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13 Signs Your Rottweiler Loves You More Than He Loves Himself


Here’s 13 reasons of proof that a Rottweiler is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself:

1. He deals with you taking an unlimited amount of pictures of him. All. The. Time.


2. Sometimes he even poses for those pictures.


3. He loves traveling with you to all places, even if it’s just a trip to the gas station down the street.


4. He actually makes the best adventure companion ever.


5. He has opinions of his own and isn’t afraid to share them (such as when he doesn’t like a particular toy you bought that was overpriced at PetSmart).


6. He lets you squeeze him on occasion..


7. He watches out for your safety.


8.He is always by your side while you’re doing homework.


9. Or crafting, or anything, really…


10. He is also the perfect companion for lazy days.


11. He tries really hard to get along with your friends.


12. Along with whatever other thing you bring into his life…


13. He never fails to put a smile on your face.


11 Overwhelming Moments Of Love Only Rottweiler Can Understand


It doesn’t happen right at first, as all true, deep-seated, romantic behaviors tend to unfold over time. But the first time your Rottweiler can feel your mood and you can feel her feeling your mood – you know.

1. When you’re sobbing or maybe just on the very edge of breaking into a weep, and instinctively crawls over to you, plopping herself directly on your chest or collarbone, armed and ready to lick away the salty yumminess covering your cheeks. You’ve never felt more taken care of.


2. Not once, not twice, but several times, you’ve caught yourself wishing desperately you could just shoot her a quick text: “Hey! How’s your day?” “Hi, thinking of you. Love you so much.” The day dog-text technology is a reality, your life will be made.


3. All you want to do is protect. Yes, bath time is the worst. But with every scrub, every rinse, every extra squeeze to ensure all the soap is gone, you use every last fiber of your being to communicate to her that is safe, this is good, and you’re her protector.


4. When they are a bit grown-up, but still choose to follow your every move around the house. She’s independent now; She could very easily blow you off and stay put on the couch or carpet or “her” chair, but she just cannot bear the idea of not knowing exactly what you’re doing at all times. So she follows you. And you love it.


5. Having a horrible, long, angering day, and pulling up to your home, knowing you will be greeted with nothing less than pure joy and borderline orgasmic excitement from your dog. She doesn’t care how bad your day was; She’s here to make it better and she can’t wait to do it, because that’s her job.


6. You’re fully dressed and ready for a night on the town, but she hasn’t eaten yet. You can tell she doesn’t want to, because she knows you’re leaving her for the night and is too sad to eat. So, down you go, sitting cross-legged on your dirty kitchen floor, just so you can feed her bits and pieces from your hand until she’s comfortable enough to eat on her own while you sit there and keep her company.


7. Sometimes, on a quiet weekend night in which you chose to stay home and out of trouble, when your pup is on your lap, all the feels happen. Her sense of safety and security are palpable through her tiny body, and you know she’d stay right here forever if you’d let her. Why do you ever go out again?


8. You’re constantly taken aback by her beauty. At least five times a week, you just look at her and exclaim: “God, you are so beautiful!”


9. When it’s been an exceptionally rough week full of all work and no play, you feel impossibly heavy guilt that your dog has been subject to your ridiculous workload. She doesn’t know it, but you spend the rest of the week planning out an activity-filled Saturday morning for her and you, because she deserves some fun and you want her to have it.


10. Waking up and finding her curled up in the crook of your legs, or on top of your head on the pillow, and completely on her back, all legs in the air showing total vulnerability – you feel bad for dog owners who mistakenly don’t allow their dog in the bed.


11. When you catch her just sort of looking at you, and you guys lock eyes for what seems to be an hour, but is really only a few seconds before she smothers your entire face in kisses. You can’t blame her, though, because you love it. And her. Forever and ever and ever.


8 Signs Your Rottweiler Fully In Charge

Rottweiler Fully In Charge
Rottweiler Fully In Charge

1. You lift your dog up onto the bed knowing full well THAT THEY CAN GET THERE ALL BY THEMSELVES.


2. They take up more than a person’s worth of space on the bed AND YOU LET THEM.


3. They’ll eat dog food but only if it’s RIGHT OUT OF YOUR HAND.


4. And you just can’t stay mad when they make a mess.


5. When they’re literally in the process of destroying your property but you still think they’re adorable and even TAKE A PICTURE.


6. They know that all they have to do is look at you in just the right way and they’ll get fed.


7. They won’t let you get any work done if they’re looking for attention.


8. They sleep right on top of you and you refuse to move a muscle because you don’t want to interrupt their little puppy dreams.


Poor little thing. What a stressful life.

«WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON THE TABLE?… NOBODY IS SUPPOSED TO BE ON THE TA– THE… Aawww, what a cutie! Pose for the camera, Fluff!»


And there’s not a doubt in your mind that they deserve the complete royal treatment. ❤


7 Reasons You Should Cuddle Your Rottweiler More Often

Cuddle Your Rottweiler
Cuddle Your Rottweiler

Most dog owners would agree that you don’t need a reason to cuddle your dog more often — if anything, a dog’s stare and nuzzle is enough to melt any pooch lover’s heart. There are, however, actual benefits to cuddling and petting your furry best friend.

1-Your dog needs it. Science says so.

If science has proven one thing about animal behavior, it’s that domesticated mammals are more like us than we’d ever realized — and just like your average human, they need physical touch and bonding to be happy. Yes, dogs can get depressed — and just like humans, they’re pack animals. Isolate a dog, and you’ll cause it unnecessary and dangerous emotional stress.


2-It’ll build your relationship immensely.

Studies show that when you interact with your dog, both you and your pet show increased levels of oxytocin in the blood. Oxytocin, known as the “love hormone”, is released by the body during social interactions that are especially important to building relationships — such as between a mother and her breastfeeding child, or a couple in love. Other domesticated animals also show increased levels of oxytocin during positive interaction, but dogs are especially connected to their respective humans.


3-Cuddling your dog can release stress.

Cuddling your dog isn’t just good for your pet — it’s great for you. While oxytocin is released, human cortisol levels drop, alongside a calmed heart rate after a session of petting and cuddling. Cortisol is your body’s stress hormone, used to bring about metabolic action to help you deal with your “hostile” environment and regulate your body — but excess levels lead to physical breakdown.


4-It can also lower your risk of stroke.

It’s simple — if you give yourself more time to relax and unwind, you lower your chances of experiencing a stroke. A stroke is when your brain’s blood and oxygen supply is dangerously restricted — and it can occur for any number of reasons, from constricted blood vessels to a hemorrhage. Cuddling your dog — or anyone else you love for that matter, can help you avoid a stroke. Make sure to include dosages of laughter and healthy, delicious food.


5-It can beat away at depression.

Increased levels of oxytocin and social interaction are inversely related to depression — alongside serotonin, dopamine, and all the other lovely brain cocktails that make you forget about being mopey and dopey. Besides, anyone knows that cuddling a cute, eagerly loving animal is the best cure for clinical sadness.


6-Cuddling your dog reduces pain for the both of you.

Oxytocin, besides being the love hormone, is also key in mammalian birth — mothers experience a burst of oxytocin during labor to both relax the uterus and reduce pain. The last part seems to work better in some than in others — but that biological reasoning is part of why oxytocin in general is a natural way for your body to deal with anything from wounds to headaches and cramps. And the same goes for your dog.


7-Petting and cuddling reduces anxiety

Perhaps as a way to reassure youngsters, oxytocin released during petting and cuddling deals with fear and anxiety, and can be a good way to help cope when things get too scary. Note, though, that cuddling a dog while he or she is exhibiting fear may backfire and make them think you’re encouraging anxiety. Instead, wean a dog to its phobia, and encourage calmness with petting and treats.


8 Ways Your Rottweiler is Secreatly Communicating With You

Rottweiler is Secreatly Communicating
Rottweiler is Secreatly Communicating

Every time that your dog barks, whines, growls, yelps, and makes other attempts to converse with you, don’t you feel like you are missing out on so much of dog-talk? Dogs make noises to express their emotions, and every pet owner wants to understand them. A study has even gone on to say that dogs bark only for us humans and not to communicate with other canines. Not just with sounds, your dog tries to tell you many things through gestures and its body language too.

Thankfully, you are at the right place, and now you are about to learn how to interpret those signals your dog sends you. Brace yourself for a course in dog lingo which would bring you closer to your pet.

1. The Wide-Eye Look

You cannot deny that this is when your dog looks the cutest. When they stare at you with their big eyes, and you stare back into theirs, you can surely feel a strong connection. Your dog wants your attention, and you must give it some. A treat or a loving scratch or both should do the trick for you.


2. Wagging The Tail While Its Lowered

This is a happy gesture too. When you are doing things with your dog, playing catch or simply talking, you will notice its tail is lowered, and it wags it slowly. Your dog is intently watching you for a sign to do something. It all comes down to what you want to do.


3. Showing the Belly

A happy dog shows that it trusts you by lying on its back and showing you its belly. That is the cue for you that it wants to enjoy your cuddles and your love. Give it a good belly rub, and your dog would relax down there peacefully. Try thinking of yourself as a masseuse while you’re at it and have a great dog-parent bonding.


4. Squints and Blinks

This is also a good gesture as dogs often squint and blink faster when they are enjoying themselves with you. It just loves your pats and touches. But too much of squinting can turn out as something serious. Take it to the vet. If your much older dog squints in the sun, get it checked for cataracts.


5. Showing its Teeth

When any dog shows you its teeth, often in a mildly aggressive way, it wants you to back off. Dogs can get protective of their favorite toy or their food. Showing their teeth without snarling is a warning to you. But if your dog does that too often, visit a trainer for help.


6. Paw Signal

A dog does not know what a handshake is. So when it raises its paw and looks like it wants something, think about what it could need. Is it hungry or thirsty? Does it want something it can’t reach? Your dog wants to tell you, and you should listen.


