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First aid for injured and sick Rottweilers


First aid for injured and sick Rottweilers

Written by : Anastasia Spevakina
Every dog owner faces injuries of his lovely pet.  Rottweilers can get minor scratches and a serious fracture, not counting other diseases, which we will talk about in this article.
The most important thing in such situations is to provide first aid correctly and in time.

Treatment of wounds depends on the type and extent of damage. The first thing to do, if your rottweiler has a wound, is to remove (cut or shave) wool around the wound. Then the wound must be washed with hydrogen peroxide and iodine. After it’s cleaned and disinfected, tie the injured area with sterile wipes.
If the wound is not longer than 2 cm and not deep, you shouldn’t sew it. Otherwise, you must bring  your rottweiler to the vet.

Sprains, strains and bruises
When dogs start to limp, it is necessary to check whether they have a dislocation, sprain or joint injury. If you have experience in the treatment of injuries, you can try to straighten the sprained joint by yourself.Otherwise, you must give your rottweiler an anesthetic and immediately bring him to the nearest veterinary clinic.

A hernia is subcutaneous protrusion of parietal peritoneum, abdominal fascia, intestines, stomach and momentum.  In such case it’s necessary to give the rottweiler a position, when hernia is at the top, and then put pressure on it. Swelling in the abdominal wall of your dog will disappear. If it doesn’t help, a rottweiler needs immediate surgery.

Diseases of the oral cavity
The most common diseases of the oral cavity for rottweilers include dental caries, pulp and retention cysts. In addition, dogs of this breed are more likely than others to have a fracture of the lower jaw.

The disease occurs mainly in older dogs. In later stages of the disease there is a strong hyperemia of gums, unpleasant smell and difficulties chewing food. To prevent the formation of plaque, you should add into the diet of rottie food, which cleans teeth – for example, cartilage bones.

Dental caries
Having caries, dogs don’t feel pain, but there is a nasty smelly breath. Carious teeth have to be sealed under local anesthesia.

Cysts occur in the oral cavity of dogs as a  result of ducts plugging. If the cyst is not removed on time, dogs  can have difficulties in chewing and swallowing.

Fracture of the lower jaw
The bone of the lower jaw may be broken, if the rottweiler falled down from great height. The jaw of the rottie often droops, salivation increases, and saliva drips from his mouth. Having such condition, rottweilers have a lot of pain and shock. In order to provide a dog first aid, give him an analgesic to relieve pain and bring to the vet. During first week after the surgery feed the rottweiler liquid food.

Neoplastic Diseases
Due to the deteriorating environmental situation in the cities, Rottweilers, as well as other breeds, started to have neoplastic diseases of different origin. They occur in the second half of dog’s life, when rottweilers are about 7 – 9  years old.
To protect your dog from cancer and other neoplastic diseases, you have to feed your rottie well, give him special vitamins and minerals and make periodical check ups in the veterinary clinic.

Read Also : Facts About Your Dog’s Sense of Smell

5 Common Rottweiler Diseases You Should Know

Rottweiler Diseases
Rottweiler Diseases

Rottweiler Diseases – There is a misconception that sick dogs should be treated only by a veterinarian. In fact, the vet only examines and prescribes treatment, and the one, who is taking care about the dog, is you.

Each owner of a Rottweiler must be able to provide first aid to the pet and to prevent his death or complications of the disease. You have to know what you can do in case the vet is not around and your rottie needs emergent help.

It is also important to know the symptoms of major diseases and methods of treatment, but don’t try to self-diagnose your rottweiler. Suspicions may be incorrect due to atypical occurrence of a disease, and your own treatment will only bring harm. Noticing the dogs signs of diseases above, you must first contact your veterinarian.

Rottweiler Diseases
Rottweiler Diseases

Skin Rottweiler diseases

Diseases of the skin in dogs lead to irritation, nervous behavior and reduce total body resistance to infectious diseases. That is why it is essential to monitor the state of your rottie epidermis. ! Systematic care about Rottweiler’s skin (washing, brushing and combing) prevents the development of skin diseases and improves the functioning of the skin cover.

Eczema Rottweiler diseases

The disease starts with the dog’s attempts to comb the skin. If you remove the hair coat from these areas, you will see reddened, swollen non-pigmented areas of the epidermis. Scratching these areas calms dogs, but after few hours or days your rottweiler will start having red nodules, what leads to hair loss. Of course, in such case rottweilers need help of the vet, but regular check-ups from your side will allow to notice eczema in the early stages.

Dermatitis Rottweiler diseases

Dermatitis is an inflammation of all the layers of the skin, but without rashes (like eczema). In acute course of the disease dogs have redness, pain, swelling of the skin and a slight increase in temperature. If your rottweiler has  increased temperature and depression, it may indicate the development of purulent dermatitis. Chronic dermatitis may be determined by sealing thickened skin.Chronic dermatitis is treated by paraffin baths, massages and ultrasound therapy. Purulent dermatitis is treated by bandages and compresses.

Seborrhea Rottweiler diseases

This disease is caused by hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands and excessive accumulation of fat in the skin. Dogs start having formation of hilly and loose accumulations of fat in the skin. Initially, seborrhea captures small areas of skin cover, but if you do not start early treatment of your Rottweiler’s skin, damage will spread further and may go to eczema and dermatitis.

Sepsis Rottweiler diseases

If your rottweiler has problems with immune system, functioning of vital organs and hypersensitivity to different infections, he might have a sepsis. Treatment of sepsis is comprehensive, early and intense.
! This disease almost can’t be cured and in most cases leads to the death of dogs.
Don’t let your rottweiler get any of these diseases, take care of his skin and do periodical check ups not only when you go to the vet. It’s your rottie and your best friend, so you are able to notice if something is wrong with your pet.

All you need to know about Rottweiler


All you need to know about Rottweiler

Rottweiler are mindlessly loyal to their owner and his family.  If you have a Rottweiler, you will always feel secure about safety of the property and your family. However, among member of his pack he is very obedient and complaisant.  Brute force in the education of this dog is not necessary, but it certainly requires decisiveness and inflexibility. Rottweiler will show his character from puppy hood, and weak-willed owner will constantly suffer from the tricks of a growing puppy.
Rottweilers don’t require special care. Use a special brush for pet’s coat and bathe your dog once or twice every few months.

Rottweilers –  Care and maintenance
-The complexity of care: low
-Grooming: low
-How often to bathe – once or twice every few months
-Preferred life conditions:  in the warmth of home
-They can live in an apartment: Of course
-Lifespan: 10-12 years

Rottweilers  – The level of activity and the paddock
-The need for activity: high
-Playfulness: above average
-Duration of walking: at least an hour a day
-The intensity of walking: active games, walking

Rottweilers – Education and training
-The complexity of education: average
-Difficulty of training: the average
-You can engage your child starting with the age of: 13-14

Attitude to living beings
-Strangers: extremely distrustful
-Children living in the family: Excellent
-Pets: normal, but the socialization is needed

-Classy bodyguards and tireless guards
-Very strong breed with powerful jaws
-Well responding to training
-Minimum grooming

Hard-nosed, though very smart. In education and training you will have to be persistent Tend to dominate in the family

Ideal companion for:
Any type family. Even though for a single person, even for a large family with small children, Strong, confident people, Active people and athletes.

Bad choice for:
Spineless, flabby people and Inactive people.

The character of Rottweilers. Will this breed be suitable for YOU?
Such breed dogs as Rottweilers are extremely dangerous for enemies and affectionate, docile to all members of the family, even the youngest. Self-confident and independent Rottweilers need a leader who would be stronger than them in spirit. In the absence of the leader the Rottweiler will think that the pack is in danger and needs a leader, who will lead all members of the pack along. That’s why dogs of this breed strive for leadership, trying to protect all members of the pack from difficulties.
Rottweilers will obey the owner’s orders, if you take them for a walk daily. While walking the dog need to play active games, you can go jogging or cycling, and your dog will follow you. Keeping an active lifestyle, dogs of this breed will be quit and obedient.

! Without activity it’s extremely difficult to control Rottweilers.

Rottweilers perfectly coexist with a lonely individual or a large family, even with very little kids. It’s better to watch out communication of the Rottweiler and your kids, but Rottweilers are very friendly and patient with children. You can trust the care about such dogs to a kid, who is not younger than 13-14 years old.

Top 10 Myths About Dogs


10 Myths About Dogs

written by : Anya Gavrilova
Dogs can see only black and white.
Scientists have proved that dogs can distinguish blue, yellow and gray colors.  Dogs can’t discern red and green, but they can distinguish shades of gray, what allows them to see in the dark and dusk.

A cold wet nose is a sign of good health.
Don’t rely only on the state of nose, because after waking up and in the heat nose of your dog will be warm and dry, and, for example, during rhinitis the nose gets cold and wet because of nasal mucus. Measure the temperature of thermometer in the rectum and take care of other symptoms.

Dogs must eat bones.
This harmful myth is quite widespread among dog lovers. It’s believed that eating bones puppies will get a lot of vitamin D and calcium, but in fact bones can injure intestines and cause bleeding, inflammation and severe constipation.

A dog wags his tail only when pleased.
That’s right that dogs wag their tails to show joy and happiness, but the movement of tail can express other emotions too. In some cases a sharp twitching tail indicates anxiety or fear and can provoke aggression.

Before sterilizing the dog must whelp at least once.
This argument doesn’t have any real evidence or prove, but sterilized dogs (giving birth before or nulliparous) are less likely to have diseases.

If a puppy has a black palate, he will become angry.
There is no connection between aggressive behavior and black pigmentation on the mucous membrane of mouth. Aggression can be the result of education (or lack of it). Scientists believe that the darker mucous is, the stronger and healthier tooth enamel is.

Training depresses and suppresses your pet.
Naughty dog will turn your life into chaos and real danger. Train the dog from the early ages and you will be able to reach mutual understanding. Training helps to establish harmonious and trusting relationship between a man and a dog.

A dog can safely play with your kid.
If you are lucky with the dog, it will be so, but all dogs are different, and some of them like to play, run one after another and jump on each other. Just imagine a large breed dog, which jumps on your kid, because he doesn’t know how to behave with children and never saw them before. That’s why the last point about training is way more important, to make the dog loyal and caring about your kids.

Feeding your pet fodders will give him enough vitamins and minerals.
You should be very careful making a diet for the dog and feeds for him, because these feeds must be given additionally, according to the age, weight and breed of the dog. Consult the veterinarian about making a balanced diet with enough vitamins for your lovely pet.

Rewards for good behavior are bribes and spoil the dog.
It would be a bribe, if you gave it to your puppy before the needed action. But when you give it after, you support, motivate and encourage your dog and strengthen the relationship with him.

Rottweiler Puppy Cute Sleeping

rottweiler puppy
rottweiler puppy

Rottweiler Puppy Cute Sleeping

We know what Rottweilers look like, and if you are on this site, you most likely proudly own a Rottweiler puppy or are looking to learn more about this beautiful breed, This Video For a cute Rottweiler puppy  (2 months old) sleeping take his owner place to sleep don’t forget to share this videos with your friends


Video Source : millencojo

Read Also : Tips on taking your dog to veterinarian

1000 Reasons To Feed Your Dog Liver

Dog Liver

1000 Reasons To Feed Your Dog Liver

written by :Anastasia
At first glance, the idea of feeding Dog liver seems ridiculous because most of us don’t like liver no matter how healthy it is.  As for dogs, it’s not only the source of protein and plenty of vitamins, but also extremely tasty. Dogs will readily eat this organ meat and what matters for you is that it’s highly nutritious and easy to find at your local market.

Liver is well known to be one of the most concentrated sources of natural vitamin A, B, iron, zinc and trace minerals. Vitamin A supports eye health, and Vitamin B (particularly B1, B2, B3, B5, B12) can prevent anemia and help with nerve health and mental ability. Moreover, liver provides good quality protein and fatty acids, omega-3 and omega–6 type.

Beef liver has the utmost nutrition levels and very high in cooper, and chicken liver is high in iodine and selenium, which has a good effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. However, if you give your dog too much liver, it can lead to vitamin A intoxication. If you are feeding dog with the liver and canned food, be sure that it doesn’t contain liver, if the dog is already given cooked liver.  If you don’t want your pet to have muscle weakness, weight loss and deformed bones, especially on the elbows and spine, feeding with liver must be done in consideration.

How to feed liver to your dog
You can feed your dog liver once or twice a week for the pet to have good health and strong bones. Three or more servings of liver per week can lead to vitamin A intoxication and cause various diseases. If the dog’s weight is around 30 kilos, 200 – 300 grams of liver will be enough for each time of feeding. Liver can be served lightly cooked or raw. Cooked liver works well as a training treat and eating raw liver can lead to parasitic infections.
Liver has a wide range of important nutrition and should be at least 5% of the overall diet. Help your dog  to be healthy and add liver to his diet!

Read Also : Dog Training Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

The Truth About Vitamins For Dogs !


The Truth About Vitamins For Dogs!

written by : Mkay
If you are giving your dog vitamin because you think that they will help your dog
to stay healthy ,  and you think that is a great reason for your dog to get vitamins ( and supplements ) , well… you are not the only one.

Pet owners spent about five hundred million dollars on supplements ( in 2013 year )  and in the future , that number is expected to be nearly seven hundred millions ( in 2020 ) ! .

But,  these three important reasons will change your mind about vitamins. They might not be a good idea as you think :

1.  Most people usually think that vitamins are natural , but in fact most of the vitamins are made from  the petroleum and hydrogenated sugars, and coal industries.

A few examples explains that :

Vitamin A – Benzene , petroleum esters,  methanol , refined fish , acetylene.

Vitamin B-1 –  Hydrochloric acid , acetonitrile with ammonia , and coal tar derivatives.

Vitamin B-9 –  Formaldehyde and Isobutyraldehyde mixed.

Vitamin B-12 – Cobalamins ( reacted with CYANIDE ) .

Vitamin C – Hydrogenated sugar ( processed with acetone ) .

Vitamin D – And the most disgusting – Irradiated animal fat / cattle brains.

What is natural here??

The real truth is that vitamins are made from these waste products because it’s cheaper solution and they last longer than the vitamins in real foods.  In fact, these cheap vitamins
are not giving your dog the benefits he needs.

2.  The most of synthetic vitamin you give to your dog are not recognizable by his body , believe it or not ,  they are treated as toxins.  This can be very harmful to your dog’s kidneys ,
over the time they can burn out! The difference between natural vitamins and synthetic
vitamins is huge ! Simply , they are not in the same chemical form.

3.  If you are trying to avoid Chinese ingredients , that is a great idea because
China has a terrible track record ( food safety ) .  In 2008 , synthetic vitamin
from this country killed over 4,500 dogs and cats.  Most of the vitamins are manufactured in India and China , China owns over ninety percent of the Vitamin C market in the United States.

Soo , what do you think? Synthetic vitamins are not a good choice for your dog for sure.
How do you avoid that?

Well , if you want to avoid these bad synthetic vitamins you should follow this, here are the natural and synthetic forms of some common vitamins:

Vitamin A

Natural: Fish oils
Synthetic:  Palmitate, acetate

Vitamin B-1
Natural: Yeast
Synthetic:  Thiamine hydrochloride, thiamine , thiamine mononitrate

Vitamin B3
Natural: Yeast
Synthetic:  Nicotinic acid , niacin

Vitamin B5
Natural:  Rice bran , liver , yeast
Synthetic:  Panthenol , d-pantothenate , calcium pantothenate

Vitamin B6
Natural: Yeast
Synthetic: Pyridoxine hydrochloride

Vitamin B9
Natural: Yeast, folate, liver
Synthetic:  Pteroylglutamic acid , folic acid

Vitamin B12
Natural: Fermented foods, liver
Synthetic:  Cyanocobalamin

Vitamin C
Natural: Citrus fruit , rose hips , acerola berries, amla berries , camu camu berries
Synthetic: Ascorbic acid

Vitamin D
Natural: Fish oils
Synthetic:  Ergosteral , vitamin D2, calciferol

Vitamin E
Natural: Wheat germ oil, tocopherol, Vegetable oil, alpha-tocopherol
Synthetic:  dl-alpha tocopherol ( the dl or d form of any vitamin is synthetic) .

Read Also : Dog Refuses To Eat Reasons and Solutions

Which Dog Breeds Shed The Most And Least?


