the nervousness is as a result of loneliness, leave the room for a while and listen for whining, if present, then you might be dealing with separation anxiety. Some of the indicators of anxiety include, whining, pacing, ears folded back and salivation. You should regularly check for such signs when there are loud noises or after leaving the dog alone for a while.

Fourth Step

Introduce a distraction that will shift your dog’s attention from the stimulus. You should create a situation that makes the dog nervous by getting a vacuum cleaner out or preparing to leave the room. Prior to switching the cleaner on of leaving the room, throw a toy to your dog. This will not allow ample time for the nervousness to kick in. their attention will be shifted and slowly the anxiety will disappear with each repeat of the situation.

Fifth Step

If your dog exhibits nervousness, due to the situation you have created, stroke them slowly and if they wish to wander away, let them. If you act normal, you are communicating that there is no need for alarm.

Sixth Step

Create the stimulus situation again and this time use a food treat. If it is separation anxiety, your absence is the cause and you need to associate it with something positive like a food treat. Anxiety is mostly associated with fear and some negativity, creating and associating the stimuli with positivity will go a long way in relaxing your dog.

Seventh Step

Get rid of the stimulus and have a normal interaction with your dog. They will start believing that the situation is not permanent and will be more comfortable. When repeated over a long period of time, these steps can help a great deal on relaxing a nervous dog.

Dogs Feel Your Pain, Studies Show It With Relevant Facts

rottweiler Insurance
rottweiler Insurance

Dogs Feel Your Pain, Studies Show It With Relevant Facts
written by: kenn65

If you try yawning next to your pet dog, she may do exactly the same thing. Even though it seems simple, this contagious act is considered remarkable. Furthermore, just a few animals can do it, and dogs are the only species that cross this species barrier. Right now, new studies are emerging, which show that dogs feel your pain. Even when they hear the sound of yawning without necessarily seeing that person, they’ll start yawning too, and that’s solid evidence yet that these canines may empathize with human beings.

Over a long period of time, dogs have been considered man’s best friend, and studies are showing it already. According to one study, published in a journal named ”Animal Cognition”, dogs may approach people who are in distress than people who are relatively calm. Deborah Custance, one of the experts carrying out the study was quoted saying there are many reasons to believe that dogs may be very sensitive to human emotions than other species.

In order to prove Custance’s statement, another study was set up at Goldsmith University by researchers who were interested in the same area (Custance was included). A total of 18 dogs, all coming from different backgrounds were individually exposed to 3 scenarios. The first scenario involved two people talking, the second one was about a person humming in an awkward manner with the intention of inciting the dog’s curiosity. The third scenario involved a person pretending to cry. The experiments were conducted in the presence of the dog owners and strangers. More dogs ended up approaching individuals in distress than those who seemed perfectly normal.

It’s surprising to discover that the dogs approached strangers more often, just like they would have done to their owners, a sure sign that their empathy did not discriminate the familiarity or unfamiliarity of the people involved. Scientists now suspect these traits might have been passed on from one dog to the other over thousands of years as they interacted with human beings.

Custance and her team reasoned that the fact that dogs can differentiate between crying and humming is a sure indication that their interest for people who cried was purely driven by more than just curiosity. In other words, the act of crying was interpreted by the dogs to mean a stronger emotional feeling and thus it provoked a stronger emotional response compared to talking or humming.

They continued to argue that if the dogs’ action during the crying moments were motivated by comfort-seeking, they would simply approach their owners, who are their usual source of comfort as opposed to strangers. These dogs randomly approached whomever seemed to be in distress regardless of their identities.

That’s solid evidence that dogs feel your pain. In all the studies that were conducted, the results showed that dogs were responding to people’s emotional distress rather than their own needs, which highlighted their empathic-like traits.

If you used to doubt about the fact that dogs feel your pain, the studies above are a sure indication that you should start trusting man’s best friend—the dog.

27 Indisputable Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats

Dog Pregnancy Tips
Dog Pregnancy Tips

27 Indisputable Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats

written by: Parlin

1.There are many reasons why dogs are man’s best friend. One of the main reasons why dogs are better than cats is that they have a special connection and can read communication questions. 

 2. Dogs have a nature of protecting things.

 3.They are remorseful when they do something that their owners do not like wearing an adorable face that shows they are sorry without being rude.

 4.Dogs have a great way to tell people when they want a backrub.

 5.They really love their owners and will run up to them when they come from work or anytime they get the chance and not only when you are taking them food like most cats do.

 6.Dogs welcome soldiers’ home which is literally one of the most wonderful/adorable things.

 7.They treat every day like Christmas with the food they get in their bowls.

 8.Dogs normally demonstrate unconditional compassion thanks to their powerful sense of loyalty even during your lowest moments.

9.Another reason why dogs better than cats is they do not vomit fiber or lick their hair in your house.

 10.Dogs do not have the habit of throwing up fluorescent green puddles except on very rare occasions.

 11.They are very patient animals and will always wait for a signal from a person to go out.

 12.Dogs do not use boxes to poop where you have to empty with your hands.

 13.Looking at reasons why dogs better than cats, its important to note that there is a shape and size of dog for everyone.

 14.When you are sad, they will come and try and comfort you and you can play fetch with many tennis balls.

 15.They are like a Disney version of themselves engaging all types of fauna in interesting games.

 16.You may want to be a better person simply by the way a dog looks at you.

 17.Dogs can eat things that you do not want to throw away like pieces of fat you like to cut off your meat.

 18.When the owner is ill or injured they try to nurse you back to health by licking you so that you can go out and play,

 19.Herding dogs love to protect the family incase they sense any danger especially for children.

 20.Even the smallest of dogs that cant do a lot still try and protect their owners whey they sense any kind of danger.

 21.Dogs can bring you things you need like a newspaper.

 22.They normally know how to be gentle and soft with young babies when playing with them regardless of how playful they are.

 23.Another reason why dogs better than cats is that they remain loyal for the longest time even when the owner has passed on.

 24.They are really sweet even when you do something off like make them wear socks.

 25.There are times when they want to cuddle you for long and start to cry which is simply adorable.

 26.Dog mid grub seriousness is respected even by tigers.

 27.There are really no bad dogs in the world as they are wonderful creatures, only bad owners who destroy them.

Five Signs Your Dog Loves You

Your Dog Loves You
Your Dog Loves You

Signs Your Dog Loves You can only manifest through your commitment to all the aspects of the canine’s well-being. Known as a subspecies of the gray wolf, the household dog is a mammalian derivative of the Canidae family in the order of Carnivora. The most domesticated animal in the history of mankind, it has been kept for hunting, working, sports, as a food source, and pet.

Scientific evaluation of canine intelligence is yet to be fully interpreted, although there is adequate proof that dogs enhance the human mental and physical health. Whilst a host of studies have taken place to measure the amount of signs and words a dog can grasp and how long it can last within their memories, the ability to learn fast in some species has been noted.

Investigations have proved that dogs exude feelings of guilt when reprimanded, and other intricate emotions such as anticipation,\ and jealousy. They have being known to have adaptive, obedience, working and instinctive intelligence.Their instinctive understanding is evidenced by their ability to carry out tasks as taught by humans, and similar to the canine’s rearing habits such as, pointing, herding, fetching, companionship and guarding.

Below is a list of Signs Your Dog Loves You:-

1. Love exists under a two-way regime. Showing your dog a cold demeanor and expecting to be loved back will only enhance a bond that is solely governed by food, fear and shelter. Love can be created via committing to engage in your dog’s needs such as walks, affectionate cuddling, playing together, and attention during the canine’s illness or bathing, moments.

2. Dogs love to eat and since their brain is incapable of future planning, they trust their owner will provide the meals as is usually the norm. If after your pets belly is full and they come over to you immediately for a cuddle, then you are truly loved.

3. Canines are naturally social and flexible, since they derive from the wolf family that is known to exist in packs. As a member of your family, the dog will feel comfortable sleeping on your bed, or with any other occupant in the household, more than it would in a crate, or on the kitchen floor all by itself. A canine fully devoted to you will choose to sleep on your bed as a sign of friendship and trust.