7. Tail Up High

Dogs stick their tails up when they want to assert authority. Whenever dogs feel like they should protect or attack something, they raise their tails up straight. If your dog does that with you, it is probably confused about who should take charge. Calm your dog down and keep it under control.


8. Yawning

This is also a gesture in stressful situations for your dog. It does not necessarily mean that it is sleepy. Dogs also yawn when they are anticipating something good. Many dog owners have found that their dogs yawn when they are happy. So yawning could be a good thing too, depending on the situation.


How To Keep Your Rottweiler Protected Against Cold Weather


Are you a new Rottweiler owner? If so, a question that must be on your mind with the winter season fast approaching is how best to ensure your pet remains warm. This is especially vital if you live in a climate that sees a lot of snow and ice. Exposure to extreme cold can make your pet more susceptible to illness and injury. And because dogs especially love to play on their paws in the winter, you need to be aware of this danger. If you don’t, your Rottweiler can suffer from cold-related ailments.

Here are some tips on how to ensure your Rottweiler remains warm during the winter:

Get A Rottweiler Sweater or Coat 

If you’re looking for a great way to keep your Rottweiler warm during cold weather, consider purchasing a dog sweater. These sweaters come in a wide variety of colors and styles, which allows them to be worn with almost any type of apparel. There are plenty of dog coats Canada stores that sell protective clothing to keep your pet’s body warm, and keep them from getting sick. They’re also available in a range of sizes and materials, so you can easily choose one that fits your dog well.

The first thing you should do when trying to decide on a sweater is to find a size that comfortably fits your dog. It’s crucial to ensure that the sweater fit your pet correctly. Avoid sweaters that are too long, because they can be cumbersome. Once you’ve found the right sweater, you’ll need to select the material that’s appropriate for your dog. Various materials can be used, and each one will have its specific advantages and disadvantages. Some of the better material choices include fleece, leather, and cotton.

When selecting the material for your sweater, you must choose something that won’t irritate your dog’s body. You should also choose a material that’s breathable enough to allow your dog’s skin to breathe. You shouldn’t have your dog wear a sweater while they’re outdoors in the snow, as this can cause excessive wetness, and they’ll become more uncomfortable. If you use this kind of sweater in an enclosed area, you should make sure that the sweater’s fabric can repel moisture, which is necessary if you want to keep your dog warm in winter.

Wash Your Rottweiler 

Make sure that your dog has a bath once a week. There are many reasons to do this, including keeping your dog from getting cold spots, alleviating sunburn, and preventing fleas. Bath time is also great because it allows your dog to relieve himself so that he doesn’t end up getting itchy skin. It is also a good idea to feed your dog beforehand so that he can have a nice warm bath to help him relax after dinner.

Monitor Your Rottweiler’s Eating Habits  

A crucial consideration is your dog’s eating habits. If your Rottweiler lives outside, it’s essential to make sure that the food doesn’t freeze, as it will be a lot harder for your pet to eat. It’s best if you give them more proteins and fats as this does a better job generating heat for your dog. You should also confirm that your dog has access to enough water to drink. If the weather is too cold, consider feeding your Rottweiler inside your home. For the water bowl, change it as often as possible to ensure there’s always water to drink to ensure the dog is well hydrated at all times. Water is vital to Rottweilers during winter as it warms and maintains their warm body temperatures.

Weather-Proof Your Rottweiler’s Shelter 

To safeguard your Rottweiler against cold weather, get a weather-proof shelter. Once you do this, you don’t have to worry about your dog’s exposure to the cold weather. Doing this is crucial because Rottweilers love the cold, but a weather-proof shelter is the only place they can run to for warmth. You need to ensure the inside of this shelter is dry at all times if they live outside. This is to safeguard it since sleeping on a wet surface is detrimental to their wellbeing. Using rain-resistant material to ensure your Rottweiler is dry, warm, and safe.

The shelter also needs some sort of bedding, but if the weather is freezing, you’ll want to invest in an outdoor bedding set to keep your Rottweiler warm and comfortable. These outdoor beds also come in various styles and colors, so you’ll have something to match whatever design you like, whether it’s traditional or modern. When choosing an outdoor bedding set, make sure that the design includes a fleece cover or even some sort of a snowsuit.


As a Rottweiler owner, it’s is very important to know how to protect your pet when the weather gets cold. Make sure to follow the useful tips in this guide to protect your pet’s wellbeing and keep them warm and cozy.


370 Rottweiler Names – Popular Male and Female Names

Rottweiler Names
Rottweiler Names

Top 100 Rottweiler Names

Lexi / Lexie
Remi / Remy
Lily / Lilly
Bo / Beau
Charlie / Charley
Roxy / Roxie
Riley / Rylee
Bailey / Baylee
Cali / Callie
Zoey / Zoe

Rottweiler Names
Rottweiler Names


Male Rottweiler Names


Rottweiler Names
Rottweiler Names


Female Rottweiler Names

Roxy / Roxie
Zoey / Zoe

Rottweiler Names
Rottweiler Names


German Rottweiler Names

Marta – lady
Bernard – strong, brave as a bear
Brunhilde – armed for battle
Caroline – free man
Albert – noble, bright
Bruno – brown
Sigmund – victorious protection
Elsa – pledged to God
Bach – dweller near the brook
August – great, magnificent
Fritzi – also peaceful ruler
Britta – strength or exalted one
Frederik – peaceful ruler
Ada – noble, nobility
Hans – God is gracious
Trudy – spear of strength
Aldo – old and wise
Ava – life
Adler – eagle
Leona – lioness
Ursula – little female bear
Mischa – who is like God
Siegfried – victorious peace
Gretchen – pearl
Fritz – also peaceful ruler
Rudolph/Rudy – also famous wolf
Waldo – to rule
Millie – gentle strength
Roland – famous throughout the land
Annette – the Lord has favored me
Max – the greatest
Beatrix – she who brings happiness
Schwartz – black hair or dark complexion
Raymond – wise protector
Baldwin – brave friend
Liesel – pledged to God
Arlo – unknown
Addie – also noble, nobility
Rolf – famous wolf
Wolfgang – traveling wolf
Heinrich – home of the king
Leonard – brave lion
Bernadette – brave as a bear
Frederika – peaceful ruler
Alger – clever warrior
Franz – free man
Kaiser – emperor
Lola – lady of sorrows
Arnold – ruler, strong as an eagle
Adolph – noble wolf
Sofie – wisdom
Dirk – also the people’s ruler
Emmet – universal, truth
Walter – army ruler
Anka – purse
Amelia – work
Dedrick – the people’s ruler
Felix – happy, fortunate
Heidi – of noble birth
Otto – wealthy
Claus/Klaus – victory of the people
Wanda – shepherdess; wanderer
Albrecht – also means noble, bright
Axel – father of peace
Emma – universal
Ida – industrious one
Ernie/Ernest/Ernst – serious, resolute
Frieda – also peaceful ruler
Dieter – ruler of the people
Greta – also pearl
Alphonse – noble, ready for battle
Zelda – gray fighting maid
Ulf – wolf
Stein – stone
Alvin – noble friend, friend of the elves
Hilda – battle woman
Claudia – enclosure
Ella – all, completely; fairy maiden
Gunther – bold warrior
Heinz – also home of the king
Albern – white

The 11 Cutest Rottweiler Tattoo Design Ideas

Cutest Rottweiler Tattoo
Cutest Rottweiler Tattoo

Rottweiler tattoo design ideas you’ll actually want to try right now.

#1 Black big friend.


#2 Best friends.


#3 Super realistic Rottweiler.


#4 Just “hi”.


#5 Like real size.


#6 Friends for years.


#7 Puppy and paw.


#8 Present in bow.


#9 Geometric style Rottweiler.


#10 Rottweiler with flowers.


#11 Black Rottweiler.


10 Charming Rottweilers That Just Want To Play

Charming Rottweilers That Just Want To Play
Charming Rottweilers That Just Want To Play

Looking into the eyes of the Rottweiler, you will see boundless tenderness, love, and devotion. These dogs are truly full of love, they are distinguished by tenderness and a sharp mind. Rottweilers, who are given enough attention, are calm and confident. But which of us does not like to play? We present you 14 cute Rottweilers who want to play:

#1 This plate was thinking of escaping me. Not so fast.


#2 This is not what you were thinking! He started first!


#3 Man, the game won’t start until you start pulling the rope.


#4 Let’s play a burglar and a watchman? Try to steal. I dare you.


#5 This stick is clearly not intended for two.


#6 Look what I found.


#7 It is time for the games. You promised!


#8 I won’t lie, emotions overwhelm me!


#9 This is some kind of magic! I can not destroy this toy!


#10 I got the tire! Just don’t tell anyone!


12 Funny Rottweiler Memes To Make Your Day!

Funny Rottweiler Memes 12
Funny Rottweiler Memes 12

#1 I love all but…


#2 Expectation and Reality


#3 3…2…1…


#4 Are you sure??


#5 Look, see!


#6 I see you!


#7 No Rottie on couch…


#8 I`m being attacked by a vicious beast.


#9 Let me love you!


#10 It will be fun they said…


#11 OMG…


#12 You`re still mad.


The 12 Funniest Rottweiler Memes of the Day!

Funniest Rottweiler Memes
Funniest Rottweiler Memes

Here is a challenge for you! Try not to laugh!😁

#1 When someone you don`t like tries to make a joke.


#2 Cat looks like he’s about the hottest RAP album of 2016😂


#3 The Rottweiler starterpack.


#4 This is so embarrassing!


#5 One doesn`t just simply stroke a Rottweiler and not expect it to climb on your lap.


#6 I don`t always crush my owners, but when I do…It`s because I must lick your face. It’s mandatory.


#7 When you`re ugly af.


