Learn About The Safety And The Risks Of Using Rottweiler Collars And Harnesses

When you are looking to get the best collar for your Rottweiler, make sure that it is a couple of inches wider than your Rottweiler’s neck. For, not only will this allow proper head movement but it will also prevent irritation of the neck. The way to check if a collar is spacious enough is to put a couple of fingers inside the collar while your dog is wearing it. If your finger slides in easy, you are good to go. Else, you have to change the Rottweiler collar. A looser collar will allow them to escape, while a tighter might hurt their esophagus.

If your Rottweiler isn’t comfortable wearing the collar, you have to change it. For, the constant irritation and the restriction of their neck might lead the Rottweiler to grow an aversion to the collar. And you don’t want that, do you?

READ: Rottweiler Collars: Which One Should You Choose?

Where Do You Put The Rottweiler Collar?

Just above the collar bone, where it doesn’t hang loose or gets too buried in the skin. This is the perfect place to set the collar up.


Rottweiler Collar Safety

There are a lot of fatalities that can be avoided simply if the collar is fastened properly. All you need to do is ensure that the clasp isn’t weak enough for the Rottweiler to snap out of it and run. Although puppies are always given a collar the moment they are weaned, it would be in your best interests to not simply rely on them and get a stronger collar, depending on the size of your Rottweiler. The size of the Rottweiler collar should be your primary concern. Considering your dog is going to challenge the collar at some point in their life, you might as well get one that doesn’t put them in any danger.

Rottweiler Collar Problems

There are loads of problems that come with Rottweiler collars that can be handled by just removing the collar at times. There are thousands of cases of dogs getting strangled by their collars getting too tight or restrictive. Just remove it when they are in a safe environment. Also, it might get caught amidst the wires and poles of the crate. So, don’t let it be latched on to them when they are in a kennel. Also, don’t let them run around loose with the collar clinging onto them.

Even when there is a group of dogs playing around, a Rottweiler’s collar might get stuck in the jaw of another dog. This will lead to strangulation if the human isn’t fast enough to reach them.

Electronic Collars

electric collars

These collars simply deliver a pulsating beep to your Rottweiler’s neck, which isn’t a punishment but a deterrent. This should only be given to Rottweilers who have mastered the basic commands that their owner would give them. You need to wait so that they can get a hang of what is expected of them in the current proceedings. They will understand when they are getting a pulsating beep and how to avoid them.

Electronic collars are mostly used as a corrective measure to prevent dogs from inculcating bad habits.

READ: Start Training Your Rottie With The Sound Of A Clicker

What Should Be Used When Walking – A Harness Or A Collar?

A harness should be your first choice when walking a dog because it allows you to better guide them and protect them if they are in danger. Also, they could tug at the leash and you could tug back, which isn’t going to hurt them. Although some people do use a collar, a harness is usually a better option.

If you are going for a harness or a Rottweiler collar, make sure that you go for one that is secure, safe, and not hazardous for your dog.


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