4. Dogs that are well bonded with you and have adjusted to your schedule of leaving and coming back will never display any negative behavior of anxiety, or frenzied activity. Although not clinically proven, such reactions have been thought to either be a social sign of fear phobia of loneliness, or an attempt to portray love.
5. The way your dog greets you or any other occupant on arrival, speaks volumes. Closely observe your dog’s behavior with each occupant, to determine its level of love. If the dog jumps up and down on you when you arrive and does not repeat the same with any other family member, then it can be considered as a positive sign of affection.

5 Amazing Stories of Dogs Who Saved Their Owners Live

Her Dog Shows Two Different Types Of Aggression
Her Dog Shows Two Different Types Of Aggression

5 Amazing Stories of Dogs Who Saved Their Owners Lives|

written by: Quarticles

Whereas most people are quiet skeptical about the dogs’ courage and determination to save the lives of their owners when they are in danger, there are however many cases when dogs have been reported to save their owners lives. Here are 5 amazing stories of dogs that have saved their owners lives. These stories will definitely motivate you to start treating your dog better and change your perception about dogs for the better. 

1. Angel Vs Cougar 

Very few dogs have a better name than Angel. When the dog’s 30-year owner, Austin, was attacked by a cougar, Angel stepped between them. As the dog was battling the wild cat, Austin’s family called the police. Angel was still battling the cougar by the time the police arrived and shot the wild cat dead. Though Angel walked away with minor injuries, the brave dog didn’t not only survive but also saved Austin’s life. 

2. Tater Vs Bull 

Woodson Barry of Alburnett, Iowa, owes his life to his beloved dog Tater whom he had raised from birth. When the 54-year old farmer took his bull to the vet, the bull suddenly became violent and attacked him. The veterinarians tried their best to beat the bull, but the animal charged and chased them away. Luckily Tater stepped in and attacked the 2,300-pound bull. He fended the bull off until Woodson got up and escaped. Though he suffered from a broken rib, he however noted that he is happy to be alive courtesy of his beloved pet.

3. Raelee Vs a seizure 

Initially, Yolanda Segovia of Florida was reluctant to take in Raelee (the lost dog that her neighbor had found). She thought that the dog’s owner would one day come to claim the lost pet and have her arrested for stealing a dog. But after a few days, Raelee become part of the family and that is when her younger son named him Raelee. One day while barking wildly, Raelee ran to Yolanda and led her to a room where her older son was having a seizure. Her son suffers from Down syndrome and get seizures frequently. Had it not been for Raelee, her son would most likely be dead. 

4. Bruno Vs fire 

Wendy Ranking hails from Brackenridge, Pennsylvania and he owns a dog named Bruno. After Bruno got injured in a car accident, Rankings opted to keep him indoors for her to recover completely. One day, the dog started barking loudly at 3 AM, something that is quite unusual for her. When Wendy and her 2 sons woke up, they were astonished to find their house on fire. Though they didn’t manage to salvage anything and their home was reduced to ashes, they nevertheless escaped unhurt. Ranking credit her family’s survival to Hero.

5. Teka Vs a heart attack 

Jim Touzea of Perth, Australia, is also among the many people who owe their lives to their dogs. One day, The 65 old suffered from a heart attack when there was no one at home. His dog, Teka ran outside barking to attract the neighbors’ attention. The neighbors came to Jim’s rescue and called in the medics before he passed on. 



Owner Biggest Mistake That Makes Rottweiler Aggressive When He Grow Up

Rottweiler Aggressive
Rottweiler Aggressive

Rottweilers are known for being very protective and loyal dogs, and can often be quite powerful for this purpose. Unfortunately, this also means that they’re much more susceptible to aggressive behavior especially if the owner encourages it.

Aggression, however, isn’t a trait that a rottweiler is born with; while they may be more prone to it, such behavior can be nipped in the bud as it’s growing up, but only if the owner is willing to be patient and strong with the dog.

There are a number of rather simple mistakes that an owner can make as the rottweiler grows up, and being conscious of them can really help in significantly reducing their aggressive behavior later on in life.

Being Complacent
One of the biggest mistakes you can do is ignore when aggression is triggered in your rottweiler. It’s important that you pay attention to what makes it aggressive, so that you can better deal with the problem. For example, if the dog starts barking when visitors come over to your house, simply ignoring the problem won’t make the dog stop.

You can choose to have a firm, strict tone with it when it happens, but you can also reward the dog whenever it doesn’t react aggressively to a visitor. If they feel that they’ll be rewarded for being a good dog, they’ll be more likely to continue that kind of behavior.

Although you shouldn’t always ignore signs of aggression, it can sometimes be appropriate since dogs in general look to their owners as to what should be a threat. If it sees that the owner is being calm with a visitor, they’ll be more likely to refrain from acting out.

Keeping the Dog Busy
A rottweiler is one of those dog breeds that requires constant activity in order to be reasonably happy. They require plenty of exercise and outdoor time, and if they end up tired out by the end of the day, they’ll be much more likely to be passive when it comes to visitors and strangers.

So keep the dog as busy as you possibly can; much like a human being, being cooped up in and around the house doesn’t help much of anything, and can often make aggression and/or anxiety in the dog even worse since they’re not getting any real-world or social interaction with other dogs and other people. Essentially, you want to make the dog as experienced as possible with other creatures, so that it can discern what’s actually a threat.

The 10 Biggest Mistakes Dog Owners Make Daily


People who have pet dogs normally make a lot of mistakes with them. Here are 10 common dog owners mistakes that people commit daily as explained by Valdae Rytapel a southern California dog trainer.

1.Humanization –dogs are not relatives or children thus do not need to be treated like humans. If you treat them like humans they will most likely treat you like a dog.

2.Democracy- dog owners mistakes also include extending democracy to the canine as it simply does not work. For the dog to be accepted into the family make him or her the last in the hierarchical social order and forget about bill of rights.

3.Letting the dig live on welfare- dogs need to work i.e. physical and mental exercises to earn their food and possessions just as they would do if they were out in the wild. Keep in mind that a tired dog is a good one.

4.Afraid to say no- set limits for the dog and also enforce limits with consequences without being scared or feeling guilty about saying no. correct the dog as a dog and not a human.

5.Speaking English to the pet- this also makes it to the list of dog owners mistakes. Dogs only understand dogglish. This means only tonal variations can help make it understand what you want it to do.

6.Giving out unconditional affection- although dogs need human affection it is not the only thing they need to be happy and balanced. They actually need more discipline and structure and look for rules and sign of leadership a balance between discipline and love.

7.No demands for respect- the same way that no human will listen and give you respect because of gratitude is the same way dogs think. Always demand for respect and you will get it.

8.Privileges that they don’t deserve- this is quite common among dog owners mistakes and quite frankly it should not be tolerated. This is especially if the dog is displaying any kinds of problem with behavior or is under rehabilitation.

9.Allowing the dog to bark in the house or lead on walks- this goes to show that the dog is in control and not the owner. Dogs that bark too much in the house feel like they are in authority thus are decision makers.

10.Not allowing the dog to be just a dog- there are very many people who do not want their dogs to be dogs but humans. Know that they are very different from people thus they need to be dogs to be happy.

No More Woof Dog mind reading


new invention ‘Dog mind reading’

written by: snowy22315

Everyone who has ever owned a dog has always wondered what is in a dogs mind. What is fido or fifi thinking? Although as most people know dogs are pretty good at communicating their needs and desires, there is now some things that you can actually do to make sure that you have a better idea what your dog is thinking. For those that have always wondered, and that may include most pet owners, using a dog mind reading device may let you know what your dog may be thinking. This may seem like the stuff of science fiction but truly these devices are being developed and researched at this very time.

A mind reading device has been invented that fits securely around your dog. This device measures the brainwaves that dogs transmit and can be a translating device to let you know exactly what your dog thinks when they are wearing this item. Those who have used the device have found that dog mind reading may actually be possible. Although the device has not proven to work conclusively at this point, it is possible to read basic brainwaves that the dog may be transmitting, and use them to find out what the dog may be hoping to do,it does some tracking of their emotional state and their arousal level.