#8 When you`re a Mess.


#9 I don`t always act like I`m starving… but when I do…It’s because I sensed food nearby and I really want some!


#10 I don`t always fart, but when I do…I clear out a room.


#11 Morning outwork!


#12 Look at her picking up my 💩… She best wash her hands before she feeds me!


13 Funny Rottweiler Memes That Make You Laugh Too Hard

Funny Rottweiler Memes
Funny Rottweiler Memes

People say Rottweilers are dangerous dogs due to their possible aggression. But owners of this beautiful breed know for sure that Rotties are very funny dogs!😀

#1 I don’t always follow you everywhere, but when I do…It’s when you move 5 steps and said you`d be right back!


#2 You think you trainned ME?


#3 When your girl`s mad and you try to cheer her up!


#4 When your human comes home and calls you by your full name…


#5 What a Rottweiler looks like playing ball in the house!


#6 Selfie vs tagged photo.


#7 When you`re ugly af.


#8 When you`re a Mess.


#9 I don`t always act like I`m starving… but when I do…It’s because I sensed food nearby and I really want some!


#10 I don`t always fart, but when I do…I clear out a room.


#11 Morning outwork!


#12 There there, it`s gonna be ok!


#13 That`s why mommy calls me a baby!


Science proved you and your Rotweiller fall in love when you look in each other’s eyes


Dog owners already know in their bones that they and their pets love one another. Now, a new study has confirmed it, finding that love is chemically apparent after dogs and their owners gaze into one another’s eyes.


The study, conducted by researchers at several Japanese universities and published in the journal Science, consisted of two parts. In the first, the researchers watched 30 dog owners interact with their dogs for half an hour, and then measured both human and dog levels of oxytocin. (Oxytocin, sometimes referred to as the “love hormone” or the “bonding hormone,” is fundamental to human intimacy; it is released during sex and creates attachment between couples, and also plays a role in mother-child bonding.)


The researchers found that the owners whose dogs stared at them the longest had the highest oxytocin levels. Moreover, the oxytocin levels of owners and dogs were correlated: If an owner had high levels after they interacted, the dog likely did too.

As a control group, the researchers repeated the same process with wolves who were raised by humans, paired with someone who raised them. There was no evidence of any effect on oxytocin levels.


The second part of the study tried to tease out whether the oxytocin actually caused the lengthened gaze. To do this, the researchers administered oxytocin to a new group of dogs, and the watched them interact with their owners. Strangely, oxytocin administered to female dogs led to much higher levels in both the dogs and their owners. But that effect wasn’t present in male dogs, and researchers weren’t sure why.


Overall, the results suggest that as dogs became domesticated, they might have developed a mutually beneficial ability to bond with humans the same way that we bond with each other. In an essay on the study published in Science, Evan MacLean and Brian Hare, both cognitive scientists at Duke, write, “dogs have taken advantage of our parental sensitivities—using behaviors such as staring into our eyes—to generate feelings of social reward and caretaking behavior.” In other words, dogs learned to evoke the same love that parents feel for their children.


10 Ways Your Rottweiler Will Improve Your Quality Of Life


As a furry pup lover, there is no doubt in my mind that having a dog brings many upsides to my life. I mean, how can I NOT live happily waking up to a smiley face and wagging tail? For those of you who do not yet have a furry friend, or who are planning on adding one to your family, you’ll be glad to hear that there are scientifically proven benefits that dogs bring to each of our lives!

1. Dogs increase your mood dramatically!


Spending just 15-30 minutes with your dog can help you feel more calm and relaxed, reducing stress and increasing happiness. Playing with your pup increases your brain’s levels of dopamine and serotonin, both of which are neurotransmitters associated with pleasure and tranquility. So the next time you’re feeling down, grab the newest toy from your BarkBox and spend some time with your pup! That wagging tail will be sure to put a smile on your face.

2. Having a dog may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.


Studies show that talking to and petting your pooches are often accompanied by lower blood pressure, and that means a lowered risk for a myriad of different illnesses.

3. Step aside, kitties! Dogs protect children from skin conditions and allergies.


Children who grow up with dogs have a lower risk of developing eczema than those who have cats or no dogs at all. Yes, it’s true! In addition, children also develop fewer pet allergies if they grow up with a dog.

4. Having a dog improves your physical wellbeing and encourages a healthy fitness routine.


Of course! Your dog requires daily exercise, and so do you! Dog owners carry the responsibility of playing with and working their dogs, so it only makes sense that dog people tend to be more active.

5. Humans with dogs recover more quickly from illnesses.


Dog owners have a much higher rate of recovery from being sick than non-dog owners. In fact, humans with pooches who suffered from heart attacks were twice as likely to fully recover than those without!

Children with dogs in their household miss less school.


Yes, it’s true. We all know that children absolutely adore pups, but research has shown that children from dog-owning families have better school attendance due to better overall health and less sickness from having a pup at home.

But wait, there’s more (for your kids)!


Having dogs has actually been shown to improve a child’s self-esteem, and makes issues that cause stress easier to handle.

Simply put, they are a human’s best friend.


Because of their heightened sense of smell, sight, and hearing, dogs are extremely intelligent creatures with a loyalty to their humans that is unexpectedly strong. Those with dogs will know–your pups can sense human body language, emotions, and feelings, and this paves the way for an unbreakable bond.

They make excellent watchdogs.


From puppyhood, dogs innately learn to watch and be aware of anything rotten coming your way. Potential burglars are put off by a barking or watching dog in the window. Rottweilers, German Shepherds, and Scottish Terriers are among the top watchdog breeds, but even my fluffy American Eskimo dog is known to be great at alerting families of anything odd or suspicious!

Having a Rottweiler makes YOU more awesome!

The responsibility, patience, selflessness, and commitment that comes with having a dog makes us stronger, all-around better people.

The dog-human relationship is a two-way street. We’ve heard the phrase, “Who rescued who?” and it’s certainly something to consider. Dogs have proven that they improve our physical and mental health, as well as the health of those around us.

Need I say more?


Top 8 Hilarious Rottweiler Memes From The Internet!

Rottweiler Memes
Rottweiler Memes

Rottweiler dogs are known to be today’s rescue dogs and it’s adorable to see them in uniforms. But they also have a funny side! Here are our top 10 Rottweiler memes that are hilarious and entertaining!

Here are the 10 best Rottweiler Memes!

#1 So who’s more in trouble…the dog or the owner? LOL


#2 How would you react to this? Look at that innocent face!


#3 Do I have to endure this tiny one for the rest of my life?


#4 The uncanny resemblance!


#5 You’re HIRED!


#6 Uh-oh! Looks like you have done something wrong buddy!


#7 Sometimes we change! Well, he never did!

#8 Why does he have to endure this pain?

9 Things Only Rottweiler Owners Will Understand

There are so, so many reasons that Rottweilers are the worst breed EVER, it’s going to be tough to fit them all in here but we’ll give it a go!😉😃😆

#1 Doggo party🥳🥳🥳


#2 I love you, mom!


#3 The cuteness is too much sometimes.


#4 Watch dog!


#5 Feed me… NOW!


#6 We don`t talk to you!


#7 You are such a funny, baby girl, but I don`t understand what you try to tell me..


#8 Dad, it`s time for a walk… not in 10 minutes, not in a few seconds, but NOW!


#9 Broken mom`s favorite flower vase and waiting for the reaction.


11 Funny Rottweilers Who Are Disappointed About The Coronavirus Quarantine

Funny Rottweilers

If you need some positive in this hard situation, check the following pictures of Rottweilers who are not so glad to stay home with their humans for the whole month 24/7.😀😉🙂


#1 What`s going on here? Why should I wear this mask???😮😲😷


#2 Is this a joke I hope?🤣


#3 I heard you coughed last night. So here are some disinfectants for cleaning the house.


#4 I am not a virus, but you can be. So I`ll go shopping.


#5 This is a robbery. Stay where you are! I need 10 packages of dry food and some treats NOW!


#6 Sorry, daddy, but you’re on your own now. Don`t even look at my food!


#7 Give me the mask, lady! 😷😷😷


#8 What, mom? 🙄 You should have seen this in the evening only.


#9 Daddy, mom called me a Bad boy and wanna punish me😒. But I have an idea!😏😏😏


#10 Mom sneezed a few minutes ago. Let`s isolate her!😈


#11 I`m not a babysitter. Why do I have to play with this little human?😣😩


How to Choose the Right Food for Your Rottweiler: A Student’s First Pet Guide 

rottweiler food
rottweiler food

When you decided to get a rottweiler, you got many comments and pressure from the people you know. Even random strangers feel comfortable to comment on your choice of breed, saying you made the wrong decision. In your heart, you know that rottweilers are the perfect dogs for students.  

Despite the stigma and rottie racism, you realized that your dog is adorable, loving, and obeying. There are several reasons that make rottweilers the perfect choice for a student: 

  • They dont bark a lot, and they wont make much noise in your apartment. They will not disturb your neighbors by howling (Siberian huskies, were looking at you).  
  • As long as they get their daily exercise, rottweilers are surprisingly calm and serene. You can study for hours and they wont beg for your attention when you want some peace and quiet. Yes; they can be stubborn. However, these are really smart dogs that are easy to train. They will become calmer and calmer as you keep working with them.  
  • Rottweilers are strong dogs. They are very physical, so they need a lot of exercise. These dogs will inspire you to get up early in the morning and get active with them. Lets face it: thats exactly what many students need.  

Most important of all, rotties arent picky about their food. They love food and snacks, so you wont have to go from one brand to another until you find something they like. Does that mean you can feed them anything? No! Thats exactly what well talk about today.  

Rottweilers and Their Eating Habits 

The dogs of this breed love to eat. Its a fact. They will work you to get more treats whenever they get a chance for it. If they see you eating, they will beg for some of your food. They will make you feel guilty for not sharing. 

