Training A New Dog, The Good And The Bad.

Every Dog needs to be trained to engage in good behaviors and avoid unwanted ones. This article offers advice that is suitable for all sorts of dogs and owners.

Make sure to get everyone involved in training. If you are the only member of the family working with Fido’s behavior, then the other members of the family are giving him mixed signals. Consistency is extremely important in dog training. Also make sure that everyone is using the same key words and rewards so that the behavior will be reinforced correctly. Off and down are two different things to a dog, so make sure you aren’t confusing him.

Negative methods of training your dog don’t work. Just as with humans, positive reinforcement of behaviors is much more effective. Use praise, treats and play time to show your dog that you are pleased with their performance. If he cannot do what you are asking him, do not punish him or yell at him. He will associate trying to do the task with negativity and will avoid the task even harder the next time.

Don’t force your dog to go into his crate. Instead, profusely praise him when he enters his crate on his own. Young puppies, in particular, might be somewhat afraid of the crate when it is first introduced. If you force them to enter it their fear might turn into terror. Their natural curiosity will eventually override their fear.

Training sessions for your dog should be fun and stress-free. Your dog will learn better, and you will be able to teach better in a positive environment. Use your training session as a bonding time with your dog and have fun. This will help you and your dog have a life-long relationship.

Dogs can get bored during training. Doing the same thing over and over for endless time periods, will assure your dog will not be a good student. Try to vary your routine and put time limits on the amount of time you practice different behaviors. When your dog feels like an experience is new, he will respond quicker.

Be consistent when you’re training your dog. Your dog doesn’t understand what your praises mean. Pick one form of praise to use such as: “Good Girl” or “Well Done” and use the same phrase every single time. This will teach your dog that you are praising him or her, and when your dog hears the chosen phrase, he or she will understand it is a compliment.

A great dog training tip is to assume the role of the pack leader. All dogs have a pack mentality. There is typically a pack leader that influences the behavior of the rest of the pack. By acting as the pack leader, your dog will become more obedient.

When you train your dog it is important to reinforce every example of behavior you want to encourage. Whenever your pet behaves according to your wishes it should be rewarded. This will prevent your dog from becoming confused and establish positive reinforcement associations. Behavior that is rewarded is behavior that will be repeated and eventually become habitual.

One tip to keep in mind when training your dog is to ensure that you make it absolutely clear to your dog what it is that your are disciplining it for. This is important to avoid confusion and to teach the dog what is desired and what is undesired behavior. An example of what to avoid is hitting your dog hours past and in a different room from where it shredded your couch.

If you want to get rid of a behavior, stop rewarding this behavior. This method will only result in the dog learning to do what it pleases. Do not ever reward bad beahvior.

It’s important your dog always has an understanding of right from wrong. Your entire household will need to be on the same page when it comes to boundaries. It confuses the dog and sabotages your efforts.

There is no denying that dogs possess certain innate urges and behaviors, and therefore it is necessary that they be allowed to exhibit them on occasion. Make sure your dog is properly fed, given a comfortable corner or bed to sleep and has a good place to run and be active.

Be sure to have your dog spayed or neutered at six months. After the dog is neutered or spayed, you should begin obedience classes with your dog. A dog that is fixed will be more willing to learn. Your dog will be happier and he or she will live longer.

An important key to effective dog training is to always enforce the first command that you give to your dog. It is a mistake to keep repeating the command over and over again. The dog needs to learn that a command requires instant obedience. Do not give the dog the opportunity to disobey. Enforce the first command, and then promptly give a reward and praise.

Don’t let your dog ‘own’ the furniture. To a bossy dog, the furniture is his fortress, giving him much more status than sitting on the floor. If your dog becomes possessive about the furniture, deny him access until he is ready to move for any human being, including a child or stranger. Stand with an erect posture and use a firm voice. Don’t use food to entice your dog off the furniture if he has already growled, as he will think he has been rewarded. Wait until he gets off the furniture on his own, and don’t allow him back up.

To really get your dog to be obedient, love your pooch. Baiting with rewards for behavior reinforcement and then eventually removing those rewards is a tactic that works. However, a dog that knows he is truly loved is more likely to follow commands because he feels you have his best interests at heart.

An untrained dog can cause chaos in your home. Armed with these tips, you should be adequately prepared to work with your dog, providing valuable skills and behavioral guidance.


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