The dog reading device, aptly named No More Woof is something that is supposed to read your dogs mind and translate those barks,woofs and arfs into something that is intelligible to people. The company www.fastcompany.com director Thomas Manzetti started with a machine that very simply read dog’s EEG. This translated into something simpler and larger than life. According to Mazetti the project used items that already existed. These would include a device that could read the dog’s EEG. The companies used an EPOC which was already available on various websites.

The EPOC was used to discern mental states in dogs. Once they used this EPOC device they could discern some very basic mental states in dogs. It is easy to determine when a dog is sleepy, calm or upset according to the device. The device also contains a cheap Raspberry Pi processor. There is also an entire Swedish team that has been working on the dog mind reading device. The website for the product is http://www.indiegogo,com/projects/no-morewoof.

This is the No More Woof device in a nutshell. The core emotions were easy to deal with but in terms of deeper emotions the devices complexity grew. The studio would like to track more nuanced thoughts. They wish to use an algorithm that can earn the thoughts your dogs may be thinking. They are hoping that the dog would speak in short sentences like “I would like to eat” or “I like to play with this ball.” Small print shows up on the device stating that you are supporting research and that it is not a finished product. So while the No more woof device is promising and affordable at only 65 dollars, it is not a finished and polished product that has been proven conclusively to read your dogs mind.

The main developer Mazetti is already thinking of other core concepts and other simple innovations and developments that could make the prototype easier to take advantage of and to use with the dogs of your choice. A complemetary system would be that the dog who thinks he is hungry would go up to a cupboard and easily be able to access a treat. Since dogs are very trainable and they are some of the ways that these devices would be able to be used for them to open a cupboard and easily access a treat if that is their intention. This would undoubtedly make your dog very happy indeed.

The emotion detecting radar would no doubt be overflowing with happiness when the dog comes around. It is obviously a leap going form reading dogs very basic emotions and instincts to processing complex thoughts and emotions, but face it, dogs are essentially very simple animals that do not have very complex thoughts. This device could allow dogs to easily learn the concepts of action and reward.Since dogs are very trainable, they will be able to possibly steer toward things, like cupboards, and can possibly steer toward things in its mind like a toy or of course the all important food. The application of this device is something that is felt all over. Although some people have felt that this idea is truly implausible the idea seems to bear merit as early experiments seem to show that it does indeed ready dogs emotional states and seems to have applicability in some research.settings with dog.

Some point out that the No More Woof device is never going to work as it works in humans since dogs do not process language in the way that humans do. In other words their language ability is limited. Even though this may only produce effects that are like visualizing the dogs behavior it should still be a fun way to observe the dogs behavior, and develop the ways that individuals can work with their dog and have fun observing their behavior.

These are some of the things that you can find and take advantage of a device that may make you a bit more in tune with your dogs behavior. Some point out the algoritms may be more like robotic responses mimicing siri,than actual indication of a dog’s thoughts. Critics of Woof No More point out that we can not accurately decode human speech reading EEG’s and if this is the case,why would we be able to decode dogs thoughts?The whole thing seems to be a bit far fetched and even a little ludicrous to some critical thinkers.

Other critics have pointed out that you may be buying the world’s most expensive chew toy that might only have a lifetime of less than a minute. However,whatever your feeling about Woof no more,evidence seems clear that this device can be a fun way to spend a few hours with man’s best friend and companion.

This Dog Spent 15 Years Being Chained to a Tree

This Dog Spent 15 Years Being Chained to a Tree
This Dog Spent 15 Years Being Chained to a Tree

Lesson We Should Learn on Treating Our Pets

This Dog Spent 15 Years Being Chained to a Tree. Until This Man Rescued Him and Set Him Free.

written by: oliviashannon

Mani the Stafford shire Terrier was only a puppy when the people who owned and took care of him decided to tie him in their residence in Australia. Mani did love and like chewing things just like the other puppies and because his care takers never gave him the best things to chew and eat or even unchain him so that he could have some exercises or even give him good training, Mani decided to destroy the furniture. When he destroyed the furniture’s then his care takers decided to throw him out so that they he could not destroy other furniture’s and also so that they could save the remaining furniture’s they had. Whenever they threw him out, Mani would always escape and he had now known that there are more better places in the world where it was best for spending a living. The former owners of Mani would chain him up to a tree so that he would not escape. This happened for 15 years and he remained chained.

There came a man who fortunately found Mani and since he had a girlfriend they would not let Mani suffer alone and continue enduring suffering where he had been held as hostage. Mani was usually underfed and neglected completely. The couple did decide to approach the former owners of Mani and they did agree to provide Mani with a better life than the one he was having. Fortunately and out of luck the former owners did accept the offer.

Those who rescued Mani normally say that from interactions he had had with him several weeks looking for a new home where he could make his residence. He also said that he understands what means by being mistreated and how mistreating may do harm to the dogs behaviors. He also never showed any signs of aggression towards the dog but he also interacted well with the three-year-old cat, which he met in his new home. This couple did contact a friend who used to run a non-profit animal shelter and within the first week Mani had been and found a new home. The person who had decided to adopt the dog did send some photos of Mani and they looked so nice because they revealed that Mani was been fed properly and also strong as he was having enough exercise. He also looked nice free from his chains.

The elderly dogs rescuer said that regardless of what he did for Mani, it was about time for fact that his good dog lived out as a reminder of his years with a family that cared and a family that would treat him with enough respect and care that was well deserving. He also believed that since he was not living in America, so the place that he resided is also legal and as a bright person he believed that it was a right treating all animals with a high level of respect because being restrained in one place like Mani was restrained in a tree and also been starved is so inhuman.

The life lessons we learn from this article are;

We should not ignore our dogs

We should not leave our dogs out when it’s too cold or too hot

No matter how busy we are we should always have time with our dogs and other pets.

We are supposed to give our pets some comfort whenever they are scared

Never ever take out your stress with your pet

You should never get frustrated and give up on your pets

You should teach your pet new things.

You should take your pets to new places so as to visit other pet friends 

You should not abandon your pet when new people and family members arrive


Police Dog Training Tricks YOU Can Use

Dog Breed
Dog Breed

Individuals police dog in light of the fact that they need assurance. These dogs could be exceptionally significant and an extraordinary resource for any gang. Their preparation takes exceptional measures and individual’s necessity to be familiar with the most ideal approach to prepare them fittingly. Here you will discover a short guide uncovering a percentage of the fundamental Dog Training Tricks required when preparing police dogs. 

Dog Training Tricks
Dog Training Tricks

Dog Training Tricks

The principal thing you need to do is show the canine when to bark. It could be when something irregular happens. The point when the puppy barks at the correct time, you can call it to your side and offer a treat. You may likewise attempt to offer a bite toy. You need the puppy to comprehend that when something surprising happens and the dog faculties this, it’s great to bark and head off to a relative.

Some individuals like to utilize what is regarded as clicker preparing to get their puppies to perform fittingly. The point when the puppy acts rightly, you make a clamor with small clicking device that tells the canine it has finished a great occupation. Provide for it a treat in the meantime. The dog will soon comprehend that the clamor and the activity will get it a treat. After the dog gets the hang of this, you can supplant the clicker with a treat and a verbal request like Bark.

Dog Training Tricks

In the meantime, there are puppies that bark excessively. At that point you will show them a tranquil request. When you need them to be tranquil you may need to shake a can loaded with coins or say Quiet and squirt their mouth with some water. The canine will stop yapping with a specific end goal to suck up the water. Take after this by letting the dog have a treat. Before long the canine will figure out how to react to the statement Quiet and you won’t need to provide for it a treat or squirt it.

 Gatekeeper dogs may get forceful about ensuring their region. You may need to set up a Beware of dog sign. Great gatekeeper puppies don’t have to terrify individuals. They could be prepared to be dutiful to charges. 

 In spite of the fact that monitor dog preparing can work well with more senior puppies, its best for the puppy to take in these aptitudes while they are adolescent. That is since you don’t need them to get preparing that may meddle with the gatekeeper dog preparing. For moment, when you show your dog not to bounce up on individuals, the gatekeeper puppy could be reluctant to hop up on a coach that should be an interloper. 