Your dog just had a nice morning meal? By the time you get to eat your breakfast, she will convince you shes starving.  

This may be a problem for owners who cant set some limits. You have to know that no matter how much rotties beg for food, the owner needs to do whats right for them. Obese dogs are a real problem. This breed is prone to hypothyroidism, which may contribute to more hunger and more weight gain.  

When they get overweight, dogs become unenthusiastic and lethargic. Their quality of life is greatly impaired. Moreover, obesity predisposes dogs to serious conditions, such as arthritis, liver disease, heart disease, and diabetes.  

If rotties are getting too much food and arent getting the right type of food, they can gain a lot of weight. They love to get active, so it wont be a problem for you to keep them in shape. But you have to keep the feeding within limits, too.       

Be Mindful of the Proteins 

To stay healthy and vibrant, rottweilers need 22% – 26% protein in their diet.  

If youre buying kibble, you should pay attention to the percentage of protein in it. It should be listed at the very start of the ingredients. Search for high-quality proteins from a variety of sources, including lamb, turkey, chicken, herring, and beef.  

Our advice to dog owners is to get premium kibble; not cheap food with massive amounts of preservatives, sodium, sugar, and ethoxyquin. Cheap kibble contains little protein obtained from low-quality resources. In addition, it is full of wheat and corn, which will affect the dogs ability to digest the food.  

The food you get should be complete and nutritionally balanced. Royal Canin Rottweiler Adult Dry Dog Food is among the best foods for rottweilers. It contains chicken, chicken fat, and brown rice as the top three ingredients. The puppy version of the same food contains a lot of added wheat gluten, so it may not be the perfect option.  

Taste of the Wild High Prairie Grain-Free Dry Dog Food is another great choice. Its main ingredients are buffalo meat, lamb meal, chicken meal, peas, and sweet potatoes. It also contains balanced levels of vitamins and minerals, which are just as important as protein. Lets talk more about that aspect of a rotties diet.   

What about Vitamins and Minerals in Rottweiler Food? 

Yes; you can get multivitamins for your dog, and the vet will probably recommend some. However, its important for rotties to get these nutrients from their food, too. Vitamins and minerals play a critical role in their development: 

  • B12 maintains the function of their nervous system 
  • Vitamin K is important for preventing blood clots 
  • Vitamins E and C and excellent antioxidants 
  • Vitamins A and D are essential for the rotties immune system 
  • Calcium and phosphorus are essential for bone development 
  • Iron is important, as it carries oxygen throughout the body 
  • Potassium regulates the balance of fluids in the system 
  • Magnesium is important for the dogs nervous system 
  • Zing is essential for successful wound healing 

Does that sound complicated? Its an entire science. Too little of a certain nutrient can cause serious trouble. However, you mustnt exaggerate. In extreme levels, some nutrients can be toxic to your dog. This is an issue that deserves some research. As a student, you may not have enough time for it. Youre engaged in studying, writing, and life in general. You already order an essay or research paper at EduBirdie when you need help with academic writing, so why not rely on the same experts when you need a research project for your rottweiler? You will get specific guidelines for proper levels of all food nutrients, based on your dogs breed, age, weight, and physical activity.      

Fat Is Important, Too 

Your dog doesnt need high levels of carbs in their diet. People get most of their energy from carbohydrates, but dogs are different. They get it from fat supplies. Fats have many more calories than carbs and proteins, so they should be present with 12% in their diet.  

Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids are important for vitamin absorption. The body needs fat to process vitamins A, D, E, and K. In addition, fat helps your dogs body to maintain a proper temperature. Its important to increase their levels in the rotties diet over winter.  

This doesnt mean you should go overboard with fats in your pets feeding routine. Too much of it can cause gastrointestinal issues or pancreatitis. Avoid feeding your dog fatty scraps from your meat. Coconut oil is not good for them; it doesnt provide essential fatty acids. As for peanut butter, its a lovely treat as long as you provide it in moderation.    

Is Raw Food a Good Option for Rottweiler? 

Raw food is a good option for most breeds, especially large and active ones like rotties. Youll easily recognize the benefits as soon as you start with it: smaller stool, higher energy levels, cleaner teeth, healthier skin, fewer allergies, and shinier coat.  

There are some risks you should consider. If you get low-quality food or you dont store it well, bacteria will grow on it. It may cause food poisoning. Another risk is feeding your dog an unbalanced diet. For students, its easier to get kibble with all the right nutrients in it. When you feed your rottie a raw diet, youll have to be mindful of all meals you prepare. Youll have to make them versatile, so youll include proper levels of protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals.  

A raw dog diet also includes bones, which may be a choking hazard.  

Still, the benefits overweigh the risks. Proponents of raw feeding claim that this is the right way to feed dogs, since its in their nature to eat unprocessed meat. Owners who switched to this type of diet claim theyve seen serious problems such as dysplasia, reproduction issues, allergies, joint and skin issues improve over time.  

In general, a raw dog diet consists of the following ingredients: 

  • Meat, mostly from muscle and usually still on the bone (thats important for boosting the levels of calcium in the diet). Rottweilers love raw beef, chicken, turkey, bison, pork, and lamb.  
  • Whole or ground bones 
  • Raw eggs 
  • Organ meats – these are the multivitamins. You shouldnt go overboard; they should consist of 10% – 30% of the diet (if you only feed liver, keep the organ meat to 10%). Liver is too high in vitamin A, which can be dangerous when overdosed. 
  • Yogurt 
  • Fruit (apples are the best choice) 
  • Celery, carrots, spinach, broccoli, and other vegetables that your dog may like  

You have to source your meat from a verified provider. Otherwise, you risk giving unsafe food to your dog. Butchers often give discounts when you buy more, so stock up if you can freeze all that meat. You can also rely on special raw dog food delivery services. Youll get pre-packed balanced meals, so you wont have to do much thinking and calculating.   

How Much Should a Rottweiler Eat? 

This is a complex question. The answer depends on your dogs weight, activity level, age, and type of diet.  

If your rottie is just a puppy, youll have to do some experimenting. Start offering a small cup of kibble 3-4 times a day. If the doggie eats it right away, you can increase the serving size to a full cup. But if you see that the puppy leaves some of the kibble in the bowl, decrease the number of meals to three instead of four per day.  

Speaking of kibble for puppies, many vets advise feeding Rottweilers with adult food. Puppy food boosts their growth, which can be a problem if its too rapid (it causes joint problems).  

After four months of age, you can cut the number of meals to three or two per day. This is the time when youll help the dog develop healthy eating habits. They will ask for more treats, and they will beg you to share your food. Rotties love to eat, but you should have a stronger character than them. Dont make your dog prone to obesity!  

After eighteen months, your dog is an adult. She may be nearing (or exceeding) 100 pounds. Their muscles demand proper fuel in the right dose. Full-grown rottweilers can have 2-3 meals per day. Most owners find it more convenient to feed their pets two times per day. As a student, you may find that approach more suitable for your schedule, too.  

The complete dose of kibble to feed at this age is 7-9 cups per day. When you combine it with snacks, it shouldnt go over 2500 calories a day for an active dog. If your rottweiler isnt too active, keep the daily calorie count to 2100.   

What Snacks Should You Introduce? 

Be honest: would you fully deprive yourself of snacks and live on two meals per day? Dogs like treats as much as we do. But you have to keep them healthy! Were not talking about Cheetos, or God-forbid Oreos. Dogs shouldnt eat snacks for humans.  

Here are a few ideas: 

  • Boiled egg (or raw egg if you feed your dog a raw diet) 
  • Carrots 
  • Apples 
  • Broccoli 
  • Peanut butter 
  • Banana 
  • Blueberries 

Help Your Dog to Develop Healthy Eating Habits 

Rotties are extremely intelligent and obedient dogs. You can teach them tricks, but theres one trick that comes naturally to them: they know how to make you give them more food. They have this idea in their heads that they must eat from sunrise to sunset; otherwise the world would come to an end.  

One myth that most owners believe is that rottweilers have to eat a lot if we want them to grow large. Thats not true. We have to control their diet, provide the right nutrients, and keep the doses moderate to prevent obesity. Dont worry. You still have a happy dog if you dont share your pizza with him every day! 

BIO: James Collins loves his rottweiler more than anything. She saved him from a deep state of depression. As a blogger, James does research and shares tips with dog owners.  

11 Signs Your Rottweiler Is Obsessed With You!


What has four paws, a wiggly nose, and a tail that wags just for you? Your  Rottweiler , of course! How do you know your dog loves you?

So here it is, 11 ways you know your Rottweiler loves you.


1- Jumps on you, possibly in a full body slam.

The excitement is why you’ve got those bruises (Love marks, as I call them).


2-He Dances Just For You

We all feel special when we come home and we’re greeted by our dog with his tail wagging, a favorite toy in tow, and he’s jumping all over the place like a crazy kangaroo.


3-Licks your face frantically.

No it’s not gross and unhygienic, it’s ridiculously sweet and probably just as exfoliating.


4-Staring directly into your eyes.

Even when it comes to bath time, your dog will find a way to deal, because he knows a clean dog makes a happy owner. And he wants you to be happy.


5-Yawning when you yawn.

Rottweiler, because they’ve been bred to read humans, also yawn when someone they love yawns.


6 -Ain’t No Mountain High Enough

Your dog will STOP. AT. NOTHING. to get you your ball back.The dog is an intelligent, complex animal. It cares not for a rubber ball. It would much rather enjoy the autumnal leaves and the bracing air, but indulges your odd fetish for throwing tennis balls because it loves you.


7- Follows you. Everywhere.


8 -Gets jealous.

Rottweiler get jealous of anything you pay attention to: humans; other rottweiler; the cat nemesis next door. They want all of you, and will remind you of this constantly.


9 -Tries to please you when you’re ill.