Which Dog Breeds Shed The Most And Least?

If you are a dog owner, then your biggest nuisance must be unwanted hair in your home.
Like almost every dog – they sheds. Some breeds may have more hair ,  some may have less. Generally , all dogs will shed hair.  The colder months
will give us a little break from the heavy shedding seasons of summer and spring.

These dog breeds shed the most and least:

Heaviest Shedders                       Lightest Shedders

1. Alaskan Malamute                   Bichon Frise
2. German Shepherd                    Poodle
3. Labrador Retreiver                   Maltese
4. Alaskan Husky                            Chihuahua
5. Siberian Husky                           Toy Poodle
6. Golden Retreiver                      Chinese Crested
7. Chow Chow                                 Yorkshire Terrier
8. Akita                                               Maltipoo
9. Saint Bernand                             Labradoodle
10. Great Pyrenees                        Goldendoodle

The purpose of dog’s coat is:

– Regulation of his body temperature
– Protecting his skin
– Helping with sensory perception

There are three types of dog fur:

The undercoat – Undercoats are usually found on dogs bred to live in cold climates.
Guard hairs (Outer coat) – Is protecting the undercoat from extreme temperatures and water.
Whiskers – They are stiff hairs and they are growing around a dog’s face. That provides  him a sensory stimulation.

Usually dogs with double coats ( especially Golden Retrievers) are considered as the heaviest shedders.  The shedding is the normal process , and necessary function which is designed to maintain your dog’s coat, and keep his skin in healthy condition.

Shaving a shedding dog

This isn’t usually a good idea. Your dog’s coat keep her warm in cold weather, and protect her from the too much sunny effects. Dogs with thin coats ( or white , light-colored)  are more vulnerable to sun damage.  Dogs are doing best wearing their natural coat.

Manage shedding

Shedding is a natural process, and necessary. Preventing your dog’s coat from shedding is not possible , and it’s not desirable. But , you can do some things to manage the amount of hair  that your dog deposits around your house by regular brushing , feeding with a balanced , organic and non GMO diet.  Adding a coconut oil can reduce the amount of hair loss.

12 Signs That Your Pet Is Too Hot! Watch Out For These


12 Signs That Your Pet Is Too Hot! Watch Out For These
Written by : Maky

Dogs do normally have a higher body temperature than we do, and they have less ability to cool down. An overheating dog can regulate his body temperature  through panting ( it’s not terribly efficient in hot weather).  However , when the dog is overheated , he can suffer hard damage to heart, brain , nervous system and liver.

Recognize these signs of overheating:

Heatstroke is the often deadly result of overheating. It is mostly  caused by a dangerous elevation in a dog’s body temp.  Don’t  left your dog in a car during the summer months!  It can also  happen if your dog is exposed to high temperatures ( in late spring and the first weeks of summer) .


1. Excessive thirst
2. Vomiting , and bloody diarrhea
3. Bright or dark red toque
4. Glazed eyes
5. Stumbling , staggering
6. Heavy panting
7. Increased pulse
8. Seizures
9. Weakness , collapse
10. Unconsciousness

Keep in your mind that some dogs are at higher risk for heat-related illness than others,
older dogs especially.

Tips for keeping your dog safe:

Remember this , never leave your dog alone in a parked car on a very warm and sunny day!  The temperature in your car on a warm day can rise very quickly! It takes only about ten minutes for the temperature to climb for +20 degrees,  for an example – the temperature is about eighty degrees , for ten minutes will rise to 100 degrees , and in a half of hour it can raise over one hundred and twenty degrees!  On these days , it is the best to leave your pet home.

Don’t exercise or walk your dog on a warm day!

Asphalt  on warm days is very dangerous and can quickly overheat your dog. Don’t allow your dog to stand , rest or walk on hot outdoor.
Exercise your dog only during the coolest parts of the day.  It is desirable after sunset , or early in the morning.  If the outdoor temperature hits about ninety degrees , you  should take your pet indoor where is fine temperature.

Provide to your dog plenty of clean drinking water all the time!

Your dog can become dehydrated in hot weather.  Your dog should drink between  one half and one ounce of water per pound of body weight.

Extend Your Rottweiler Life In These 5 Steps !


Extend Your Rottweiler  Life In These 5 Steps !

Written by : Maky
The Rottweiler s are large dogs breed , and they are more vulnerable to arthritis than smaller dogs.  As they are getting older , their muscular bodies are making them more sensitive to arthritis.  However , you can extend your Rottweiler ‘s life by taking these steps to help him prevent arthritis:

Prevention is better than anything!

Step 1
First step is to manage your Rottweiler ‘s weight. His ideal weight should range from 70  to 110 pounds.  You should feed your dog with nutritious diet , and that will help him to keep his weight within the normal range.  Overweight can be a main cause   of arthritis.  If your Rottweiler’s weight is exceeding normal range , you should talk to  your vet about placing him on a proper diet, and help him to back his weight to normal  and to reduce the risk of arthritis.

Step 2
Massage.  Using your fingertips and rubbing his muscles  around his  joints can help him to relax his muscles, and to promote a healthy range in his joints.  That can prevent the development of arthritis.  If you don’t exactly know how , ask your vet and he may teach you some of the massage techniques , especially physical therapy  and that will also help to prevent arthritis in your Rottweiler.

Step 3
Keep in mind that dogs are just like humans – they need to be active.  Exercise is a crucial step in preventing arthritis.  Teach him how to perform  muscle-building exercises. He can go swimming , or walking on treadmills, and engage him in those exercises.  This can help your Rottweiler to keep a healthy weight management.

Step 4
Believe it or not , bad or awkward positions of sleeping are more likely to develop arthritis than the other dogs who are sleeping in the beds with good support and good positions.  Orthopedic dog beds can help in preventing of arthritis.

Step 5
Adding joint-supporting supplements to your Rottweiler ‘s diet can help to minimize the risk of arthritis,  such as minerals , glucosamine , and chondroitin.

How to Take Care of an Adult Rottweiler

Adult Rottweiler
Adult Rottweiler

Are you aspiring to learn how to take care of an adult Rottweiler? Typically, Rottweilers are a recognizable and dominant dog variety and are characterized by massive muscles and tan and black markings on their bodies. Additionally, they are distinctive compared to other breeds due to their high protective instincts. Therefore, learning on how to take care of an adult Rottweiler is essential, and here are excellent tactics to help you maintain a healthy dog.

Feeding Adult Rottweiler

Naturally, a Rottweiler can weigh up to 135 pounds; therefore, the dog will need a high-quality diet and which should contain crude protein, crude oil, and high fiber content. However, you should ensure that your dog does not become overweight, through proper exercising and which is also essential as it facilitates muscle development.

Most importantly, adult Rottweilers are very susceptible to gastric dilatation disorder, which is the accumulation of gases in the stomach. Therefore, you should feed your dog with either two or three smaller bowls of non-fatty meals daily, and do not mix dry foods with water. Additionally, allow the Rottweiler access to a clean and fresh water source, but in small amounts to prevent gastric stomach disorder. Also, it is essential to ask your veterinary for feeding recommendations to ensure that your dog grows healthier and stronger.

long hair Adult rottweiler
long hair Adult rottweiler

Training Adult Rottweiler

Firstly, before training your dog, you need to understand the dominance of your Rottweiler, and then teach him with a careful and kind understanding. Naturally, there are numerous ways you can instill good behavior in your dog without being rough or aggressive.
Secondly, you should enhance the socializing skills of your dog as they are essential in ensuring that the Rottweiler is comfortable around other dogs as well as around people.

Typically, you can improve the social aspect of your dog by taking him for a walk in public places or by going with him to your friend’s house. Therefore, by keeping your dog’s social experience excellent and positive, he will learn to become more confident and active.

Additionally, you should teach your Rottweiler simple commands to assure complete training by using positive reinforcement tactics. Some of the standard terms you can train your dog includes, come, sit, stay, paw, down and no. However, if he does not respond to your directives, you should not yell at him or use physical discipline such as hitting, as these will confuse and frighten the dog.

Exercise Adult Rottweiler

Rottweilers are usually athletic, large, and active; hence, adequate exercising is vital to keep them in shape and to maintain their muscular physique. Additionally, working out your dog will prevent him from becoming overweight, a condition which can lead to heart, thyroid, join, and breathing problems.
Usually, an adult Rottweiler requires a 50 to 60 minutes’ walk every day, and other excellent dog exercise ideas, including short runs, fetching, obstacles, frozen bottles, and a tug of war.

Grooming Adult Rottweiler

You should maintain the nails of your Rottweiler by trimming them because long nails can cause injuries when the dog is running or digging, and also brush his hair to keep him clean and tidy.

Rottweiler Saves Boy From Severe Pit Bull Attack Near Orlando

Rottweiler saves
Rottweiler saves

Rottweiler Saves Boy From Severe Pit Bull Attack Near Orlando

Outside of the dog community, Rottweilers tend to have a bad reputation. However, this one was a neighborhood hero as Rottweiler Saves Boy and he stopped a pit bull’s attack.
It was during the early morning of March 27, 2015, about 31 miles from Orlando. On Westmoreland Street, in the city of Sorrento, Florida, two boys were riding their bikes along a neighborhood, when — out of the woods — a dog came charging at them. By this time, the heroic Rottweiler wasn’t outside yet but was anxious to get out there.

Rottweiler Saves Boy
Rottweiler Saves Boy

The other dog was swatted away by one of the boys — the one who was uninjured. However, the other child wasn’t as lucky. After being aggravated, the dog began attacking him.

The Rottweiler, while witnessing the event, managed to get outside. Once near the pit bull, he gave a punishing bite to the dog’s neck. Consequently, the dog ran back into the woods and is still on the loose. As last reported, Lake County animal authorities were on the search for the stray suspect. However, they haven’t yet found the dog.

Rottweiler Saves Boy
Rottweiler Saves Boy

The victim received severe wounds and had to be rushed to Arnold Palmer Hospital for immediate surgery. A large chunk of his right calf muscle is gone. The images were so bad that the local news could not show them.

Nevertheless, things would have been far worse for the boy if it wasn’t for the neighbor’s courageous Rottweiler. When the local news interviewed the owner, the man stated that his dog certainly earned his stripes.

The owner added, “But if he does come back, I am going to let my Rottweiler see what he can do.”

Regardless of the publicly-believed temperament of Rottweilers, this one showed that it’s not the same in all of them.

In order to lure the pit bull back to the area, animal control has set several traps. As in one of the traps in the video, you can see there’s a cloth in the cage. The authorities scented the blanket with that from a female pit, hoping that it would come back to the area in search of her.

What do you think about the Rottweiler? Do you think it’s an act that can justify its occasional temperament? Feel free to share your comments below.

Source :  nquisitr

You should know these 5 fun facts about Rottweilers

rottweiler puppy
rottweiler puppy

4 Fun Facts About Rottweilers!
Written by : Mkay

The Rottweilers are just adorable! One of the Rottweilers best traits is their loyal loving nature, and pure love.  Even if sometimes unfair bad media coverage on them , this is a loyal,
loving breed that makes an excellent family dog, and they are very good with children. They are very protective dogs , and one of the best guardian dogs ever.

 You should know these 5 fun facts about Rottweilers:

1. Food and just food – Rottweilers are drooling and farting  believe it or not – a lot. When they eat, they tend to slobber. You probably noticed that their saliva is dribbling on your feet or on the floor.  This is especially prevalent in big females and males who have large heads.  Rottweilers are also having a problem with gas – and many dog foods make that problem worse ( grains, corn , and ingredients high in fiber). Home-food ( especially meat ) often lessen that problem.  But you should everything check with your vet first.

2.  Reputation –  As a breed,  they have gotten a bad reputation.  But in fact  that is not true, Rottweilers are very funny , loyal , and comics dogs. Many people  thinks that they are overly aggressive ,  that is often happening if they haven’t  socialized and trained them enough.

3.  Rottweiler and his duty –  The Rottweilers are smart , very strong and persistent dogs.  You  can find them in many professions – especially working as farm , search and rescue , police, and tracking dogs. They will enjoy performing tasks , and the other facing challenges.

4. Advocacy – Many people who lives with Rottweilers fight against negative stereotypes, legislation , and misinformation , and that bans or limit these dogs especially insurance policies that don’t cover them. Without solid training  and firm leadership , this breed can become dangerous , and vicious.  But still people who are loyal to these dogs , have proven that with the necessary skills , socialization and guidance , these dogs  make valued family members to society.

This Rottweiler Saved His Pregnant Owner From Knife-wielding Thieves!


This Rottweiler Saved His Pregnant Owner And Partner From Knife-wielding Thieves!

The dogs are the best protectors,they saved many lives,  and this Rottweiler showed his courage.
Just read the story below and you will be sure in that!
A couple (Kasha and Aryan) were saved by their dog when they were suddenly attacked by a group of knife-wielding thieves.  This couple will be infinitely grateful to their dog . This Rottweiler risked his life and saved their lives and the life of their unborn child.

Rottweiler Saves Pregnant
Rottweiler Saves Pregnant

The couple was already in the bed,  when they heard that someone  is loudly knocking on their door.  Just like every guardian dog would do , their Rottweiler went straight to the door , and he kept barking.  Aryan and Kasha were worried about their Rottweiler because he was barking so loud and they thought that he might disturb their neighbors,  so they were put him in the bathroom. Unfortunately , , Kasha couldn’t see anything through the door’s peephole, and she opened the door.

Rottweiler Saves Pregnant
Rottweiler Saves Pregnant

Four men burst through their door , and they were asking for the money.  Three of them attacked Aryan , and one of them dragged Kasha , even if
she was pregnant , the attacker didn’t care about that.  During that time ,  their Rottweiler suddenly burst out of the bathroom like a fury!  He showed
up his teeth to the home invaders , he was furious and angry and he scared them off!  They tried to escape , but Aryan and his Rottweiler caught one of them and get him
over to the police!

After some time and after the attack happened , this Rottweiler never left his owners and he was even more protective.  When the baby was born, this Rottie became his protective big brother guardian.   Having a Rottweiler is like having your own angel guardian in your house ,  he will never let anything happen to you  !

Never Ignore These 10 Serious Warning Dog Symptoms

Dog Symptoms
Dog Symptoms

You Should Not Ignore These 10 Warning Dog Symptoms

If your dog starts to act strangely,  and you probably think – Maybe i should leave him to rest,  he looks so tired and unmoody…  , be aware that your assumption may be wrong. These dog symptoms may not indicate a serious disease , but you should take your dog to the vet.  The following symptoms should be investigated by your veterinarian:

1.Warning Dog Symptoms “Weight loss”

When your dog can’t eat . or he is lost his appetite , that is the first sign of an underlying illness.  If your dog  refuses  to eat ,  and he is not eating anything for a whole day , in the next 24 hours that could begin to impact negatively on his health. Especially for puppies 5 months or younger.

2.Warning Dog Symptoms “Extreme tiredness”

Your dog can appear lazy , and he may be slow to respond to sounds, sights and other things in his environment. But if your dog is always tired and dejected , that can indicate a number of potential disorders  –  some of these disorders are very serious or even life-threating!   If your dog is acting like this for more than 24 hours,  you should call your vet and make an appointment.

3.Warning Dog Symptoms “Coughing”

If your dog always coughs, that generally indicates an underlying disease. In most cases it can be bronchitis, pneumonia, in worst cases heartworm disease , tumors of the lung or heart problem.  All  causes of coughing are requiring investigation, and treatment.

4.Warning Dog Symptoms “High Fever”

If your dog has a higher fever , it usually means that his body is fighting with an infection.  The normal dog temperature is one hundred to 102.5 Fahrenheit .  If your dog has a higher temperature than normal ,  call your vet.

5.Warning Dog Symptoms “Your dog doesn’t breath properly!”

If you notice that your dog is having difficulties with breathing,  take him to the vet immediately! Breathing difficulties often means that not enough oxygen is reaching to his tissues.  Hard breathing can indicate  heart problems , and dogs with heart problems may not be able to pump enough blood through their muscles.

6.Warning Dog Symptoms “Urinating problem”

Your dog frequently attempts to urinate , but with little success , or  he is excessively preoccupied with that area ( Licking that area) .  This is a very dangerous disease , because there are several underlying causes of these difficulties , and some of them can result in death within a few days.  Call your vet immediately!