 Watchman dog preparing is something you can do you or let an expert coach do. There are a few incredible gatekeeper canine preparing aides accessible which you can read about in additional item utilizing the connections at the base of this article. When you want to let an expert mentor prepare your puppy, you ought to have the ability to discover a one by asking at your neighborhood vet center or pet shop. 

 In a great preparing program, the watchman dog will first take in some essential submission lessons. Those lessons will be exceptionally unbending. Gatekeeper dogs must figure out how to accompany every single summon quickly. These dogs additionally get prepared to just obey charges or take treats from holders and handlers. This is paramount on the grounds that no one needs an interloper to have control over the watchman puppy. 

 The point when the possessor needs a dog to alarm them if a gatecrasher enters the property, the puppy must be prepared to spot strangers. This is typically fulfilled through yapping and backpedaling to the holder. Yapping and coming back to the possessor’s side could be rehashed frequently, until the holder distinguishes the more interesting and the canine knows he effectively completed the occupation. 

 Once in a while the watchman puppy is really prepared to strike a gatecrasher. This is ruined assurance purposes. After this sort of preparing, the dog shouldn’t be allowed to sit unbothered. The dog may observe a development by a guest as a purpose behind assault. Canines prepared to ensure managers are not as touchy to commotion or undermining developments. This is to help the dog react legitimately to uproarious commotions or bizarre motions utilized by interlopers. 

 The watchman puppy must be taught how to legitimately react to all relatives. The canine might as well know all the youngsters in the family, and other relatives. The dog might as well additionally be acquainted with other family pets. This is the way to make the watchman dog a pleasing part of the crew. 

 Police dogs make delicate and sweet friend mutts. They revel in having organization; however they will set up a savage face when gatecrashers arrive. Possessors will feel secure having these mutts in the house. Preparing them can the start of a breathtaking relationship. Bear in mind to laud them when they benefit an occupation, and you will be remunerated with heaps of adoration.

How To Protect Your Dog From Hypothermia


How To Protect Your Dog From Hypothermia

written by: ambjrm2014

Keeping dogs warm and safe during winter’s harsh elements is at utmost importance to ensure a healthy, long life. When conditions become too cold for us, they are also too cold for our animals. Fur is a good insulator for our dogs, but it is not enough to keep all of them safe in the cold.

Some dogs are able to withstand the colder conditions, but most dogs need our help to keep warm. An example breed is Huskies, which are better suited to face the elements than your average dog.

Place Heaters Carefully If possible the best remedy to this is to bring your pets inside and arrange your house so they can maneuver safely. This includes moving heaters so they are not in the way of the playful, active puppy or dog. Also, do not let your dogs lay in front of heaters.

Place your heaters high if possible as some animals have been burnt from simply sleeping directly in front of a heater. Ensure that heaters are off the ground and cords are placed where animals cannot chew on them. When you use central heat, the air is dryer than your dog is used to.

Be sure to have fresh, cool water in your pets access at all times to help compensate for the loss of humidity in the air.

Limit Time Outdoors When your dog goes outside limit the time he spends outside and how much skin is exposed, including his foot pads. Hypothermia can set in sub-zero temperatures and the moisture in exposed skin is sure to chill quick.

Letting your dog stay outside for prolonged times can be extremely dangerous in severe temperatures. Also, make sure that the water supply outside is not frozen, so your dog will always have fresh water when he is outdoors too.

Older Pets or Chronic Illnesses If your pet is older, keep a close eye out for upcoming illnesses caused by extreme cold conditions. Cold weather can make arthritis worse for our older dogs.

Stock up on any medicine your dog may need from the vet before the weather gets back in the event that roads are not safe enough for travel. Also, pets who already have a chronic illness can have an increased chance of developing further problems when exposed to potential hypothermia situations. If you notice any new problems with your animal, contact your vet immediately.

The Best Defense One of the absolute best ways to ensure your pet is safe is to take these preventative steps ahead of the cold weather. If you know of a storm coming in and your have an outdoor dog, consider bringing him inside until the weather breaks. In some cases where this is not an option ensure he has a shelter outside, and try to put some insulation of some sort (hay, blankets, dog bed) inside for him. For dogs who are prone to chewing, do not allow them cloth for insulation. Heating mats can be purchased and placed in, or under, a dog house to help keep your pet warm.

How to Survive a Dog Attack


How to Survive a Dog Attack

written by: TheJoker

There is probably nothing as frightening as getting attacked by a vicious dog. Breeds of dogs that are known to attack humans can weigh more than 150 pounds and kill a small child or even an adult easily. Having knowledge of what to do in case of a dog attack can help someone survive. 


A dog that is on the verge of attack is likely to be staring at its victim, deliberately moving towards him or her while growling, baring teeth and hair raising on back. When confronted by a threatening dog, it is advisable to stop, avoid eye contact and wait for it to exit the area. Should this not be possible, a person should slowly walk backwards until the animal is out of sight. Running away from a dog is a big mistake. Humans cannot outrun a dog, and trying to run away will only make an attack more likely by escalating the situation. 


In case an attack cannot be avoided, the victim should curl into a defensive posture. One should use any object in their hands to shield the face from the dog. If there is a nearby structure like a fence or a tree, the victim should try and use it as support. If the person under attack has a child with them, he or she should turn their back to the dog while placing hands firmly around the kid’s body. This not only prevents the dog from biting the kid, but also deters the kid from moving or running, something that would worsen the injuries. 


There is a commonly occurring image about dog attacks in the media. It usually shows an attacking dog jumping and grabbing the victim’s arms. Usually, the image is preceded by a protagonist wrestling with the dog after wrapping something around his or her arm. Such images are untrue and misleading. The canines uses to film such videos happen to be law enforcement animals trained to immobilize and restrain a target. An ordinary person is unlikely to be attacked by such a dog unless they are a criminal. They are likely to be faced by an aggressive dog that does not aim for the arm. Instead, it will aim for the neck and head. Protecting the head and neck must be done at all costs using the arms or any other nearby objects. If the victim has a child with them, the kid’s neck and head must be protected. 


In case the dog bites some limbs, the victim should not attempt to struggle to be free. The more a person struggles, the more severe his or her injuries will be. The victim should stay completely put, waiting for the animal to let go. Even if it lets go, they should continue staying still until it leaves. Although this seems rather difficult to do, one must try. Struggling and fighting back is the natural tendency. This urge should be resisted as struggling with a dog will only worsen the injuries incurred.


A victim is more likely to suffer life-threatening injuries if he or she is pushed to the ground by the dog. One should therefore try all they can to stay upright. If pushed to the ground, the victim should roll into a ball. 


Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Allow Your Dog to Sleep in Your or your kids Bed

Reasons Why You Shouldn't Allow Your Dog to Sleep in Your or your kids Bed
Reasons Why You Shouldn't Allow Your Dog to Sleep in Your or your kids Bed

Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Allow Your Dog to Sleep in Your or your kids Bed

written by: Ruthie

As much as dogs are considered man’s best friend, one shouldn’t forget that they still are animals. Humans and animals are different and some things just don’t mix. Dogs are very faithful to their owners and caregivers and this tempts people to treat them as more, animals. 

On the other hand, there should be a limitation as to how close one lets their dogs get to their children. Kids are sensitive and more prone to diseases and accidents than adults are. Some people allow their dogs to lick their face, eat on the same plate as they do and even sleep on their beds. This habit should be highly discouraged due to some backed up facts.

1. Dogs Carry Diseases
An observation on dog habits will clearly tell just how dirty they are. For starters, dogs that sleep in kennels poop and sleep in the same place. Some even go to an extent of licking their own waste and rear end. 

On the other hand, when dogs get a hold of bones they can chew them for days, weeks and even months. These bones are prone to mold and rot yet these fur friends chew on them anyway. These facts go to show just how dirty and germ infested dogs mouths really are. When one allows their dogs to snuggle up next to their kids in bed they subject their little ones to all these germs.

2. Parasite Infested
Dogs scratch and itch all the time. There is no telling where a dog has been and this leads to their getting infested in fleas, mites, intestinal worms and parasites. No matter how clean your dog is, hanging out with an infested dog will make them carriers too. They bring these infestations home and when you allow them to snuggle with your child; these fleas jump around even to your child’s hair. The fleas jump all over the room and getting rid of them becomes a problem.

