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10 Best Fruits and Vegetables for Dogs

Her Dog Shows Two Different Types Of Aggression
Her Dog Shows Two Different Types Of Aggression

10 Best Fruits and Vegetables for Dogs
written by: Writernator

Dogs, like all other animals need a change in diet once in a while. This can be achieved by supplementing the dog’s diet with fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables make the perfect alternative in the dogs diet. However, it has been proven that certain fruits outperform others in helping your furry friend, bellow are some:

1. Green BeansWhile your kids may have a thing or two against green beans, the same cannot be said of of dogs. The fruit is a good source of vitamin K, A and C. It is also a good source of omega 3 fatty acids, this fruit is bound to benefit the dog. Other beneficial elements to be found in the fruit include calcium, folic acid, manganese, copper, iron & potassium.

2. Spinach.Spinach is a great source of iron, as a matter of fact, it is a source of twice the amount of iron found in most other vegetables. When mixed with the dog’s regular diet, it will help prevent cardiovascular diseases as well as inflammatory issues.

3.Cantaloupe.Full of essential vitamins, this fruit is extremely beneficial to the dogs eyesight. In particular the fruit has plenty of beta carotene and vitamin A. Beta carotene reduces the chances that your dog could contract any form of cancer. This fruit is also a good source of fiber, niacin, vitamin b-6, and potassium.

4. Sweet Potatoes.When boiled, the sweet potato is a great source of various vitamins, Iron, potassium, and copper. Just like its name, sweet potatoes are tasty. They will therefore be a great addition to your furry friends’s diet.

5. Apples. The fact that dogs like playing with round objects will help them start off with the apple. This fruit is particularly a powerful antioxidant and provides lots of vitamins to the dog. This is thus a wonderful diet for your pooch.

6. Blue Berries.To human beings, these fruits serve to help prevent heart diseases to to the high resveratol content. The fruit will do the same and ,ore for your dog if fed to him on an alternative basis. The fruit also help prevent UTIs due to tannins found within the fruit.

7. Pumpkin.If your are looking for a good source of fiber for your dog, then the pumpkin is a perfect source. It is also a great source of fiber which will help alleviate the dog’s diarrhea and constipation.

8. WatermelonsFeeding man’s best friend with the watermelon ensures that the dog gets all the lycopene its body needs. The dog also gains several vitamins such as vitamin c, B-6, and A. Besides vitamins, the pooch will also obtain thiamin from consuming the fruit. High water content will also serve to hydrate the dog.

9. Asparagus.This vegetable is suitable for your dog when cut up into bite sizes. It is a good source of vitamins A, C, B1 and B2, & K as well as other elements. The vegetable is also a great source of copper, folate, iron, manganese, fiber, & potassium.
10. Pears.This fruit will work to strengthen your dog’s heart and intestinal tract. Pears are known to contain pectin which strengthens the dog’s intestinal tract. They are also known to contain beneficial anti oxidants.

Top 5 Reasons Your Dog is Your Best Dating Guide


Reasons Your Dog is Your Best Dating Guide

Dating basically is a form of courtship which involves some social activities done by two people in order to assess the others suitability in an intimate relationship. Therefore this involves trying to know if you can cope with your partner and able to tolerate their weaknesses. In order to achieve this your dog as a pet can help you to bring out your partners true character unknowingly by how they treat it.here are some of the reasons why your dog is your best dating guide.


1.It brings out your partners ability to offer assistance or help regardless of the circumstance-Dog walks-when there are harsh conditions outside (for example it may be raining) and your dog wants to be taken out for a walk but your currently busy, if your partner offers to take it out then that’s the right person, if he does not offer to do so know its time to continue searching for the right person for you .
This is because your dog loves you and someone who loves you should treat your dog with love, care and kindness that you deserve.

2. your dog helps to bring out how much your partner can be jealous-most of the time dogs bark in order to draw the attention of their owner( such as play with them, feed it or take it for a walk or do some routines they normally do). If your partner is offended or is annoyed at your dog’s barking then he or she is not the right match.

3. It also helps you to know if your partner is tolerant, loving, and not a soulless person-this is achieved when your dog poops outside its box or puppy pad or even poops on your partner’s clean floor(or even hardwood floor). If he or she yells at or banishes it to the cold
outdoors then that’s not the right person for you since all it takes is a quick clean.

4. Your dog also helps you identify if your partner is responsible-dogs love playing and chewing with socks and leather shoes .When shoes and socks are irresponsibly kept the dog will obviously come across them play with them and also destroy them at times. The problem is not your pet but the irresponsible nature of your partner since if they could be well kept the dog could not have come across them. A person who is not responsible is not suitable for a serious relationship which should materialize to marriage.

5. Finally, your dog also helps you to identify if your partner is materialistic-most dogs drool. They drool on everything and everywhere. Your partner may arrives at your house and your dog jumps up to say Hi! leaving a trail of drool all over your partner’s expensive outfit. If he or she laughs or smiles and appreciates it, ignoring the incident ,then that’s your match but if he or she throw it away and complains of his or her outfit then its time to continue searching for the right person for you.

The simple interactions between your dog and your partner tell a lot about the character of your partner. In most cases they are not keen and show their real character by how they treat your dog.Your dog loves you and wants the best for you, therefore your partner should treat it with diligence love and affection similar to that afforded to you.

10 Long Haired Dog Breeds


10 Long Haired Dog Breeds : If you are interested in getting dogs as pets for your kids, chances are that you will want them to look friendly and fun to play with. Fortunately, there are a number of species that have such qualities. The long haired dogs are of particular interest to most people, since they look inherently sweet and gentle. The only problem with them is that some of them tend to shed their hair a lot, and also need a lot of care to keep their coats clean. However, if you are willing to look past this, you can end up having a lot of fun with long haired dogs. Some of the most popular of these dogs include: 

1. Long Haired Dog Breeds The Wheaten Terrier

Long Haired Dog Breeds
Long Haired Dog Breeds

This is a dog species that has been native to Ireland for the past 200 years. Some of the qualities that make it so popular with many people around the world include the fact that it’s very quick and agile, making it perfect for farm use. It also has a thick, soft coat that you and your kids are likely to have a lot of fun with.

2. Long Haired Dog Breeds The bearded collie

Long Haired Dog Breeds
Long Haired Dog Breeds

As the name might suggest, this dog species has characteristically long facial hair. This makes it look very gentle, making it the perfect family pet. They happen to be very gentle and love playing, especially with kids.

3. Long Haired Dog Breeds Maltese


These tend to have very soft, silky hair. When taken care of, they are very attractive dogs and will definitely draw a lot of compliments from people around you. The fact that they have traditionally been owned by royalty is just testament to the fact that they look good.

4. Long Haired Dog Breeds Yorkshire Terrier


These are known to be very brave dogs. They have silky blue coats and have also been favored by most royals, especially in Europe. They are very energetic dogs, which makes them the perfect family pet. The fact that they have very long hair means that they need a bit more attention in order to care for it. 

5. Long Haired Dog Breeds The Afghan Hound


The Afghan Hound is a popular show dog, and one of the reasons for this is that it has a very thick and attractive coat. This comes in many different colors, and is worth having as a family pet.

6. Long Haired Dog Breeds Havanese


These are native to Cuba, and normally have very long coats that come in many different structures. For instance, there are some that have straight hair, and some that have curly or wavy hair. Whatever your preference, you can be sure that there is a long haired Havanese that suits your preferences.

7. Long Haired Dog BreedsKomondor


This has thick, mop-like hair that gives the dog an imposing presence especially when you consider its size. However, despite looking slightly mean, they are actually very gentle dogs and have a good enough temperament to be family pets.


8. Long Haired Dog Breeds Bernese Mountain Dog


These are traditionally mountain dogs, so it’s expected that they should have long hair to protect them from the cold. They also happen to be very intelligent.


9. Long Haired Dog Breeds Lhasa Apso


This rare species is well known for its sense of loyalty, and its long curly coat that makes it look very adorable. 

10. Long Haired Dog Breeds Shih Tzu


These have very dense, thick coats. They also have an outgoing and energetic temperament, and require minimal exercise.

A Guide for Traveling By Car With Your Pet


Traveling with your pet by car
Traveling with an animal in a car can be quite tricky. This is especially so if it is an untrained animal that does not have any idea of what sit back, relax and enjoy the ride means. Not only can a pet injure you or itself if it starts jumping around in the car, it can also make you cause an accident. This is not what you want to do. So if you are one of those people who cannot leave your pet behind when going on a vacation you might find these tips to be a little bit helpful.

Tips to travel with a pet

The first thing you should ensure is the comfort of your pet. Make sure that you get a carrier that is large enough to contain the pet before you start your journey. The carrier should also contain an absorbent material at the bottom in case your pet needs to answer the call of nature.

While strapping a cat or a dog to a car seat is possible, it is not advisable. They are not human beings and will most definitely find it difficult to travel around tied to a seat. The best option you can take is to purchase a carrier which has a lid. Make sure that it able to receive plenty of air- you do not want to find your pet having passed out.

Make sure you carry a kit containing your pet’s essentials. Carry the grooming supplies, first aid supplies, waste scoop, toys and other important items like medicine. Something you should never forget it the collar with an ID tag containing your name and how you can be contacted- include home address as well. It is also wise to include the phone number of your destination.

Most animals just like human beings tend to get car sick. The result is appalling but it can be avoided. Before you leave your house make sure that you give your pet a prescribed drug like Dimenhydrinate which is good for keeping car sickness away.

You should also avoid feeding your pet before a car ride. Sedating a pet is another option that many people go with. It might seem really prudent to sedate your pet during the journey especially if you have a hyperactive pet but it is always wise to consult your veterinarian before you travel.

If you are traveling with a pet that is neither sedated nor restricted, you might want to keep the windows closed. No matter how behaved your dog seems while you are traveling, the minute it sees a curious looking figure- like a squirrel, it will take off after it.

Unless the car is traveling at a high speed in which case it cannot jump out. When you slow down, it will. Finally make sure that you walk your pet frequently during the journey. This essentially means that you stop the car on occasions and talk your pet on a quick stroll. This makes the pet feel fresh and comfortable and you must leave your pet alone in the car make sure that you turn the AC on to make the vehicle more habitable.

How to Get a Dog Eating the Dog Food That it Does Not Like

top 10 dog foods
top 10 dog foods

How to Get a Dog Eating the Dog Food That it Does Not Like
written by: writerB

Dogs make great pets and are loved by many. However, sometimes they can turn out to be difficult and especially when it comes to their diet. Naturally, some dogs can refuse to eat a certain dog food as they are naturally stubborn; or can decide to eat it in a certain time of the day, and most especially when hunger becomes unbearable. Getting a dog to eat the food that it does not like may sound impossible, especially if one have ever dealt with a finicky eater. But is easier than you thought; with just a little bit of effort, a dog can eat dog food within no time. Below are tips on how to make a dog eat dog food that it does not like:

 1. Set a feeding schedule

Do not give it excess food. One can serve him a small bowl of food three times a day instead of one big meal. The schedule can include a morning schedule, afternoon and evening schedule. That way, the dog will not get bored with the food no matter how tasteless the food is.

 2. Avoid giving him frequent treats

If your dog is so used to treats, he is less likely to eat his dog food. If one potentially treats the dog often, he will not be enthusiastic about eating his food. One should minimize the treats by asking those at home to stop treating him.

 3. Offer him a quiet place

Some dogs are so much sensitive to distractions and may not be able to eat. If the dog is active or has anxiety he may not eat in a noisy place. It is good to ensure that the dog is eating in a cool place and that the food is set at a comfortable height.

 4. Don’t sooth him to eat

One can take your dog for a walk before giving him food. When you come back home, present the food before him and leave it for 15 minutes, if he refuses to eat, take it away. Repeat this for some time. He will learn to eat whatever is presented.  

 5. Introduce a new brand of dog food

Repeated consumption of the same dog food may make your dog not eat his food. One can purchase new type of dog food, add a quarter of the new brand to the original food that your dog hates. That way he will get used to his food.

 6. Stick to the food

One should remain consistent with dogs feeding schedule. One should not offer him table food simply because he refuses to eat his dog food. If one gives him table food he will never get used to dog food and it will be hard for you to train him otherwise. Stick strictly to dog food.

 Pickiness or behavioral issues are some of the common reasons why dogs hate a certain type of food. However, some dogs may refuse to eat as a result of digestive problems or illness. Therefore, even as you train your dog to eat what he hates, you should not assume that the dog is just picky without having a specialist check on him. Follow the above tips and get your dog eating amazingly!






It has happened to many dog owners, they buy a dog expecting it to be a fierce guard dog only for it to be bullied by the cat or for it to run and hide whenever it hears a sound at the door. Cowardly dogs are common and more common in certain breeds but have no fear it is possible to train them into fierce dogs. 

First of all it is important to understand that the older the dog, the harder it will be so you need to teach courage from an early age.

To do this you need to understand that a cowardly dog acts that way because it lacks confidence so the first step is to give the dog the confidence it needs. Familiarise it with it’s surroundings: the noises, the people and other animals around and even objects. If the dog looks to you for protection whenever it is scared, you will need to be around it as it gets used to its surrounding.

Take it out for walks and encourage people to come and pet it especially bellow the jaw. It may seem strange that you need to make it friendly to teach it to be fierce but truth is if it begins to see no threat in its surrounding, it will build courage which is a big step in becoming fierce. Interestingly also, it is cowardly dogs that are more likely to bite people and strangers and cause problems for their owners because they are always scared and threatened.