Whether it’s a hangover or something more serious, your dog will try and make it better by lying down next to you, and mirroring your movements.


10-You are Comfort Zone

Your dog never bows out of an opportunity to cuddle, and that’s how you know it’s true love. No matter what the scenario is, you can count on a furry snuggle.


11- Just Take A Closer Look

Your dog can’t talk, but with a face like his, he doesn’t need to. If any of the above look familiar, then there should be no doubt in your mind. It’s true love.


9 Stranger Ways Your Rottweiler Express Their Undying Love For You

Love is Love!

Rottweiler and humans understand each other, and it’s because of the undying love they show us that we keep them by our sides. We call them «man’s best friend» for good reasons. Here are 13 ways rottweiler show love.


1-He prefers a belly rub to a treat


Many rottweiler even prefer a belly rub from their owners than a treat. Sure, some rottweiler react more strongly to food. But if your dog wants attention more than he wants a treat, that’s a pretty good sign he values your attention.


2-He chooses to spend time with you


Humans and rottweiler can, on a basic level, understand each other’s emotional responses. And rottweiler like to spend time with humans because rottweiler love us. Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson writes in the book, Rottweiler Never Lie About Love, that “once a dog loves you, he loves you always, no matter what you do, no matter what happens, no matter how much time goes by.”.


3-He tries to follow your rules


The dog itself wants to give out love.” Rottweiler, like humans, seem to have multiple types of intelligence. Some show empathy. Others excel at communication. Yet others have great memory. And some show exceptional reasoning skills. You might want your dog to be smart. But the New York Times notes that smart rottweiler aren’t always fun to live with. So if your dog is eager to please you and tries to obey your rules, you know your dog loves you — even if he isn’t the smartest animal on the block.


4-He raises his left eyebrow when you walk into the room


You’ve probably realized if your dog wags his tail or turns his head when you walk into the room he’s happy to see you. But researchers have discovered another interesting behavior. They recorded rottweiler’ facial expressions with high-speed cameras and found rottweiler raise their left eyebrows when they see their owners. The rottweiler didn’t raise their eyebrows to just any positive stimuli. For instance, they didn’t raise their eyebrows when they saw an attractive toy. So the researchers concluded the eyebrow lift likely reflects “the dog’s attachment to the owner.”


5- They Bring You Their Toys


When your pup brings you their favorite toys, not only do they want to play—although that is also a sign of deep affection—they also think you’ll love their slobber-covered squirrel or ripped up Kong as much as they do.  They are offering their most prized possession to please you and as they say, “sharing is caring!


6- Cuddling with you after a meal.


In his book, How Rottweiler Love Us, Gregory Berns says that if your dog cuddles with your after eating, it’s a strong sign of affection. Most rottweiler lovers know that pups are motivated by food. But according to Berns, once a dog eats all of its food, his next action can signify what’s most important to him besides eating.




Does your dog ever stretch out next to you and let out a long, happy sigh? Soft vocalizations like sighs and low groans are signs of contentment in rottweiler.If your dog snuggles up and sighs, it means they feel safe and comfortable by your side.




When your dog flops over and wags their tail, they’re telling you they like you—and trust you—a lot.




Does your dog ever come up and nudge you with their nose? This can be a sign of affection, a way for your dog to say “Hey, I like you!” Of course, nose-nudging is also a way for rottweiler to seek attention, or to let you know you’re in their way. You’ll know your dog is expressing affection if the nose-nudge is accompanied by a soulful stare, or leads to more full-body contact.

10 Reason Rottweiler Are Underrated, It is Time They Get Some More Love

Rottweiler Are Underrated
  1. They can get along with other rottweiler

  1. They love to cuddle with you


  1. You can bring them anywhere

  1. Maintenance is pretty low

  1. They have large legs

  1. They are mighty

  1. They love the sun

  1. They have a huge heart

  1. They are adorably cute

  1. They have a cool historical background


15 Pictures That Prove Rottweilers Are The Worst Dogs On Earth


We are warning you against some terrible rottweiler you never have to be faced with, today is about Rottweilers, don’t let them trick you with their beautiful face and their cheerful mood.

1. Do they look like friendly rottweiler?


2. They hate cuddles.


3. They’ll invide your space…


4. They like being alone, don’t like being with humans.


5. They’re lazy.


6. Rottweilers, don’t know how to enjoy the moment.


7. They’re not interested in rolling about in the mud like other happy rottweiler.


8. They are boring rottweiler, they don’t how to be funny.


9. They’ve got absolutely no imagination.

10. The least stately rottweiler…


11. They’re so un-photogenic


12. You can have another dog, they can’t stand each other.


13. And they obviously hate all other animals.


14. They’re never in a mood for a cheery night…


15. You are not wondering adopting one of these now, right?


12 Of The Weirdest But Truly Wonderful Rottweilers Sleeping Positions


We all know that rottweiler are kinda weird, and they seem to have the ability to sleep in the most awkward places and positions. You can thought this was an unique talent to your own dog but it’s a common characteristic of many rottweiler…

Just check out these foolish Rottweilers sleeping positions!

  1. The bed hog

  1. The lolling tongue

  1. The cuddle

  1. The double-decker

  1. The doggy dish

  1. The conga

  1. The protective parent

  1. The door blocker

  1. The blanket thief

  1. The head rush

  1. The half-on, half-off

  1. The comfiest armchair hog

    Dog Food
    Rottweiler Nutrition

10 Things That Rottweilers Love


1-Collecting trophies

Rottweilers love taking personal items that are not theirs, especially if they are on your property. For them they are trophies because they are part of you (their favourite person) and carry your scent. As well as collecting them, they will often take them to other rooms and hide them in places like under cushions or in the laundry. They also have this tendency because they will do anything to get your attention, even if it means behaving «badly». They hide your stuff because they like interacting with you. It also stops them from getting bored, because it gives them something to do, as if they were on a mission. Eating alone


2-Eating alone

Many human companions of rottweilers think their pet loves to eat while they are watched or they see food as a social event. Although some rottweilers like to eat when their owners eat, for the rottweiler the act of eating is a personal moment. For a domesticated rottweiler, you are the leader of the pack, so your rottweiler will feel more comfortable eating in a private space where they can be sure that the alpha male won’t steal their food- this applies to any food or treat. Don’t be surprised if your rottweiler takes what you give it into another room. You will see that it is its canine nature.


3-Always being by your side

Your rottweiler is part of you in the same way that you are part of them.Being close to your side is one of the most common behaviours and is therefore another thing rottweilers love doing. These rottweilers are saying to all who approach «move, this human is mine!» They do this to minimise as much distance as they can between you, and to transfer odors. This is a social-emotional-biological habit. Some experts suggest that this behaviour indicates protection on the part of your rottweiler. They are working as a barrier to intruders while you provide a blanket of security, confidence and comfort to them.


4-Watching TV

When they leave home, many people leave the television on to accompany the rottweiler in their absence. Although rottweilers cannot see like humans, they appreciate the light, colours and sound a lot. For them it can be mental stimulation and therefore is one of the things rottweilers love. In fact, some experts claim that rottweilers really enjoy watching TV because it helps them relax and fight boredom. However, these same animal experts emphasize that television should not be a substitute for love, human attention and exercise. Don’t miss our article on what rottweiler’s do when home alone.


5-Making the bed

Rottweilers love comfort just like people, and will make their personal space as perfect and relaxing as possible. To achieve this, the simplest way is to walk in circles a few times, as if they were making their own nest. By doing this, rottweilers spread their scent in the area, and make it clear that this is their territory. They also prepare the ground and temperature of the space.



Have you ever seen a rottweiler swim? It is a scene full of joy because they look like they are enjoying it immensely. Swimming is an activity that most rottweilers love like no other, and they also have an amazing ability to do it so much better than most people. For most rottweilers, swimming it is a great alternative fun exercise to a walk at any time of day.



Rottweilers undoubtedly love music. It stimulates them on an emotional and sensory level, and many people are surprised to find out that their favourite pets have a finely tuned ear. Classical music is calming for rottweilers. Heavy metal is agitating, but their favourite is vocal music, so now is the time to sing to your rottweiler. When rottweilers howl, they pay special attention to what other rottweilers sound like, with a purpose of changing their tone so that theirs is unique and stands out from the others.

8-Being productive

Rottweilers have a sense of natural purpose. They love accomplishing tasks and feeling useful and, through this, valued. Our pets have a natural inclination to work, otherwise, they will feel bored and restless. Tasks include finding the newspaper, retrieving a ball, shepherding a flock of sheep. Literally anything that makes them recognised and rewarded. Having nothing to do can make your rottweiler feel depressed and suppressed in their very nature.


Rottweilers do not like to stay home, they like to feel included and taken everywhere, so travelling is one of the things rottweilers love. They will accompany you anywhere! Some rottweilers even get inside the suitcase of their human companions because they know that they are going to travel and want them to take them with them. Rottweilers are not aware that they are rottweilers, they feel they are part of the family, equal, just like any other human being… and they are right!


10-Sleeping with you

This is one of the things rottweilers love in the world. Sleeping with their human companion symbolizes not only the best time of the day, but of life. Letting your rottweiler spend the night with you in your bed makes them feel privileged and part of your world because you are including them in your most personal space. This does not mean that you let this become a habit or stop sleeping in your bed. However, do not isolate yourself from your rottweiler, or close the door to your room every night while you leave them out. This will make them feel alone and neglected. A balanced solution is to, at least, let your rottweiler be in the same room as you.


How to keep your rottweiler healthy

rottweiler healthy
rottweiler healthy

Rottweiler is considered to be one of the oldest breeds of domestic dogs. Rottweilers are strong, intense, and large, which is why they were used to pull butcher carts. Rottweilers are dangerous, but if you train them properly. Keep them happy and healthy, show them your love and care they can be a good family dog as well as your family guardians. Rottweilers are loyal towards their owners and protect them at any cost. Even though they can be a good family dog, don’t leave your children with them alone. Always keep your eye on your rottweiler. Rottweilers love exercising which keeps them healthy and strong. Now, let’s get to the point there are a few things that you should know to keep your rottweiler healthy and happy. 