3. Prone to Accidents
It is always advisable that kids sleep in clean bedding at all times. A dog snuggling up next to your child might not be such a good idea. Dogs have accidents all the time especially untrained ones. This means that they can pee and/or poop in your child’s bed hence force them breathe in the dirty air all night long. This isn’t healthy and should be discouraged.

In the wild, dogs and their families, for instance wolves and foxes naturally operate in packs. Each pack has their own master to which the others have to obey and follow. For a dog to be faithful, it has to be put in its place at all times. Once a dog feels that it has authority over you, then they start being rogue. A dog that tends to insist on being on a high ground or next to their master, they believe that they own them. Some people may think that sleeping with their dog is a sign of affection and equality but a dog translates this differently. Dogs do not have equals; they either are the master or subject. Their sharing a bed with you outright means that they are the master. It is only a matter of time before it turns on your child.

Why Dogs Shake


Dogs Shaking Behavior: Different Reasons

written by: Chris_A

Dogs have many kinds of behaviors, some well known, others not so much. A very good question that is asked often is, why do dogs shake? The answer might be many fold.

Dogs evolved from domesticated wolves. And wolves were and are wild animals, living in a very dangerous environment. Survival for them is top priority. If you see a dog shake frantically after getting wet, it is because of the fact that he is wet. Being wet in the wilds is very dangerous.

A very wet coat, can increase the dogs weight many times, making it harder to run and escape enemies or hunt prey. If it is cold outside, getting dry can be a real problem and the dog could loose of lot of internal body heat. Thus, shaking can get a dog almost completely dry in a few seconds. A trait domesticated dogs probably inherited from their wolf ancestors.

Another reason dogs shake themselves is to literally shake off emotions. Dogs shake after getting into a fight with another dog, being yelled at, or if you hug and pet them. It is their way to deal with intense emotional moments and a way to cope with them and get back to their normal non emotional routine. Dogs, like humans, are very emotional beings.

Dogs shake to shake of imaginary objects from their coat. This trait is also a remnant of the wild wolf ancestor to modern dogs. In the wild, wolves would normally sleep on the ground, full of dirt, dried leaves, pebbles but also insects and parasites, like bugs and fleas and other animals.

The instinct remains, and after they wake up, dogs shake to get rid of all of these imaginary things. Even if your dog has a cozy dog house or a clean shelter, where he usually sleeps, he still does this.

If you clean or brush your dog much, you might notice that he would shake wildly after. This is also very normal. Dogs do not really enjoy excessive touching or petting or a lot of tugs.

The idea here, is that the skin of dogs is very loose. Much more loose then human skin. This is an advantage for getting dry, because the skin of a dog moves much faster then its backbone, and when dogs shake, they can get very dry very fast because of the free moving loose skin. If you excessively touch and groom your dog, the skin gets into uncomfortable positions around the dogs body, thus, by shaking, the dog just simply puts his skin back to normal.

Of course there are many other reasons as well. A dog could have a skin irritation, or an object stuck to his coat, that he wants to get rid off. He could also just ask for a loving massage.

It is very interesting, though, that among many other behaviors, shaking directly reminds us that dogs were once wild animals, and much of those wild, ancient animal instincts still remain in them.

15 Dogs That Don’t Look Like Dogs


Dogs are people’s favorite pets, which is to no surprise considering their loyalty, playfulness and cuteness. But, we never knew just how diverse these animals can be – sometimes, they don’t look like dogs at all! Every once in a while we encounter owners with very peculiar pets which are supposedly dogs, but we can’t be 100% sure. Here’s a list of some of the weirdest-looking dogs on the planet.

1. Panda dog



This particular breed is called Maltese Poodle and resembles very much to a panda. The origins of this breed can be found in Asia, specifically Japan and China. Even though there is talk it also contains parts of panda’s DNA, this thought is highly debatable and controversial.
2. Extreme grooming camel dog



Even though the name of this dog sounds at the very least upsetting, it is nothing more than a well groomed dog. To resemble a camel, owners groom their poodles by shaping their hair into wanted forms. The result of this is a camel-like dog!


3. Zebra dog

Image source: @kamercostante via Instagram


In such makeovers as this one, owners use completely safe hair dyes to accomplish the zebra-like look on their dogs. In order to accomplish this look for your dog as well, make sure he has similar visage as that of a zebra.


4. Horse dog


When it comes to grooming dogs, one of the popular looks is the horse look. Any giant dog breed with long hair can be made to look like a horse.


5. Lion dog

Image source: @brodin94 via Instagram


If you happen to own a long-haired Mastiff, then you’ll be happy to know you can groom him into the king of the jungle!


6. Tiger dog



This is another example of what you can do with pet hair dye. Transforming your pet into a tiger will certainly make him the main attraction wherever you go.

7. Polar bear dog


If you’ve always wanted to have a bear as a pet, you know that’s not going to happen. However, Akbash dog breed can be just the pet for you, considering it lloks very much like a big polar bear.


8. Skunk dog



In the sea of dogs that don’t look like dogs, this one is champion. Find a small dog with short hair and dye a white line across his back and fluffy tail and you’ll have yourself a real skunk as a pet!


9. Giraffe dog


Another example of creativity in the owners – using safe pet hair dye, giraffe dogs don’t look like dogs you’ll normally encounter.


10. Tiger dog


Groom your dog into a tiger with safe hair dyes and have heads turn for him wherever you go.


11. Lama dog


Just like a in the case of camel dog, your puddle can be easily transformed into a lama!


12. David Bowie dog



Well, this one really depends on your own creativity and originality in the hairstyle department.


13. Teddy bear



In case you want a real life teddy, a Pomeranian is your choice!


14. Lamb dog



Puddle transformed into a lamb with precise grooming!


15. Seal dog



Pugs are one of the cutest dogs in the world, and due to their wrinkly skin they resemble a lot to a real-life seal!


15 Awesome Dog Breeds You’ve Never Heard Of

Awesome Dog Breeds
Awesome Dog Breeds

15 Awesome Dog Breeds You’ve Never Heard Of And Need To Know About Immediately .I will make a bet with you. I will list 21 Awesome Dog Breeds You’ve Never Heard since they are part of those lovely beings which provide us with so many smiles. Unless you’re language wizard you will find it very hard to pronounce the names of these fantastic breeds.

1. Awesome Dog Breeds Appenzeller Sennenhunde

Awesome Dog Breeds
Awesome Dog Breeds

Imagine a Bernese Mountain dog but with short hair, there you have it.

2. Awesome Dog Breeds Azawakh

Awesome Dog Breeds
Awesome Dog Breeds

Since you have never seen these breeds I must compare them to others. In this particular case imagine a Greyhound but with a lovely curly tail.

3. Awesome Dog Breeds Bergamasco Shepherd

Awesome Dog Breeds
Awesome Dog Breeds

Imagine if Bob Marley was a dog. They are full of dreads and this breed is really clever; if you’re a cowboy you will find they are extremely useful.

4. Awesome Dog Breeds Bracco Italiano

Awesome Dog Breeds
Awesome Dog Breeds

Try to draw a beagle mixed with a bloodhound. These lovely companions are completely cuddly, brainy and sporty. As you might have guessed, they have a lot of Italian in them.

5.Awesome Dog Breeds Catalburun

Awesome Dog Breeds
Awesome Dog Breeds

Only in Turkey you will find this a special breed, I’m certain you will find their noses to be quite unique. This is their most distinctive trait.

6. Awesome Dog Breeds Caucasian Ovcharka

Awesome Dog Breeds
Awesome Dog Breeds

Basically the breed’s name refers to a Russian dog that hunts bears. Despite the name they are really hairy and lovely. Believe me; you will not want to leave Russia just for being able to cuddle one of these

7. Awesome Dog Breeds Czechoslovakian Vlcak

Awesome Dog Breeds
Awesome Dog Breeds

Every dog comes from wolves, or canis lupus. Because of this, it can be said that they are product of artificial selection. These breed was engineered to look like wolves but without their sour sense of humor.