7.Warning Dog Symptoms “Vomit , bloody diarrhea or urine”

Fresh blood in the stool can indicate bleeding in the colon , or rectum!  This situation is cause for concern , and  you must call your vet and investigate it as soon as possible!  Blood in a dog’s urine can be microscopic or obvious. It can be a bacterial infection , and even cancer.  Vomited blood can be bright red , there are a variety of reasons  your dog might vomit blood. Some of them are relatively minor , others can be serious or  even life-threatening!

8.Warning Dog Symptoms “Unproductive retching, and pacing”

When your dog paces , and it seems  that he is unable or he is unwilling to settle down , it indicates a very dangerous signal that he is in pain.  This is one very serious condition , in which these symptoms are common is GDV ( Gastric dilatation volvulus) . This is also called bloat.  Usual  sign of bloat is when your dog tries to vomit , but he brings nothing up.  This life-threatening condition most often occurs in large breed dogs.

9.Warning Dog Symptoms “Colapse”

When your dog suddenly collapses , that means that he  experiences a sudden loss of strength that causes him to fall.  If your dog loses consciousness , he has fainted.   These situations are emergency situations , even if your dog suddenly recovers and it seems everything normal . All the reasons for collapsing  are serious and they require an immediate visit to your vet. Your dog  may have a potential problem with the nervous system ( muscles,  bones, joints), the respiratory system , or the circulatory system ( heart , blood vessels) .

10.Warning Dog Symptoms “Red eyes “

Your dog may have an infection , or inflammation if his white area of his eyes turns bright red.  One of several diseases are involving the third eyelid , the external eyelids , the conjunctiva or sclera of the eye.  Redness can also point to glaucoma, certain disorders of the eye can lead to blindness. Call your vet , and make an appointment.

You Can Also Read : 6 Tips For Treating Rottweiler Flu written

Why Do We Need Dogs ?


Why Do We Need Dogs?
written by Maky

When everyone else leaves, remember that you have the one friend that stays forever.  No matter if you are happy or sad , you can alway lean on his shoulder.

This man , Mickey Rourke will be grateful to his dog all life. He said that his dog was with him always and in his darkest days. He wouldn’t make it without him. This man is the famous actor and retired boxer.

This man has always been an advocate for animal welfare . He accepted his Best Actor Golden Globe for his work on the Wrestler,  and he took the right moment to honor his Chihuahua rescue dog.  He is very grateful to his dog for changing his life.

Before this great comeback  he has been in a hard place in his life. Something worst happened to him during all that time. Drugs and alcohol had taken over his mind, and he was very depressed. His movie career was past thing…  He was on the lowest point on his life.

During those days , he just wanted to disappear, he was all alone in the house for over five months. He was sitting in the one place all alone looking at the one dot ,  he was feeling very bad.  He remembers how he is thinking about worst things everyday. Every time he would look at his dog, he would make an almost human sound. Because he was alone his dog was everything that’s left for him. His dog felt
that something is wrong with him and one day he remembers, his dog looked at his eyes and Mickey could literally feel that his dog is saying to him “Don’t leave me, I’m with you !  ”

Always love your dog , he will always be with you in the hardest moments , and don’t think
that he doesn’t know how do you feel every time!

Top 10 Things You Don’t Know About Rottweiler

Rottweiler Temperament
Rottweiler Temperament

All You Need To Know About Rottweiler   [TOP 10]

written by : Maky
If you have Rottweiler, then you must know elementary tips about your dog.  Must-known tips are here! Just follow:

Fact 1:  The origin of the Rottweiler
This dog comes from Germany. It’s believed that the Rottweiler has developed from Roman cattle dogs.

Fact 2:  Rottweiler and his psychical description
This dog is very big, muscular, and strong.  He is  very protective dog,  many people and children
are afraid of him, but don’t worry, he is not  an aggressive dog he is just looking powerful, and he is!

Fact 3:  Rottweiler temperament
You should know that the animals are not easy to manage. They are very independent.  Rottie is a very stubborn dog,  but also lovely and adorable. If you want him to listen to you, you must train him well. He will always take care for your family and house better than any guardian dog.

Fact 4: Rottweiler size
The Rottweiler height is usually around twenty-one to almost thirty inches!  The weight is over hundred pounds!

Fact 5: Rottweiler life span
The life span of this dog is around eight to twelve years. Just like the life span of other large dogs.

Fact 6: Rottweiler color
Rottweiler is always black with markings, sometimes with deep brown marks.

Fact 7: Illness
This dog is extremely sensitive to Elbow Dysplasia, and Gastric Torsion. Make sure that your dog is protected from it.

Fact 8:  Attack?
Rottweiler is considered as a dangerous dog,  Rottweiler attacks happen for a reason , and the main reason is owner. Believe or not,  some owners actually train their dog to attack.

Fact 9: Rottweiler duty
Rottweiler usually has several jobs under their responsibility. Hunting , guiding, and some of them include pulling carts.

Fact 10: Rottweilers breeding
In 19th century, the first breed of Rottweiler was introduced to the world.

Rottweiler Puppy Tips For A Great Relationship

rottweiler puppy
rottweiler puppy

You And Your rottweiler puppy – Tips For A Great Relationship

When you have a rottweiler puppy, you have a best friend. Millions of Rottweiler Puppy owners around the world know this to be true. However, you are tasked with caring with a Rottweiler Puppy if you choose to bring one into your home. That’s why you need to have some tips about how best to do this. Keep reading for some great Puppy tips.

When you are trying to teach your Puppy new tricks, you should always be patient. Different  Puppies will learn things differently. If your Puppy isn’t picking up a new trick right away, give him time. You could also try changing your teaching method. Your Rottweiler Puppy may respond better to a different approach.

Never allow your Puppy to leave your yard without a leash even if he seems very trustworthy and calm. Wild animals could get the Rottweiler Puppy’s attention and lead him into dangerous places, or unanticipated circumstances could provoke conflicts with others. Your Rottweiler Puppy is your responsibility, so treat him right.

If your  Puppy has long hair, make sure to take the time to trim the fur around his feet. If you allow your Rottweiler Puppy’s hair to grow too long, they can get things stuck in their fur. This could lead to injuries between the pads of the feet and around the nails.

It is very important for you to keep your Rottweiler Puppy’s ears clean. Keeping the inside of the ears clean will help prevent infections of the ear. This is also a good time for you to inspect the ear for fleas, ticks and any other pests that could have made your Rottweiler Puppy’s ear home.

Don’t assume your toy-sized  Puppy’s bite isn’t dangerous, just because he’s little. A lot of owners brush-off training, thinking that the smaller breed Puppy can get away with a little bad behavior and this isn’t true. As a responsible canine master, you’ve got to make certain your Rottweiler Puppy does not pose a threat to anyone by having him well trained.

rottweiler puppy
rottweiler puppy

Your Rottweiler Puppy must learn to walk on a leash correctly.

Make him walk at your side, and do not let him pull far in front of you or stay far behind. Use the command “heel” to prompt him. Walking this way will help to keep your pet safe, and it will make it easier for you to enjoy walks too. If you are using a loose leash, you help your Puppy to realize this is the best way to go about it.
Always use a leash when your Puppy or puppy is out in public. This helps you make sure your Rottweiler Puppy always stays by you and prevents them from wandering off or getting into trouble. This can also help you restrain your Puppy if something upsets them so that they don’t hurt another animal or person.

It is important to train your Puppy as soon as you get him or her. Behavior that might seem cute as a puppy, can develop into bad habits as your Rottweiler Puppy matures. It is essential that your Rottweiler Puppy understands and obeys simple commands. Not only for your safety, but the safety of your Rottweiler Puppy as well.

Make sure that you carry small bags and gloves with you while you are out walking your Rottweiler Puppy. If he uses the bathroom outside, it is your responsibility to clean up the mess. It is unsanitary for you to leave it there, and it some places you may receive heavy fines for that.

Outdoor  Puppy houses are not enough to keep your furry friend comfortable in cold weather. You must also provide some sort of bedding for him. Choose from straw, hay, cedar bedding or even blankets. Make sure that you change the bedding often no matter what you choose to ensure that there no bugs move in and mold doesn’t grow.

Make sure that you spend adequate time on each thing that you try to teach your Rottweiler Puppy. Even though your Puppy might catch on to something, for example the “sit” command, it may not be mastered. You’ll want to make sure that the command is done every time that you ask no matter what situation you are in before you move onto a new command.

No matter what kind or length of fur your Puppy has, it is important that they are brushed regularly. Without regular brushing, your Rottweiler Puppy’s fur may become matted. Matted fur can cause inflammation on your Rottweiler Puppy’s skin and is very difficult to remove. Also, brushing their fur regularly gets rid of dead hair and helps distribute oils.

Remember, your body language tells your  Puppy a lot about what you want and expect. In fact, body language is often a more effective training tool than simply using your words. Therefore, if you are training your pet, have someone else observe your training sessions and give you feedback on what kind of body language you are using.

Brush your Rottweiler Puppy’s coat regularly. Brushing will spread the oils evenly in your Rottweiler Puppy’s coat and will keep it healthy and shiny. Besides, brushing will allow you to remove a lot of loose hairs, which could help reduce your Rottweiler Puppy’s shedding. Take your Rottweiler Puppy to the groomer to have its hairs trimmed if you need to.

Do not give in to the temptation to get a puppy without knowing how to take care of it properly. Educate yourself about the needs of the breed you are considering before actually visiting a breeder or a pet store. Some breeds are happy to live in a limited space, but others need room to run.

Rottweiler Puppy Training

Consider puppy training classes for your young pet. Puppies are eager to learn, and a class is a wonderful atmosphere to let them do so in. Classes are also often cheaper than individual lessons. This will teach your pup essential behavioral skills and allow the two of you bonding time too.

Not only do you have a friend when you have a  Puppy, you also have a responsibility. It’s important that you do your best to make sure that your Rottweiler Puppy is well-fed, healthy and happy. You need to make sure that you use the tips here to help you so that you and your Puppy both enjoy a good life.

Funny tricky Rottweiler fake his owner out to avoid taking his medicine!

Rottweiler fake his owner
Rottweiler fake his owner

Funny tricky Rottweiler fake his owner out to avoid taking his medicine!
written by : Maky

Who said that Rottweilers doesn’t have a sense of humor?  This dog used old trick to trick his owner , in fact we’ve all seen videos of dogs play dead but there are various different reasons behind this dog’s trick. He used that to get out of this situation.  Dogs can smell their owners intentions  and they are bravery enough to accept and refuse anything especially Rottweiler who is just like a programmed robot working on YES or NO.

This Rottweiler arranged a tricky smart idea to fake his owner out.The Rottweiler’s owner was trying to give him medicines, and when he was about to give him his medicines the smart rottweiler pretended to be dead by lying on the floor.  To appear this  situation convincingly, this Rottie raised his paws on the air.  His owner tried to give him medicines but this tricky rottweiler didn’t pay attention or even move. His owner promised him to take him out  but rottweiler still didn’t pay attention.

He wasn’t moving at all , he just kept his eyes opened as he wanted to follow what his owner was doing. This Dog played mind games with his owner .  Rottweiler is very loyal , courageous, powerful and devoted to its owner and family. He will defend his family in every moment , he is very protective.
Confident Dog , Rottweilers may be the strongest dog breed.  You can train them to the greatest stuff! But .. They are very suborn dogs and you need a little bit time with them, and patience. This stubbornness and smartness of this Dog can just amaze us.  And remember..  Rottweilers should never be aggressive toward people without cause.  Rottweilers can feel when is something wrong , or right, especially in your life.

Video Source : Newsflare

I have a dog for 5 years and had no idea about these!

color changes in dogs
color changes in dogs

10 Fascinating things you didn’t know about your dog
Written by Maky

Maybe you thought that you know everything about your dog, but in reality , there’s a lot of things you haven’t heard yet. There are following 10 interesting facts about your dog.

1. Dogs can hear sounds from us up to 5 times farther away than us. Dogs can detect sounds between 67-45,000 Hz, while humans can detect sounds between 64-23,000. You probably asked yourself : ” Why is my dog sometimes upset or irritated? ” Well here is the answer… these sounds can cause a dog irritation and discomfort.

2. The average dog has the mental abilities of a 2-year-old child. Have you ever tried to test your dog in order to see in what level is your dog’s intelligence? Dogs can understand up to 255 words and gestures, according to research.

3.Don’t panic! 102 Fahrenheit is a typical body temperature for a dog, so don’t you worry, it’s not a fever.

4.Dogs are dreaming? Yes. Dogs are dreaming , just like humans do. You may have noticed that at many times during their sleep, they make leg twitches. Dogs can even bark , whimper or growl in their sleep.

5. Wet nose. There are several reasons why your dog has a wet nose. Main reason is that because they secrete a mucous that helps them to absorb scent. Dogs tend to lick them a lot, and mostly because it helps them to cool down.

6. Hey, look at me! Your dog loves attention , so when u look at him you will notice that he have three eyelids, lower , upper and the third one. That helps to your dog’s eyes to keep protected.

7. Can Dogs see colors? Dogs do actually see colors , but many fewer than humans do. It’s believed that dogs can only see black and white.

8.Tail – an indicator of main emotions Dogs usually chase their tails for a various reasons , just like an exercise, or even instinct but they might have leas! Pay attention if your dog is chasing his tail constantly.

9. Gimme more! Dogs are born to sniff, so pay attention on your plate when you eat. They can sense much more than a human,

10. Cute sleeping The dog who wants to sleep on your bed with you isn’t trying to take over the world , he just want to be closer to you and feel your attention. He will feel more comfortable when he is with you.

This Stray Dog Found A Newborn Baby On the Street, What The Dog Did Was SHOCKING!


This Stray Dog Found A Newborn Baby On the Street, What The Dog Did Was SHOCKING!
written by: crainbrian

The world, as many people know, is full of cruelty. There is cruelty in many forms, but perhaps some of the most universally recognized forms of cruelty are cruelty towards animals and children. Some people go to great extent to be cruel to animals, and especially, it seems, to dogs. Some people even leave meat wrapped rat poisons around dog parks, hoping to kill one of the many beloved pets that attend the park every day. Still others will leave similar “treats” in places where stray dogs frequent.

Despite it all, dogs are still loyal and and are always there to help humans when they need them, in some cases even risking their lives or giving their lives to do so. No matter how much hatred and abuse humans direct towards dogs, most dogs, even those who have experienced the worst kinds of abuse still love humans. Even wild dogs like wolves will intervene to help humans, such is the bond between the two species. Dogs, through their infallible love, make the world a better place.


This story is just another example of this- whether home souls or strays, they always step up to save us from ourselves. This story begins in one of the streets of Oman, where a stray dog was roaming around, looking for food, but found something terrible instead. Somewhere, the dog found a newborn child- only a few hours old, still bloody, abandoned even with the umbilical cord still attached. Someone literally had this child, cut it out, and threw it away. While many lament as to how the mother could possibly have done this, The important part of the story is what happened next.

This brave dog gently picked the baby up in its mouth, around the chest, as if somehow it knew that the chest would be the strongest part of the child. It took it to a family home nearby, walking right up to the front door. He put the baby down in front of him, sat down with the child, and began to bark, and bark. The family who lived in said house were absolutely shocked to find the dog and baby on the doorstep, and immediately took the baby to the hospital.


Through the miracle of the dog, the baby as saved, and is living, growing, laughing, dancing, playing, and learning today.
This dog displayed one of the most human traits we know of- kindness. It was once thought that only humans could have emotions, thoughts, or empathy. This dog has blasted those assumptions away with his actions. While much is known about the status of the baby, little is known about the status of the dog. He is probably still out there, a stray.

This story is a great example of why you should adopt, rather than buy, a dog. Many dogs, who are just as loving, intelligent, and kind as this dog are available to bring home and care for as they will care for you at your local shelter.


Can your Dog cry?


Can your Dog cry?
written by makky

– Dogs and tears
Let us assume, your Dog is your best friend, he is going through everything with you, sharing almost all things. Have you ever ask yourself if you’ve ever seen your Dog cry real emotional tears. Crying is such a shedding of tears in response to an emotional state, just like in humans case. Dogs do feel emotions and experience it , being distressed, joyless are common feelings for them. Maybe…?