Take care of his diet 

Feed your rottweiler a nutritious diet to keep him healthy. Ask your vet which food you should feed your rottweiler because they are large in size, they should be given high-quality food which has a proper ratio of nutrients. Give your rottweiler supplements recommended by your vet so they don’t have to face joint issues. Always feed our rottweiler after exercising or 4 hours before exercising, by doing this you will be saving your rottweiler from gastric bloat. Gastric bloat can kill your rottweiler. So, take good care of his diet and feed him on time. 

Daily workout 

Rottweilers are full of energy and as mentioned before they love exercising. Rottweiler needs more than two hours of exercise a day because it keeps his mind active. Take your rottweiler on a walk twice a day to keep them happy and healthy as it is recommended. They never get tired and are always down for fetching the ball, swimming, running, and jumping over hurdles. 

Keep him comfortable 

It affects rottweiler health a lot if he cannot get comfortable by any means. Especially because of their large size some people don’t get the proper beds of their size and they can’t get a good sleep. It makes them dull and angry. Buy large beds for large dogs so after all these hours of exercise at least they get a comfortable sleep. 

Groom your rottweiler 

Groom your rottweiler because they must get very dirty after exercising a lot. The short hair of rottweilers makes it easier. Brush your rottweiler, it will keep the blood circulation good. Because of their short hair, you will rarely find any fleas, ticks, or mites but still, you must know. Use a dog shampoo to bath him and keep him clean. Grooming will keep your rottweiler fresh. 

Massage your rottweiler 

 After a long day of exercising and playing around. You should give your rottweiler massage once a week. Use your fingertips to massage his muscles around his joints. It will relax his muscles and keep his joints strong. It keeps them healthy and happy as well. They love massages. Don’t do it if you are not aware of it properly, ask your vet for help. 

Stay safe and, if you are self-isolating, enjoy the extra time with your beloved dogs and cats. 

Main Reasons Why Rottweilers are Better Than Pekingese

rottweiler and Pekingese
rottweiler and Pekingese

When choosing a breed of dog, you should consider the appearance of the particular breed, its disposition and needs. A sociable or hyperactive dog can feel lonely and frustrated if you spend a lot of time outdoors. On the other hand, an independent and distant pet may feel overwhelmed by your excessive concern and need to play. 

The Rottweiler and the Pekingese dogs are breeds of dogs that differ from each other in many respects. They look different, they have different characters, and even their grooming isn’t the same. In this article, we will try to show why it is worth choosing Rottweiler compared to the Pekingese. 

Differences in character 

It would seem that the Pekingese has a character very close to its aristocratic history. These pups were worshiped in the past, and legends say that it was a dog that accompanied the Buddha himself. Not only people but probably the Pekingese themselves believed in his uniqueness. That is why they are proud and independent dogs, and any attempts to force them doing anything are doomed to failure. Reluctance to succumb to anyone’s pressure won’t make Pekingese an ideal obedience dog. 

Rottweiler is different. These dogs are extremely devoted to their owners and their families; they will protect you and your home without even being aggressive. Besides, these intelligent dogs learn new commands quickly and willingly, and are easy to train. Due to its strength and weight, the Rottweiler requires an experienced guardian to show them the limits. These dogs often jump at people in excitement, and they could hurt someone unaware of their weight. So you will have to make sure that your dog is properly trained, has a balanced disposition and is predictable, which makes it a wonderful family dog. 


If you are looking for a jogging or hiking companion, don’t even think that the Pekingese will be tempted by one or the other. These dogs are rather lazy and calm and don’t really like to move from the comfortable couch. Once you take them for a walk, don’t be surprised if they stand halfway and stubbornly refuse to go any further. 

On the contrary, the Rottweiler will be overjoyed if you grab the leash. These dogs need a lot of exercises. Lack of physical activity can lead to behavioral problems. They love running in the woods and in the open, and you shouldn’t be worried that they might run away. They won’t. An adult dog needs a minimum of two hours of exercise a day. 


While Pekingese hair is a nightmare, Rottweilers will not be a problem for you. Pekingese hair requires regular and labor-intensive care. These dogs require exceptionally careful care, especially during the hair replacement period. Pekingese should be brushed very regularly (practically daily) as its coat tends to be tangled and felted. 

Rottweilers do not require complicated care, just occasional brushing with a rubber glove and more frequent brushing during the molting period. As you can see, this breed is perfect for people who don’t want to waste tens of minutes every day brushing their dog. There is simply no problem like this with the Rottweilers. 


Rottweilers are generally healthy dogs. However, like any large breed, they are prone to stomach torsion and hip dysplasia (which can lead to mobility problems). For this reason, it is essential to have your pup’s hips checked by the vet. Their life expectancy is, on average, ten years. 

Pekingese are also in good health, and they usually live for around 12 years. They have major problems with eye infections. Pekingese eyes require proper care due to the very short and clogging tear ducts that tend to have inflammatory states. Due to their short muzzle and upturned nose, they have difficulty breathing. Therefore, the owner should take care that the dog does not exert itself during walks, especially when the weather is hot. Due to the skull’s brachycephalic structure, dogs of this breed are at risk of BAS syndrome (snoring, vomiting after intense exercise, night apnea). Also, the reproduction of Pekingese is not without problems. Males have difficulty mating females, and females have hard deliveries due to large puppies heads (births usually end with cesarean section). 


Now, you probably have no doubts about what kind of dog is the best to choose as your companion. The Rottweiler will be much better as a devoted friend and mascot of the house. Its predictable nature and incredible willingness to learn new things creates a space for building an incredible bond with this animal. Unfortunately, Pekingese cannot be trained and are quite a proud dog breed, which makes cooperation difficult. 

When choosing a Rottweiler, however, be prepared to spend time training obedience. As the owner of such a great god breed, you need to be responsible, and your furry pal will repay you with loyalty and an energetic tail wagging! 

The Importance of Training Your Dog

Training Your Dog
Training Your Dog

Owning a dog will bring a lot of joy and happiness to your life. They can improve your health by making you more active, they can make you feel safer, and they can support a number of mental and physical health issues. However, being a dog owner comes with a lot of responsibility and something that is often overlooked is the importance of obedience training. If your dog isn’t trained properly, it can be embarrassing, stressful, and it could even have devastating consequences. One of the main reasons people give up their dog is because of their behaviour, so today, we will be looking into the importance of training your dog.  

Training Tools You Need  

Before you jump into training your dog, you will need to make sure you have the right tools. If your dog is food motivated, then you will need enough treats (their daily dog biscuits can work fine), and if they love to play, a good toy will work well. One of the best ways to prepare yourself for dog training is to purchase the right tools. Take a look at an online pet shop like timeforpaws.co.uk. You can shop an extensive range of well-priced pet food and pet supplies, so you have everything you need for training.

Teaches Life Skills  

When you train your dog properly, you will be giving them the skills they need to live a peaceful life with other humans and animals. You may think that a domestic dog is born with these skills and has an easy life compared to wild relatives, but living in a household will put pressure on them and they’ll need to learn how to deal with it correctly. If you fail to do so, then this can result in destructive and other unwanted behaviours, such as anxiety and aggression towards other pets or people.  

Can Alleviate Stress  

If you don’t train your dog in the right way, then you will be doing harming them in the long run. When a dog has been trained correctly, they integrate with humans in the right way and are relaxed and calm in their environment. If they haven’t been trained properly, then you will experience stress behaviours. Your dog may act aggressively out of fear or dominance, or they could be too excitable and hyperactive, which can harm visitors, especially if the dog jumps up and chews them.  

Reduces Separation Anxiety  

One of the hardest parts about being a dog owner is leaving your pooch alone at home. When the time comes for your dog to be left alone, you need to know that they will be comfortable and will behave in the right way. If a dog has not been trained properly, then they may howl or bark for hours on end. The stress of being alone could show as destructive behaviour or having accidents in the home. In order to reduce separation anxiety, you will need to train your dog to be alone from an early age.  

Will Avoid Conflict  

Your dog must get experience socialising with other people and animals as soon as they become a part of your family. If your dog isn’t well-socialised, this could lead to heaps of conflict, stress, and in severe cases, it could result in an injury. Keeping your canine companion away from other animals is not practical. In order to avoid aggression and anxiety-related issues, your dog should get out and meet other people and animals often. This will make them feel comfortable and will improve their nature. 

Keeps Them Safe  

As well as avoiding conflict, training your dog properly will make you and your dog safer. A dog that does not listen to commands from its owner will put them in danger. The world is full of harm and hazards that your dog will not fully understand. For example, your dog will not understand what a road is, or the damage that a car can inflict if they get hit by one. When a dog has been trained well, then they will be safer than others, and may even perform the behaviours when separated from you.  

Improves Your Bond  

Obedience training is important when it comes to educating your dog and teaching them life skills, but as their owner, there much more that can be taken away from this. When you engage with your dog regularly and work to make them a better and happier animal, you will gain a deep understanding of their needs. There is a lot of misinformation about dog training and many people will make their dogs anxious without realising it. Getting good advice is vital, so you should research classes and advice.  

Training your dog will require time, patience, and persistence. In order to get the most out of your training sessions, you should seek the help, advice and support from reliable experts. Training should never be rushed and if you do the wrong thing, you could be doing your pet more harm than good.  

Rottweilers All You Should Know before Getting This Breed


When you decide to adopt or buy a dog, there is one thing you need to consider – the breed. One of the most recognizable breeds in the US, or in the world in general, are Rottweilers, known for their loyalty, courage, as well as commanding presence. 

