Study Reveals How Long It Takes To Fall In Love With a Rottweiler.

Agria Pet Insurance researches found out that 56% of British people surveyed fell in love with their Rottweiler in less than an hour. However, almost 20% claimed it had taken around 6 months to decide that their partner was “the one”.

According to a new study, it takes just half an hour to fall in love with a Rottweiler, compared to six months to fall in love with a partner.


40% of those who were polled claimed they would describe the moment they saw their pet as love at first sight, while only 16% could say the same about their partner.

It’s not strange that so many of us believe in love at first sight as most dog lovers know that feeling when we meet a Rottweiler and our heart just melts.

A reason why we have such an amazing relationship with our dogs is because of the unconditional love that they give us. Also, because we don’t usually get from people in our lives.


Statistically, the bond we have with our dogs is more likely to last longer than love relationships and marriage. Choosing our puppy partner sagely can’t be more important for a long and happy life together.

The poll of 2000 pet parents found that 53%of people hug with their pet on the couch but only 36% would cuddle up with their partner. Actually, more than 25% said they would definitely like to share their bed with their pup rather than their partner.

Read More:11 Things May unintentionally Shorten Your Rottweiler’s Life


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