8. Awesome Dog Breeds Estrela Mountain Dog

Awesome Dog Breeds
Awesome Dog Breeds

If you live in Portugal and possess cattle you will find that this friendly breed will protect your investment from wolves.

9. Awesome Dog Breeds Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen

Awesome Dog Breeds
Awesome Dog Breeds

Since I am on a metaphor spree I just can say that this breed looks like a schnauzer and a basset hound. It goes without saying that they are engineered to be really happy. As a scientific fact they moved their tails a lot.

10.Awesome Dog Breeds Hovawart

Awesome Dog Breeds
Awesome Dog Breeds

Imagine the mixture of a Rottweiler and a golden retriever. Fear not, they have been around since the 13th century and will continue to exist for the foreseeable few hundred years.

11. Awesome Dog Breeds Kai Ken

Awesome Dog Breeds
Awesome Dog Breeds

If you love anime you will certainly love this breed since they are perfect indoors companions and if that wasn’t enough, they’re Japanese. How cool is that?

12. Awesome Dog Breeds Kooikerhondje

Awesome Dog Breeds
Awesome Dog Breeds

Okay, you might have seen this one. They have appeared in the 17 th century paintings. All dogs are fascinating but what you’ll find special is that these breed has black patches of fur just right on the tip of their ears and you will be able to call them “earrings”

13.Awesome Dog Breeds Lancashire Heeler

Awesome Dog Breeds
Awesome Dog Breeds

This dog appears just right beside the word cute inside many non-published dictionaries. Imagine a midget Doberman with the attitude of a Rottweiler. There you have it.

I would enjoy to wittingly describe each and every of the breeds mentioned in this list but rest assured that each one of the following breeds in this list is not only special but unique. I will mention the remaining ones next:

14.Awesome Dog Breeds  Mudi

Awesome Dog Breeds
Awesome Dog Breeds

15.Awesome Dog Breeds russian toy

Awesome Dog Breeds
Awesome Dog Breeds

Strongest Dog Bite – Top 10 Dogs You should not Mess With

dog bite force
dog bite force

What Dog has the Strongest Bite?

What Dog has the Strongest Dog Bite ? German Shepherd Bite Force – 238 PSI . Doberman  Bite Force – 245 PSI  . American Bull Dog Bite Force – 305 PSI.   African Wild Dog  Bite Force – 317 PSI.  Rottweiler Bite Force – 328 PSI.  Wolfdog. Bite Force – 406 PSI.  English Mastiff  Bite Force – 556 PSI.
Bite Force – 743 PSI

Dogs are one of the most loved pets in the world. Because of these canines’ close living proximity to humans, it is of great interest to know which of the various dog breeds have the strongest dog bites.

Drs. Brady Barr and Joe Camp were one of the brave souls who set out to determine which canine species have the strongest bite back in 2005. Using digital bite meters, the researchers were able to measure bite force in pounds per square inch, or PSI. Results, which were featured in National Geographic, showed that larger dogs have stronger biting force than smaller ones.

What is PSI?

PSI is a unit made to calculate the pressure released upon any given point. The full meaning of psi is “Pound per Square Inch” or “Pound-force per Square Inch”. PSI is a measured result of all the pressure applied over one square inch of a pound. It is a very commonly used system and is easy to understand for even some of the most scientifically challenged people. To understand this a little better, take a tire for example. The average tire’s pressure generally falls around 32 psi or pounds per square inch.

According to various studies, these dog breeds have the strongest dog bite of them all:

Top 12 Dogs With The Strongest Dog Bite

10.  Malinois

Bite Force – 195 PSI

Strongest Dog Bites
Strongest Dog Bites

Also known as Belgian Shepherd Dog, the malinois has a force bite of 195 pounds. These dogs are excellent for police search of explosives, narcotics, and human suspects. They are highly trainable, energetic, and playful.

9. Dutch Shepherd

Bite Force – 224 PSI

Strongest Dog Bites
Strongest Dog Bites

Like German Shepherds, these dogs are used for police and military searches. With a dog bite force of 224 pounds, these normally calm dogs can be dangerous if provoked. They are intelligent, independent, protective and loyal of their families. They are often used as guard dogs because of these characteristics.

8. American Pitbull Terrier

Bite Force – 235 PSI

Strongest Dog Bites

Pit bulls are widely regarded as one of the most dangerous dog breeds. It has a bite force of 235 pounds which is only 71% of that of the Rottweilers. Despite its negative image, pit bull owners testify to the dogs’ mild temperament. If properly trained and socialized, these dogs can be very loyal friends.

7.German Shepherd

Bite Force – 238 PSI

Strongest Dog Bites
Strongest Dog Bites

Despite its weight of 75 to 85 pounds, German Shepherds have a strong biting force of 238 pounds. This breed is highly preferred for police and military search operations because of its strength, intelligence and obedience. Well-socialized German Shepherds are very gentle, although there are some reports that indicate aggression towards smaller dogs.

6. American Bull dog

Bite Force – 305 PSI

Strongest Dog Bites
Strongest Dog Bites

These stocky, grumpy-looking dogs also have strong for bite force of 305 pounds. Although they generally have a bad guy reputation, this breed can be fun and sociable. All it takes is early proper socialization.

5. African Wild dog

Bite Force – 317 PSI

African Wild dog - Strongest Dog Bite
African Wild dog – Strongest Dog Bite

This breed of dogs is usually a pack of hunting wild dogs with a strong force bite of 317 pounds. They are also called painted hunting dogs because of the various spots peppered in their coats. Sadly, these dogs are endangered due to poaching and habitat loss.

4. Rottweiler

Bite Force – 328 PSI

Rottweiler - Strongest Dog Bite
Rottweiler – Strongest Dog Bite

These police dogs bite with a force of 328 pounds. This breed is large and muscular, usually weighing up to 130 pounds. They are effective as police or guard dogs because of their loyalty, obedience, and fearlessness.

3. Wolfdog

Bite Force – 406 PSI

Wolfdog - Strongest Dog Bite
Wolfdog – Strongest Dog Bite

This hybrid of a gray wolf and a dog bites with the force of 406 pounds. The mixture of genes makes their temperament more unpredictable than other dogs, although they can also be effectively trained. Some of them retain their wolf-like tendencies such as chewing on objects and climbing fences.

2. Mastiffs

Bite Force – 556 PSI

Mastiffs Bite Force
Mastiffs Bite Force

The mastiff has a staggering bite force of 556 pounds. This is one of the largest dog breeds, weighing between 150 and 160 pounds. These dogs are naturally born dog guards, but also calm, human-loving, and well-tempered dogs. Just be careful not to anger this gentle giant.

1. Kangal (Turkish dog)

Bite Force – 743 PSI

Strongest Dog Bites
Strongest Dog Bites

And the most vicious of all is the kangal with the terrifying dog bite of 743 pounds. They are protective sheep dogs who act as guardians of a flock of sheep against wolves and other predators. They also treat their human families as their flock, thus protecting them with fierce loyalty and devotion.

Video Source :National Geographic

Top 10 Banned Dog Breeds


Top 10 Banned Dog Breeds : Even though it seems outdated and unfair, breed-specific laws continue to exist across the globe in order to attempt to reduce the number of dangerous dogs. Enforcing these laws is extremely costly and difficult, but certain breeds of dogs continue to be outlawed because they are deemed “threatening.” Here are 10 dog breeds that are currently banned in the world.

10.Banned Dog Breeds  “Tosa Inu”

Banned Dog Breeds
Banned Dog Breeds

Tosa Inus happen to be massive dogs with certain variations that have a weight anywhere between 130 pounds and 200 pounds. They bred to be fighting dogs right from the start and they are legally prohibited in several countries like Denmark, Malta and Norway, where they are regarded as dangerous.

9. Banned Dog Breeds “Pit Bulls”

Banned Dogs Breeds
Banned Dogs Breeds


Pit Bulls were originally bred to bait bears and bulls. Several studies have allegedly indicated that Pit Bulls are responsible for up to 45% human attacks by dogs, particularly children. Thus, Pit Bulls are restricted all over the world, especially in Miami and the UK.