Once you have succeeded in getting it to feel comfortable in its surrounding, it is time to teach your cowardly dog how to obey commands. Start with simple commands like sit, stay and come. To encourage obedience to the commands, you should use treats as opposed to threats and punishment. It is especially important never to hit the dog because this will only make it more fearful. You may want to enrol in an obedience class at this point.

When the dog has mastered simple commands, you will want to focus on its agility; animals tend to build confidence when they are able to overcome obstacles. Encourage him to run, jump, if possible swim and put a few obstacles around so it can manoeuvre, over or through them. By this point you should be able to see a marked change from a cowardly dog to a more well rounded one.

Your focus now should change to teaching your dog how to attack on command. It is important to be able to command the dog to attack as opposed to having it attacking strangers at will. If you look at police dogs, they are the fiercest dogs but they usually only attack on command or if they sense eminent danger. It would be best to have professional trainers do this but if you are determined to do it on your own, you will need the assistance of a well protected individual to act as an agitator. The agitator should be dressed in clothing that will protect them from the bite of the dog because their work is to appeal to the animal’s instinct to attack them aggressively.

You should start off by keeping the dog on a leash as you command it to attack but with time you can let it lose and simply give the command. Remember to use the same command for attack and reward it whenever it responds correctly.

Remember some dogs are just naturally friendly and may never advance to fierce dogs even with training but it is certainly possible to change a cowardly dog into a more courageous one as long as it is not too old.

Separating Dog Myths From The Truth


Separating Dog Myths From The Truth
written by: Makomondi

There are common perceptions that people have had and still have about dogs. These perceptions have spread throughout history and geographical areas. While some of the thoughts that people have about dogs are true, others are simply misconceptions.

Sixteen common dog myths

The following are common dog myths which when understood, will help pet owners understand their dogs better.

Dogs understand the words we tell them

Dogs are reliably said to comprehend about five hundred words used by humans with more intelligent dogs internalizing several thousands. They mostly, however, respond to our body language, tone used and gestures.

A dry nose determines the state of health

Poor air circulation in the surroundings or dry atmospheric conditions can cause a dry nose and not illness.

Wagging of tails means a happy mood

While happiness is a reason for a dog to wag its tail, fear, agitation and tension are also expressed through wagging the tail. It is not, therefore, advisable to go near a dog wagging its tail before one knows if the dog is friendly.

Dogs can differentiate good and bad people

A dog will attack a stranger mainly out of fear or fright that the person may cause physical harm to them. This they read from the person’s body language.

Dogs that cower were previously abused

This could be true but sometimes such dogs lacked sustainable socialization in the past or are used to dodging anyone wanting to touch their necks. The genetics of the dog can also play a part in it cowering.

Dogs can have a feeling of guilt

When dogs employ a body language that may be construed as guilt, they are actually trying to use their actions to calm down a person so that retribution is not meted on them for their actions.

Dogs are color blind

This is one of the most propagated dog myths. Dogs are not color blind and can actually clearly differentiate distinct colors.

Same breed dogs are the same

Like any two different creatures, dogs of the same breed will have varying behaviors. One may be friendlier than the other.

Dogs will always be friendly to kids

While dogs will not attack kids, they respond emotionally to the treatment they are given. Kids should not, therefore, act in a way as to mistreat dogs around them.

Training is best achieved through harshness

Dogs do not know right and wrong before they are trained. As such, it is important that we teach them in a kind and gentle way for them to learn better. Too much harshness may cause them to cower.

Letting a dog in the field is sufficient exercise

Research has proved that the best exercise for dogs is when they play with humans, interact and are taken for walks by their owners.

Dogs given comfort will misbehave

Dogs like a comfortable place to rest. Those that will be defensive when their resting places are approached can be trained to behave otherwise.

Rubbing a dog’s nose in their mess teaches them a lesson

Nothing can be farther from the truth. The dog will not link the two but will only get confused leading to hiding during such times.

Only male dogs lift their legs to urinate

Female dogs have been noticed, from time to time, to lift their legs as well to urinate.

Dogs enjoy delicious foods

Dogs will mainly enjoy the food they eat from the smell of the food.

Dogs like being touched on their heads

Most dogs do not like this, although some actually do.

Why Dogs Stare At Their Masters


Why Dogs Stare At Their Masters
written by: Eddiebens

The most popular pet in the world is a dog. This is so because dogs are very friendly to human earning them the name- man’s best friend. Dogs can be kept in the house for various reasons, one being their nature to protect a house but mostly dogs have found way into the house not as security agents’ but as a companion to the master.

Dogs that are kept in as pets have some behaviors that may be considered to be odd. One behavior that is commonly experienced is the staring act by a dog at his master.

This has called for people wanting to know the reasons for that act. To that effect, I will mention some of the reasons why dogs stare at their masters.

  •  Food

This is perhaps the number one reason why a dog will stare at the master. Just like any other creature, a dog requires food. The staring act is stimulated if the master fails to give the dog food at the usual time. At times the dog will stare at his master when the quantity of food given is so less yet the master thinks that it is just fine with it. Interestingly, a dog may stare when the master is eating strange food that the dog has never seen before, perhaps wondering how the food tastes.

  •  Anger

It might sound funny, but it is true that dogs may turn angry at times. There are many reasons why a dog may be angry at the master, an example being locked in a room for a long period of time.

When that is done to a dog, it just wonders what kind of a master can oppress’ his/her pet like that and the best way to wonder is just to stare at the master. The master is mostly in the dark on the reason for stare. There are many other ways of relieving anger by dogs but the cool ones just relieve it by a simple stare.

  • Peculiar Behaviors of Masters

Some of dog owners have behaviors that not seem to be well with some dogs. Bad eating habit is one such behavior that can cause a dog to stare. A dog is usually very keen to the kind of life the master lives. Even shouting to other people over the phone may lead to a dog staring at the master. 

  •  Satisfaction

At times a dog may stare at the master to show happiness over a certain thing. For instance, if a certain master has been mistreating a dog and then all over a sudden decide to change that behavior, a dog will be left wondering if the master is still the same person or not.

Though the dog will be happy for that behavioral change but it will keep on staring at the master some times.

Also to be noted is that a dog, being an animal, might sense something unusual about the master and will just keep on staring. 

From the above, it is clear that a dog may stare at people for different reasons depending on the situation and masters should try to know the reasons for regular stares. 

How to Separate and Break Up a Dog Fight

Dog Fight
Dog Fight

How to Separate and Break Up a Dog Fight
written by: Joyce Mwangi

It is important to know how to break up a dog fight safely without harming yourself. If you do not, you could bite you seriously. This is because when dogs are fighting they are in survival mode and if you grab your dog then it will see you as an aggressor and attack you.

The safest way to separate two fighting dogs is to use two people. This way each person grabs the back feet of one of the dog and then picked up so that the dog is in the wheelbarrow position. When the dog’s legs up, they are pulled apart.

After the dogs are pulled apart, do not release them as they are most probably going to fight again. After pulling the dogs apart, the best thing to do is to turn in a circle or slowly swing the dogs in a circle while backing off from the other dog. This prevents the dog from curling back so as to bite the person holding their legs.

When you turn in a circle with the dog, it has to step towards the side you are turning otherwise the momentum will make it fall on its chin. It is laso important not to turn too fast to prevent the dog from falling on its chin.

Then drag one of the dogs into an enclosed area such as a kennel before it is released. If you let go of the dog’s feet before, it may go back to fighting or it will attack you if you had held its feet. If you do not have access to an enclosed area, when you are a safe distance away, hold the dog securely until it calms down then try to distract it so that it does not go back to fighting.

However ensure that the dog is calm before you release him otherwise he may bite you if he is still in aggressive mode.

If you find that you are alone and need to separate a dog fight, the first thing you need to do is get a leash. Do not try to stop the fight without one. Approach the dog that is the aggressor and loop the leash around the dog’s belly just in front of the back legs.

Then loop the free end of the leash through the looped handle and pull it so that it is taut. Back off immediately while pulling the dog until you get a place where you can fasten and secure the leash. Then grab the second dog by its back legs and lift them up and pull him away similar to the method when you are two people.

Do not scream at the dogs to stop or try and pry their mouths open to stop. It is not advisable to use shock collars or prod collars as the shock that is delivered to the animals will make them even more aggressive as they think that the other dog is the one causing the pain though break stick may work.

Dog facts That Will Blow Your Mind

Dog facts That Will Blow Your Mind
Dog facts That Will Blow Your Mind

Dog facts That Will Blow Your Mind
written by: chengsila

The dogs mind sometimes blow facts with specialized features for scent. A hundreds dog breeds globally do mix and mutt than we can count them. Every dog has its unique characteristics and personality but all these are fascinating creatures. Some of the dog facts about include:

They are able to understand up to a minimum 250 words and gestures. This tells us that dogs can count up to five and can finally end up performing simple arithmetic work. This could be compared to a two old child in intelligence.

15 Most Famous Dogs in History

General History Of Dogs
General History Of Dogs

Dogs are man’s best friends, and they have proven it Since the beginning of time, Scroll through the 15 Most Famous Dogs in History

15. Toto

Famous Dogs
Famous Dogs

Toto is one of the  Most Famous Dogs in History and the famous terrier pet of Dorothy from L. Frank Baum’s Wizard of Oz series. Most famously, Toto was depicted in the 1939 classic The Wizard of Oz, where he stood beside Judy Garland. He was even paid $125 a week, which was more than the human actors!

14. Old Yeller

Famous Dogs
Famous Dogs

Old Yeller was a novel by Fred Gibson, but was most famously turned in to a movie in 1957. It’s a story about the friendship between young Travis and his faithful dog, Old Yeller. It has one of the most memorable scenes in movie history.

13. Rin Tin Tin

Famous Dogs
Famous Dogs

This pooch was a German Shepherd who was rescued by Duncan Lee, an American soldier, from a battlefield in World War I. The dog went in to the silent movie business, and made his fame there, starring in 27 movies and making Warner Bros. a famous studio.

12. Bobbie

Famous Dogs
Famous Dogs

When Bobbie’s family went on a road trip in 1923, they brought him with them. However, he got lost in Indiana and the family couldn’t find him. Six months later, and almost 3000 miles away, Bobbie turned up on the family doorstep!

11. Skip

Famous Dogs
Famous Dogs

My Dog Skip was turned in to a movie in 2000 with Frankie Muniz. It’s a loving story about friendship and family. In shooting the film, a number of Jack Russell terriers were used to play the role of Skip.

10. Barry Barry


Famous Dogs
Famous Dogs

is the famous Swiss rescue dog. A St. Bernard stationed in the Alps, he helped to rescue over 40 people, including children, where he is known to have carried a child to safety after he was too remote to rescue.

9. Marley Tear-jerking

Famous Dogs
Famous Dogs

Marley and Me was a movie most of us will never forget. This playful Labrador Retriever warmed the hearts of millions while he tore up his owners house.

8. Nipper

Famous Dogs
Famous Dogs

Nipper is the famous dog sitting in front of the gramophone, listening to his master’s voice. He is most well known as the dog that inspired the logo for HMV.

7. Laika

Famous Dogs
Famous Dogs

Laika the dog was the first dog in space; a very prestigious honor! She flew in the Sputnik 2 in 1957. It was a one way trip however, and she died in 1958 when the satellite burned up in atmosphere.

6. Beethoven

Famous Dogs
Famous Dogs

This St. Bernard featured in multiple movies, the first of which appeared in 1992. The pet of the Newton family, he foiled multiple crimes including a testing lab and a gang of dog thieves.

5. Pavlov’s dogs

Famous Dogs
Famous Dogs

Well known for developing the idea of conditioned reflexes, Pavlov trained his dogs to respond to the ringing of a dinner bell to salivate, indicating that the dogs recognized the bell sound as time for food even if no food appeared!

4. Hachiko

Famous Dogs
Famous Dogs

The most famous faithful dog in the world, Hachiko would wait for his master every day at the nearby station. That was, until, 1925, when is master never returned. He waited for him for nine years before he died.

3. Baxter

Famous Dogs
Famous Dogs

Baxter, Ron Burgundy’s beloved little dog from Anchorman, lived a good live until he was thrown off a bridge by Jack Black’s character when Rob accidentally threw food at him out of the window.


2. Shadow and Chance

Famous Dogs
Famous Dogs

While these are two dogs, they go hand in hand. Along with their cat friend Sassy, this gang starred in the heartwarming family movie Homeward Bound.

1. Lassie

Famous Dogs
Famous Dogs

Of all the famous dogs, you can’t forget Lassie. This collie dog was actually a male, played by the dog called Pal. He starred in the movie Lassie Come Home.

Why Won’t My Dog Come to Me When I Call Him

Dog Breed
Dog Breed

Why Won’t My Dog Come to Me When I Call Him.
written by: joychiuris

You are doing all that you know to get your pooch to COME to you when you call. He has no idea what you are stating. All the same, he is a canine, isn’t that so? You have to get him to comprehend you and there are approaches to do this.

From my experience, there are a ton of things that can help this issue.

• Does your puppy know his name? If not, this is a real a piece of the issue. Begin utilizing his name oftentimes and provide for them some adoration by method of petting or scratching him. A dinner or an intermittent treat works additionally. He will start to distinguish his name and cohort it with something charming.
• Does your puppy know what you are attempting to say? You can’t appear to get him to come so you add an alternate word to the summon. “PETEY, COME!” Next thing you know, you are pursuing him in light of the fact that he still won’t COME. Presently he supposes this is an amusement so he continues evading you. When you at long last surrender and he finally draws close to you, you utilize a stern voice to revile him. Uh, Oh, now he partners “PETEY, COME” with “I’m in a bad position, better escape here!”