Many people are skeptical about adopting this breed – mainly because of how intimidating they look, as well as the not-so-good reputation. However, once you start looking into what exactly it means to own a rottweiler, you will realize that nothing could be further from the truth. While they are large dogs, they are just giant teddy bears. 

Finding information about how to care for Rottweilers can be quite daunting, which is why we decided to gather some of the most important aspects of owning a rottweiler. So, here is everything you need to know before getting a rottweiler. 

Rottweilers Eat a Lot 

One of the things you need to prepare yourself for before getting a rottweiler is spending quite some money on food – not only do dogs of this breed like to eat a lot, but they also require high-quality food in order to stay healthy. 

Since Rottweilers are very energetic and muscular, their diet needs to contain a lot of protein – something that can be quite hard to find in a cheap, grocery store food. Also, don’t forget that many representatives of this breed have allergies, meaning you have to take it into consideration when choosing the food.  

That’s exactly why you will either have to spend some time searching for the best food or schedule a veterinarian appointment so that they can choose the type and brand of food that will be the most suitable for your dog. If you wish to do some research on your own, here you’ll find Purina Pro Plan dog food review – they are considered one of the best brands on the market nowadays, so they might have something that will meet the nutritional needs of your pup. 

Now, when it comes to their diet – a rottweiler needs more or less 2100 calories daily, although this might differ if the pup is very active. However, their breed is very prone to obesity, which means that you need to control how much they are actually eating. 

Rottweilers Are Prone to Some Serious Health Conditions 

While dogs of all breeds can get sick, there are some conditions to which Rottweilers are more prone than others. Such conditions include cancer (in particular bone cancer), orthopedic conditions (e.g., elbow dysplasia, luxating patella, intervertebral disk disease, hip dysplasia), and heart issues. 

When it comes to conditions affecting the hormonal and endocrine systems, the most common disease is called hypothyroidism. The organism of a dog suffering from this condition has problems producing a thyroid hormone called thyroxine, which is responsible for metabolism. Some of the most common symptoms of this disease include weight gain, reduced activity, dull hair coat, and reduced ability to tolerate the cold. 

Since Rottweilers are prone to so many health issues, it’s important that you find a vet who you can trust and who has profound knowledge of this breed. Keep in mind that you will have to visit your vet quite often so that you can make sure everything is okay with your furry friend. 

Rottweilers Require Grooming 

Due to the fact that Rottweilers have short fur, many people believe that they don’t require grooming and that their fur can be just left alone. However, nothing could be further from the truth – rottweilers require regular brushing, ear care, eye care, and more. 

Even though Rottweilers are pretty low maintenance, they still need to be taken care of. Every time you want to groom your pup, start with cleaning and brushing. Don’t forget about rubbing your pup’s body all over – by doing this, you will be able to notice any lump, bump, bite, or any other issue there might be. Also, you have to remember to check their ears, paws, teeth, and gums. 

Don’t forget about brushing their fur – it will help keep it from matting and prevent the skin from getting irritated. Additionally, it helps in distributing your four-legged friend’s natural oil all over their fur. 

The Bottom Line 

Owning a Rottweiler can bring a lot of joy into your life. However, before you decide to take this step, you need to make sure that you know what you are signing up for. Rottweilers require a lot of space, a lot of food, and a lot of monetary investment. 

If you are buying a Rottweiler puppy, remember to choose one from a reputable breeder, who will be able to provide you with a full genetic history of its parents – this way, you will be able to find out, and might even prevent some of the medical conditions that can become a problem in the future. 

How To Find Time For Your Rottweiler Puppy While Still At School


Rottweiler puppies are an intelligent, temperament, and trustworthy dog’s breed. If you are still in school or a student living on a college campus, with an adequate approach and training, Rottweiler puppy will grow up to be cheerful and confident. Moreover, it is highly recommended to start socializing a dog to ensure that it is well-behaved. At the same time, you should not forget to teach it properly to protect your puppy. 


The basic needs of a Rottweiler Puppy 

In the animal world, puppies are the most appreciated kind of domestic pets. The fact Rottweiler puppy or any other puppy is adorable, miniature, joyful is hard to resist. Puppies are time-consuming, though. But, even if your education course requires a lot of learning hours – do not back away! Instead, try multi-tasking. For example, you can start listening to audiobooks instead of reading and this will allow you to spend more quality time walking your dog and studying at the same time. 

Buying an essay looks like an excellent option in this case as well. Many students surf the net when they need extra help with their papers. If you are one of them, don’t forget about Edubirdie assignment service. After all, their puppies need that attention, so why sacrifice their happiness for those writing assignments you can easily get online help with?  

Naturally, it’s sometimes difficult for students to find spare time, no matter how hard they try. The reason is that they require constant attention, and that’s not always possible when you’re a student. Moreover, there are only a few schools which allow dogs on campus territory. If you would like to ensure that your puppy stays with you in college, consider applying to Canadian UCalgary or University of British Columbia which are open to students with pets.  


The Rottweiler’s character 

Rottweiler puppy’s temperament may be described as the internally coordinated response in the form of action/inaction as a learned response to the internal and/or external stimuli. Numerous scientific researchers concluded that dogs possess cognitive behavior similar to children’s social-cognitive skills. These puppies are proven to have protective genes if trained properly. Similar dog breeds may be engaged in the police or military service if trained by the professional. rottweiler’s puppies, as well as pitweilers, need experienced care for the first time puppy owners. 

Classes and nurturing 

Nowadays, public spots, as well as college campuses, schools, and public libraries, offer dog-friendly arrangements. If you are a student, organize an event for your puppy. Imagine students throwing open training in the college yard after the classes. 

Training time 

In the evening, during spare time, take a brisk walk with your Rottweiler puppy. Be aware, though. In case you repeat training commands a lot, the Rottweiler puppy may ignore the voice and not obey the rules.  General recommendations during training courses are to be careful in case of forced training lessons with Rottweiler, Mini Rottweiler, or Pitweiler due to their strongest dog bite, estimated at 328 PSI. Adapt your voice while training; it will provide greater confidence. The puppy will achieve more results.   


Reward the Rottweiler, no matter the educational training result. According to professional dog training advice, be sure to reward a puppy, particularly during classes free periods when he/she is quiet and is sleeping during your lectures. Take a coursebook and read it while Rottweiler plays or hangs out with other pets. 

Time management 

While in the college campus or in the park reading or writing that essay, try grooming a rottweiler puppy, even if it is not in a group of long-haired dogs. They adore grooming, especially mini rottweilers. Pay special attention to their basic urges. In certain cases, a dog needs to be adapted to grooming, so proceed cautiously.  An additional benefit of grooming is the fact you will be able to check their skin and check whether any injuries or diseases are present. 

Remember that parks, open-air shopping centers, and pet stores are places that welcome dogs. That way, you will be able to enhance Rottweiler’s training and leisure time as well as your own daily moments. Prepare a list of the most cheerful moments with your Rottweiler and try to repeat them as often as possible. Puppies require a lot of attention. You need to start training them as early as possible and pay special attention to their development. 

Best Tips and Tricks For Taking Perfect Pictures For Your Rottweiler

Pet photography is an awe-worthy topic. There can be nothing cuter than an adorable dog lounging on his best chair and an equally fantastic click to capture his relaxed expression forever. But pets love their playtime and simply will not stay still for a long time for you to complete your shoot.  

Well, there can be nothing cuter than a perfect shot while your pet is all excited and animated, but the extreme activeness just does not sit well with cameras. Though treats can stall them for a few moments, it is well worth having a few photography tricks up your sleeve, ready to be used whenever you next schedule a photography session with your furry model. Remember that scolding will really not do any good and only make your pet look a little less thrilled than it should be. 

Hence, here are a few very best tips and tricks to get that perfect click while preserving the lovely, playful nature of your pets. You can always get your clicks made into custom CanvasPop dog portraits or pet canvases and use their other features to accentuate your click and model’s beauty! 

Let us begin by setting the right environment! 

Get the lights up 

No photography session can become a hit unless it is paired with the best lighting you can get. It helps provide the illumination that allows your purr-fect buddy to be the center of attention.  

Begin with a lot of natural lighting, push back the curtain, throw open the windows. You should not use harsh light to reflect off the subject and cause red-eye. Use reflectors for the perfect, well-lit shot.  

Rottweilerrottweilerlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/rottweiler-dog-run-14.jpg” alt=”” class=”wp-image-9994″ width=”432″ height=”554″/>

Be the ever-patient photographer 

If anything, pet photography is certainly not a piece of cake. You will have to wait for countless moments to get your pet in the perfect position, click, and then have to do it all again. Hence, this requires considerable time during which your patience might span out.  

Begin when you have a lot of free time at hand and can patiently wait through the lazy, excited, or distracted mood spurts of your pet. 

Check your surroundings 

Photobombs are funny in selfies and other humane clicks. Still, if you find that your perfect pet shot also portrays a random object lying in the background, you might not find it very amusing, mostly if you got your great short after countless moments of pet coaxing to stay still.  

Set your photo backgrounds and create a temporary studio area which only contains your pets and other objects you might want to click along with your pet.   


Focus on the eyes 

A dull photo with no story to tell does not count as a clear shot. While the standstill portrait of your pet might just include the pet itself and a few toys, make sure the focus directs the viewers’ attention to the most expressive part of your pet: the eyes.  

In fact, who will not be charmed by those gorgeous puppy eyes or the above-all expression of your cat? All you will have to do is call for your pet’s attention, focus, and click! 

Do not lose your calm 

Saw your pet snuggle with you while you were feeling exceptionally downbeat? It so happens that your pets can pick up on your mood. While snuggling to you is right and all, you will not want your pet to absorb your hassle-some energy and angry vibes in the middle of what is supposed to be a fun photography session. 