It really doesn’t have to mean that dogs really cry. Here is an example , when your Dog gets hurt you can see his eyes becomes a bit watery , or if someone step on his tail or paw he becomes upset. That kind of tears isn’t an emotional state like the tears when you’re sad. In mostly cases , Dogs can shed tears but the cause is a probably medical issue… Common causes Many causes can occure dog’s tearing. Excessive tearing can occur as a result of irritation to your dog’s eyes or because your dog’s tears are not draining properly. It may be an eye infection , eyelash or eyelid problem. Epiphora may be caused by an automatic response to irritants such as dust, smoke, infection, allergens, poor diet or a health problem. First step should be to see your regular veterinarian or a veterinary ophthalmologist.

Take care of these symptoms Once or several tears in some period is nothing to worry about, while serious problem may occur when your dogs eyes are constantly watering, you should go to your vet, and he will determine if there is a serious issue causing overly watering.If the eyes becomes irritated or swollen, even bloody, then something serious is wrong and immediate medical treatment is necessary.

Wipe your dog’s dried tears away When your Dog sheds just a few tears, you could safely wash away tears from around your Dog’s eyes with a damp washcloth, but be careful to avoid the eyes. You need to wipe the area around your Dog’s eyes very softly. This kind of treatment will help your dog a lot, and maybe prevent serious consequences.

How to clean your dog´s teeth


How to clean your dog´s teeth
written by: backman

Almost all pet owners agrees, that “Licking is loving.” But if your dog has a stinky breath, it´s reasonable to start thinking about cleaning his teeth. The easiest way to do it, is to buy special cleaning chew bones or chew toys. You can easily find it in pet stores and it´ll do the work for you.Another way is to actually brush your dog´s teeth manually.

There are plenty of toothbrushes and tooth pastes, so it´s up to you which one you will choose, but I highly recommend double-headed brush. Keep in mind that cleaning your dog´s teeth isn´t just some fancy act of exaggerated love to your pet. Nobody likes smelly breath and above that, neglect dental hygiene can lead to serious infections, which may affect some organs.

And yes, I am talking about dogs. So, how exactly will we brush its teeth? First of all keep in mind, that you should start with dental hygiene as soon as possible.Get your puppy used to it. Not all dogs are the same, but the sooner you start with training, the sooner you´ll see results. And that goes for brushing teeth too. First, your dog has to get used to a tooth paste.

Apply a little paste on your finger and let your dog lick it. Repeat this several times and then start sliding your finger along the outer surface of the teeth and gums. If everything goes well, your dog is ready to next step, although if not, you´ve probably lost your finger. But don´t panic! You still have nine more and your pet needs its teeth clean. Once the dog feels comfortable with your finger in its mouth, you are ready to step two. Apply a paste on a tooth brush and start to carefully brush its canines.

The proper move begins with the gums and ends with the tip of the tooth. Then, by using a circular motion, continue to molar teeth. Brush it with patience and care, because your dog won´t going to like it. Also don´t forget to brush both sides of dog´s mouth. Last in line are front teeth. Use your hand to lift your dog´s upper lip and brush it very gently. Incisors teeth are the most sensitive. It´s enough to brush your dog´s teeth once or twice a week. The last possibility to clean your pet´s teeth is to see a vet.

So even if you have bought chew bones and you also brush its teeth every week, keep in mind, that visiting your vet is the best choice if you aren´t sure what´s bothering your dog.

How to Stop Dog Chewing


How to Stop Dog Chewing
written by: estherkinyua
For those who have acquired a new dog or puppy, or have been keeping a dog for some time, dog chewing can cause untold horror and inconvenience. This habit, by man’s best friend, can leave a trail of destruction and drive even the best of us up the wall. Fortunately, there are some useful tips that can be applied to curb this habit and make us live in bliss with our loved pet dogs.

Dog proofing
Dog proofing our homes is highly effective in curbing dog chewing. Dogs and puppies, especially newly acquired ones love to explore new surroundings-often due to curiosity or anxiety. Therefore if places such as cabinets are easily accessible to them they will waste no time in trying to chew everything they can find. This may include dangerous chemicals like house hold cleaners. To dog proof the house, one needs to ensure the doors to the cabinets are locked or secured in other ways-including using appropriate improvisation. Other steps include tucking away hanging wires and improving general neatness by picking up clothes and other home debris. Dogs are like little children and it helps to keep things out of sight to avoid mischief.

Avoid using household items as toys
Sometimes one can give a pet dog puppy some disused item to play with. Later the pet owner will come back and find out that the dog has chewed up favorite items like socks. This leads to some pet owners shouting or even hitting the dog. As a dog owner you should, at all costs, avoid giving the dog house hold items to play with. Giving household items to play with is setting up for failure and heartache. This is because a dog will not differentiate between useful discarded and items-and will chew your favorite socks the same way as the old ones you gave him to chew on.

Buy Dog toysBuying plenty of dog toys from the pet store to play with ensures the dog keeps off household items. This ensures that the puppy or dog is fully occupied and will therefore not run around looking for things to chew and tear up. Dogs like babies or small children kids need toys to keep them happy and stay out of trouble. Therefore when buying children toys remember to buy dog toys as well

Using the above methods, a dog owner is guaranteed of preventing dog chewing and keeping their loved pets happy.

Video Source: Zak George’s Dog Training rEvolution

Rottweiler Temperament – What’s Good or Bad About Them

Rottweiler Temperament
Rottweiler Temperament

The Rottweiler is a breed of puppy that is peaceful, brave and quiet and is always slow to action when socialized properly. They are always aggressive with other dogs of the same sex. Just like other breeds, they also require regular exercise and some alone time. They always like to have some territory and, therefore, should be socialized at an early age so that they can live with other dogs.the basic and fundamental part of the Rottweiler temperament is love

Rottweiler Temperament “What’s good about them?”

If well socialized at an early stage, they can provide better protection than being aggressive around other breeds. These dogs are always loyal to their master, are peaceful, not short- tempered and always confident. They are huge and have muscular and powerful body physique that will make you love them. They are the most handsome breed you will find around, and are easy to manage. A Rottweiler can also live with cats peacefully without being aggressive towards them.

Rottweiler Temperament “What’s bad about them?”

The Rottweiler is known to have a short lifespan due to a series of health problems. This breed needs enough exercise in order to stay active and calm. If it’s not well socialized, it can be aggressive towards other dogs and even human beings. He is always ready to attack and can cause some serious damage to their victim. This dog is muscularly, large and powerful and, therefore, likes to lean on their masters. They’ll sit on your feet, or lie on your lap. This causes them to exert a lot of weight on you, which can be uncomfortable.
Due to their aggressiveness, they can cause their master to trouble that result in lawsuits, as they also attack innocent people. They require constant training or exercise, like running or picking objects, in order to reduce boredom, as this can make them to become destructive. They don’t need a sluggish or lazy owner who cannot follow the daily routine of being in charge of them.

Therefore, those people who prefer the Rottweiler to other breeds should know that they need proper care. You should, therefore, choose an adult dog which you are certain that has good traits and that will not be stressful to manage. You should also train your dog to obey you and learn to be calm around other harmless animals. This dog also needs proper diet to keep them healthy so that
they don’t fall sick easily.

Video Source : Rottweiler Life

People who own this breed are also advised to not train them to be dangerously sharp, as this can only increase their aggressiveness. You should also train them to provide protection so you can leave peacefully with your neighbors.

Also Read : Red Rottweiler & Other Rare Rottweilers

Cool Dog Tricks Secrets


Dog Training – Cool Dog Tricks
written by: suebest
If you are a dog lover, then you can agree that watching a trained dog perform certain tricks is quite awesome. Movies like Rex topped charts because of the ability of the dog to perform cool dog tricks. You do not have to watch other dogs perform such tricks. You can also train your dog to do those tricks or even tricks that are advanced than the regular dog training.

Your average dog can be trained to become magical. Leave out the basic obedience training you have taught it, there are other cool dog ticks you can train your dog to do. It does not matter if you have been with the dog since it was a puppy or it is a dog you rescued. All dogs can be trained to perform easy cool dog tricks.
Cool Dog Tricks
Some of the easy and cool dog tricks include the following:
o How to crawl and playing dead
o Sitting
o How to wave
o Rolling on the floor
o How to shake
o Staying when told to stay
o Heeling from left to right
o Coming when told to come
o Behaving when off the leash
o Handling distractions

Dog Training Tips
1. The first step when training a dog is to ensure that it is conversant with the various obedience commands. It should be able to follow whatever you are telling it to do. This will ensure that both you and the dog have an entertaining session.
2. Whenever the dog does a cool trick, you should reward it. The best way of doing this is by showing affection by making hugging or giving it a snack. This will create a positive image in the mind of the dog and it will not hesitate to perform the tricks at any time.
3. When teaching the dog a cool trick, just like human beings, you should repeat it a number of times everyday for it to stick. Practice makes perfect. This is applicable also in dogs because the longer they do something, the more they get used to it and do it perfectly.
4. Take breaks when performing tricks. This is so as not to tire the dog with tricks all day. Remember all work and no play makes Tom a dull boy. Do not let your dog get dull because of tricks.

After following the above dog training tips, your dog will begin getting the whole concept within a very short time. You will always enjoy having your dog around. Training the dog also strengthens the bond between you and your dog.

Rottweiler Best Friends With Hamster – Rottweiler puppy love story


This is the case of Razor, a 90 pounds Rottweiler, who has befriended Snickers, a Syrian hamster.Razor was friendly rottweiler puppy rescued from a drug gang that was training him to fight, but in spite of this and of his huge and almost scary appearance, he’s a sweet and gentle dog. Rottweilers are assertive, calmed, brave and reliable dogs. They are easy to train, and one of the most versatile and intelligent dog breeds. Their flexibility and emotional stability allows them to adjust to different activities.

They can be trained for family protection, obedience or to be assistance dogs. Rottweilers are not dangerous or mean dogs. Razor is proof of that. It’s the owner’s responsibility to educate and train a dog. In this case, Mia Mitchell, Razor’s new owner received a little help from a tiny hamster, but in general, it’s the owner’s duty to educate their dogs.

Many people still believe that animals are only beasts without real feelings, but Razor’s and Snicker’s friendship proves that they are capable of feeling love and compassion, just as humans. A friendship between a Rottweiler and a hamster may seem odd to many, but the truth is that dogs are known to form strong social bonds. Maybe animals are much more emotionally complex than  we might believe, and maybe the friendship between these two buddies is not so unusual after all.

Video Source Caters TV

Rottweiler Fighting With Leopard – FUNNY VIDEO

Rottweiler Fighting
Rottweiler Fighting

This video shows a rottweiler Fighting  at a zoo with his owners. This dog sees two leopards in a glass protected cage. The rottweiler happens to get scared when the leopard looks at him. The dog then begins to growl at the leopard for a few minutes.
The leopard does not appear to be scared of the rottweiler at all. The owner of the rottweiler takes him closer to the glass. The dog still gets scared. The rottweiler keeps continuing to bark and growl at the leopard. In particular, the one who is pacing back and forwards behind the glass.
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The two leopards behind the glass are both incredibly calm. If you are wondering whether a rottweiler can fight leopards, there is no way that a rottweiler will be able to do so.
You can be sure that if the leopards were out of their cage, they’d certainly go for the rottweiler!

Video Source Gr0hm4istr

Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs dating back 1900 -1926

Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs

we all know how loyal is rottweiler and we all love the breed but today we gonna show you something amazing old Old Historic Photographs And Videos for the amazing breed rottweiler

The Origin of My Name

rottweiler was found working in “Rottweil” a town located in southwest Germany, between the Black Forest and the Swabian Alps. The name of this town derives from the German words “Rote Wil,” meaning red tile. Indeed, if you are lucky to visit Rottweil town you’ll see many homes adorned with red tiles, but best of all, you’ll see a beautiful Rottweiler statue erected in my honor.

A Butcher’s Best Friend

rottweiler was herding cattle to the market and was also a butcher dog in Rottweil town; indeed, rottweiler was often known as “Rottweil’s butcher dog.” rottweiler was pulling carts loaded with goods and slaughtered meat at the market and the butcher used to tie pouches filled with his hard-earned money around my neck. The money was sure safe this way! But being a butcher dog wasn’t really my original occupation. Long before that, I was actually working with cattle. we will let you enjoy seeing amazing rottweiler old photo

Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photograph
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs
Rottweiler Old Historic Photographs

The Most Well Trained Rottweiler Puppy Ever – 1st Video

rottweiler puppy
rottweiler puppy

The Most Well Trained Rottweiler Puppy

We know what Rottweilers look like, and if you are on this site, you most likely proudly own a Rottweiler puppy or are looking to learn more about this beautiful breed, What’s behind this black and tan dog that attracts us so much?
Rottweiler is the most amazing breed ever and one of the most smartest dog breed , Rottweiler will  love all of your family members and protect them to death , Rottweiler love to train with his master and enjoying doing that every day.
What you gonna watch in this video is really amazing  this Rottweiler puppy called “tyson” his owner called “Bashir Shahin” , in this video “Bashir Shahin”  ask his rottweiler puppy to say hello and bring the bear to him , but what his rottweiler did ? lets watch the video to know what is going on please don’t forget to share his video with your friend

Video Source : Rottweiler Life

How to Pick a Rottweiler Puppy Professionally

rottweiler puppy
rottweiler puppy

How to Pick a rottweiler puppy

rottweiler puppy is a really special and caring dog. It is very protective and playful. Therefore, it is important to be very keen when choosing one. This is to ensure that you have the right breed. That is why the following steps are important to follow.
The first thing you should do is, find yourself the best breeder. Normally, an excellent breeder will tend to have very few numbers of puppies at a go. This will enable you to study the interaction of the puppies and the litters, thus, making it easy to choose. Be cautious of the hygiene of the place.

Meet Rottweiler Puppy Parents

After that, you need to meet the parents of the Rottweiler puppy that you are interested in. This is to give you an idea of how the puppy will grow up to be like. Traits like the size, any genetic health issues, temperament of the puppy can be easy to pick out. This step is critical so if the breeder is reluctant in showing you the parents of the Rottweiler puppy, it is advisable to leave and search for another breeder with a good reputation.

Next step is to be keen on how the puppy and the litter interact. According to the website “Your Purebred Puppy,” it is important to choose a puppy that interacts well with others as compared to one that does not.

rottweiler puppy
rottweiler puppy

In the fourth step, you need to ask the breeder to allow you to spend some quality time with the Rottweiler puppy of your choice separately. This is to enable you to study the behavior of the puppy when it is alone. At this step, you will be able to know if the puppy is the one for you.

The next step is, to decide what type of the Rottweiler puppy you want. It is best to choose a puppy that has an in-between trait, normally one that is caring, friendly, trusting, and curious. It is not advisable to choose the ones that portray dominant or even submissive trait. This is to avoid any problems caused once you introduce it to your family members.

The last step on how to pick a Rottweiler puppy is to select the one that reveals all the traits of a Rottweiler breed. Some of the traits that stand out are the physical traits. These include the coat color, the ears, eyes, and the legs. For instance, the coat is normally black and shiny with the rusty and mahogany markings. The eyes are almond shaped while the ears are triangle in shape. The ears also fold in the forward and the down position. The legs of the Rottweiler puppy are straight and masculine. The behind legs are usually slightly longer than the front ones.

Video Source : Dianna C.

German Rottweiler or American Rottweiler?

German Rottweiler
German Rottweiler

The Difference Between an American Rottweiler and German Rottweiler

Have you always wondered what the difference between an American and a German Rottweiler is? We all know that the Rottweiler breed came from Germany, originally from Rome. Where did the American Rottweiler come from then, and how do you find out if your own Rottweiler is American or German?

American Rottweiler and German Rottweiler
American Rottweiler and German Rottweiler

Rottweiler breed owners and specialists alike love to discuss and quote on how a particular dog might have the right size head or not, the right body length, whether its legs are too short or too long, and whatnot. A thorough research shows that there are several solid standards that define the type of Rottweiler that you have. A Rottweiler is a German Rottweiler simply because it was born in Germany. If your dog’s papers show that, then there is no doubt that he or she is a German Rottweiler. The ADRK, however, have strict standards that make the breed for what it is.