• Does your canine revel in his surroundings? Once in a while a canine only goes into his planet, and as I say, “takes in the pleasant ambiance”. We, as individuals, do the same thing. Stand out just enough to be noticed by petting him and maxim the saying COME when he perceives you. Providing for them him a treat while platitude “COME” is getting him used to listening to the expression and partner it with something exceptional.
• If you have eye contact with your canine, let him know to COME. Once in a while it is important to keep him on a lead, particularly in the event that you are outside. As you say come, delicately pull him to you. After he has arrived at you, offer him a toy or treat, on top of a ton of petting and “ATTA BOYS”. Make an effort not to end play time excessively soon or he will cohort COME with the closure of a great time.

• Once your puppy cohorts COME with great things, don’t befuddle him by requesting that him COME to chasten him for something. Continuously remember that your tone of voice can put an alternate feel to the saying COME. Continuously keep your voice charming, when conceivable. We need him to realize that he is sheltered when he is close you and that when he COMES all is overlooked.

• Do NOT utilize the COME summon in the event that you are set to do something unpalatable (in his eyes, obviously). Assuming that you are set to bathe him or cut his toe nails, you have to go get him. This will help to keep the COME word positive.

• Your non-verbal communication is a vital variable when preparing your puppy to COME. Much the same as individuals, pooches will cohort your non-verbal communication with your disposition. In the event that case in point your arms are crossed and you are standing tall, your canine can cohort this with being furious. Stay loose and your pooch will be loose and react better.

• If you are preparing your canine to COME with treats, let him come the distance to you. Don’t connect and offer him the treat. Hold the treat alongside your leg and make him come the distance to you for it.
When you have prepared your pooch to COME, it is less demanding to happen to other training methods.



written by: syoks2013

Dogs are not usually born having the knowledge that pooping or peeing on the carpet or floor is not acceptable. It is the responsibility of the owner of the pet to train them on the appropriate place to poop or pee. This is normally a hard task especially when the dog poops or pees on furniture or carpets. It is possible to train the most stubborn dogs through commitment, consistency and patience. Here are some tips of how to train a dog to eliminate outside.

Frequent supervision.

Before one begins to potty train a dog, it is important to contain it in one room so as to prevent him from having a run in the house. It is advisable to put him in a room that you frequently spend most of your time. This will enable you to keep a close eye to him. Areas that do not have doors should be barricaded and all the bedroom doors closed. It is crucial to watch the dog as closely as possible. This is the moment that the owner requires to be diligent. It is advisable not to acquire a new dog on Sunday or Saturday and then continue working on Monday. You should try and get a week from work and have ample time to train your dog.

Choose an area for your dog to pee.

It is not possible to take your dog outside all the time. It is therefore advisable for one to set an area in the house for your dog to eliminate. A good idea is the use of newspapers. You could choose to place them near the door leading to the outside. Other people prefer to use pads for training. If the dog has to eliminate outside, it is essential to make it possible for it to go outside easily. You could choose to keep the door open or train them to use a doggy door if available. Some houses have staircases and this could be problematic to the dog due to fear of using them. You could choose to train the dog on how to use a bell in order for them to go outside and pee.

Create a schedule.

Create a specific time for taking the dog outside to eliminate. This could be once an hour. You should stand with the dog and avoid any distractions. Praise the dog for managing to pee outside and you could choose a particular word to use for peeing. Use specific words when praising him and this will enable him to associate the words with the acts. Show the dog how pleased you are with him for eliminating outside. Create a fuss by playing, patting and praising him.

Know the signs.

Dogs are usually quick when it comes to peeing. You will find them playing in one instance and the next minute they are already peeing. Look out for signs like sudden movement to another area or room, whimpering, circling and sniffing on the floor.

Be prepared for accidents.

Do not have high expectations for you dog. The dog is bound to have numerous accidents before grasping the message you are trying to put across.

Perform all the above to avoid messes and a housebroken dog.

The Ultimate Guide to Dog Breeding

The Ultimate Guide to Dog Breeding
The Ultimate Guide to Dog Breeding

Guide to Dog Breeding

written by: Nickkipro Dog breeding should not just be taken as a casual undertaking. There are decisions and preparations that need to be put into consideration before you start raising puppies. The main reason that you need to consider is the reason why you came up with the idea of breeding dogs. Most people will think of money as the main reason but this is not the road to riches. This is because of various reasons. First it is important to work with dogs like cattle work, hunting, police dogs or guard dogs. If you work with dogs, you will probably understand the criteria for proper breed selection. Secondly, people raise dogs so as to show them. They do this in order to obtain quality breeds from a bloodline.

10 Things Dogs Hate about Their Owners


Things Dogs Hate about Their Owners : You Can drive your dog nuts In Many Ways — and you may not even be aware you’re doing them. Here are some of the things we do that might make dogs going crazy.

Things Dogs Hate Looking at them in the eyes”

Sometimes it’s nice to enter a contest to stare with your dog, but your dog does not see things the same way you do. In the animal world, a downward gaze is a sign of aggression. You may be able to get away with it if the dog is yours. However, when encountering an unknown dog, it would be wiser not to look down as this could make the dog feel threatened. If the dog thinks that he is in danger, the next thing that can happen is that you are a bit affected. Do not look too much when you meet a dog you do not know! because that things dogs hate.

Things Dogs Hate

Things Dogs Hate Tight hugging”

Hugs are a problematic issue when it comes to dogs. If it’s your dog, then you can probably get away with some hugs, but try not to squeeze too hard and try not to hug for a long time. In the canine world, there is no reason why a dog should put its paws on another dog unless it is trying to show dominance or control over the other animal.

Even if your dog allows you to hug him, you should probably be the only one who does. Do not let strangers or children try to embrace the dog because this makes the animal feel threatened and very uncomfortable. Instead, you will appreciate a good belly pass.

Things Dogs Hate
Things Dogs Hate

Things Dogs HateTeasing”

You may find it fun to observe your dog’s confusing appearance when he teases them with a candy or a toy, but it’s not so much fun for your pet. Tricking your dog by moving food while eating or pulling on the ears or tail can scare your dog, as well as make him angry.

It is especially important to teach young children not to disturb the dog, as they may end up receiving something that will not only traumatize your dog but could also scare your child. When your dog does something to deserve treatment, try to give it to him immediately and do not make too much of him.
Shouting at them

We know you must discipline your dog when they misbehave, but shouting can stress your dog. In fact, when you scream, the dog hears it like an angry bark that may be a sign that the dogs are about to enter into a fight. Coaches will tell you that screaming is a poor technique to incorporate when teaching your dog to differentiate between right and wrong.

Instead of screaming, try lowering the tone of your voice in a firm but calm manner. It works much better and will not shake your dog. So next time try to change the sound of your voice instead of turning up the volume.

Things Dogs Hate Patting on the head”

Not all dogs enjoy patting on the head. It sounds crazy, I know, but if you assume that your dog likes patting on the head, you may miss the distress signals. Dogs are individuals; They have unique tastes and attitudes. Some dogs love patting while others do not. Others will merely tolerate them to please you.

Remember that patting is different from petting, dogs accept slower pets than quick patting. Some dogs do not like pets or patting. Much of it is due to their growth, and dogs grew up as lost or suffered from abuse while young people tend to be more cautious of physical contact.

It is also worth remembering that the fact that a dog does not want to be a pet does not mean that he does not like it, it merely shows that he shows affection in other ways. If your dog wants to be close to you, it shows that he loves you, and you may have to accept that level of intimacy.

The Top 10 Oldest Dog Breeds In Existence

Oldest Dog Breeds
Oldest Dog Breeds

Are you one of those who have pet dogs in their homes? Dogs definitely bring joy in every household; it even keeps its owner healthy and the members of the family. It is not just important that you know the breed or traits of your dog. In your spare time, why not get to know your dog a bit more by knowing its existence? Here are 10 oldest dog breeds in existence. Go and find out if your dog is on the list of the oldest dog breeds today.

1. Oldest Dog Breeds “Afghan Hound”

Oldest Dog Breeds

This breed is also known as Tazi, Eastern Greyhound or Persian Greyhound, Kuchi Hound, and Ogar Afgan. This breed is known to have a silky, fine, and thick coat with a tail that has a ring curl at the end, which has said to acquire these features in Afghanistan due to its cold mountains. This dog serves as a guardian or hunting dog.


2. Oldest Dog Breeds “Akita”

Oldest Dog Breeds

This dog originated in Japan. It is a large spitz breed of dog that has a short double coat, which is similar to a Siberian husky. This is also known as the “Great Japanese Dog”.


3. Oldest Dog Breeds “Basenji”

Oldest Dog Breeds
Oldest Dog Breeds

This dog originated in central Africa and is a hunting dog. Do you know that this dog does not bark? It loves to play and is a very intelligent dog, which makes it a good pet. This is also the most controversial ancient dog of today, which is believed to be found in the sculptures of the Egyptian pharaohs.


4. Oldest Dog Breeds “Chow chow”

Oldest Dog Breeds
Oldest Dog Breeds

This dog originated in China and is one of the first breeds to evolve from the wolf that has proven in the recent DNA studies. It is popularly known as the “Dog of the Tang Empire”. It is a very well-mannered dog and gets along well with children and adults.


5. Oldest Dog Breeds “Pekingese”

Oldest Dog Breeds
Oldest Dog Breeds

This dog originated in China and is one of the oldest breed of toy dog. This breed is over 2,000 years old to date. It resembles a Chinese guardian lion, which is why it is called a “Lion-dog”.


6. Oldest Dog Breeds “Samoyed”

Oldest Dog Breeds
Oldest Dog Breeds

This dog originated in Siberia and is over 3, 000 years old. This white, fluffy dog is used in herding, guarding, and sledding.7. SalukiThis dog originated in the Middle Eastern Region and is considered as the “Royal Dog of Egypt”. It has been found in rock arts and petroglyphs dating 10, 000 B.C. This is the oldest breed of domesticated dog known to be affectionate and gentle to its dog owners.


8. Oldest Dog Breeds “Shar Pei”


Oldest Dog Breeds
Oldest Dog Breeds

This dog originated from China and was seen in pictures on pottery dating 206 BCE. The dog features includes a blue-black tongue and of course, its deep wrinkles. It is one of the world’s rarest dog breeds in the Guinness World Records and TIME magazine.


9. Oldest Dog Breeds “Shih Tzu”

Oldest Dog Breeds
Oldest Dog Breeds

This dog originated in China and is the most popular toy dog today because of its weight, traits, and its characteristics. This breed has descended back in 800 B.C, although it was only recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1969.


10. Oldest Dog Breeds “Tibetan Terrier”

Oldest Dog Breeds
Oldest Dog Breeds

This dog originated in Tibet and is a medium-size dog, which is actually not a terrier despite its name. This breed has been raised for more than 2, 000 years ago, which is one of the oldest dog breeds. It is believed to be good luck charm, watchdog, and a companion.

The Top 10 Best Dog breeds for Children

Dog breeds for Children
Dog breeds for Children

The 10 Best Dog Breeds for Children
Getting a dog for your child is a wise thing to do as a parent. Dogs and other pets in general provide companionship for the kids, and can also be used to teach them more about responsibility. However, it’s always very important to remember that not all dogs can do this. There are some specific dog breeds that are especially good for children, and these are the ones that you should think of getting when you are shopping around for one. Some of these include: Dog breeds for Children

1. Dog Breeds for Children “Bulldogs”

Dog breeds for Children
Dog breeds for Children

Despite their name and the fact that they might look ferocious, bulldogs are actually gentle souls and are great for families. They are very strong, but not as energetic as other dog species. This means that they can put up with a lot from your kids without suffering from any harm or reacting in a potentially dangerous manner.

2. Dog Breeds for Children “Bull terriers”

Dog breeds for Children
Dog breeds for Children

These are very cute, and also very friendly dogs. As is the case with the bulldogs, they can take a lot of rough handling without losing their cool, which makes them perfect for kids.

3.Dog Breeds for Children “Beagles “

Dog breeds for Children
Dog Breeds for Children

One of the disadvantages of Beagles is the fact that they require a lot more attention as far as grooming is concerned. Other than that, however, they are very strong and gentle and form very good companions for your kids.

4. Dog Breeds for Children “Newfoundland”

Dog breeds for Children
Dog breeds for Children

This breed of dog has been dubbed “Nature’s Nanny”, and with good reason. They are very friendly dogs, and always seek where the family is. The only disadvantages they have include the fact that they need more space to live in, and also drool and shed a lot. If you are willing to overlook these qualities, you are likely to find them to be very lovable pets.

5. Dog Breeds for Children “Collies”

Dog breeds for Children
Dog breeds for Children

These should also be considered when getting a pet for your child. In addition to being friendly, they are also very easy to train, and are very intelligent. The only thing you will have to contend with is the fact that keeping their coats clean requires quite a bit of attention.

6. Dog Breeds for Children “Vizsla”

Dog breeds for Children
Dog breeds for Children

This breed, native to Hungary, is not well known in many parts of the world. It’s a gentle and loyal dog which can also be very affectionate. The fact that it’s very easy to train means that even your kids can do it.

7. Dog Breeds for Children “Poodle”

Dog breeds for Children
Dog breeds for Children

Poodles are sweet and also make very good pets for kids. However, a word of caution here is that only the standard poodles fit this description. The other types (such as miniature poodles) are very high strung and not at all suitable for this role.

8.Dog Breeds for Children”Irish Setter”

Dog breeds for Children
Dog breeds for Children

If you have kids who are very active, this is the dog you should get for them. They are very energetic, and provide hours of play time for such kids.