8. Banned Dog Breeds “Perro de Presa Canario”

Banned Dogs Breeds
Banned Dogs Breeds

Perro de Presa Canarios are large dogs that were originally bred to work lifestock. Early obedience training and socialization is essential for these dogs, and yet they can be aggressive. After reports of killings, this dog breed was banned in Australia and New Zealand.


7. Banned Dog Breeds “Neapolitan Mastiff”

Banned Dog Breeds
Banned Dog Breeds

Even though Neapolitan Mastiffs are not associated with dangerous dogs, owning them is illegal in Singapore. A psychological evaluation has to be passed by a Neapolitan Mastiff in order to own one in Romania. Fully grown Neapolitan Mastiffs that weigh almost 200 pounds can be dangerous.


6. Banned Dog Breeds “Fila Brasileiro”

Banned Dog Breeds
Banned Dog Breeds

Also referred to as Brazillian Mastiffs, these large dogs were developed in Brazil. Their tracking abilities tend to be remarkable, but at the same time, their aggressiveness and strength tends to be quite terrible. Perhaps this is why Denmark, Israel, Malta, Norway and the UK banned this dog breed.


5. Banned Dog Breeds “Dogo Argentino”

Banned Dog Breeds
Banned Dog Breeds

These large and white muscular dogs were developed in Argentina mainly for big-game hunting, especially puma and wild boar. Although they were bred not be aggressive, they happen to be athletic and extremely strong. Thus, owning a Dogo in Australia, New Zealand, Portugal and the UK is illegal.


4. Banned Dog Breeds “Czechoslovakian Wolfdog”

Banned Dog Breeds
Banned Dog Breeds

The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is just one example of wolf hybrid breeds, many of which are illegal to keep as pets. There have been particular reports about attacks by wolfdog breeds, especially on children who are viewed as prey items, which is just one example that they possess wolf-like instincts.


3. Banned Dog Breeds “Boerboel”

Banned Dog Breeds
Banned Dog Breeds


Boerboels were originally bred to guard the homestead. There was a time when they were a first line of denfese against predators like hyenas, lions and other big cats. However, after being recognized as fighting dogs, this breed was banned in Denmark in 2010.

2. Banned Dog Breeds “American Bulldog”

Top 10 Banned Dog Breeds
Top 10 Banned Dog Breeds

American bulldogs are heavy muscular dogs. Despite being known for their friendly and pleasant demeanor, American Bulldogs tend to be extremely confident as a result of which they exhibit the trait of “stubbornness.” They were banned in Denmark and Singapore after reports of fatal attacks.

1. Banned Dog Breeds “American Bandogge”

Banned Dog Breeds

These muscular looking dogs have been using for fighting, even though they were not originally bred for this purpose. Since they are a cross breed between the American Pit Bull Terrier breed and the Neapolitan Mastiff breed, so they are prohibited in places where those two breeds are illegal.

Indeed, the reports of aggressiveness and attacks by these dog breeds cannot be denied. However, the fact remains whether it was the fault of the animals or their owners. Whatever the case, these were top 10 banned dog breeds.


video Source : Animal Breeds

color changes in dogs

color changes in dogs
color changes in dogs

color changes in dogs
written by: siddharthnarang

changes in color of dog can be taken positive or negative or both ways as it can be because of normal aging process or something very serious serious which is affecting dogs health.dogs color and coat can become lighter or darker.if the skin or coat color is other than white then it is said to be pigmented and if color is darker than normal color then it is known as hyper pigmented.some causes of color change in dogs1.the common form of color change in dogs is know as color dilution, it is believed to be inherited conditions. in this situation hairs around blue and fawn colored areas starts to get thin and it is common in breeds like doberman,great danes,
gray hounds,whippets.this generally occurs in the age of 8 to 10 months.this condition is not considered dangerous but it can lead to many diseases.

2.other common disease is crushing disease this can be observed if dogs hairs are falling and changing color and dog has pott belly.this situation is really dangerous as it can lead to tumor.

3.dudley nose-in this situation dog’s nose starts changing color it can be brown or light pink and in most of the cases it is between these two colors ,its itself not a disease and it is most common in poodles and dobberman.

4. Acanthosis nigricans-this is situation where color changes is genetically and its most common in dachshunds.this situation leads to darkening of color of dog and it is because of hormonal imbalance and it is known that vitamin e can reduce this problem.

5.basal cell tumors-in this situation dog grows very slowly and it can be cancerous too.and it is common in every dog in old age and it also results in sudden fading of dog’s coat.this can be cured through surgery and no other option is available in this situation.

6.cyclic alopecia -this is normal seasonal things which happens to every dog in this situation color do get change but till date we don’t have any cure to this and it is not the disease .it can be very traumatic as dog;s hair growth stops and hairs become darker for few week sand after that everything will be very normal.

7. hypothyroidism- this is relay serious situation which not only cause hair color change or hair loss,it can brittle or dry hair and in many cases it can be skin pigmentation.it can also cause obesity and slow heart rate. the only way to get dog cured is putting them on thyroid supplements for the rest of their life the color changes then you may see can be the first signs that dog has this problem.

if dog starts color change in skin or their coat it can be of aging, something very simple or it may be very dangerous, whatever is the reaon it should not be ignored at any cost and one should get dog examined by good doctor just to be on safe side.

Are You Making These 10 Dog Training Mistakes?

Dog Breed
Dog Breed

Are You Making These 10 Training Mistakes?
written by: pboysen1310

Training a dog successfully is an art form in and of itself. Taking the time to show your dog the importance of behavior and routine makes life easier for both of you, because dogs function best when they know their boundaries. Natural pleasers, they dislike the confusion that comes when boundaries are unclear. By establishing those lines clearly, you strengthen your relationship. Here are 10 common mistakes that people make when training their dogs, so that you can avoid them when raising your own furry friend.

1. How much training do you do?
Many dog owners go through the basic routines and behaviors to puppies or dogs new to the home. However, once the dog ages a bit and the connection settles, it is easy to get lazy about ensuring that those behaviors stay consistent. This means that response times increase for some behaviors, and that sometimes the dogs won’t respond at all. This is not malicious on the part of your dog; it simply means that you need practice. Finding new ways to build training into your life with your dog helps you both to remember the proper behaviors.

2. Do you find yourself repeating commands?
This is frustrating for many dog owners: you’ve taught a specific behavior, such as sitting. However, your dog gets confused or distracted and fails to respond correctly the first time you give the command. You repeat it, and finally the dog sits down. This often takes place with behaviors that have not received full instruction. Repeating a command to a dog suggests that it is all right to ignore the first one or simply to ignore repeated commands. The keys: do not give a command that you can’t enforce, and do not repeat commands.

3. Does training frustrate you?
If you get upset during training, your dog can sense this and start to pull back from the learning process. This isn’t a lack of obedience; instead, it comes from a combination of frustration and fear on the dog’s part. Before you become frustrated, take a deep breath and relax, or bring the training session to an early halt. You can take it up again after you have figured out the issues.

4. Is your training reactive?
To train your dog successfully, you need persistence, practice and time. If you wait until a problem with your dog spirals into chaos, you are going to have a much more difficult time than you would have if you proactively targeted that sort of behavior. This approach helps you intervene before the behavior starts to be an issue.

5. Do you correct your dog too quickly?
Teach the dog your commands before you start correcting. This will ultimately hinder his progress, because he won’t understand what you are saying.

6. Do you forget to reward the right behavior?
Immediate praise is the most effective reward that a trainer can give a dog. Without any sort of reward, your dog won’t know that he did the right thing!

7. Do you expect too much too quickly?
If you watch dogs and their trainers on television, you might expect your dog to do the same sort of fascinating tricks. Significant amounts of money and time went into training those dogs for television, and expecting your dog to produce those same results is simply unrealistic.

8. Are your rules consistent?
A common example of this involves a pet jumping up on people. Do you only correct your dog when you’re in your nice suit or Sunday clothes? You need to correct it all the time, not just when you’re wearing nice clothes. Your dog can’t differentiate between your business suit and your sweat pants, so enforce rules regularly.