They want the Rottweiler breed defined as having a calm and mild personality, and a sharp mind, ideally suited for being helpful human companions. The ADRK, or The Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub takes pride in the fact that their breed can be used as guide dogs for the disabled and the blind, companion dogs, working and security dogs, guide dogs, and family dogs. Temperament is a major factor to play in this breed. The ADRK also does not recognize a dog as a Rottweiler if it has a docked tail.

An American Rottweiler then, is a breed that originates from America and not Germany. There are also differences in how the AKC, or the American Kennel Club, and the ADRK requires a dog to be classified as a Rottweiler. The AKC recognizes a dog as a Rottweiler even if it has a docked tail. Tail docking is a surgical procedure that removes an animal’s tail. It is done by cutting the tail off using surgical scissors, or through the use of a special band that stops the blood flow to the tail, causing it to fall off.

In conclusion, the dilemma of whether a Rottweiler is an American Rottweiler or a German Rottweiler is as simple as checking where your companion came from. If your beloved Rotty came from Germany, then it is a German Rottweiler. If he or she was born in America, then it is an American Rottweiler. The ARDK and the ADK might have some technical differences in what constitutes a Rottweiler, but no one can deny that this breed is a great companion for humans as a pet or a working dog, hardy and possessing a sweet nature.

Rottweiler Puppy Son Of World Champion For Sale

rottweiler puppy
rottweiler puppy
TAYSON ritter von camelot

Love Rottweilers ? love rottweiler puppy ? Then if you are on this site, you most likely proudly own a Rottweiler or are looking to learn more about this beautiful breed.
This  Rottweiler Puppy son of world champion  TAYSON ritter von camelot  the beast! A creature that attracts any person to take pics for him. and GrandSon of the great FARYCO TEREZESKY DVUR  who’s proven himself more and more as one of the best producer
This Rottweiler Puppy is for sale and for sure we need your opinion about this puppy please comment below if you would like to buy this puppy




Rottweiler Lifespan How Long Will a Rottweiler Live ?

rottweiler lifespan
rottweiler lifespan

Rottweiler lovers and fans of this breed will likely say that a rottweiler lifespan is “too short!” Fact is, the Rottweiler dog scores quite low when it comes to the longevity department. The American Kennel Club claims this breed has a lifespan of 10 to 12 years while some fortunate owners may attest longer lifespans, some sadly have Rottweiler puppy who don’t even make it to 10.

Sure, let’s face it: the Rottweiler’s lifespan is not as short as the lifespan of say, the Bernese mountain dog, who is estimated to live between 7 and 10 years, or the lifespan of the mastiff, great dane and Irish wolfhound which is estimated to be between 8 and 10, but it sure could be better, or at least, we all wished it was. Truth is, when we hear about other breeds of dogs reaching remarkable ages such as 15 or even 17, a Rottweiler’s life seems so short. We may therefore wonder, why is the Rottweiler breed living significantly less? This has baffled researchers for years, but there are several theories.

rottweiler lifespan
rottweiler lifespan

5 Factors that Impact the Rottweiler Lifespan

Let’s face it: trying to unveil the secret behind the longer lifespans of other breeds isn’t really going to help much for the simple fact that the Rottweiler breed has several factors known to have a negative impact on his lifespan. Some of these factors can up to a certain extent  be under our control, while others we have no control over. Let’s take a closer look to some of these factors.

Rottweiler Lifespan “A Matter of Size”

For starters, the Rottweiler breed is large. Standing between 22 inches and 27 inches at the withers and generally weighing anywhere between 82 to 130 pounds, the Rottweiler for sure gives the impression of a powerful and robust dog. While these may be appealing attributes, these same attributes play a role in the breed’s overall short lifespan. At a first impression, this may not make sense if we think that many large animals are known to live longer than the smaller ones (think an elephant living 70 years versus a mouse living 4) Yet, when it comes to dogs, it has been proven that most large breeds age at a faster rate than smaller ones. Why is that? Researchers have several theories.

According to a study appearing in the April 2013 Issue of The American Naturalist journal, large dogs have shorter lifespans for the simple fact that they age quickly. Most likely, if you raised Rottweilers from early puppy hood you were surprised at how fast they grew. Cornelia Krause, an evolutionary biologist of the Gittangen University in Germany, explains that it’s as if the lives of large dogs “unwind in fast motion.” Indeed, scientists found that for every 4.4 pounds of body, the life span of dogs reduced by about a month!

Rottweiler Lifespan “A Matter of Health”

A large dog’s accelerated growth comes with a drawback: increased free-radical production, a factor responsible for speeding up the aging process, and ultimately contributing to abnormal cell growths and cancer–and unfortunately, the Rottweiler breed is quite prone to cancer, particularly two of the most deadly ones: osteosarcoma and hemangiosarcoma. On top of that, puppies are vulnerable to parvo, and as they grow, they may be prone to developmental problems, orthopedic problems and their deep-chested physique makes them prone to bloat. These may be the side effects of selectively breeding dogs for large size over a relatively brief period of time—if we compare it to the millennia involved in natural selection of other species.

rottweiler lifespan
rottweiler lifespan

Rottweiler Lifespan “A Matter of Hormones”

A study published in an article for Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention in 2002, revealed  a correlation between the age Rottweilers are spayed and neutered and their lifespans. The study found that male and female Rottweilers spayed and neutered before the age of 1 had about a 1 in 4 risk for developing osteosarcoma, a cancer of the bones which is very common in this breed. With this in mind, choosing when to spay is a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Veterinarian Karen Becker recommends consulting with holistic veterinarians and reputable breeders to make an informed decision on the best age to spay. Nowadays, many Rottweiler breeders have in their contracts to wait to spay at least until the dog is at least 12 but many even suggest to wait 18 months or even 24 months.

Rottweiler Lifespan “A Matter of Genes”

A Rottweiler’s lifespan of course is also driven by genes. This is where the role of good breeders becomes so important. Breeding for health is fundamental for a breed that is large and prone to health problems. By selectively breeding and health testing dogs, it’s possible up to a certain extent to prevent the passing of congenital, heritable defects. For a breed like a Rottweiler this means breeding healthy, mature specimens that have been screened for health problems. Yet, as much as genes plays a role in the longevity of a dog,  the environment in which a Rottweiler is raised also plays a major role.

Rottweiler Lifespan “A Matter of Environment”

Nature or nurture? Which has more an impact on longevity, heredity factors or the environment in which a Rottweiler is raised? Turns out, it’s likely both. For sure, a Rottweiler raised in nurturing environment has better chances for living a longer life. Nutrition has a big impact in this breed, and of course, other breeds too. And how much your Rottweiler eats and exercises has a role too. According to a study conducted by Nestle Purina, it was found that leaner dogs tend to live about 2 years longer than the chubby ones. Less weight means less strain on the heart, less chances for orthopedic problems and less likeliness to develop diabetes.

Take Action to Help Your Rottweiler Live Longer

As seen, several factors we may not have control over, but there are plenty we can really consider to help this beautiful breed live longer. Here are a few tips that may help out.

-Feed your Rottweiler a good diet and healthy supplements.
-Provide high-quality drinking water free of contaminants.
-Keep your Rottweiler lean.
-Provide exercise and mental stimulation.
-Follow twice-yearly geriatric check-ups. In large breeds, these should start at 7 years old.
-Don’t over vaccinate adult dogs. Ask your vet about the option of titer testing instead.
-Maintain good dental hygiene. Periodontal disease may cause bacteria to enter the bloodstream and affect the heart.
-Hold off early spaying and neutering if possible.
-Prevent exposure to toxins such as lawn chemicals, household cleaners and pesticides.
-Last but not least, love your Rottweiler and keep him with you the most the can.

Rottweilers love to be with their families, and loneliness such as being secluded in the yard alone all day, can cause stress and depression which can also shorten a dog’s lifespan.

The Bottom Line
As seen, when it comes to the Rottweiler’s lifespan, there’s really no exact guide as to how long they can live, only general approximations as each Rottweiler is different and there are so many factors to consider. How old is your Rottweiler? What do you think contributes the most to a long lifespan? How can the lifespan be improved? These are questions we would all like to have a sure answer. In the meanwhile, let’s love on our Rottweilers and enjoy every moment with them, because a Rottweiler’s life is worth living every moment!

Disclaimer: this article is not to be used as substitute for professional nutritional or veterinary advice. For appropriate diet and health recommendations, consult with a veterinary nutritionist or veterinary healthcare professional.

13 Reasons Not to Get a Rottweiler

rottweiler bath
rottweiler bath

Rottweiler to those who know this breed well, they’re the best dogs on earth. Loyal, loving, protective, smart, and sometimes, outright goofy. For those who never owned rottweilers and are contemplating getting one, they’ll surely benefit from a head’s up on what to expect with this breed before committing to one. Here’s a general guide on reasons why not to get a Rottweiler.

1-Rottweiler Are Big, Bulky Baby…

Rottweilers seem to sometimes forget all about their size, especially if you don’t take the time to train and exercise them. When they greet you, it may feel like a train coming at you at full speed, and if they fail to put on their brakes, it’s a train wreck for sure. Hopefully, you weren’t carrying something costly or precious. Then, when they get overly happy and get the zoomies, it’s like having a bull in a China shop; you’ll see them jumping around and things go flying.. and if you’re not careful, that may include people too! rottwiler life


2- Rottweilers Are Not Aware of Their Size

Rottweilers aren’t just bulky, they also  think to be big lap dogs. When you’re watching TV, they’ll want to climb in your lap, and once they realize only their head and possibly an inch of shoulders fits there, it’s too late as you’re already full of achy cramps. Next, you’re glued to the sofa and can barely breath. Forget about changing channel or moving; you’ll feel too bad waking up sleepy beauty.

Video Source : rajat2smarty

3- Rottweilers Are Not Very Agile

Yes, some Rotties are quite impressive in some doggy sports, but don’t expect your bulky Rottweiler to beat the more agile competitors—just don’t let him know, pretend he’s the best and cheer for him. In agility, he’ll likely lag behind the collies and Aussies, in disc dog, yes, he’ll jump high to catch the Frisbee, but he risks injuring a ligament or two; whereas, in Canine Musical Freestyle, well, yes, he’ll dance with you just because it makes you happy, but expect some goofy moves. Rotties we’ll make you proud though in obedience, carting and Shutzhund.

Video Source :Dog Training by K9-1.com

4-Rottweilers Are Good in Pulling

Unless you do some serious training, this is a breed you don’t take for a walk, he’ll actually take you for one… and drag you along the way. All you have to do is hold on the leash for dear life and go for the ride. Destination? The first stop is the fire hydrant. Here, he’ ll sniff meticulously, analyzing everything and making sure he won’t miss the tiniest odorous molecules. Then, it’s time to go on the social media mindset and leave his personal “tweet” by emitting a spritz of urine. The next stop is the lamp post, then the neighbor’s lawn and then he’ll have to sniff that empty hamburger wrapper along the way.

Video Source : LancasterOnline


5- Rottweilers Are Hard to Scold

If you think you can scold your Rottweiler, think again.  When you do it, it seems like it goes in one ear and  then out the other. It happens often like this: you just gave him a bath and he smells wonderfully. You send him out to potty and you see him too interested in a muddy puddle. Right when you open your mouth to scold him, he’s already rolling to his heart’s content. Then, when you finally decide to be more stern and use your booming “I mean business” voice,  he’ll make the most mortified face that breaks your heart. And when he comes lick your hand as if to apologize, it just makes you feel like the most heartless owner on earth.


6- Rottweilers Will Win a Snoring Contest

From looking at the Rottweiler’s facial features, you wouldn’t think they would snore a lot, but many actually do. Yet, with a snoring spouse, you can always poke him with an elbow and that’ll hopefully end the concert for a while; whereas, with a Rottweiler, well, you’ll likely have a snoring concert for a full whole night. And when they’re not snoring, Rotties are in dreamland barking in their dreams, moving their legs as if they’re running who knows where and even chewing a slice of meat they never got.

Video Source : Rottweiler Life

7- Rottweilers Will Likely Fail a Fetching Contest

Rotties were bred to herd, pull carts and protect. If you want a dog that will chase and retrieve a slimy ball for you all day, think again and get a retriever. The Rottweiler has more important things to do. Yes, you can try a game of fetch,  and some Rottweilers may sort of take a liking for the game if you make it  extra exciting, but keep your expectations low; several will look at you and wonder what’s the whole point. Number 8 though has this breed’s favorite activity.

video Source : megadesn

8- They’re on a Quest  to Destroy

The Rottweiler doesn’t play, he destroys. Forget about toys with a squeaker, yes, a French poodle may play with it all day, but a Rottweiler will disembowel it to get to what’s inside. If you don’t supervise, toys may disappear only to come back to life decomposed in the yard under the form of  artistic green, red and blue covered poops. If you think that buying toys is a waste of money, think again. A Rottweiler will find great substitutes, but you won’t like it. The remote, your expensive pair of Prada sandals and your Smart phone will work just as fine for a bored Rottie.


9- Rotties Are not Finicky Dogs

When you prepare a Rottweiler’s meal, he’ll act like he’s starving to death. He’ll stare at his empty bowl, drool and then stare at you hoping you speed up the process. Then he”ll wolf down the food in seconds and act like he never ate hoping to get you to think you forgot to feed him. As other large dogs, Rotties eat a lot so get those muscles ready to carry a 50 pound bag, and don’t relax yet, earlier than you would expect, you’ll need to repeat that again. Think of the bright side though,  you’re getting some muscle tone without hitting the gym. And when you look for treats and bones, it’ll look like they are all crafted for teeny, tiny dogs. Then, when you finally find the right ones for large dogs, the box won’t likely fit in your filled cart. Expect stick shock too, as they’ll  likely cost more than all the stuff that’s already in your cart, which brings us to number 9.


10- Rottweilers Are not the Cheapest Dogs

When you bring a Rottweiler to the vet, expect to see spend double of the amount that old lady with a bichon in her lap has paid.  Medications are based on weight, so he’ll need more, boarding costs more because he’ll need a bigger cage, surgery costs more because he’ll need bigger dosages of anesthetics, Elizabethan collars cost more because they’re  five times the size of a normal lampshade (or at least they look that way). And if you want to buy a crate, you’ll need a down payment for the one right for his size.


11- Rottweilers Have Dangerous Emissions

The breeder selling you those adorable puppies will not tell you this. Be prepared: this breed is prone to some serious flatulence enough to make you clear your room under 3 seconds. Get your air masks ready, protect your eyes and keep your flowers safe from wilting; it always seems to happen when you barely expect it. And don’t think that you’re safe from their emissions when they soundly asleep! For some odd reason, Rottweiler butts are always pointing your way when it happens.

12- Rottweilers Are Vicious Beasts.. Not!

We left this almost for last, because it’s what irritates us Rottweiler owners the most. The media and insurance companies wants people to think that Rottweilers eat children for breakfast and kittens for snacks, and if you hand them a treat, they’ll take your whole arm with it. Indeed, in the yard, Rottweilers don’t hide regular rawhide bones but have an actual collection of scapulas and femurs from all the missing FedEx and UPS drivers. Seriously though, there’s nothing wrong with this breed! Those who own them know for a fact that raised in a nurturing home, this breed is the best dog ever who will never hurt anyone unless he feels his family is threatened or he’s being mistreated. And this brings us to 13….



13- Rottweilers Will Steal Your Heart!

Still not convinced? One of the biggest reasons you don’t want a Rottweiler is because he’ll steal your heart..literally. This is inevitable. For some people they’re addicting like potato chips, they can’t just stop on one and they’ll fill their home with Rotties whether they’re keeping several together or just getting one after another for decades. Regardless of what you do, Rottweilers are amazing animals that’ll make you love, laugh and cry. Unfortunately, they don’t live too long, so you’ll have to enjoy them the best you can and cherish every day because a life with a Rottweiler is worth living every minute.


At Last Rottweiler Is The Best Breed Ever , the most powerful breed and the most friendly dog , please comment down with your rottweiler name and how much your love him

What On Earth Is This ?


What On Earth Is This?
written by: loriebarker

A ribbon worm is one of the strangest creatures you’ll ever see; they all feed with proboscises and the resulting carnage as they digest their prey can be gut-wrenching. But one new species is already being marveled at by researchers as one of evolution’s strangest accomplishments.