9. Dog Breeds for Children “Golden Retriever”

Dog breeds for Children
Dog breeds for Children

These are also very energetic, but also very patient as well. They also happen to be very good swimmers as well.

10. Dog Breeds for Children “Labrador Retriever”

Dog breeds for Children
Dog breeds for Children

This is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. The labs tend to be very playful, reliable and loving, which makes them perfect for families with kids of all ages.

the Dog Breed That Can’t Bark!

the Dog Breed That Can’t Bark!
the Dog Breed That Can’t Bark!

The Breed Of Dog that can’t bark!Basenji

the Dog Breed That Can’t Bark!
the Dog Breed That Can’t Bark!


alittle to mid-sized formed breed that can’t bark whatsoever. (despite the fact that they are doing possess the unique skill to make a yodeling type howl)

Some notice that the standard way to bark was deliberately bred away from the breed in Central Africa, where a dog woofing the jungle was clearly a obvious giveaway to opponents. Interesty, some also understand that the Basenji earliest breed of dog in the world.

Basenji’s could be very active and alert. Although they’re very reserved around other people, they’re faithful for their owner. Their jackets come in tricolor, red-colored, black, and brindle, whitened chests and stomachs.

Source: Wikipedia


Top 9 most Expensive Dog Breeds in the World

Expensive Dog
Expensive Dog

Top 9 most Expensive Dog Breeds in the World

The dog is one of the worlds most adored pet. However, certain breed are more appreciated and loved than others. This is because of the various trends that have moved like waves among pet owners and the general public. While a single dog may cost up to 1.5$ as is the case with a Tibetan mastiff auctioned in china, the list bellow comprehensively mentions the cumulative value of each breed as a whole. The value is in reference to what is the expected price tag for the breed in question.

No 9 Expensive Dog The Egyptian Pharaoh Hound

Expensive Dog
Expensive Dog

This is among one of the oldest dog breeds to be domesticated. Used while hunting, the Egyptians are thought to have domesticated the breed at around 3000 B.C. It is mainly of the tan color, but can range from red golden and chestnut. The breed is a good guard dog and is easy to train. The price tag of this breed ranges from 2500$ to 4000$.

No 8 Expensive Dog The Rottweiler 


Expensive Dog
Expensive Dog

This is one of the most adored guard dogs in the world. A descendant of an ancient roman cattle dog, the mainly black dog with a touch of tan on its eye brows and breast, is mainly muscular. The price tag linked with the Rottweiler ranges from 2000$ to 3000$.


No 7 Expensive Dog The Tibetan Mastiff


Expensive Dog
Expensive Dog

As mentioned earlier, it has been recorded that a dog of this breed once fetched 1.5$ million. However, looking at the general market, the price tag of the breed ranges from 5000$ to 10000$. This animal is very big for dog, characterized with a mane like fur around its neck.


No 6 Expensive Dog  The Chow chow


Expensive Dog
Expensive Dog

The average sized dog is distinctive because of its lion like mane. It is also known to have a blue like tongue to match its unlikely round face. The breed is thought to have been domesticated as early as 300 B.C. It is known to fetch an average of 2000$ to 3000$.
6.The Akita The breed was originally bred to be a guard dog but it is now mainly used as a fighting and hunting Dog. It is also a highly trainable breed, making its way into the uniformed forces. The breed is known to be loyal towards it owners but very aggressive towards strangers. It can fetch around 1500$ to 5000$.

No 5 Expensive Dog The Samoyed

Expensive Dog
Expensive Dog

It was originally bred to pull sleds but is now commonly used as a house pet. The breed is known for its curling smiley face. Once up for sale, the breed can fetch a minimum of 2000$ and a maximum of 4000$. This, however is dependent on the buyer and seller agreement.


No 4 Expensive Dog The Saluki

Expensive Dog
Expensive Dog

This is also another old breed from Egypt. Has a long slender body and was originally used while hunting. Its body is built for endurance as it can chase down its prey for miles, tiring its target down. The breed fetches between 2500$ and 16000$.


No 3 Expensive Dog The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 

Expensive Dog
Expensive Dog

Even the name suggests the royal lineage that this breed boasts. Fetching from 1000$ to 3000$, this breed is small in size but bold in personality. It is considered a highly fashionable dog that is can be kept within a house.


No 2 Expensive Dog The English Bull Dog

Expensive Dog
Expensive Dog

This is a short and stout breed that was breed for these specific features. It was bred in the 19th century and is particularly a suitable house dog. which can reach up to $3,000


No 1 Expensive Dog  The German Shepherd Dog

Expensive Dog
Expensive Dog

This is one of the most known breed among dog lovers. It originates from Germany and was used as both a guard dog and a cattle Dog. It gained its face for being smart and agility in both the second and first world war. It can fetch between 3000$ and 6000$.

The Main Causes of Dog Depression and Its Treatment

rottweiler Insurance
rottweiler Insurance

The Main Causes of Dog Depression and Its Treatment
written by: bettycares01

Depression is a severe despondency and dejection that is usually felt over a period of time. I t is accompanied by feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy. Just like human beings suffer from depression, the dogs too can be depressed though dogs rarely get a long-term depression. Dogs can possess this condition especially during the long periods of change in their environment. The dog depression symptoms are alike to those of human beings such as feeling withdrawn and loss of energy. Their patterns of sleep and how they eat also change and there is the loss of interest in the daily activities that were earlier on enjoyed.

top 10 dog foods

top 10 dog foods
top 10 dog foods

top 10 dog foods

Dog Owners want their dogs a healthy lives, but it’s hard to obtain details about the dietary worth of different dog meals or  social reputations of various commercial dog food brands. Transparency about elements, component sources, and processing techniques past the minimum of what’s legally needed is usually difficult to find within the commercial dog food industry. A variety of brands make use of the same component companies and manufacture items in the same processing facilities. Commercial dog food elements are combined to attain specific dietary benchmarks, so customers can think that most items available on the market meet a fundamental standard for dietary adequacy.

Royal Canin

Royal Canin provides dry foods formulated for specific dog breeds. If your breed has unique health problems, this can be helpful. Royal Canin includes ingredients to protect heart function.


Eukanuba provides a foods with included nutrition, for instance glucosamine and Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, to safeguard bigger dogs’ joints.
Nutra Nuggets
Nutra Nuggets combines top quality chicken or lamb protein with digestible egg for optimal protein diet. Highly digestible chicken body fat, whole grain products and scientifically developed amounts of minerals and vitamins all interact to supply your dog with ideal diet for overall a healthy body.

Avoderm Natural

This oven-baked meals is formulated for canine with sensitive stomachs.

Pinnacle Holistic

This dry food is made with trout and sweet potatoes, eliminating common allergens such as corn, wheat and soy.


With ingredients such as herring carrots, pumpkin and oil, Innova embraces the concept of holistic food for dogs.

Solid Gold

Solid Gold has been manufacturing holistic dog food for more than 30 years. Bison and salmon are the main components in this food for large-breed puppies.


This dry food is made with elements in good shape for human intake and additives to assist stay clear of typical health issues amid canine. Probiotics also are extra to help in digestion.

Blue Buffalo

Blue Buffalo dog food  includes Omega 6 fatty acids and glucosamine for joint health.

Science Diet

Science Diet presents puppies foods with true meat in place of depending on byproducts as its most important ingredient. This food is accessible in chicken and brown rice and lamb and brown rice.


Canidae involves human-grade meats and lowers fillers to assist your pet dog get rid of unneeded lbs ..

The 10 most powerful dog breeds in the world

powerful dog breeds
powerful dog breeds

The 10 most powerful dog breeds in the world

 1. Powerful Dog “Mastiff”

powerful dog
powerful dog

This is by many standards the most powerful dog in the world. It is huge and this tells you that it needs a home with a big space. As far as temperament is concerned, it is loyal and very gentle until provoked. Its size makes it powerful making it top this list.

2. Powerful Dog Breeds “Great Dane”

powerful dog
powerful dog

With a height that goes above the 1m mark, it is the world’s tallest dog. Actually, a Great Dane puppy is normally thought to be a mature dog. It is very gentle as well and its sheer power makes it ideal for use as a guard or work dog. It is very tolerant and friendly towards other dogs.

3. Powerful Dog Breeds “St Benard”

powerful dog
powerful dog

This dog breed is most popular because of its high rate of growth and weight increase. This tells you that it needs lots of exercise to be healthy. It is very loyal and friendly and the fact that it can weigh up to a 100kgs makes a great companion and walking mate.

4. Powerful Dog “Rottweiler”

powerful dog
powerful dog

When it comes to sheer strength and aggression, this breed easily scores the highest. It was tamed and trained as a herding dog so you can imagine how fearless it is. It is ideal for use as a guard dog and is very protective of its owner and does not allow strangers to have their way.


5. Powerful Dog “Irish Wolfhound”

powerful dog
powerful dog

This is a beautiful breed but the beauty only masks the aggression that occasionally comes to the surface when strangers are around. It was used a wolf hunting dog as it is strong, muscular and very fast. Weighing 120 pounds, it is great when used as a guard dog.

6. Powerful Dog “Boerboel”

powerful dog
powerful dog

This is another dog breed that is ideal for guarding purposes. It has lots of courage, body strength and speed. It is also very intelligent and is used to track people and wounded prey. In addition, the breed is very territorial and will chase strangers without any warning.

7. Powerful Dog Breeds “Great Pyrenees”

powerful dog
powerful dog

This is another powerful dog that is great as far as playing guard is concerned. It is normally found in Northern America and is used to guard sheep. Weighing about 100 pounds, it is a breed you don’t want to content with when angry.


 8. Powerful Dog “American Pitbull Terrier”


powerful dog
powerful dog

If you are looking for a dog that is powerful, well built and loves chasing people, you got it. This is one of the best guard dogs but it is very aggressive and never gives up on a chase. It can be trained to reduce the urge to chase prey and people making it an ideal pet.


9. Powerful Dog “Greater Swiss Mountain Dog”


powerful dog
powerful dog

This dog has powerful muscles and was originally a work dog. It is very sociable and does not mind strangers in the house. Just like the other large dog breeds above, it is very loyal to the owner.


10. Powerful Dog “Newfoundland”


powerful dog
powerful dog

The most unique thing about this dog breed is its unique ability to swim. It has a waterproof coat and webbed feet. Weighing about 150 pounds, it is very friendly making it a great pet especially for people who love large dogs.

5 Rottweiler Diseases that you should know

rottweiler diseases
rottweiler diseases

if you do have a Rottweiler, it is necessary to take good care of its health and learn about the most common diseases of such breed to protect your pet against it. For Rottweilers, here are the 5 of the most common diseases you should know:

Rottweiler Heart Problems and Circulatory Diseases

rottweiler diseases

aortic stenosis is one of the most common diseases Rottweilers may experience during their lifespan. This is a congenital condition that causes the aorta to become narrow, thus making it hard for the heart to pump blood to various parts of the body which results to insufficient amount of oxygen supply in the brain. In case you notice your pet easily runs out of breath or faint after exercising, it is necessary to take it to a veterinarian for a checkup. Vol Willebran’s disease is another common health problem for Rottweilers. The condition leads to bleeding due to plasma protein deficiency. Such condition may cause prolonged nose bleeding, blood in stools and urine, as well as bleeding presence under the skin.

Rottweiler Bone and Joint Problems

Rottweiler Bone and Joint Problems

these are common in such breed as well and such health problems can greatly affect your pet’s ability to move. Dysplasia is one of the most common genetic bone disease Rottweilers may experience. This bone condition may result to the abnormal development of the hip joint, thus causing your pet to limp. Elbow dysplasia is second to this and in this condition, malformation of the elbow joint occurs along with damaged cartilage, which may result to front limb lameness. Elbow dysplasia may affect Rottweilers during the age of 5 to 12 months.

Rottweiler Endocrine Problems

Rottweilers may also suffer from Addison’s disease, an uncommon but serious disorder in the endocrine system. The condition normally involves mineralcorticoid and glucocorticoid deficiency, which can cause various functional problems. Vomiting, loss of appetite and lethargy are some of the most notable symptoms of the condition.

Rottweiler Eye Conditions

Rottweilers also have the tendency to inherit a couple of eye problems, such as cataracts. Although this condition can be treated with surgery, untreated cataract conditions may result to blindness. PRA or progressive retinal atrophy is another common problem in Rottweilers, which targets the retina and gradually deteriorates it. Such condition, on the other hand, may result to night blindness and as well as sight difficulties during daytime.

Rottweiler Cancer

Rottweilers are also prone to various cancer conditions such as osteosarcoma and lymphosarcoma. In case your pet is suffering from bone fractures without apparent reason, this may indicate the presence of osteosarcoma. Lymphosarcoma, on the other hand, affects the lymphatic system and may cause your pet to suffer from diarrhea and vomiting, and lose its appetite. In case you are noticing any unusual behavior or symptoms on your pet, take it to a veterinarian immediately.

These are just some of the most common diseases your Rottweiler may experience during its lifespan. Take note that although this breed is considered as one of the healthiest, they may experience various health conditions as well. That is the reason why it is necessary to take care of it properly, learn of the diseases that may affect it, know the symptoms of such diseases and take your pet to a veterinarian on a regular basis to prevent such conditions.

6 Tips For Treating Rottweiler Flu written

Homemade quality recipes for pets
Homemade quality recipes for pets

6 Tips For Treating Rottweiler Flu :With many different types of dog breeds to choose from, it may be a bit difficult to identify the right one that meets your needs and requirements. If you’re looking for a good companion with muscular body, smartness, steady temperament and calm nature, then Rottweiler could be the ideal option. But just like other types of dog breeds, there are some health problems that plague Rottweilers such as flu. The flu is triggered by the H3N8 (also known as influenza virus A). Common symptoms of dog flu include persistent cough, runny nose, sneezing, runny eyes, dehydration, fever, weakness and so on. It is advisable to treat the condition promptly.