9. Do you give up too soon?
Training takes time, so don’t give up on the process before you should. You might think that your pet will never learn that trick. However, different dogs take different amounts of training. If you stick with it, your dog will learn everything you want him to.

10. Does your dog get enough attention?
If your dog is an outside animal, it’s easy to forget that he’s out there, so all you’re training him to do is dig holes when he’s bored. Keep your dog in view as much as possible, and place him in a room where it’s not possible for him to damage things while you are gone.
Avoiding these 10 dog training mistakes will help you go a long way toward training your dog most effectively. If you have specific questions about your animal, talk to your vet to get the best insights.



Human shave never imagined of any of their children being raised by animals. Cases of animals looking after human kids however have left the human fraternity with food for thought. Upon these numerous researches have been established to understand animals better.

Various incidents relating to that have been recorded in history. These children raised by animals end up having cognitive problems. These kids, popularly known as feral kids, often portray traits of their adopted mothers and often have shown interest of rejoining, say, the jungle where they had been used to living.
A case of the ‘wolf children’ , Kamala and Amala, could be among some of the old incidents in recent history. They were found in 1920s in Godamuri jungle, India under the care of a she-wolf in whose company they were when thy were rescued.

The wolf wasn’t alone but also with the rest of the pack. They were 8 and 3 years respectively when they were rescued. They later died of fatal illnesses after they had been put in an orphanage.


In 2001 a Chilean boy was found alongside a pack of dogs in a cave. Having been neglected he had sought companion among the dogs for two years in which they had been helping him scavenge for food as well as provide him with protection. A spokesperson remarked that the boy and the dogs had been living like a family.
Earlier on in 2008 Argentinian police found a one year old boy surrounded by eight world cats. They had been keeping him alive during the freezing winter cold by laying on the baby during the cold.

They were also trying to lick mud on the boy’s skin and he was seen eating food provided for by the protective brood.
Natasha was a girl who was found by welfare workers living with dogs and cats and trying to do whatever the dogs did. She would also lap food from a bowl like them.
A toddler in Russia was found locked up with goats in Russia in 2012. Though with parents, the mother would lock up the baby with the goats and from them she developed some of their characters. For instance, she wouldn’t sleep on a cot but instead would try to sleep fro beneath it like goats.
Marina Chapman was left in a Colombian jungle by kidnappers when she was only five. With nobody close by and left for the dead, she found family in a group of capuchin monkeys.

According to experts, these monkeys are known to accept children into their fold. She was later rescued by hunters.
A boy named Prateep in Thailand would often be left by grandmother when she went away for work. The boy would stay for long periods with the dog than the grandmother till he started making dog sounds instead of human!
Ivan Mishukov was found living in the streets of Moscow with stray dogs that he had become so fond of to the extent of sharing food and, when he was taken from them, he stayed for a whole month without being able to get used to a life without the companions.

A boy named Edik was discovered in Ukraine living with wild dogs in an old apartment in Mirny. He was rescued and socialized back into humanity though with difficulties.

In 1800 an eleven years old boy named victor was found near Saint Sernin in France crawling on all fours and snacking food having lived with animals.

As seen animals have a parenting instinct and more so, dogs. It thus seems that animals may have traits that humans haven’t discovered yet.

The Most Strange Things Dogs Do


Strange things that dogs do0

written by: marvintana


Animals are just like human beings- or should it be the other way round? If you thought you had seen dogs do strange things then you are in for a surprise. Dogs are not exactly like human beings and so they will tend to do some things that are not exactly really interesting. Some of the things does do border on completely eccentric while others are utterly obnoxious to think about. Either way dogs are still very popular pets and very lovable. Here are ten of the weird things dogs do.

Eating grass

The science teacher said that dogs are carnivores, so what is wrong with your dog eating grass like a cow? Is it sick? No, it is not. Dogs and cats (virtually all carnivores) eat grass though not as dessert or a delicacy of some kind. The grass is actually meant to do some kind of �tango’ with the food that the dog has eaten. When a dog eats something that is offensive to its stomach it has to find a way to get it out. The grass usually irritates the lining of the stomach of the dog causing it to vomit. Sometimes it is not really bad food but rather nausea that drives the dog to eat grass. Vomiting is a cure for nausea.

Sloppy kisses

Have you ever wondered why your dog licks everyone and everything that moves? If you thought that it loves you so much as to please you with a sloppy kiss, you are completely mistaken. They do that to show either submission or hunger. When the �kissing’ is too much, it could be a sign that the dog is in pain of some kind.

Going round in circles before lying down

Just the same way you smack your pillow before sleeping; canines have evolved with this habit of smacking the ground with their feet to make the sleeping spot more comfortable.

Drinking from the toilet

Even the thought of drinking for the toilet bowl makes some people very sick. Dogs tend to like the water in the toilet better. According to them it is a fountain of constant supply of clean healthy water. Constant flushing maximized oxygenation of the water and keeps it fresh. Also porcelain does not affect the taste of water like metallic and plastic bowls do.

Wagging the tail

There are occasions when this means happiness and contentedness. However, if the dog wags the tail while arching it over the back there must be something annoying him or exciting him. When he growls then he is annoyed, if he doesn’t then he must be happy.
Dry-humping your guests’ leg

Male dogs when they reach puberty, there are just like teenage boys. They have a high sex drive thanks to the generous supply of hormones.

Rolling around in stinking stuff

While it is not really possible to tell why they do so, just know that anything that smells bad will smell extremely good to a dog.

Barking at the mailman

Dogs will always bark at any person who comes and goes away when they bark at them. This is more like a conditioned habit. They learn that when they bark, the intruder will go. Thus they bark louder each time the intruder come again, it makes them feel that they are actually working.

Chasing cats

It is not that dogs hate cats. In fact there are dogs that love cats. It is more like boredom because the prey they are used to hunting, like squirrels cannot be found anywhere in the city.

Pumping the leg when the stomach is rubbed

It is a sign of being entertained. They feel very good when you rub the belly.


color changes in dogs
color changes in dogs
rottweiler dogs
rottweiler dogs

TOP 4 REASONS GIRLS LOVE GUYS WITH DOGS :Dogs have since time in memorial been referred to as man’s best friend. This can help us understand why women love men with dogs. Some studies conducted have revealed that men who have dogs have a greater chance of attracting more women than those without. Many women have been overheard saying that they found guys with dogs more attractive and would go out with them over say a person without a dog. The type of dog that a guy has can also affect how a woman perceives them. A woman would feel differently about a person who owns a pitbull than from another man who has an adorable dog. The former may be perceived as strong while the latter would be likely perceived as sensitive and caring.


There are several reasons as to why women are more likely to love or date guys with dogs but we will talk about the four topmost reasons;

1. A show of commitment. Women are always on the lookout for subtle signs that show the personality traits in a guy that they are most interested in. When a woman sees that a man can take care of his dog, feeding it, bathing and always making sure it has all it needs, she may conclude that he is a man who can commit especially to a long term relationship. Raising and taking care of a dog require a substantial amount of dedication and hard work. If it gets sick one has to take it to the vet and if it gets dirty one has to spend some time washing it and ensuring that it’s always clean. This leads many women to conclude that guys who own dogs are more likely to take care of them and dedicate time to spend with them.

2. They are understanding: Even though dogs are usually adorable most of the time, there are times where they can test people’s tolerance. When a dog chews on a person’s shoe or poops on their favorite rug, it would take a lot of understanding to keep them from getting mad and chasing it outside or even hitting it. Girls know that such men would be sensitive and understanding were they to initiate and relationship with them. Girls know that guys who own dogs will be understanding to them when they make inevitable mistakes in the relationship.

3. They are not selfish: It’ is almost impossible raise a pet if you are a selfish person. Women figure out that if a man is willing to dedicate and considerable amount of time to their pet, then they would definitely make up enough time for them too and are therefore more likely to date them.

4. They are kind: Most women want a man who can treat them with kindness. If person can treat their pet dog with kindness, then they are likely to also treat a person they are dating in the same manner. This makes women love guys who have dogs.

If you are a guy and your dating life does not seem to be going well for you, perhaps it’s time to consider getting yourself a dog for a pet.