The new species has a proboscis that is somewhat more dynamic than other types. It forces the structure out quickly but steadily and hundreds of sub- branches seem to grow like tiny white roots sped up with time lapse. Essentially, what this species has is a portable root system. Lacking any of the developed sense organs that most vertebrates use to hunt this tiny creature temporarily sets up shop across any surface covering an area many times larger than it’s actual body. If it comes across anything particularly nutritious its external digestive tissues make use of it and suck it back up into the main body. The worm is then free to gather itself back into a saggy mass and move along to search out other prey. Little is know about the creatures at present but it is already being suggested that this new technique allows the senseless worm to be a much more efficient predator.


The worm’s mouth parts originally evolved from flaps of skin that have now formed layer upon layer of sheathes that can retract and expand very quickly. Though other varieties of ribbon worm have similar proboscises this new species has reached a whole new level of complexity and the speed and ease with which it unfolds is amazing; seemingly draining a good percentage of the animals mass onto the ground in front of it like a tiny stream.

Millions worldwide be it for scientific research or just pure fascination have expressed interest in the new find and you’ll doubtlessly be able to purchase one online eventually. Then you can bring it home and let it slowly digest the dead skin on your hand. Personally I can’t wait for all the memes comparing cops, lawyers and unloved celebrities to them.


10 Best Dog Breeds For Protection

Choosing the Right Stud For Your Female
Choosing the Right Stud For Your Female

Since time immemorial, a dog’s main job has been to guard against unwanted persons and also protect its owner as well. Whereas every dog can be a home guardian, there are however some specific dog breeds that have the traits needed to ward of unwanted people and also offer protection as well. Here are 10 best dog breeds for protection that you need to know especially if you want to get a dog to protect you and your family.

10 best dog breeds for protection

  1. Bull mastiff

    Best Dog Breeds For Protection
    Best Dog Breeds For Protection

This is one of the best dog breeds for protection, thanks to its physical strength, courageousness, protection instincts and outstanding family loyalty. This breed literally uses its massive strength to knock over any intruder who crosses its path. However, it is quite docile when it is in a family environment and it can also make a great household pet as well.


  1. Doberman Pinscher

    Best Dog Breeds For Protection
    Best Dog Breeds For Protection

If you are having trouble protecting a large piece of property, a Doberman Pinscher could be the best option for you. The breed isn’t only incredibly fast, but it is also able to reach at a stranger or intruder within a very short amount of time. Even though it is the world’s fifth smallest dog, it is however fearless, ever alert and loyal.


  1. Rottweiler

Best Dog Breeds For Protection
Best Dog Breeds For Protection

Rottweilers are typically bred as cattle-protecting dogs. They are however relentless protectors of their owners. In addition, they are quite intelligent and loyal to their owners. They can get aloof with intruders if they aren’t familiar with them and they are also very quick learners.

  1. Komondor

    Best Dog Breeds For Protection
    Best Dog Breeds For Protection

This breed of dog was traditionally used for purposes of protecting herds of sheep. It possesses the traits of a typical guard dog, and it is also active, loyal, strong and courageous. It can make a devoted family pet once it is properly trained in obedience and well- socialized.

  1. Puli


Best Dog Breeds For Protection
Best Dog Breeds For Protection

The breed is known for its suspicious nature. It is always alert and it will bark to alert its owner of anything weird. It is very smart and requires constant companionship. It is a great choice for families with active lifestyles, thanks to the fact that it loves running, hiking and outdoor activities.


  1. Giant Schnauzer

    Best Dog Breeds For Protection
    Best Dog Breeds For Protection

The breed is powerful, strong and a dominant dog that requires strict training. It further requires physical and mental stimulation and also requires constant attention as well. A Giant Schnauzer is powerful, compact and intimidating. Its extreme family loyalty makes it an excellent guard dog.

  1. German Shepherd

    Best Dog Breeds For Protection
    Best Dog Breeds For Protection

German Shepherds are known to be bold, confident and fearless. German Shepherds are extremely intelligent and therefore quick to learn commands. As such, they are one of the favorite police dog breeds. Although they exhibit a calm demeanor once in a household environment, they can quickly react whenever their family or home is under threat.


  1. Rhodesian Ridgeback

    Best Dog Breeds For Protection
    Best Dog Breeds For Protection

The breed was originally bred to help hunt lions, thanks to its strong prey drive. It is loyal and makes a natural watchdog. It is quite selective in its barking and its barking therefore needs to be taken seriously. It however needs to be properly managed and trained for it isn’t naturally obedient.


  1. Kuvasz

    Best Dog Breeds For Protection
    Best Dog Breeds For Protection

The breed is quite territorial and it further has a very strong instinct to protect its family and home. Although it is known to be aloof with intruders and strangers, it however craves for affection from its family.


  1. Staffordshire Terrier

    Best Dog Breeds For Protection
    Best Dog Breeds For Protection

The breed is normally confused with American pit bull terrier. It was originally bred for bull and bear fighting. Its protective and aggressive nature makes it a great guard dog, although it needs to be properly trained and socialized from a tender age. It makes an excellent household pet because it is only aggressive whenever it is protecting a family member.

Once you choose any one of these 10 dog breeds for protection, you will definitely protect yourself and your family adequately.

Rottweiler aggressive on walks ? Here are 10 Helpful Tips

Rottweiler aggressive
Rottweiler aggressive

If your Rottweiler is the calmest dog ever at home, but then on walks he becomes aggressive and transforms into the canine personification of a Stephen King’s horror character, you may be desperately looking for some help.
First and foremost, take a deep breath and relax; you are not alone. Countless dogs become reactive when they’re out and about and exposed to people, other dogs and outdoor stimuli. The causes behind this behavior can be several, but it’s important to implement changes before the behavior gets out of hand.
If you think the behavior will solve on it’s own, think again; rottweiler aggressive behavior tends to worsen over time rather than get better. So roll up your sleeves and start working on the issue, and if need be, consult with a professional especially if your dog’s aggression makes you uncomfortable or if your dog poses a danger to you and others. Play it safe! Following are some tips to get you started.

Rottweiler aggressive
Rottweiler aggressive

1 Start with a Medical Exam To avoid Rottweiler aggressive

Rottweiler aggressive behavior can sometimes be triggered by medical causes. The Rottweiler breed is prone to hypothyroidism, a medical condition that can sometimes cause dogs to develop personality changes. Any loss of hearing or changes in vision can also make your Rottweiler feel particularly vulnerable and more jumpy. Neurological problems may also cause aggressive behaviors. On top of that, Rottweilers are also prone to ear infections, and other other painful conditions such as achy joints and pinched nerves in the spine which can make them generally grumpy even on walks. Doesn’t hurt to give your Rottweiler the benefit of doubt and rule out medical problems first before assuming you’re dealing with a behavioral issue.

2 Understand Dog Aggression

Dog aggression is natural, instinctive behavior. Yes, it can be  scary, yes, it may seem difficult to control, yes, it may look like it comes out of nowhere (to the untrained eye), but it’s a behavior linked to survival and ultimately meant to keep your dog safe. In many cases, your Rottweiler’s aggressive display is simply his way of asking for distance from something he perceives as threatening. Not surprisingly, fear is often a main cause of aggression. So just as you would stomp your feet loudly to scare off a snake, your Rottweiler may bark, growl and lunge to create distance and make the trigger go away.

3 Identify the Triggers

What upsets your Rottweiler? Most likely you already know what your Rottweiler reacts to, but it doesn’t hurt to compile a list if there are several triggers. Is it certain types of people? People wearing hats, sunglasses on bikes? Is it all dogs? Or only small, dogs, big dogs or dogs of a certain breed or color? Is it motorcycles, cars with a loud motor, trucks? Once you identify your Rottweiler’s triggers, you can takes steps to work on the issue through gradual, systematic exposure.

4 Practice Makes Perfect

Just as actors get better as they act, dogs get better at acting aggressive the more they rehearse the aggressive behavior. There are several explanations for this. First, consider that the aggressive display can be rewarding. If every time your Rottweiler barks at a person on a bike, and the person on the bike moves away, your Rottweiler thinks his barking behavior is what made the person on the bike move away.

The result? The barking behavior puts roots, increases and soon you’re stuck with a habit. On top of that, consider that aggressive behavior can be physiologically addicting. According to James O’ Heare, a certified dog behavior consultant, when your dog reacts out of anger or fear, several chemicals are released in the brain and this chemical bath can become addicting which also explains why rottweiler aggressive behavior tends to be so difficult to eradicate once established. Your best bet? Try your best to minimize your dog’s aggressive displays, which brings us to the next tip.

5 Manage the Environment

To prevent your Rottweiler from rehearsing the aggressive behavior, try to limit his exposure to triggers when you’re not working on the problem. This means, if your Rottweiler is reactive towards other dogs, walk him when there are less around, if he hates cars walk him on a quiet country road, if he barks at people, walk him in the wee hours of the morning when most are sleeping. And if you’re walking and you notice a trigger coming your way, make a sudden U-turn and walk the other way. Of course, avoidance won’t fix the problem, but it can help it from getting worse, and if you’re worried about getting nowhere when you manage your dog’s environment, remember that it’s just a temporary measure when you’re not working on the issue.

6 Invest in a No-Pull Harness

It may scary at times dealing with a large Rottweiler that pulls with all his might as he barks and growls. A no-pull harness, also known as front-attaching harness can help make a difference. The harness controls the dog’s shoulders and since the leash attaches to a ring in the front of the chest, in the worse case scenario should your Rottweiler pull, the harness will turn him sideways. Another option is a head halter, which controls the dog’s head just like halters on horses; however, some dogs aren’t very fond of these and it may take some time to adjust.

7 Work Under Threshold

Whether your Rottweiler is reactive towards other dogs, people or kids on roller blades, you may have noticed how it’s almost impossible to get his attention when he’s dealing with these stimuli. Why is that? Most likely, your Rottweiler is over threshold. What does it mean? No worries, it’s not a new disease. It simply means he’s too worried to use his brain, and therefore, there’s little space for learning to occur.

After all, if you are afraid of heights, would you be able to solve a math problem from the top of a sky scraper? Most likely not because of the adrenaline surge! In the same way, your Rottweiler can’t concentrate because he’s in fight or flight situation. As much as this sounds like bad news, the good news is that you can often lower that threshold by increasing distance. The goal therefore is finding a distance from which your Rottweiler acknowledges the trigger, but without it evoking an aggressive reaction. This will help desensitize him to the trigger. If he reacts at any time, remember to take a few steps back and increase distance. Here’s another tip: if your dog is under-exercised he’ll be more likely to be reactive, so make sure to drain all that pent-up energy!

8 Add Classical Counter-conditioning

Don’t let this word scare you. It sounds a tad bit complicated, but it simply means changing your dog’s emotional response towards a trigger. Classical counter-conditioning is used in human psychology, but it’s heavily used by dog behaviorists too. Once you have found a distance from which your dog is less worried about the trigger, feed high-value treats. Skip kibble or cookies. You want small, bite sized treats that your Rottweiler will do somersaults for. The smellier, the better. If your Rottweiler won’t eat high-value treats, either they’re not high-value enough, or  he’s lost his appetite because he’s too close to the trigger—give more distance! A wonderful exercise coined by dog trainer Leslie McDevitt, is the “Look at That” exercise. Basically, every time your dog looks at the trigger, he’s fed high-value treats. Then, once the trigger is out of sight, no more treats.

If you were terrified of spiders, how would you feel if every time you spotted one, you got a $100 dollar bill? Most likely, you would start loving those eight-legged fellows! If you have good timing and repeat enough, your Rottweiler should realize that the trigger has become a predictor of good things, so from dreading the trigger he may start looking forward to seeing it. You may therefore notice a more relaxed posture, and even a hint of a tail wag! At this point, you can try getting a bit closer, but go very gradually, if you over do it, you risk losing some progress!

Rottweiler aggressive
Rottweiler aggressive

9 Shift to Operand Counter conditioning to avoid Rottweiler aggressive

It may take some time, but at some point, your Rottweiler should be getting better being around the trigger because it has now become a predictor of good things. Dr. Sophia Yin, the late world-wide known veterinarian and animal behaviorist, suggested implementing operand counter conditioning once the dog’s emotions towards the trigger changes. Since now your Rottweiler is no longer upset and his brain is back to working, you can start asking him for a sit the moment he notices the trigger and reward him for sitting with high-value treats. You want your Rottweiler thinking “cool, every time I see the trigger, I sit and get rewards!” With this method, your Rottweiler still makes some positive associations that change his emotions for the better, but now he also learns to perform an alternate behavior that replaces the aggressive lunging, a win-win situation for all!

10 Consult with a Pro

Behavior modification for aggression in dogs comes with some risks. If your Rottweiler aggressive on walks, your best bet is consulting with a dog behavior professional. Sloppy implementation of behavior modification may not bring results as hoped. A behavior professional can help you recognize subtle stress signals in dogs so you can prevent your Rottweiler from going over threshold.  And remember to find a professional who employs gentle techniques; it’s proven that harsh methods based on intimidation or punishment-based tools can exacerbate aggression and produce adverse effects!

Brazilian Family Fights for its Exotic big cat in Court


A family in Brazil have a variety of exotic pets in their home. The Borges have 8 tigers and 2 lions living with them in their family home. The family live comfortably with their big cat pets. Ary Borges has been living with his exotic pets so long that his kids Uyara, Deusanira and Nayara are used to playing with the cats in their pool. The house and its compound are surrounded by high walls and a high fence. Mr. Borges indicates that his exotic cat family begun in the year 2005 when he found and adopted two abused tiger cubs. He raised them and bred them and has ended up with his large family of exotic cats and monkeys. The Federal Wildlife officials in Brazil are suing him for illegally breeding the animals. Mr. Borges has a license to keep therm and defends his right to breed them as well. He terms it as conserving the species of the tigers.

Video Source :Barcroft TV

The World’s 10 Deadliest And Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

most dangerous dog breeds
most dangerous dog breeds

The World’s 10 Deadliest And Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

Despite being unfair, outdated and not having any basis in science, breed specific legislation (BSL) is still present across the globe, banning our favorite dog breeds based on their appearance. Most of all, according to a recent ASPCA article, experts agree that breed specific legislation doesn’t reduce dog bites nor does it enhance public safety! The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior has issued a position statement claiming that not only is BSL ineffective, but it also leads to welfare issues of the banned breeds which, by the way, are often identified incorrectly. Whether they’re banned from military bases or towns, breed bans seem to do no good. Following is a list of just a few of the many Most Dangerous Dog,banned, restricted or blacklisted dog breeds who are often unjust victims of breed-specific legislation.The World’s 10 Deadliest And Most Dangerous Dog Breeds That Need Your Help (and Some Love too)

 1- Most Dangerous Dog Breeds   “Pit Bulls”

most dangerous dog breeds
most dangerous dog breeds

You certainly expected them making the list, didn’t you? For sure, the word “pit bull” makes catchy newspaper headlines, problem is, those journalists reporting bite incidents, and the occasional mauling, often end up labeling any dog with a square-shaped head and a bulky body as a pit bull. They don’t know (or pretend not to) that there’s really no such thing as a breed exclusively known as “pit bull.” According to the United Kennel Club, there are only three dog breeds that generically fall under the pit bull category: the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT), the American Staffordshire Terrier (AST) and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier (SBT). This means that other dog breeds and even mutts are being mislabeled as pits, making pits appear as if they bite much more! Add to that the many myths and unfounded beliefs revolving around this breed and you have the perfect recipe for transforming Pete the pup into a monster.

2- Most Dangerous Dog Breeds “Rottweilers”

most dangerous dog breeds
most dangerous dog breeds

When it comes to these beautiful black n’ tan fellows, the world seems split in two. Those owning them claim them to be the best breed they ever had and then you have those who see them as vicious beasts, perhaps reminiscent after watching the famous movie “The Omen”—note though, how, in most cases, those making these claims never had the pleasure to actually own one! Of course, owning an animal that one day may weigh anywhere between 85 and 100 pounds or more is a big responsibility that in the wrong hands may be deleterious. Turns out though that as with other breeds, well-trained, well-socialized and well-exercised Rotties raised in a nurturing environment have the potential to make wonderful pets.