Treating Rottweiler Flu”Cough suppressants”

If the Rottweiler exhibits less serious flu symptoms such as mild cough and other related symptoms, then the condition can be easily managed. Cough suppressants are effective in controlling the cough that comes with the flu. Rottweilers usually develop low-grade fever as a result of flu. But if they experience high fever, then it may show the presence of secondary opportunistic infections.

Treating Rottweiler Flu  “Antibiotics”

If your Rottweiler has been diagnosed with flu, your vet can prescribe a 10-21 day course of antibiotics. Antibiotics help treat secondary bacterial infections present in mild and severe cases of flu. If the dog is suspected to have several bacterial infections, many different antibiotics can be simultaneously prescribed. Fluoroquinolone or Cephalosporins plus penicillin are the most effective antibiotic families for treating secondary infections such as kennel cough (also known as Bordetella) and pneumonia which may come with flu.

Treating Rottweiler Flu  “IV Fluid Therapy”

This therapy is administered to Rottweilers that are hospitalized or isolated due to severe flu symptoms. Fluid therapy is often offered along with medication to keep your sick dog hydrated during the whole treatment process and to promote good health during treatment.

Treating Rottweiler Flu
Treating Rottweiler Flu

Treating Rottweiler Flu “Steroids”

Rottweiler Flu
Rottweiler Flu

The Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program of the University of California recommends that a one-time dose of steroids should be given to Rottweilers that are infected with flu through injection. This treatment should be administered to dogs in a kennel or shelter to control the outbreak and promote quick recovery. But remember that the overall efficiency of steroids in treating flu remains unknown, according to the report.

Treating Rottweiler “Flu Home Care”

A Rottweiler with flu requires plenty of rest. Feed the dog nutritious diet and encourage him to drink a lot of fluids to remain thoroughly hydrated and to recover quickly. Flu usually affects the ability of the dog to smell and so you should warm his food to encourage eating. Apart from proper nutrition, you should also supplement the dog’s diet with vitamins. While Vitamin B complex enhances its appetite, Vitamin A and E helps boost its immune system, thereby promoting quick recovery. Keep the sick dog away from others to contain the virus and prevent it from spreading. Clean and disinfect his bedding, food, toys and water bowls to completely kill the bacteria.

Treating Rottweiler Flu “Natural Remedies”

Herbal supplements consisting of elder flower or mullien leaves can be administered to the sick dog orally to help boost his respiratory system. Another effective natural remedy for flu is eucalyptus. When the dog inhales eucalyptus, it can help clear his nasal passages.

Treating Rottweiler Flu
Treating Rottweiler Flu

What you should know about the Rottweiler

the Rottweiler
the Rottweiler

What you should know about the Rottweiler

The Rottweiler is a large-sized domestic dog. These canines were referred to as Roitweil butcher dogs because they were commonly used to herd cattle and pull carts full of butchered meat to the market. Though this canine is ideal for herding livestock under any condition it is currently used for many purpose due to its versatility. The history of this breed goes back to the ancient Roman Empire. Actually most people believe that the dog is a descendant of ancient Roman drover dogs that were rugged, dependable and very intelligent.

These Roman canines were basically used to keep large herds of cattle together as the Romans travelled around the world in their quest to conquer Europe.Rotteillers have a black coat with clearly defined markings. It has a medium-sized skull that broadens between the ears. The forehead line is mildly arched without being highly conspicuous. This canine has a well developed nose that is broader than round with relatively large nostrils that are always black. The ears are pendant, triangular, wide apart and set high on the head. Since the ears tend to lay forward close to the head the canine often seems to have a broadened head.

The Rottweiler is mild-mannered, very biddable, devoted and eager to work. It has a natural and rustic appearance with a self-assured, steady and fearless disposition. Rottweillers respond to their surroundings with great alertness.

It rarely lends itself to immediate and general friendships. These canines usually adopt a wait-and-see attitude to influence its environment. It has an inborn desire to protect home and family which makes it an ideal companion. Though the dog is average in aggressiveness it is also highly territorial and rarely allows strangers it its territory.

Rottweillers are basically a disease-free healthy breed; however just like most large canines they are likely to develop hip dysplasia. As a result these dogs should be taken for x-ray testing regularly. The canines are also affected by osteochondritis dissecans, a condition that affects the shoulder and joints due to the rapid growth of the breed. Rottweilers are highly prone to cancer which is often the cause of their early death, at the same time for unknown reasons these dogs tend to be more susceptible to parvovirus which normally affects them when they are young.

A Rottweiler should be well exercised and not overfed in order to avoid obesity. Running in open country or in the woods is considered ideal for this canine since it rarely strays away. Basically you can never give these canines too much work or exercise as they thrive on it. If the dog is well socialized, it will accept other pets such as cats or other dogs. It can also make a good playmate for the children.

Cpr For Dogs


Cpr For Dogs

Anyone who has been to a CPR class is familiar with the basics of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. First you’ll check to be sure the patient has a clear airway, then check to see if the patient is breathing, check whether the patient has a heartbeat and, if the patient awakens during the process, be careful that you don’t get bitten by the patient.


The American Red Cross has been instructing people in CPR for pets for quite some time now and has classes that include all manner of first aid, including mouth-to-snout resuscitation. You read that correctly; mouth-to-snout. The procedure is similar to traditional mouth-to-mouth resuscitation between humans, the chief difference being that the person performing the procedure will close the dog’s mouth and instead provide breaths into the dog’s nose.

The process sounds humorous in theory, but it works and knowing how to perform mouth-to-snout resuscitation on your pet could literally save its life.

According to a March 2002 story from The Scoop, a website that reports on dogs in the news (you know the theory – “DOG BITES MAN” is not news while “MAN BITES DOG” is), a dog in Walla Walla, Washington that was accidentally choked nearly to death was saved by a quick-acting Good Samaritan who was trained in mouth-to-snout.

After being revived, the dog was treated at the Walla Walla Associated Veterinary Clinic and released.

In addition to the mouth-to-snout procedure, dogs can have chest compressions performed in an emergency where the heart stops. Learning and knowing these techniques can save the life of a dog in distress and let him live to chase rabbits or play fetch another day.

The concept of pet CPR is gaining much notoriety and is starting to be taught by organizations all over the country that formerly provided traditional CPR training and certification.

If you’re interested in taking these classes yourself, contact your local Red Cross. The life you save may be your dog’s.

Copied with permission from: http://plrplr.com/43448/cpr-for-dogs/

Could Your Dog Have Anemia

Could Your Dog Have Anemia
Could Your Dog Have Anemia

Could Your Dog Have Anemia 

What is anemia? It is a serious condition caused by red blood cell loss. Lack of iron in the diet is usually the culprit. However with animals, anemia is usually caused by parasitic worms or fleas that feed on blood and tissues. On occasion, it can also be caused by a toxicity from exposure to certain drugs.

Find The Cause First

Is Dog Bad Breath A Silent Killer

Is Dog Bad Breath A Silent Killer
Is Dog Bad Breath A Silent Killer

Is Dog Bad Breath A Silent Killer

Dog bad breath a silent killer! I can just here it now. This is not an exaggeration, and for that matter cats too. Just imagine a condition that affects you furry friends, but most pet owners often neglect to even look for it.

Im talking specifically in this article about bad breath in dogs, however it can just as easily be applied to cats as well.

Review Of The Purina Second Nature Dog Litter Box System


I had previously raised two lhasa apso dogs who spent most of their lives living in high-rise condominiums. Instead of having to take them down an elevator to go outdoors to eliminate all the time, I trained them to use newspapers in a spare bathroom. Since they were both initially paper trained as puppies anyway, I chose to continue this method for them. Indoor newspapers worked quite well for the rest of their lives as my dogs were able to go to the bathroom whenever they needed to. The only problem is that the papers tended to get rather messy and smelly. If plastic liners were not placed underneath the papers, newsprint ink would be imprinted on the ceramic tiles of my spare bathroom floors. On some occasions, urine puddles would flow off the papers as well as the liner resulting in situations which required immediate cleaning since urine became trapped between the plastic liner and the floor. Despite these complications, I was relatively satisfied with the paper method for my little dogs.

After both of my dogs had passed away after long lives, I took a break as a dog owner for several years. When it was time to become dog owner again, I had made up my mind to train my new pair of lhasa apso puppies to use papers indoors as well. This time, it turned out that Purina had come out with a new litter box system called Second Nature designed for specifically for dogs. It was basically modeled after similar setups for cats but the dog litter consists of large pellets made up of recycled newsprint.

Purina also introduced a litter box that has one side cut away lower to facilitate easy entry for dogs. I’m not totally convinced on the advantage of this particular feature since my lhasa apsos have no problems stepping into the box from the side. But for Purina to introduce such a system to the market, I must not have been the only dog owner who considered indoor elimination a better alternative to outdoors for smaller breeds. The product is now very popular especially among small dog owners living in apartments and high-rise condominiums without easy access to outdoors.

Purina recommends a slow transition from papers to their Second Nature system by placing newspapers over their dog litter at first. The company also suggests crate training at the same time but instead of taking the dogs outside, they are taken to the litter box. Newspapers are also placed all around the floor area of the litter box itself. My puppies needed some time to get use to the box so while they were being introduced to it, they were eliminating on both the newspapers on the floors as well as inside the litter box. Once they got use to the idea of going inside the box more often to eliminate, paper coverage on the surrounding floor area was gradually made smaller.

When they started to use the litter box all the time, the newspapers on the floors were gone for good. The next step was for them to get use to the actual pellets of the litter. Since there were still newspapers covering the dog litter, the puppies were still technically using papers but at least they were getting accustomed to stepping on the pellets underneath. Papers inside the box were gradually reduced a bit at a time exposing more dog litter. Over a few weeks, the puppies gradually saw more dog litter than newspaper inside the box. Eventually, all newspapers were totally eliminated as my lhasa apsos finally got used to the box filled with litter only.

In my mind, the litter box system is less messy since all dog urine and feces stay inside the box. Actually the Second Nature pellets absorb urine much better than normal newspapers. The odd time, one of the puppies may get a bit lazy and have just the front paws inside the box while the hind legs are still outside resulting in urination on the floors. In these cases, the puppies have to be nudged a bit so that they are completely inside the box. This is part of their training. The only complication I observed with the pellets is that both puppies like to chew and eat them at times.

Purina claims that ingestion of the pellets itself is not harmful to the dogs since they are just compressed papers. This will result in more feces production until the dogs can stop this habit. The dog litter is non-clumping so it will not get stuck inside the canine digestive system unlike normal clumping cat litter. It is considered unsafe to use clumping cat litter as a substitute for the Purina dog litter.

Purina Second Nature was launched only in the United States so as a Canadian resident, I had to go down to the U.S. to purchase the system. I started out with Purina’s cat and small animal litter called Yesterday’s News which is basically the same as Second Nature except the pellets are much smaller. But at least the Yesterday’s News pellets are non-clumping and therefore safe to use for dogs. Purina changed their Second Nature pellets to be around the same size as Yesterday’s News and many users including myself, found that my dogs ended up tracking the pellets all over the place.

After speaking to a Purina spokesperson, I was informed that the Second Nature pellets will be made back in the original larger size soon. This will reduce the tracking significantly again. Purina will also introduce Second Nature in the original larger pellet size to the Canadian market. Naturally, this is good news for me and other owners of small dogs who would like to use an alternative to going outdoors for elimination, especially during cold bitter Canadian winters. I would definitely recommend the Purina Second Nature dog litter system to other small breed dog owners, especially when it returns to its original larger pellet size.

Biting Nipping Behavior Can Kill Your Dog

Biting Nipping Behavior Can Kill Your Dog
Biting Nipping Behavior Can Kill Your Dog

Biting Nipping Behavior Can Kill Your Dog

Dog bite injuries are alarmingly the most common condition that we human suffer from as a result of contact with dogs. In the United States alone, there are between 1-2 million people bitten by dogs each year.

Most bites landed on children with boys more likely to get bitten than girls. (guess boys are more mischievous!)

Her Dog Shows Two Different Types Of Aggression

Her Dog Shows Two Different Types Of Aggression
Her Dog Shows Two Different Types Of Aggression

Her Dog Shows Two Different Types Of Aggression

Dear Adam:

I am writing about our dog Rudy, a three year old goldie mix that we adopted five months ago from a shelter. We have received different opinions on his mix. Some have said goldie/shepherd, some have said goldie/chow. The latter is the opinion of the [local dog training academy], where he is presently enrolled in their one-month board and train program. We enrolled him because one month ago he attacked a jogger. The jogger was running by my husband, who had Rudy in a sit on a slack leash. The jogger changed direction quickly, running straight toward Derek and Rudy. Rudy lunged at the jogger, jumped up on him, barking and growling aggressively.

What People Need To Know About Dog Behavior


What People Need To Know About Dog Behavior

As the old adage goes, “Dogs are man’s best friend.” However, there are times when people just couldn’t understand why their beloved dogs behave in a different manner. Hence, it is extremely important to know the underlying reasons why dogs sometimes behave differently.In fact, man could teach his dog the most appropriate behavior. Experts say that dog behaviors can be controlled through proper training.Dog behaviors are actually responses that are mostly triggered by environmental and social factors. Hence, to control these responses, the owner should teach his dogs the proper way to respond to such elements.

Dog Bite
Statistics show that almost 5 million people in the U.S. are victims of dog bites annually. This is almost 2% of the total population in the U.S. What’s more, dog bites cases rank as second most common cause of emergencies in the hospitals.
So, the question is: Why dogs bite?
According to the experts, the main reasons why dogs may bite are the following:

1. Excitement

When somebody plays with his or her dog, the tendency of the dog is to get excited, and because dogs don’t have hands to use when playing, they have the tendency to use their mouth to grasp things. When this happens, there is the tendency that the dog might accidentally hurt people.

2. Protection

Dogs can be very possessive, so, whenever he wants to protect something that he owns, he will bite whoever threatens to take it away from him. Hence, when people get near the dog’s property, the dog’s tendency is to bite to make the person leave his property alone.

3. Pain

When the dog is not feeling well, he does not understand why he is feeling that way. Therefore, when a person, even if it’s his master, touches him, he may think that it’s the person who causes the pain and so his tendency is fight back by biting.

4. Fear

Dogs get fear too. That is why when somebody startles him, the dog’s only known protection for itself is to bite back.

So, the best thing to avoid these situations is to leave the dog alone. The problem with so many people is that they have this tendency to always play around with their dogs without learning how and when the dogs should be left alone.

Like humans, dogs have feelings too. When these feelings are all mixed up, their only known protection for themselves is to bite because they cannot understand the situation logically. Therefore, people should know that in order to avoid such circumstances.

As they say, it really pays to know everything.

Dog Training Teaching Puppy Not To Jump Or Bite

Life saving benefits of homemade pet food

Dog Training Teaching Puppy Not To Jump Or Bite

You finally have your adorable, cuddly new puppy. You are happy to have him and he is happy to have a family. But wait – it’s just the beginning. There are 2 behaviors you need to deal with almost immediately – jumping on people and biting.

Jumping on people

This is a problem that you or others might inadvertently encourage. He is so little and cute, that little tail is wagging and, after all, isn’t socialization and getting used to people important? Of course socialization and getting used to people is crucial but allowing him to jump on people isn’t the way to do it.Imagine your cute, little puppy as a full grown 80 – 100 pound dog. Will it be so cute when he jumps on people then? No and it will be dangerous if he jumps on children or small adults because he could easily knock them down.

The Top 3 Canine Behavior Problems And How To Solve Them

The Top 3 Canine Behavior Problems And How To Solve Them
The Top 3 Canine Behavior Problems And How To Solve Them

The Top 3 Canine Behavior Problems And How To Solve Them

Canine Behavior Problems: Biting

According to the U.S. Disease Control Center in Atlanta, Georgia, about 1,000,000 people in the United States are bitten by dogs every year. The majority of victims are children between the ages of 5 and 8; in most cases, the biting dogs were house pets.

Dogs bite for a variety of reasons. Dogs may bite or display threatening behavior when they are angry, afraid, agitated, over-excited, or when challenged or seeking to protect.

Proper Diet For Your Dog

Proper Diet For Your Dog
Proper Diet For Your Dog

Proper Diet For Your Dog

The dietary regimen is an important aspect of survival. The objective of dietary management is to meet the basic nutritional requirements of the individual with proper proportions of protein, carbohydrates, and fat in a well-balanced diet that will promote optimal body weight.

Generally, these dietary regimens are employed to human beings. However, with the growing fondness to dogs, most dog owners and veterinarians recommend that dietary regimen should likewise be implemented on dogs.

I Do Not Care How Photoshopped These Images Are… I Wish To Reside In This Fantastical World.

Fantastical World
Fantastical World

The themes of these pictures are unlike everything you are going to see with all your personal eyes (pretty much). John Wilhelm, a Swiss IT director and photographer within the facet, enjoys to get pics of wildlife, buildings and his family. Nonetheless, following having individuals photographs, he manipulates his topics in Adobe Photoshop or Light room to the stage of creating a completely fantastical world in contrast to the one we all know. And it’s amazing.

Eventually, a gallery wherever the people today who swiftly say “Photoshop!” to every photograph on the web acquire a much-deserved, “Duh.”
Each individual photo starts with John, an IT director, taking a normal picture.

Weight Problems In Dogs Is Your Dog Fat

rottweiler Insurance
rottweiler Insurance


People may not be aware of this, but obesity is one of the greatest problems dogs are dealing with these days. Obesity, like humans, is also caused by excessive eating and unhealthy binges. Mostly, this situation is triggered by some environmental factors that when not controlled may just lead to more problems.

Like humans, dogs develop certain diseases too when they are overweight. These diseases will lead to more serious complications including death. So for people who wish to know the repercussions of obesity in dogs, here are some of the known consequences:

Chiang Mai Thailand S Temple Of The Dogs

Chiang Mai Thailand S Temple Of The Dogs
Chiang Mai Thailand S Temple Of The Dogs

Into the Arms of Buddha

It was 5 p.m. and I was stalking an angel on temple grounds. As the rain started, I wondered if she would show herself at all. Chiang Mai’s rain patterns are directly correlated with the contents of my purse. The resulting meteorological phenomena means the rain could stop in a matter of seconds or pour down for days, depending on whether or not I’d brought my umbrella. I had not.

Here S How You Can Stop Your Dog From Pulling On The Leash During Walks


Here S How You Can Stop Your Dog From Pulling On The Leash During Walks

Pulling on the leash is one of the most common misbehavior seen on all kinds of dogs. Puppies and adult dogs alike can often be seen taking their owners for walks, instead of the other way around. Pulling on the leash can be much more than an annoying habit. Leash pulling can lead to escape in the case of a break in the collar or leash, and an out of control, off leash dog can be both destructive and dangerous to itself and to others.

Leash pulling can result from a variety of different things. In some cases, the dog may simply be so excited to go for a walk that he or she is unable to control themselves. In other cases, the dog sees itself as the leader of the pack, and he or she simply takes the “leadership position” at the front of the pack.If excitement is the motivation for leash pulling, simply giving the dog a few minutes to calm down can often be a big help. Simply stand with the dog on the leash for a couple minutes and let the initial excitement of the upcoming walk pass. After the initial excitement ahs worn off, many dogs are willing to walk calmly on their leash.

If the problem is one of control, however, some retraining may be in order. All dog training starts with the owner establishing him or herself as the alpha dog, or pack leader, and without this basic respect and understanding, no effective training can occur. For dogs exhibiting these type of control issues, a step back to basic obedience commands is in order.These dogs can often be helped through a formal obedience school structure. The dog trainer will of course be sure to train the handler as well as the dog, and any good dog trainer will insist on working with the dog owner as well as the dog.

The basis of teaching the dog to walk calmly on the lead is teaching it to calmly accept the collar and lead. A dog that is bouncing up and down while the collar is being put on will not walk properly. Begin by asking your dog to sit down, and insisting that he sit still while the collar is put on. If the dog begins to get up, or gets up on his own after the collar is on, be sure to sit him back down immediately. Only begin the walk after the dog has sat calmly to have the collar put on, and continued to sit calmly as the leash is attached.

Once the leash is attached, it is important to make the dog walk calmly toward the door. If the dog jumps or surges ahead, gently correct him with a tug of the leash and return him to a sitting position. Make the dog stay, then move on again. Repeat this process until the dog is walking calmly by your side.

Repeat the above process when you reach the door. The dog should not be allowed to surge out of the door, or to pull you through the open door. If the dog begins this behavior, return the dog to the house and make him sit quietly until he can be trusted to walk through the door properly. Starting the walk in control is vital to creating a well mannered dog.

As you begin your walk, it is vital to keep the attention of the dog focused on you at all times. Remember, the dog should look to you for guidance, not take the lead himself. When walking, it is important to stop often. Every time you stop, your dog should stop. Getting into the habit of asking your dog to sit down every time you stop is a good way to keep your dog’s attention focused on you.

Make sure your dog is looking at you, then move off again. If the dog begins to surge ahead, immediately stop and ask the dog to sit. Repeat this process until the dog is reliability staying at your side. Each time the dog does what you ask him to, be sure to reward him with a treat, a toy or just your praise.

Remember that if your dog pulls on the leash and you continue to walk him anyway, you are inadvertently rewarding that unwanted behavior. Dogs learn whether you are teaching them or not, and learning the wrong things now will make learning the right things later that much harder.

it is important to be consistent in your expectations. Every time the dog begins to pull ahead, immediately stop and make the dog sit. Continue to have the dog sit quietly until his focus is solely on you. Then start out again, making sure to immediately stop moving if the dog surges ahead.

Dog Training Discover What Training Is The Best Way And Foundation To Accomplish Many Types Of Dog Trainings

Dog Breed
Dog Breed

Dog Training Discover What Training Is The Best Way And Foundation To Accomplish Many Types Of Dog Trainings

There are many different styles of dog training, and finding the one that works best for you is important for creating a dog that is a talented, loyal and faithful member of the family. All successful methods of dog training work to reinforce the relationship between dog and handler, and the foundation of any successful training program is getting the respect of the dog. Fortunately, dogs are wired by nature to seek out leaders, and to follow the direction of those leaders.

Dog Supplements

Could Your Dog Have Anemia
Could Your Dog Have Anemia

What to Look For In a Dog Supplement
The market is exploding with products claiming to improve the health and wellness of individuals using vitamins and nutritional supplements. People are now seeking the same products to complement the health of their pets. The benefits of appropriate nutritional supplements are overwhelming and can add several healthy years to your life, as well as your dogs.
Dogs Age Faster Than People
Longevity is attributed 30 percent to genetics and 70 percent to lifestyle. Up to 90 percent of diseases in dogs are due to the degenerative processes associated with aging.

Does Your Dog Act His Age?
Because dogs age seven times faster than people, major health changes occur in a short amount of time. Dogs are considered puppies for about one year, adults from age two to six, and seniors at age seven. Giant breeds, like Great Danes, age even more quickly and are considered seniors at age five. Signs of aging in dogs occur slowly, but generally begin at maturity, somewhere between age one and two.
Dr. Denham Harman’s Free Radical Theory of Aging, applies to people and pets, including dogs. This universally accepted theory states that aging is a process in which the body’s systems deteriorate faster than the body can repair them.
The changes occur due to oxidative damage caused by harmful compounds called free radicals. Free radicals are toxic, electrically unstable molecules. As we age, they are produced more quickly.Free radicals damage your dog’s body similar to the way oxygen causes iron to rust. They are detrimental to your dog’s genetic material, his DNA and RNA, his cell membranes and enzyme systems.Free radicals are formed each time we take a breath. Exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays, as well as to environmental toxins, pollution, heavy metals and stress contribute to free radical formation. Your dog’s diet and drugs, such as antibiotics, are also factors.Free radicals weaken your dog’s natural defenses and have been associated with the development of up to 90 percent of the age-related degenerative conditions we associate with aging:


Heart disease




Premature aging

Our life span, as well as the length of your dog’s life, is ultimately determined by how quickly free radicals cause harmful oxidative changes to occur. Therefore what you feed your dog, as well as the supplements you choose for your dog are both very important.

Help Your Dog Enjoy a Longer, Healthier Life

Your Dog’s Diet

You are what you eat, and that’s just as important for people as it is for dogs. What you feed your dog directly affects his health and wellness. The longer and more consistently you give your dog an optimally balanced diet, the greater his chances are of living a longer, healthier life.

Dogs, like people are omnivores and can naturally exist on a diet of meat, fruit and vegetables. Consult with your vet to determine the best diet for your dog. Commercial varieties worth looking into include organic, natural diets such as Prairie made by Natures Variety.

Homemade, natural diets take more time and effort but in many cases are well worth the extra effort. Vegetarian and raw food diets are another option that, with careful supervision, may provide complete and balanced nutrition for your dog.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, a Border Collie in England named Taffy, lived to the spry age of 27 eating an all-natural, organic diet.

Healthy Dog Snacks

Fruits and vegetables are healthy, low calorie snacks many pets enjoy. Those rich in antioxidants are especially beneficial for your dog:



Sweet Potatoes



Asparagus Tips

Oranges are rich in Vitamin C, tomatoes are filled with Lycopenes and sweet potatoes are a source of Vitamin E and Beta Carotene. Carrots and cantaloupes also provide Beta Carotene for your dog.

Antioxidant Supplements for Your Dog: Sooner Not Later

Recent research documents that antioxidants provide very bright prospects for increasing the quality and length of your dog’s life. In addition, scientists have found that sooner is better than later as far as your dog’s potential health benefits. Antioxidant supplementation started as a puppy, before free radical damage has occurred, can increase the healthy lifespan of your dog by up to 20 percent.

Antioxidant supplements, including Vitamins A, C, and E, the minerals Selenium and Zinc, and the nutrients Alpha Lipoic Acid and Coenzyme Q10, are the body’s natural defense against free radical damage. They can help to protect your dog by neutralizing free radicals and decreasing the resultant levels of oxidative damage.

Other noteworthy antioxidant supplements for your dog include:

Bioflavinoids, which help to decrease allergic reactions, asthmatic attacks and have anti-cancer benefits for your dog.

Green Tea, whose antioxidants may decrease the risk of heart disease and cancer and help protect the blood vessels nourishing your dog’s heart and brain.

Lutein, a plant pigment from marigolds, helps to protect your dog’s eyes and may reduce the risk of cataracts.

Melatonin, a potent antioxidant that acts to normalize sleep patterns. It also protects your dog’s brain and has been used successfully with cancer therapy.

The effects of antioxidants are beneficial and act synergistically for people and dog’s undergoing cancer therapy. In well controlled studies, people and pets treated with antioxidants (with or without chemotherapy and radiation) have tolerated treatments better and experienced less weight loss. More importantly, they enjoyed a better overall quality of life and lived longer than individuals receiving no supplements.