3- Most Dangerous Dog Breeds “Doberman Pincher”

doberman – dangerous dog breeds

This elegant dog blessed with a black and tan coat has been victim of breed bans and restrictions for many decades. You may have heard the old myth that as they age their brains become larger than their skull and they’ll turn on their owners. Sadly, some people still believe this is true. Dobermans are dogs, not some science-fiction creature ready to mutate in some sort of Gremlin. Like any other dogs, their brains stay nicely put where they were meant to be– and what great brains they have! These intelligent dogs in the right hands have great potential for making trustworthy, family dogs.


4- Most Dangerous Dog Breeds “Chow Chows”

chow chow
chow chow – dangerous dog breeds

These blue-tongued dogs look like teddy bears, but they’re banned in several cities and in military housing, why is that? Most likely, as other banned breeds, they’re either not raised the right way or they’re bred poorly by breeders who breed for looks with little care about testing temperaments. Fact is, this fellow isn’t a social butterfly and he’s quite territorial by nature; therefore the chow needs oodles of positive encounters during puppy hood, in that critical window of socialization generally taking place between 4 and 16 weeks. Despite his scowl, by standard this breed by nature should be discerning with strangers, but displays of shyness or aggression are unacceptable.

5- Most Dangerous Dog Breeds “Akita”

akita dangerous dog breeds

You may be surprised to find Hachiko on the banned list after faithfully waiting his beloved master at the Shibuya train station for nine years, nine months and fifteen days. As the chow chow, Akita are on the aloof side and protective guardians by nature, and as chows, they need extensive socialization to learn that not all strangers are a threat. Designated as a national monument in China, the Akita reserves his silly side only to those he loves and trusts. As with other banned breeds, in the right hands of an experienced owner, these dogs make great companions who love being part of the family and shouldn’t be relegated in the backyard alone.


6- Most Dangerous Dog Breeds “Shar Pei”

dangerous dog breeds
dangerous dog breeds

These dogs are born cuddly with loads of wrinkles and a hippopotamus face. It’s hard to believe that these chubby babies are on the blacklist of many insurance companies. As these dogs mature, they become standoffish with strangers and territorial, yet, their aloofness shouldn’t equal aggression. Conscientious breeders have worked hard in the past years in improving this breed’s temperament, and nowadays, in the right hands, a well-bred, well socialized shar pei should not be a source of problems.

7- Most Dangerous Dog Breeds “German Shepherds”

Most Dangerous Dog Breeds "German Shepherds"
Most Dangerous Dog Breeds “German Shepherds”

Captain Max von Stephanitz dreamed of a dog capable of covering great distances and being protective of flocks, yet at the same time, loving children and being loyal to his owner. His dream came true when his extensive breeding program paid off and he developed the German shepherd. With versatility as his second name, this breed sure knew it all. From unrelenting herders they bloomed into police dogs, search and rescue dogs, seeing-eye dogs and much more. Their popularity skyrocketed at the end of the war, when soldiers took them along abroad. Rin-tin-tin and Strongheart did the rest. As with other breeds getting popular too fast, the mass production of puppies produced to satisfy demand resulted in poor temperaments and more medical problems than bargained for. Fortunately, dedicated breeders brought the breed back on track. It’s sad to think that this loyal and loveable breed is banned in some places. If poor Max von Stephanitz would know, he’d be rolling in his grave.

8- Most Dangerous Dog Breeds “Huky”

Most Dangerous Dog Breeds
Most Dangerous Dog Breeds “Husky”

Many people fall in love with this Nordic breed blessed with glacial blue eyes, but more and more owners are noticing they they’re appearing more and more on the list of breeds banned by insurance companies or housing authorities. Why is that? Perhaps it’s because they’re large, and look like wolves? Or most likely because of their appealing looks they often end up owned by irresponsible people who have no business in owning dogs? What we know for sure is that by standard, viciousness or extreme shyness is means for disqualification in the show ring. As other dogs, this breed blossoms with the right amount of socialization, training and exercise. They are even known for making poor guardians, to the point of inviting the occasional thief to a night of movies and some popcorn!

9- Most Dangerous Dog Breeds “Alaskan Malamute”

Most Dangerous Dog Breeds "Alaskan Malamute"
Alaskan Malamute

Often confused with the Siberian husky, the Alaskan malamute is an appealing Nordic breed with a striking coat and wolf-like markings. You may stumble on the occasional specimen playing the part of a wolf in some movies, truth is, though these dogs are completely domesticated. While his sheer size might scare off some people, those who know him well know that these are playful dogs that are loyal and have an outgoing disposition. Like all dogs listed here, with the right owners, these dogs are pleasure to own. Aggression is not typical of this breed; indeed, according to breed standard, any signs of aggression towards humans is unacceptable.

10- Most Dangerous Dog Breeds “Great Danes”

Great Danes

Yes, they’re large, there’s no doubt about that, but for many goods reasons they’re also affectionately called “gentle giants.” Once upon a time, landlords may have jokingly asked you “do you have a saddle for that dog?” now instead they back off, too much liability with such a big dog. With so many blacklisted and banned dogs we have seen so far, it’s sadly no longer a surprise to see this beautiful breed banned from some housing places and blacklisted by insurance companies. Weighing up to 150 pounds, it seems that nobody cares if your great dane puppy is just pulling to go greet and lick a person to death.

Video Source : Elite Facts

Sadly, the list of banned, restricted and/or blacklisted breeds nowadays tops over 70 breeds. If you happen to be an owner of any of these breeds, you can take some steps to fight BSL by learning more about the issue, becoming an ambassador for your breed and spreading knowledge– and if you don’t own any of these breeds, don’t relax; rather, consider that the list is always expanding, and your beloved dog may sadly end up on there as well.

20 Odd Things You Had No Idea Your Rottweiler Enjoys Doing

20 Odd Things You Had No Idea Your Dog Enjoys Doing Them With You
20 Odd Things You Had No Idea Your Dog Enjoys Doing Them With You

Even though we may share with our rottweiler a love for food, play and comfortable bedding, Rover may send us daily reminders that he has different preferences when it comes to certain aspects of life. Whether instinctive or reinforcing, certain behaviors may leave you confused, sometimes disgusted and other times you may just find yourself scratching your head in disbelief.  Despite your feelings, perhaps this famous saying explains things best:  “To each his own.”20 Odd Things You Had No Idea Your Rottweiler Enjoys Doing Them With You   (and some possible explanations)

Rottweiler Enjoys Doing
Rottweiler Enjoys Doing


1-Rottweiler Enjoys Doing “Turning in circles before laying down”

Your dog may do this routine before taking a nap, what gives? There’s belief this behavior is reminiscent of a dog’s past when dogs used to sleep in grass and the turning would scare off any critters and the stomping would flatten the grass so he could create a comfy place to sleep and enjoy.

2- Rottweiler Enjoys Doing “Foraging”.

What? Did you just say foraging? Isn’t that something farm animals like cows and horses do? Turns out, dogs love to work and search for their food, so if you want to make Rover extra happy Don’t feeding from the food bowl and scatter his kibble around the house to search or stuff it inside a Kong or a bottle without a lid.

3- Rottweiler Enjoys Doing “Eating grass”.

Your dog is not a herbivore, so what’s this obsession with grass? It could be he enjoys eating greens, but keep an eye on him as this may be a sign of digestive upset.

4- Rottweiler Enjoys Doing “Listening to the TV or music” .

OK, your dog may not have your same passion for Pink Floyd or U2, but  research shows that classical music can calm dogs down, which is why the CD “Through a Dog’s Ear” has had so much success in shelters and among owners of hyper or anxious pups.

5- Rottweiler Enjoys Doing “Going to School”.

Most dogs enjoy going to classes and learning new behaviors if you keep things positive and upbeat.

6- Rottweiler Enjoys Doing “Licking toddler’s faces”.

No, these often aren’t doggy kisses as we romantically perceive, most likely Rover is licking your child’s mouth because he has remnants of Spaghetti O’s sauce or cotton candy.

7- Rottweiler Enjoys Doing “Digging up plants”.

If you have a green thumb and your dog watches you garden, chances are he’ll want to participate as well. You can’t blame him, dogs love to dig but they don’t have a green thumb, so they’ll often do more damage than good. You’re better off providing him an acceptable place to dig rather than discouraging this instinctive behavior.

8- Rottweiler Enjoys Doing “Barking at the mail man”.

Your dog doesn’t have anything personal against the mail man, but you may wonder why he keeps barking at him despite seeing him every day. Fact is, from your dog’s perspective, he’s defending his turf, and since every time he barks, the mailman leaves, this behavior becomes highly reinforcing as he believes his bark is what sends him away.

9- Rottweiler Enjoys Doing “Disassembling the remote”.

Not only the remote has your scent on it, but it’s fun to disassemble too. If your dog is lonely and bored, the remote can become a fun entertainment piece especially since it’s always handy. For safety sake, best to keep it out of reach.

10- Rottweiler Enjoys Doing “Degutting squeaky toys”.

Yes, dogs enjoy playing with squeaky toys, but why? There are chances the squeaks mimic injured prey animals, and if your dog is shaking the toy, he’s likely mimicking the action of breaking a prey animal’s neck. In addition, the chewing to take the squeaker out mimics removing the entrails. No worries though; this is just play. Make sure though your dog doesn’t swallow the squeaker; it can cause a blockage!

11- Rottweiler Enjoys Doing “Stealing from the laundry basket”. 

From Rover’s perspective, your belonging are always appealing for the simple fact that they carry your scent. And of course, dirty laundry carries much more scent than clean laundry! So getting into the laundry basket can be comforting if you’re away a good part of the day, and on top of that, it’s fun to play with too!

12- Rottweiler Enjoys Doing “Running after things”.

Whether it’s a car, bike or an innocent jogger running on the sidewalk, your dog surely gets a kick from chasing. This behavior is reminiscent of a dog’s predatory drive, and if you own a herding breed, his instinct to herd and group animals, children or inanimate objects may be deeply ingrained.

13- Rottweiler Enjoys Doing “Chasing tails”.

You’ll often see this in puppies as they discover the appendage can make a fun game. Older dogs may engage in this too if they have lots of energy and feel playful. However, caution should be used in not reinforcing this behavior as it can turn into a compulsive disorder.

14- Rottweiler Enjoys Doing “Raiding the cat’s litter box.”

Did your dog visit Snow Ball’s waste disposal box again? Well, those secret visits in search of  kitty “Tootsie Rolls” are there for a good reason. Consider that cat food is higher in fat and protein, and therefore, those nuggets are very palatable from your dog’s perspective. Your best bet? Keep the litter box out of reach.

15- Rottweiler Enjoys Doing “Sniffing dog butts.”

It may not make sense to us, but sniffing another dog’s butt is the canine equivalent of a handshake. The anal glands found under the dog’s tail emit chemicals that can tell a dog a whole lot about the other dog’s sex, health, diet and more.

16- Rottweiler Enjoys Doing “Sniffing people’s crotches.”

So your dog trots over to greet your guests and ends up sniffing at their groin or poking his snout in their butt. As much as this looks embarrassing, you can’t blame him though. With his strong sense of smell, this is Rover’s instinctive way to gather information.

17- Rottweiler Enjoys Doing “Mounting other dogs or things.”

While this behavior seems linked to reproduction, it’s also seen in neutered and spayed dogs.  Why? This behavior may be caused by excitement, stress or anxiety and dogs do it because it gives them relief, or plain and simple, just makes them feel good. And of course, you’ll often see it as part of your dog’s play repertoire.

18- Rottweiler Enjoys Doing “Butt scooting.”

The behavior looks funny, until your dog starts leaving stains on your immaculate carpet. Dogs like to drag their bottoms of the floor because it gives them relief from irritated anal glands.

19- Rottweiler Enjoys Doing “Rolling in stinky stuff.”

This behavior exasperates many owners, especially if it happens shortly after a bath. Whether it’s cow manure, horse manure or the carcass of a long dead animal, there’s no denial, your dog is rolling in it to his heart’s content as if he’s bathing in Chanel No. 5.  There are different theories as to why dogs do this, but most likely, it’s a canine’s way of smelling like prey so to make it easier to hunt.

20- Rottweiler Enjoys Doing “Drinking out of the toilet.”

To a human, a toilet is a receptacle for waste, but from a dog’s perspective it’s a fountain of youth. The water is often fresh and oxygenated from the repeated flushes and the porcelain keeps the water tasting good. Best to close the lid though to avoid potential exposure to chemicals!

Rottweiler Information And History Facts

Rottweilers history
Rottweilers history

We know what Rottweilers look like, and if you are on this site, you most likely proudly own a Rottweiler puppy or are looking to learn more about this beautiful breed, but what`s behind rottweiler history and how was this beautiful creature morphed throughout history?

By looking at a Rottweilers past, we are better able to understand him, the roles he played, we can also see why he acts in certain ways, why his body looks the way it is why rottweiler training is important and what made him the creature we look at today. While the Rottweilers past is a bit blurred and not entirely documented, there is belief things may have gone this way.

History Facts Your Rottweiler Wants You to Know

Rottweilers history
Rottweilers history

The Origin of My Name

My name is Rottweiler, you may already know this, but it’s wort mentioning that I am called this way because I was frequently found working in “Rottweil” a charming town located in southwest Germany, somewhere between the Black Forest and the Swabian Alps. The name of this town derives from the German words “Rote Wil,” meaning red tile. Indeed, if you are lucky to visit this town you’ll see many homes adorned with red tiles, but best of all, you’ll see a beautiful Rottweiler statue erected in my honor. I think all Rottweiler lovers should visit this town one day and take a picture besides this statue!

A Butcher’s Best Friend

Rottweiler butcher dog
Rottweiler butcher dog

What kind of work was I doing in the red-roofed town of Rottweil ? I was herding cattle to the market and was also a butcher dog; indeed, I was often known as “Rottweil’s butcher dog.” I was pulling carts loaded with goods and slaughtered meat at the market and the butcher used to tie pouches filled with his hard-earned money around my neck. The money was sure safe this way! But being a butcher dog wasn’t really my original occupation. Long before that, I was actually working with cattle.

A Rottweiler Role in History

My history likely dates back to the Roman Empire. As a descendant of the ancient Roman drover dogs, I was selectively bred to be a tough cookie, a rugged dog capable of working different kinds of livestock in a variety of conditions. I was known for my versatility, intelligence and guarding instincts. And guess what? I even played a role in history marching with the Romans in their quest to conquer Europe. I accompanied troops who depended on herds of cattle for food since back then there was no means for refrigeration. My job was to keep the herd the cattle together and guard them at night. We traveled across the the Alps, all the way into southern Germany where I continued herding for the next two centuries even after the Romans were gone as they were driven out by the Swabians.

An Unemployed Worker

I was born to be a working dog, that’s why I am always looking for something to do. Unfortunately, as the years went by, Europe became quite industrialized and the railroads became the main way livestock were moved to the market. To make things worse, a law was passed banning cattle from being driven over roads, so the need for my herding abilities declined. Sadly, I remained unemployed for some time and our numbers declined dramatically. Just think that by 1882, only one Rottweiler showed up at a dog show in Heilbronn, and not only, that Rottweiler was a poor representative of my breed!

Versatility Was My Second Name

Luckily for me, during World War I there was a great demand for police dogs in Germany, so our numbers were on the rise and people were interested in me again. This time though, I was employed for multiple tasks. I am a very versatile dog, you know? I was utilized as a messenger, guardian, draught and ambulance dog. In 1907, the first Rottweiler club was founded in Germany, and in 1924, 2,400 Rottweilers were registered! But our biggest rise in popularity occurred in the mid 1990’s, when over 100,000 of us were registered with the American Kennel Club. Yet, being popular isn’t always good. Irresponsible breeders and puppy mills started breeding with money as their best interest and our over all quality went considerably down. Luckily, reputable and dedicated breeders intervened to turn things around and transform us in the wonderful dogs you see today.

The Modern Rottweiler

As seen, I sure have gone through a lot! My broad chest, muscled body, strength and stamina are a reflection of my past heritage. If you see me get restless when you don’t exercise me enough and provide enough mental stimulation it’s because I was born to be a working dog. I am still versatile, you can use me as a service dog, personal protection dog, therapy dog, you name it! And at the end of the day, when you look into my eyes, you’ll still see my intelligent, alert and fearless expression that made me the dog I was meant to be.