Nutritional Supplements for Your Dog’s Bones, Joints & Cartilage

Glucosamine is an amino sugar naturally produced in your dog’s body from glucose, which is your dog’s blood sugar, and the Amino Acid, Glutamine. It helps the cartilage between the joints retain water so the cartilage can act like a cushion to absorb shock and withstand compression. Glucosamine is vital to protecting the health and integrity of your dog’s bones, joints and cartilage. It helps to:

Decrease joint inflammation and pain

Promote cartilage repair

Aid healing of damaged joints

Increase mobility in dogs with arthritis and hip dysplasia

Glucosamine is also a normal component of the urinary bladder in dog’s and cat’s and may help to relieve urinary disorders.

MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) is a natural source of sulfur that works along with Glucosamine to help protect the health and integrity of your dog’s bones, joints and cartilage.

Essential Fatty Acid Supplements for Your Dog

Essential Fatty Acids are vital to life and support all bodily functions in your dog. They help to keep cell membranes soft and pliable, so your pet’s cells can absorb dietary nutrients. They enhance your dog’s skin and hair coat and are needed for the normal development of the nervous system and brain.

Fatty Acids are vital to brain health and help to preserve mental clarity. They decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia in dogs, cats and people. Fatty Acids may reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure, as well as provide therapeutic effects in your dog for:



Inflammatory bowel disease

Cancer therapy

Kidney disorders

Flea allergies, food intolerances and bacterial skin infections can often be relieved by providing your dog with fatty acid supplements.

The proper balance of Fatty Acids helps to reduce wear and tear on your dog’s body by decreasing stress triggered increases in cholesterol and the stress hormone Cortisol. Research indicates that the ratio of 5:1 of Omega 6 to Omega 3 Fatty Acids seems to provide the greatest clinical benefits, surpassing that of any individual Fatty Acid alone.

Amino Acid Supplements for Your Dog

Glutamine is the most abundant Amino Acid in the body. It is the major energy source for the cells that line the digestive system and strengthens your dog’s natural defense system known as the immune system.

Glutamine promotes healing of the digestive system thereby reducing bowel disorders. It spares protein and reduces muscle loss during periods of injury, stress and high endurance activities. Therefore it is especially beneficial for pets recovering from trauma and for working and show dogs.

Glutamine also has many anti-aging effects. It helps to preserve memory and to prevent the harmful effects of Cortisol, the hormone that is responsible for accelerating the aging process in people and in your dog.

Digestive Enzyme Supplements for Your Dog

Digestive Enzymes are produced by the salivary glands, stomach, pancreas and liver and are released into the digestive tract. Enzymes help your dog’s body to breakdown proteins, fats and carbohydrates in his food so they can be absorbed and utilized.

Your dog’s production of enzymes naturally decreases with increasing age. Illnesses, stress, food intolerances, allergies and drugs like antibiotics also have a negative affect on enzyme production and function. This can result in a variety of digestive disturbances ranging from flatulence and gas to diarrhea, life threatening dehydration and malnutrition.

Digestive Enzymes are vital to maintain your dog’s overall health. They improve the efficiency of digestion so your pet’s body can utilize the nutrients essential for energy production and ultimately for life itself.

They help the body to recover from disease and promote restoration of good health in your dog. Enzymes are useful to reduce pain and swelling after exercise or trauma and help speed up recovery rates. Enzymes support your dog’s immune system thereby enhancing his ability to ward off disease and infection. They have been also been used effectively in cancer therapy for people and pets.

Papain is an enzyme that has aspirin-like effects to decrease swollen, painful inflamed tissues in your dog. Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapple stems that inhibits the spread of lung cancer in mice.

Digestive Enzyme supplements may be beneficial in dogs with digestive problems, immune disorders including rheumatoid arthritis and arthritis, cancer and a variety of bowel disorders. They are especially useful in older dogs with reduced digestive ability.

The Anti-Aging “A” Supplement List For Your Dog:

Vitamin A/Beta Carotene: Antioxidant enhances immunity, essential for your dog to utilize protein in his diet

Vitamin C: Antioxidant, needed for tissue growth and repair, enhances immunity, needed for your dog’s body to utilize Vitamin E.

Vitamin E: Antioxidant, prevents heart disease, promotes wound healing, needed for your dog’s body to utilize Vitamin C.

B-Complex Vitamins: As a group, B vitamins help your dog to maintain healthy nerves, skin and muscle.

Coenzyme Q-10: A powerful, newly discovered antioxidant. Essential for immune function, beneficial in heart disease and gum/dental disease for your dog.

Alpha Lipoic Acid: Antioxidant. Helps your dog to restore energy metabolism.

Selenium: Antioxidant. Works with Vitamin E to help your dog fight infection. Beneficial to dog’s skin and hair coats. Deficiencies linked to cancer and heart disease.

Zinc: Essential mineral your dog needs for protein synthesis, promotes healthy immune system, aids wound healing. Critical for hundreds of biological processes in the body.

Omega 3 & 6 Fatty Acids: Essential component of cell membranes in your dog and is needed for healthy heart, brain function and skin and hair coats.

Bioflavinoids: Enhances absorption of Vitamin C, has antioxidant effects and promotes normal blood circulation for your dog.

Glucosamine and MSM: Promotes normal healthy bones, joints and cartilage for your dog.

Digestive Enzymes: Essential for your dog to utilize and absorb nutrients from his/her diet.

Melatonin: Immune modulator, antioxidant, triggers restful sleep for your dog.

Ginseng: A metabolic tonic to promote brain health and overall wellness for your dog.

L-Glutamine: Amino acid needed for your dog to energize the cells of his digestive system so dietary nutrients can be properly absorbed and utilized.

Colostrum: The first milk your puppy receives from his mother. Provides your dog with antibodies to protect him against disease and aid immune function.

Exercise: 20 minutes twice a day minimum for your dog.

Balanced, natural diet: Feed your dog at least two meals daily. Fresh organic and natural sources are best.

Relaxation: Stress and anxiety affect pets and people adversely. Set aside an hour a day to relax and enjoy your dog. Consider massage, yoga and music.

Positive mental attitude: The mind-body connection is a potent promoter of well-being for you and your dog.

Pure water: Fresh, non-chlorinated water is essential for people and for your dog.

Word count: 2015

Copied with permission from: http://plrplr.com/42708/dog-supplements/

Dog House Building And Buying Guide

Dog House Building And Buying Guide
Dog House Building And Buying Guide

Dog House Building And Buying Guide

Dog owners have to consider several factors when buying or building a house for their pets. As a true member of your own family, providing your pet with the best home possible is of the utmost importance.

i. Size

A German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Rottweiler and other large dogs should have large houses, while the Chihuahua and smaller breeds will need smaller houses. The door of the house does not need to be based on the height of the dog from the ground to the top of its head, or even taller, as it will lower its head to be able to enter the house. The width of the door should be just enough to accommodate the dog. These height and width measurements can be adjusted if there is a physical requirement to do so. The house should also be large enough for the dog to stand at full height inside, move around and lie down. Owners should remember that a larger-than-needed home will compromise the dog’s retention of body heat during the winter or colder months.

ii. Weather Conditions

Some dog houses are made with hinged roofs, a feature that allows owners to raise the roof during hot and humid weather. This flexibility provides adequate air flow to flush out warm air and allow fresh or cool air to enter. In some cases, these roofs can also be lowered, creating a smaller space for the dog and enhancing its ability to retain heat during rainy or cold weather. Asphalt shingles should be used only if there is an adequate insulation barrier separating the roof from the main area of the house. Many house models also come with slanted roofs, ensuring that water drains away during rainy days. Owners should avoid building or buying houses with barn-type or peak-style roofs, as these would attract hornets, wasps and other insects and prevent heat retention. Another option is wind walls, which can be inserted into the dog house to break the wind and keep the house warmer. The house should also be a reasonable distance off the ground to keep it dry. For owners with bigger budgets, some house manufacturers offer provisions for heaters and air-conditioners. These climate control systems help ensure comfort for the dog regardless of weather conditions.

iii. Doors

The front door of the dog house should be located to one side instead of in the middle. This will prevent the dog from being directly exposed to extreme weather conditions and other harsh environmental elements. Some models are designed with removable doors, or with no doors at all. Using a door will help keep the dog house warmer during cold months. An awning type cover can also be used over the opening for added shade and protection.

iv. Easy To Clean And Maintain

– Removable or adjustable roofs

– Doors, partitions

– Wind walls

– Flexibility in cleaning

– Restrict use of paint, stains, or water sealers for the outside of the house

v. Use Wood

Plastic and metal houses are not a good idea, as they are either too hot during summertime or too cold during the winter. Some market experts say that houses made from natural western red cedar wood offer the best insulation for dogs during winter while making them cooler during summer. Red cedar wood oils are also natural repellants of ticks, fleas and termites. Houses made from this material are also maintenance-free on the outside, although owners have a choice of finishing it to complement their property. Sprinkling red cedar wood chips or shavings in the bedding also helps prevent infestation. Owners should also remember that wooden roofs help cut down heat build-up from the sun while helping to maintain reasonable heat retention levels.

vi. Keep The Dog House Elevated

For legless houses, the owner must remember that having it directly on the ground increases the likelihood that the pet would be exposed to cold and wet weather. This also raises the possibility of infestation from flea eggs that hatch in the soil. The owner can use bricks, rocks or stones arranged in a level and stable manner to elevate the house. The elevation will allow air to flow beneath the house and prevent moisture from forming at the bottom.

The Five Things You Must Do To Housebreak Any Dog In A Hurry


The Five Things You Must Do To Housebreak Any Dog In A Hurry
1. Correct the dog any time he has an accident in the house. Keep him confined to either a crate, or a dog run outside when you can’t supervise him.
2. Praise the dog anytime he eliminates outside.
3. Establish a specific spot, and a command you repeat (such as “Get busy!”) while you’re waiting for him to eliminate outside.
4. Set up a rigorous feeding and watering schedule, and take him out immediately after he does both.
5. Use an odor neutralizer, such as a product called “Nature’s Miracle” (you can buy this at your local pet store, or through a mail order catalog.) You’ll need to make sure that whatever product you’re using is an enzymatic cleaner, meaning that it actually ‘breaks down’ the urine or fecal mater on a microscopic level, rather than just masking the scent.

So… now that you know WHAT to do, you’re probably asking yourself HOW do I do it? The best way to actually get your dog housebroken, in the least amount of time, is to take a look at a new DVD we’ve just released called, “Housebreaking In A Hurry!”I can honestly say that “Housebreaking In A Hurry!” is THE tool that will allow you to get your dog housebroken in no time at all.It shows:

– How to correct your dog when he eliminates in the house. (You’ll see me demonstrating how to give a motivational correction on a hungry Rottweiler that’s trying to get to a pile of hot dogs.)

– The proper way to size, fit and use a training collar.

– Which leashes and tabs to use.

– The best type of crate or kennel run to buy.

– A home-made solution you can use to clean up accidents, and actually ‘lift’ the stain out of your carpet, rather than ‘masking’ the scent.

– How to make and use a tie-down that will assist in your housebreaking efforts.

– How to establish an ‘elimination’ command, so that you can tell your dog where and when it’s okay to eliminate… even if you travel or move.

– You’ll see how Adam’s dog ‘Forbes’ will actually eliminate on command!

– How to confine your dog, so that he doesn’t have accidents when you’re not around to correct him.

– How to make your dog understand that eliminating in the house is something he should NEVER DO!

– Three Keys To Successful Behavior Modification: Timing, Consistency and Motivation. And how to use these three keys to speed up the housebreaking process.

– Tips for housebreaking a new puppy.

– Why correcting your dog for submissive urination will actually make it worse.

– A cleaning solution that many of the dog training books still recommend that will actually SABOTAGE your housebreaking efforts!

– And much, much more

If you think that this DVD might help you with your housebreaking woes, I’ve got a few copies available for $39.97 (plus s/h). In fact, I’m so confident that this information is the absolute fastest way to get your dog housebroken that I’m willing to go out on a limb and say that if this doesn’t work, then your dog must have a bladder or urinary tract infection. In other words, if your dog isn’t completely housebroken in less than 30 days, you’ve got to be an idiot or someone who is merely incapable of following instructions.

But first let me warn you: This is a guerilla DVD. If you’re looking for fancy animations or slick scene-to-scene dissolves and special effects… then this DVD is not for you. Nor will you see dogs or puppies that are left in the house to eliminate, just so that we could get it on camera. That would be cruel.

What you will see is ME explaining what you need to know in order to get your dog housebroken, quickly. It’s as if you were one of our clients, and I was meeting with you, face-to-face and explaining what has worked to housebreak literally thousands of dogs.

These techniques work! All you need to do is put this DVD into your dvd player, follow the simple instructions, and you’ll be able to leave your dog in the house without worrying that he’ll defecate or urinate on your expensive rug or new furniture.

That’s all for now, folks!

Celebrate Your Dog S Birthday With A Dog Party

Celebrate Your Dog S Birthday With A Dog Party
Celebrate Your Dog S Birthday With A Dog Party

Celebrate Your Dog S Birthday With A Dog Party

It was recently reported that over 700,000 pets in the United States have had birthday parties thrown for them by their owners. This “pet party” trend has also taken off in other nations such as China, Japan and England. If you were thinking of throwing a party for your pet (specifically your dog), here is a list of party safety guidelines to ensure that all of the party animals in attendance have a fun and safe time. This list is by no means fully comprehensive, but it gives you a good starting point for your pet party safety. You should always use your best judgment to determine if something is appropriate for your pet, and the other pets in attendance at the party. Without further adieu, here are the dog party safety tips:

– All dogs attending the party should have at least one person who the dog feels comfortable around present at the party. If a guardian for the dog is not able to attend your party, the dog should not attend either. Unless you feel comfortable enough with watching the dog yourself, you do not one to be held liable if something happens to the dog.