Rottweiler Crying for his dead twins “Heartbreaking Video “

Rottweiler Crying
Rottweiler Crying

this video is the most Heartbreaking Video i have ever seen , may be because i love rottweilers To death , but i am sure if you are not even interested in pets you will cry after watching this video

the story began when that poor rottweiler was sleeping beside his twins after long day playing , until he woke up to find his brother had died during the night.
ohhh , very sad morning , all he did he rested his head on his brother shoulder looking sadly to him and to the camera ,

his owner said that her never cried out in pain , But clearly you can see in his eyes, he is crying for his brother who had passed as his world around him just crumbles.

video Source : brettvett1 .

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This is how to instantly locate the dog owners living nearby you!

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And a lot more!

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Three Ways Rottweiler Say “I love you”


How do Rottweiler show affection? As a loyal and devoted companion, a Rottweiler becomes deeply attached to his owners and can show his affection in many different ways.

Read on to unlock the ways Rottweiler say “I love you.”

Like snowflakes, there are no two Rottweilers alike, they all come with their own distinct personalities, and those who own more than one, can attest to that. Some Rottweilers are reserved, while others are more outgoing and deliberate in their affectionate displays. Regardless of their personalities, most Rottweilers boast one distinctive perk: they love to be near you, and if possible, in the same room and in close contact with you. While all dogs show affection to their favorite people, Rottweilers seem to do it in their own, unique ways.

Three Ways Rottweiler Say “I love you”

Your Rottweiler of course will never tell you “I love you” nor will he buy you a Hallmark card with those words printed on it. As we have seen in a previous article, dogs don’t exchange kisses or hugs amongst them as we do with each other, but many tolerate them from us (and some enjoy them too) because they were conditioned to it. And what about when your Rottweiler slurps your face like if you were a giant lollipop, are those really the canine version of kisses? While we may never really  know with certainty what those dog kisses (and many other canine gestures) truly mean, until the day dogs can talk and give us their interpretations, we can only make assumptions.

Humans and dogs are two different species and talk a different language. When we ascribe human traits and emotions to animals we engage in what is knows as anthropomorphism which can lead to misinterpretations and mask the dog’s real response to a situation. Your Rottweiler will therefore most likely “speak dog” rather than human language to manifest his closeness to you and following are some ways he does it.

Rottweiler Leaning Against You

As mentioned, Rottweilers love to stay as close to you as they can. Many Rottweiler owners claim they own a “Velcro dog” because their dog just has to stay attached to them. A common behavior is leaning against you. Often, this happens when you are standing still and suddenly feel pressure on your leg, and if you’re light like me, your Rottweiler may even sometimes unbalance you.  But don’t worry, he’ll do it too when you’re sitting.

This is likely your Rottweiler’s way to manifest his closeness to you and demonstrate a desire to keep track of you and your whereabouts. Some say this  behavior is reminiscent of this breed’s past as drover dogs; when they would lean against cattle to move them in a specific direction. Not sure how true this is, but it’s surely an interesting point worth pondering.


The Rottweiler Purr

I really never had the pleasure of owning a Rottweiler that “purrs” but heard many other Rottweiler owners witness it, so thought it’s worth mentioning here. My Rottweilers don’t purr but they’ll make an occasional grumble when I scratch them in their preferred spots as a sign of  “appreciation.” If your Rottweiler is totally relaxed and you do not recognize any of the stress signs discussed in the previous article, most likely he’s “talking” to express his contentment in being loved on and staying close to you.

If you’re not too sure if he’s enjoying your touch, try this experiment: stop petting him. If he paws you, nudges your hand or gives signs of engaging with you, most likely he was enjoying the interaction and is telling you: “please keep on doing what you were doing.” but the ideal and safest way to differentiate a growl from a Rottweiler purr is to hire a professional to help you out.

Rottweiler Love Licks

Many of us call these “kisses” but are they really kisses? They may seem so when they are targeted near our faces. The behavior may be reminiscent of a pup’s past wild ancestry when around the age of weaning, he would lick his mother’s face to stimulate her to regurgitate. Back in time, it was difficult for mother dogs to carry a whole carcass to the den, so they would feed their puppies by regurgitating when their pups licked the corners of their lips. As they grew, the puppies kept on licking the face of adult dogs as a way of showing submission and we still see this behavior today.

The puppies would typically keep their ears back and body low while licking the adult dog. Of course, our Rottweilers don’t expect us to regurgitate, but adult dogs may keep on licking us as a sign of respect or perhaps a way of telling us that we’re special to them. If you have been away for a good part of the day, there’s a good chance your Rottweiler is licking to say hello and welcome you back. And of course, if you have been eating something tasty, that lick  strategically stamped near your mouth may be your Rottweiler’s hopeful way to get his share!


And of course, Rottweilers may show affection in may other ways. Some may put their paws on you, or they’ll put their big, blocky heads on your lap. How does your Rottweiler show affection?Consider that many of your Rottweiler’s behaviors are encouraged with positive reinforcement, and therefore, behaviors that are reinforced, repeat.

So if you’ve been showering your Rottweiler with attention every time he jumps and licks your face, rest assured, he’ll keep on doing that. Any time you don’t like a behavior or feel like it’s getting out of hand, stop fueling it and be consistent.  He may continue trying for some time, but if you keep it up, he’ll eventually get the message and give up. And what  if you just want to put a halt to a behavior temporarily? Just train your Rottweiler a command to let him know you had enough.

7 Stress Signals in Your Dog

Rottweiler aggressive
Rottweiler aggressive

by : Adrienne Farricelli

While humans are used to manifesting their emotions verbally, dogs, on the other paw, are masters in body communication. It’s up to us to decipher what they’re trying to tell us by paying closing attention to these subtle dog stress signals. Let’s unlock them now. Read more….

Dogs mainly communicate through their tails, facial expressions, ear and eye position and their body postures and movements. They may also vocalize too, but they primarily use their bodies. When studying dog body language, it’s important to look at the entire dog instead of focusing only on one, single body part. This is why you cannot rely on a tail wag only; in some cases a tail wag is far from being friendly! Don’t approach a dog whose body appears stiff, the hairs on his back (hackles) are raised and the tail is kept high and  is moving rigidly in short arcs (flag tail.)

Dogs Have Incorporated Warning Systems

We often hear people claim that their dog bit out of the blue. It’s quite rare that a dog really “bites out of blue.” In most cases, the dog may have communicated his uneasiness through body language, but these subtle signs went unheeded. At times, this can happen when a dog is repeatedly reprimanded for growling. With the dog’s warning system no longer in effect, the dog goes straight to a bite.

Reputable dog trainer and owner of Peaceable Paws, Pat Miller, calls a dog’s growling a “gift,” something to treasure because dogs are communicating uneasiness and give us an opportunity to stop what we’re doing. It’s like a toddler’s way of using “his words.” When you punish the growl ,or the snapping or snarling behavior, you’re not addressing the underlying stress that triggered the behavior in the first place. Instead, now with punishment in addition to stress, the dog’s level of discomfort increases and the dog learns that it’s no longer safe to warn, so the end result is a dog who bites without warning. A very dangerous situation indeed!

In the previous article “Five things dogs like and love you to do” we claimed how many dogs aren’t that fond of being hugged and kissed, even though at times there may be exceptions to the rule. We also discussed how Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist Patricia McConnell looked at 50 pictures of dogs being hugged and noticed happy owners but uncomfortable dogs. While dogs may not growl, snap or bite when they’re hugged, they may manifest uneasiness in many subtle ways. Failure to read these signals may lead to a dog escalating which may lead to a bite. In this article, we will look look at some stress signals dogs give out that intend to say: “I am feeling uncomfortable.”

Watch For These Stress Signals in Dogs

As mentioned, dogs often rely on subtle body signals to communicate stress and uneasiness. It’s up to us to recognize these signals so we can take measures to prevent the dog from getting overwhelmed. Paying attention to these signals will make you a better owner as you’ll be able to be more in tune with your dog’s feeling. Yes, dogs have feeling too! So keep an eye on these:

Yawning. Watch the context in which this happens. Most likely, unless your dog was napping, he is manifesting that he is starting feeling tense.

Lip licking. Raise your hand hand if you have several pictures of your dog with his tongue out busy licking his lips or nose. This is not a coincidence. Many dogs are slightly nervous about getting photographed with that camera near their faces. You may also notice several lip licks when dogs are being hugged and they don’t like it.

Panting. Again, look at context. If it’s really hot and you haven’t taken your dog out for a romp, the yawning can be a stress signal. Often, the mouth looks tense and the ears are pinned back. Be careful when a dog is stressed and panting and then suddenly closes his mouth. This can be a sign that a snap or bite may be coming.

Whale eyes. This occurs when the white of the dog’s eyes show at the corner in a half-moon fashion. You often see this when a dog  looks sharply in one direction and doesn’t like what you are doing.

Looking or turning away. You are moving towards a dog and the dog turns his head away or even turns away? The dog is asking to maintain distance. Children who chase or corner a dog that has been repeatedly and unsuccessfully trying to give “leave me alone” stress signals such as turning the head, often get bitten this way.

Ears pinned back. This can signal stress but again, you must look at the entire dog. There are times when the ears are pinned back and the dog is actually happy and likes the attention.

Scrolling fur. You often see this when dogs were just bathed or get up after rolling in the dust, but if you see it when a dog is interacting with people or other dogs, this may be a way of relieving tension after a stressful happening.

These are just a few of the many stress signals dogs give out. Stress signals may vary from one dog to another. There are many others including dilated eyes, breathing changes, low tail,  lowered body, weight shifted back, slow movement, refusal to eat, pacing, sweaty paws and more. Watch your dog carefully for these signs. If you notice any stress signals in your dog, work on avoiding putting your dog in stressful situations and ask a professional for help in changing your dog’s emotions about them.

Tip: If you really want to train your eye, as stress signals often happen fast, watch videos of dogs interacting with children, people and other dogs and play them in slow motion. How many do you recognize?

Five Things Rottweilers Like and Love You to Do

rottweilers love

What things do Rottweilers like and love you to do? There’s no denial over the fact that we like to love on our Rottweilers, but when we do so, we often do it our way. Let’s unlock things Rottweilers like you to do, but this time from a canine’s standpoint. And no, surprisingly, two things we commonly do didn’t top the list. Read more…..

It comes natural for us humans to see things our way and we often unknowingly reflect our anthropomorphic views on Rover. We therefore assume that our Rottweilers like to be hugged and kissed because that’s what we do in our culture to demonstrate affection, but we may have really never asked ourselves if our Rottweilers enjoy these activities as much as we do. So let’s start off with clearing a common misconception.

Do Rottweilers Really Like Hugs and Kisses?

Rottweiler Diseases
rottweilers love kisses

If we look at pictures of humans hugging Rottweilers, we often see Rottweiler owners happily embracing their Rottweilers but what about the Rottweiler? It’s not usual to see the Rottweiler licking its lips and looking over all uncomfortable. Patrica McConnell, a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist in the famous book “The Other End of the Leash” explains that hugging is an instinctive hard-wired behavior of primates. Rottweilers do not hug; actually, to the contrary, putting paws on another Rottweiler’s shoulders is considered very rude in Rottweiler social etiquette. On top of that, Rottweilers do not like being restrained. Out of 50 pictures of hugged Rottweilers, McConnell saw none of them looking happy.

And what about kissing?

In the human world, kissing is our way to offer affection, but what about Rottweilers? We never see Rottweilers kissing each other in the real sense of the word. Putting our faces near an unfamiliar Rottweiler is also very risky business. Rottweilers who have been conditioned to being kissed may tolerate them; however, once again, we’re engaging in behaviors popular among humans and not so much in Rottweilers.

It’s important though to make one clarification: while many Rottweilers dislike hugs and kisses, there are always exceptions to the rules. It’s possible that some Rottweilers have been conditioned to put up with our human displays, perhaps some even enjoy them, and at the very best, some may just tolerate them. Wondering if your Rottweiler enjoys hugs and kisses? Stay tuned for our next upcoming article on how to recognize stress signals denoting uneasiness in Rottweilers. If your Rottweiler shows any of these signs when you kiss him or hug him, it’s time to focus on things Rottweilers really likes you to do.

So What Things Do Rottweilers Love You to Do?

So if Rottweilers aren’t that fond of hugs and kisses, what would they love us to do? In order to find out, we must put ourselves in our Rottweiler’s shoes. For once, let’s put away our anthropomorphic views and do what’s in the best interest of our Rottweilers, shall we? Here is a rule of thumb: if your Rottweiler really likes what you do, he’ll likely ask for you to do it more and more, so pay attention to what your Rottweiler is trying to tell you. Keep in mind though that not all Rottweilers are created equal, to each his own.

Yes, Grab That Leash!

You heard this coming, didn’t you? If your Rottweiler gets all happy and excited when you grab the leash and does the happy dance, most likely he can’t wait to go outside and enjoy a stroll with you. Most likely if he could talk he would be telling you something like this: “Oh, cool! What a great idea! I’m up for it, let’s get going!” This simple activity is free, and best of all, it also keeps you healthy and in shape.

Yes, Gimme a Sniffing Adventure!

While you’re on your walk, make it a habit of allowing him at least one or two stops to engage in his favorite activity: sniffing! Most Rottweilers love to sniff, and best of all, this activity can be tiring. In order to prevent your Rottweiler from constantly pulling to go sniff everywhere, find a compromise and allow him to stop in a few places after obeying a simple obedience command. For instance, you can ask him for a sit and then reward him by telling him “go sniff!” Granted, he’ll be super happy you have given him this much cherished opportunity.

Yes, You Got the Right Spot!

rottweiler rolling
rottweiler rolling

While kissing and hugging may not be on the top list of things your Rottweiler loves you to do, petting him the right way may rank high in his hierarchy of wishes. Your Rottweiler most likely loves it when you pet him if he gives you signs of wanting you to continue. Try this experiment: pet him and then abruptly stop. What does your Rottweiler do? If he nudges your hand, leans against you or paws at you, most likely it’s his way of telling you: “keep on doing what you were doing.” Remember that all Rottweilers are different. Some Rottweilers may love belly rubs, others may not. Several Rottweilers don’t like pats on the head especially from strangers, while others may prefer scratches behind the ears.

Yes, Gimme Mental Stimulation!

We often think about providing our Rottweilers with exercise, but what about mental stimulation? Rottweilers crave that too! Your Rottweiler will be happy if you find him ways to keep his mind busy. Instead of feeding him using the food bowl, stuff kibble in a Kong Wobbler or toss his kibble around the home for him to recover.

Yes, We Love Routines!

Last but not least, your Rottweiler will be very thankful if you incorporate consistency and routines is his day-to-day life. Moves, abrupt schedule disruptions and too many changes will stress him out. Let him relax with a predictable schedule and clear, consistent rules.

And of course, among things Rottweilers like you to do, we must add that Rottweilers love when you feed them, play with them and train them if you make these activities extra fun!

You can’t miss this If you own a dog!!!!!

Biting Nipping Behavior Can Kill Your Dog
Biting Nipping Behavior Can Kill Your Dog

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Husky Stops Baby from Crying


Do you know how Exactly to make a baby stop crying?
by giving him/he food ?
Adjustment Baby diaper?
Make faces and silly sounds?
a very awesome husky dog called duky is very clever at infant resting. No little one could dare to sob when dog husky is actually there certainly. Benefit Dad listed here located a method to keep his newborn silent through having his pet dog groan. That seems to sidetrack the child very well.. watch this amazing video and learn from the husky how to keep a baby away from crying , as we all know husky dogs are active dogs and they need large place so they can play and enjoy life , husky dogs also love ice and cold weather they got heavy coat that’s why they love living in the cold place.

Video Source :Jnaef

The Bravest Rottweiler Saves Family From Fire

Rottweiler Saves Family
Rottweiler Saves Family

rottweiler !! For sure you know about that wonderful breed and how honest he is and how he love all the family member and protect them for the last breath in his life to day we have a great story , rottweiler saves family from fire , woow right ?  yea its true story  a family owner a rottweiler called zuse and one day zuse found a fire coming out from home he start to bark and bark until someone hear and called the police and the family is safe now that’s one story from millions that rottweiler is the rock star in it  please don’t judge that breed until you one one watch the video and don’t forget to like and share with your friend



Vedio Source : WEWS NewsChannel5