– In case any of the dogs’ guardians do not bring waste bags for their dogs, make sure to have plenty on hand. This is especially true if the party is at a dog park or other public facility. Be sure to leave the location in the same condition that it was in prior to the party.

– To avoid any potential scuffles between the party animals, only invite dogs that your dog already knows and feels comfortable with. If your best friend’s dog is sweet, but just doesn’t get along with your dog for some reason, it may be best to leave them off of the guest list. If you want to invite a dog who your dog has never met, set up a meeting between your dog and the other dog so that they can become acquainted before the party. Definitely leave canine bullies off of the guest list.

– If you plan to have an outdoor party at a dog park or in your backyard, make sure that you have a contingency plan in the event of bad weather.

– In regards to the length of the party, you can plan the party for as long as you see fit, just keep in mind that dogs can become restless very easy. If you notice that many of the guests are getting cranky, don’t be afraid to end the party early.

– Wherever you choose to have the party, make sure that it is safely enclosed and that there are no “cracks” that any of the party guests may be able to slip through. This is especially true for the smaller guests at the party. If your Rottweiler has started digging a whole under your fence in the backyard, make sure that the hole isn’t big enough for your friend’s Shih Tzu to crawl through. If you think that the whole may become problematic, fill the whole before you host your party.

– At treat time, make sure that every puppy has his or her own treat. Also, allow each dog’s guardian to give the treat to their respective dog.

– If you invite dogs that have not yet been spayed or neutered, make sure that you alert the parents of the other dogs at the party. Also, if you think that it is necessary, make sure that the parents of these dogs keep an especially close eye on their pet.

– Make sure to only provide treats that are deemed safe for dogs. If you are unsure about the dog toxicity of any of the treats that you want to give out at your party, consult your veterinarian. Also, it is a good idea to talk with the owners of the dog party guests beforehand to check if their dog is allergic to a particular food or ingredient.

Copied with permission from: http://plrplr.com/43865/celebrate-your-dog-s-birthday-with-a-dog-party/

Dog Heroes All Time Heroes

2 Basic Commands Which will Save Your Valuable Puppy's Life
2 Basic Commands Which will Save Your Valuable Puppy's Life

Dog Heroes All Time Heroes
Everyday, people witness countless acts of heroism, big and small. Heroes, too, come in different shapes and sizes, forms and breeds, man and animals alike. Dolphins, seals, horses, cats and whales are just a few from the animal kingdom that displays tremendous protective instincts that save man from all sorts of danger. But nothing beats “the man’s best friend”

After displays of great courage and bravery during World War I, dogs have seen a different light. They were thrust into the limelight unknowingly. Since then, dogs have been called to as all time heroes – recognized, rescued, trained and cared for by man. All kinds of award were given to dogs to celebrate their heroism and saving prowess such as the “Dog Hero of the Year Award.”

The dogs carry on a long line of lifesavers. They have shown unthinkable acts of saving adults and children alike in grave danger like fire, drowning, road and home accidents, intruders and robbers, and even in a huge tragedy like 9/11. The images of heroic dogs finding possible survivors or even lost bodies under rubbles and debris in ground zero crushed the hearts of many Americans.

These canine heroes come from all breeds, backgrounds and locations. Take note, they are not pedigreed. These dog heroes are not at all dominated by big dogs, though they are often used for the purpose of national security. Their breeds vary from the famous German Shepherd, Saint Bernard and Collies (remember Lassie?) to Poodle, Labrador, American Pit Bull Terrier, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Cocker Spaniel, Doberman, Pinscher, English Springer Spaniel, Golden Retriever, Great Dane, Newfoundland, Rottweiler, Shetland, Sheepdog, Terrier and Weimaraner.

During the Vietnam War, 4,000 dogs were recruited to assist and protect U.S. troops, thus prevented an estimate of 10,000 plus American casualties. At that time, they were considered “surplus armaments”. They were either euthanized or left to their fates in Vietnam. Now, books and documentaries preserved the memories of countless canines that aided in the protection of mankind.

Today, dog heroes play an even more critical role in the fight against terrorism. The ability of dogs to detect bombs is already proven since World War I. A German shepherd’s nose has 250 billion smelling cells to give it the ability to detect a target odor amidst all other odors.

Breeds do not guarantee a “dog hero status.” Like men, dogs need a rare set of attributes to stand out: intelligence, being calm even in the presence of loud noise, focus amidst distractions and a compulsive desire to play with a toy. After all, the game is to find the scent and get the toy.

Copied with permission from: http://plrplr.com/43190/dog-heroes-all-time-heroes/

How To Save Money And Get Discount Homeowner S Insurance

How To Save Money And Get Discount Homeowner S Insurance
How To Save Money And Get Discount Homeowner S Insurance

If you live in Arizona and are looking to insure a home, there are several things you can do to get discounts on your homeowner’s insurance rate and save a few dollars.

Typically, the company offers a discount of at least 5% for a smoke detector, dead-bolt locks, or burglar alarm. And, only some organizations simply offer you to cut your premium by as much as 15% or even 20% if you install a remarkable system and fire alarm that straight-forwardly rings at the police, fire, or other monitoring stations. Remember that these are the systems that are not cheap and even not every system qualifies for a discount. Some insurer offers to buy 2 get 1 discount and if you want to know how much amount you saved for discounts, then simply try percent off calculator. Also, you can use an online discount calculator that helps you figure out a discounted price after applying discounted & sales on the product.

1. First and foremost, make sure that you’re shopping your insurance with companies licensed to do business in Arizona. If you’re not sure if the company is licensed in the state, stop by the Arizona Department of Insurance website which contains a listing of all companies licensed in the state.

2. Bundle Your Coverages: Insurance companies like to write more than one line of your coverage. By placing more than one of your policies with an insurance company, you will receive a discount. The discount varies from company to company, so make sure to ask about it when shopping.

3. Quit Smoking: Insurance companies prefer non-smokers.

4. Protect Your Pool – If you have a pool, make sure it is not easily accessible to a child who may inadvertently wander into your yard. If you’re thinking of installing a pool, check with your insurance carrier first. Many companies do not like in ground pools with diving boards and may refuse to provide coverage. Those who are willing to provide coverage will charge a higher premium.

5. Deductibles: Get alternative quotes for different deductibles. The higher the deductible, the more of a savings in premium. Make sure that the premium savings is worth the increase deductible outlay.

6. What type of dog do you have?: Although you feel your pooch is a sweet family pet that wouldn’t hurt a fly, insurance companies feel differently. They may charge more if you have certain breeds of dog. The breeds are usually larger dogs that carry a reputation, no matter how unwarranted the reputation is. Your sweet loveable Rottweiler may be the cause of an increase in your homeowner’s insurance rate.

7. Shop: Always shop around and get more than one insurance quote.

Advice On Adopting A Pitbull

Adopting A Pitbull
Adopting A Pitbull

Dear Adam:

I purchased your book about 5 months ago, and I was hoping that might would “entitle” me to some advice. First, let me say that I’m very satisfied with my purchase. Not only does it give advice on specific techniques, but, more importantly, it explains the foundation of all training–timing, motivation, consistency–allowing the dog owner to better understand the training process. Also, it does a very good job of explaining that dogs are pack animals–and will test the alpha’s leadership at various times (in my case, all the time)–and how that factors into training. Finally, I like your common sense approach, e.g., “stay” is a double command, if the dog’s not supposed to break a sit or down without the release command, why do we need to tell it to stay.

My question is not about dog training, however, but about breeds of dogs. Specifically, APBTs [American Pit Bull Terriers] and AmStaffs [American Staffordshire Terriers]. The AKC does not recognize the APBT as a breed, however, many dog fanciers recognize the two as separate breeds even though they share a common origin and look very similar. Or, if not separate breeds, two “strains” of the same breed, the AmStaff being bred for “show” and the APBT being bred for “performance” – meaning the gameness of the original dogs has largely been bred out of AmStaffs, but still remains in APBTs. I’d like to hear your take on this subject since you own and have owned APBTs or mixes thereof.

The reason I ask is that I’m considering getting an AmStaff or a Staff Bull Terrier. My wife and I currently own a Dalmatian, however, so I’m a bit concerned about the two getting along, especially when I’m not around. Should I stay away from these breeds? I’ve had one breeder tell me they should be fine if the Staff is introduced as a puppy, while another told me never to leave them together alone. What would be your recommendation (I realize all dogs are individuals and may possess different traits than others of the same breed)?


Ryan Fehlig

Dear Ryan:

Thanks for the kind words. You’ve asked an excellent question!

I love the bull breeds, personally. And while everything you’ve stated is pretty much “right on the money,” … I would suggest that if you decide to adopt one of these breeds you make sure that:

1. The dog you’re adopting is the opposite sex of the dog you already own.

2. If the new dog is a male, then neuter him before he hits sexual maturity. (Before 1 year of age.)

3. If the other dog is a male, then definitely neuter him. (Although this will not be a “cure-all” it may help somewhat.)

It’s true… many of the dogs in this breed seem to have a genetic basis for dog aggression. I don’t think that they come out of the womb being dog aggressive, but rather that they have temperament characteristics that tend to make them more dog aggressive. (i.e., dominance and a strong defensive nature).

As for the difference between the APBT and the AmStaff, the difference is largely one of registration. (AKC vs. UKC). And yes, the AKC version has been bred with more of an emphasis on conformation (like all AKC breeds).

If I were to adopt another bull breed, it would likely be the Staffordshire Bull Terrier (the smallest of the “pit bull” breeds). I like the idea of having a big dog in a small package. But to be honest, I’m really tired of the media stigma that this breed has received. And in real life terms, this means having a dog that you can never really take off leash at a park – not because the dog is dangerous or untrained – but rather because people are so darn afraid of what the media has led them to believe about this breed, that they snatch up their children and run screaming from the park.

On the upside, this stigma can work in your favor, too. Most criminals know that a “pit bull” is the type of dog that you don’t want living in the house that you’re about to rob.

On a personal note, there was a character who let his Rottweiler run off leash at the park I used to train at. This dog had a bad attitude and was a very dominant-aggressive dog. The owner was under the impression that his dog was trained. He’d give multiple commands, such as, ‘Ranger come, come, come, come,’… but all Ranger would do is engage my clients’ dogs and try to initiate a dog fight.

Well, after I adopted Forbes (an APBT-mix that looks like one big muscle and is about as wide as a Mack truck) and started keeping him in a down-stay while I worked with my clients’ dogs… Ranger’s owner suddenly started keeping their dog on a much shorter leash. If he didn’t attach his dog to a leash as soon as he saw me enter the park, then he’d definitely run to grab his dog THE VERY INSTANT that he saw that Ranger wasn’t going to immediately turn and come when called.

I guess that’s what you call motivation, eh?

Yes… it’s probably a macho thing. But IF there is a stigma, then you might as well use it to your advantage to encourage reckless dog owners with untrained dogs to keep their mutts on-leash.

That’s all for now, folks!

Parvo Dog Virus Most Dangerous Dog Diseases

Parvo Dog Virus Most Dangerous Dog Diseases
Parvo Dog Virus Most Dangerous Dog Diseases

All the dog races could be attacked by this virus especially for the Rottweiler race, Dobermann, Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever. The sign of the Parvo illness that most specific was to vomit and diarrhoea was bloody that happened repeatedly. The other sign was tired, did not want to eat and the fever. When vomiting and diarrhoea took place continued then the dog will got dehydration and lost the weight without the existence of the exact control then the puppy could not survive. The diagnosis Parvo the Virus could be carried out by seeing his clinical sign, or that more modern was with used kit diagnostics parvo with sample from dog feses.

this was several tips that could be done to prevent the infection Parvo the Virus:

-the Mother of the dog before being mounted must be equipped by his vaccination, so that the young dog got maternal immunity that enough of his parent mother’s milk.

-the Environment of the dog residence must be always maintained by his cleanliness.

-need attention fot Nutrition and the nutrient for the puppy to increase his body resistance.

-the young dog was 3 months old better not contact with the other dog that not yet clear the status of his health.

General History Of Dogs

General History Of Dogs
General History Of Dogs

There is no incongruity in the idea that in the very earliest period of man’s habitation of this world he made a friend and companion of some sort of aboriginal representative of our modern dog, and that in return for its aid in protecting him from wilder animals, and in guarding his sheep and goats, he gave it a share of his food, a corner in his dwelling, and grew to trust it and care for it. Probably the animal was originally little else than an unusually gentle jackal, or an ailing wolf driven by its companions from the wild marauding pack to seek shelter in alien surroundings. One can well conceive the possibility of the partnership beginning in the circumstance of some helpless whelps being brought home by the early hunters to be tended and reared by the women and children. Dogs introduced into the home as playthings for the children would grow to regard themselves, and be regarded, as members of the family

Puppy Bed – Common Mistake Owners Make

Homemade quality recipes for pets
Homemade quality recipes for pets

Puppy Bed – Common Mistake Owners Make

A lot of people get so excited for the prospect of bringing a new pet they end up taking place a shopping spree in an endeavor to create their pet more welcome. Certainly one of the buys persons make is often a dog bed. Even though it could appear like a simple buy, there are areas of a bed that you’d like to your puppy. A lot of people don’t study up on this matter and find yourself creating common Mistake in regards to selecting the bed. The explanation they are doing this isn’t because they do not want the most effective for his or her puppy dog, they simply never absolutely choose into consideration the pet’s genuine requires.