Losing your calm can translate to your dog being confused from the angry commands or your cat freaking out, and simply not end with good results.  

Be a part of their world 

Pet portraits look definitely more enjoyable when not clicked from above. Clicking from your eye level only shows your world perception and not theirs. To click particularly and engaging pictures, you will have to scoop down to your pet’s level, kneel on your knees, bend as much as you can, or downright lay on the floor.  

The world sure is fascinating from their level. The pictures become more focused, and the full-body shots are downright dynamic yet captivating. It also helps you get terrific clicks of their eyes or excited expressions.  


Be stealthy 

You sure will want to have your pets totally engaging with the shoot, but when you are looking for more candid shots, you will have to behave as if you do not even exist in the space of your pet. Hence, this allows the pet to be indeed themselves, and you get to capture their cuteness! 

Keep your movements limited. Move slowly, try not to catch the attention of your pet, and command your pet as little as you can.  

Set the shutter speed 

If you are looking forward to an enjoyable photoshoot while your pet is playing or is very active, you will have to set the camera shutter speed to accommodate multiple clicks in less time.  

Hence, you can click your pet while they enjoy their playtime in full glory and vigor. DSLR cameras are the perfect companions to such lively shoots, but you can also make use of your smartphone camera’s shutter speed and ISO mode or install an app to help you. 

Keep treats handy 

You can not expect to get to go through a good photography session if you are not looking forward to paying your model, the same works with your pets. To hold their attention, give them treats frequently and praise them as they model for the absolute purr-fect pose.  

Be mindful that treats are only appropriate in a limited quantity at one time. Hence schedule your session as further required.  

14 Rottweilers Disappointed About The Coronavirus Quarantine


If you’re having bad days during quarantine, these funny Rottweilers who are disappointed about the coronavirus quarantine will make your day! These Rottweilers are not so happy about staying home 24/7. Rottweilers are very active, and they love to stay outside most of the time. So, having to stay home all day long is such a nightmare for them.

#1 Am I supposed to wear this thing all the time?


#2 Now you know how the staying home looks like?


#3 So, here are some disinfectants for sanitizing the house.


#4 I will not transmit the virus, but you may do. So, I’ll go shopping.


#5 I need dry food and treats now! Don’t resist me, i have a gun!


#6 Don’t you dare to even look at my food!


#7 Give me that mask, mommy! 


#8 I hope she won’t find out what i have done.


#9 Mommy wants to punish me and called me bad boy, but dad is my guard here


#10 I’m working from home!


#11 I’m not a babysitter, my place is in the park playing outside!


#12 I planned to watch a movie tonight. 


#13 I have a Zoom meeting here.


#14 When will it be over? I can’t stay with this person forever.


14 Signs Proving Rottweilers Are Just Big Teddy Bears!


People usually think that Rottweilers are impatient, aggressive, and fierce! While it’s actually not the case. If Rottweiler is properly trained, you will know how much they are very protective, loyal, and funny. And most importantly, they look like stuffed big teddy bears! If you want to know information about this breed, you have to ask someone who really has raised them before. This is the only reliable source you should have. They are just like babies, they want to follow you whenever you go, cuddle with you, and consider you his parent. In return, they will love you, protect you, and be your little baby and your big teddy bear! These amazing dogs are incredibly active, playful, and energetic. They will always want to have fun with you, as they are not lazy at all. Having a Rottweiler is like having a bodyguard, a best friend, and a cute baby. They will protect your property, save you from anything, love you unconditionally, and completely change your life!

#1 If you think Rottweiler is always “Serious”


#2 They know how to take a selfie!


#3 They can catch balls just perfect


#4 My Father said that I fit everywhere!


#5 Rottweilers are yoga experts!


#6 There is no difference between them both!


#7 How cute is this paw?


#8 Prettiest dog breed ever


#9 Don’t you love bath time?


#10 Most protective dog ever for you baby!


#11 The most beautiful smile


#12 His weapon is puppy eyes!


#13 I love you, mommy!


#14 I love this tiny human more than anything!


Rottweilers are our best friends, we can’t deny that! They are our big teddy bears that love us unconditionally!

10 Most Common Rottweiler Training Mistakes


A pet is an animal kept for companion and entertainment by humans. Dogs are mainly termed as best friends of man and commonly kept as domestic pets. Dogs love being petted, living around human beings, and they are loyal. 

Dogs are also beneficial to people in several ways. They are brilliant and playful, therefore offering help in physical exercises and enabling one to keep calm, consequently helping blood pressure regulation. The fact that dogs are social and friendly impacts people’s social life positively and introduces someone to new people and experiences. Dogs are also vigilant, which is helpful to human beings. By staying with a dog, one learns how to stay active. 

Dogs require to be trained to be able to live with human beings. However, sometimes during training, one encounters hardships that lead to making some mistakes. It is not always about the dog; dog owners make some mistakes. Such errors may appear insignificant, but they can ruin or slow progress in the training. Below are some of the most common mistakes. 

To avoid making mistakes while training your dog, it is recommended to take dog training classes.  

Failure to Train Your Dog More Often 

Looking at the age of the pet is not necessary. The older the pet gets, the more difficult it becomes to train it. However, you cannot just begin training on a new dog. It would be best if you gave it some time to familiarize yourself with the environment. Once the training has commenced, it is essential not to stop because if you do, the pet will forget. Some basic routines on dog training are how and where to sit for dinner and sleep. 

Repetition of Commands 

Once the dog has learned what it needs to, it is important to keep repeating orders until the dog begins to show learned behavior. If you repeat to it, words such as “sit,” it should respond. It might not respond to first calling due to confusion or distraction. You may reward positive behavior or even praise it, and then going ahead, reduce the rewards. Just like you show to the dog that you are pleased with its positive response, you can show it your disappointment if it fails to respond. You can try moving closer to the dog, a trick that will trigger its response, and remember to use praises if the dog finally responds. 

Duration of Training Sessions 

Training a dog is a prolonged process. Sessions of this evolution should neither be too long nor too short. Once the level of success desired by the dog owner is attained, rewards can be given and later quit the training because continuing could get the dog bored. In the same way, stopping is not encouraged if at all success evidence is not expressed. The dog should at least perform. Many sessions each of few minutes are more effective than a few sessions of more minutes. 

Failure to Generalize Obedience Behaviors in Different Areas of Varying Conditions 

If you train your dog to sit and it learns, but you only practice it in one place, this will be hard for the dog to sit elsewhere or in someone else’s presence, even at your command. Training should begin in a less busy environment. As time goes by, introduce distractions and move the practice to more busy environments until the behavior is consistent in all areas. It is essential in the recall command. 

Relying so Much on Treats and Less on Celebrity, Esteem, and Praise 

Initiation and reinforcement of behavior rely on treats. However, they are not the only method effective in training. 

Using Too Much Emotion 

Emotions affect the ability of the dog to learn. Take, for example, training in anger, irritation, or force. It will intimidate the dog, unlike training with hyperbolic energy, a method that raises the dog’s energy levels beyond the expected. It is vital to ensure the dog stays calm and relaxed. 

Being Reactive Instead of Being Proactive 

Dog training is beautiful, but it requires time and devotion. Dog owners need to plan their techniques on training and not rely on those of others. Each dog is different, just like any other learners, and require distinct methods. 


Consistent rules need to be set, and training techniques not varied a lot, especially at first. Doing this decreases the ability to learn in the dog. If you remain patient for one day and the next, you become impatient during training as a dog owner, and the dog will lose trust and confidence in you for the sudden change. Stick to your methodologies to ensure you get reactions from the dog. At least it would help if you were predictable to the dog. 

Lack of Confidence 

Dogs can sense such kind of weakness, and they are likely to exploit such a chance. A dog is never to feel fear of the owner. Spending more time and achieving more training successes with the dog is likely to bring back the dog owner’s confidence. Your dog requires to spend time with other dogs to acquire more new experiences. 

Lack of Training to Individual Dog 

As a human being, each dog is unique in its behavior and personality. Even though the dog’s breed matters in determining action and nature, the character should be understood to succeed in the training. Just like a teacher observes the learners first before coming up with measures to use in teaching, it is the same in a dog’s case. The methods that work for other dogs might not be effective on yours. Understand your dog first. For instance, a shy dog requires a less distracted and busy environment, unlike a brave dog that can be trained even in the street corner. 

In conclusion, the dog training process is not easy at all. It requires commitment and dedication altogether with patience to see to it that positive results are exhibited. Training should be based on the dog’s personality, the breed, size, history, and age. Dog owners should consider these features when coming up with methods and initiatives on training their dogs. 

14 Pictures Showing The True Temperament of Rottweilers

“Rottweilers are serious, aggressive, impatient, and fierce!” Isn’t that what you hear about them all the time from people who don’t even own one? So, you have to listen to people who raised this breed to take your information from a reliable source. Rottweilers are far from the rumors that were spread about them. Instead, they are so protective, loving, kind, funny, and act just like babies! If you own one, you will find how wrong people were talking about them. These incredible dogs are very energetic and active. They are not lazy so you will have a lot of fun time with them. Having them is like having a guardian angle which will save you from any situation, watch your property, and change your life completely!

#1 No one can come close to your car on his watch


#2 Always on duty


#3 Best passenger


#4 Caring and loving member of the family


#5 Happy guy alone when in nature


#6 Always ready to play


#7 Has the best smile


#8 Very serious! -They said.


#9 He is a child hidden in a dog fur!


#10 Nature lovers!


#11 They will join in yoga!


#12 Love neighbours!


#13 Very Romantic and Loving




20+ Hilarious Rottweiler Dogs in Halloween Costumes

Rottweiler owners always want to join their Rotties with them in their life activities. So, they take them to parties, celebrate their birthdays, exercise with them, and even take them to Halloween parties and dress them Halloween costumes! This is how much humans are crazy with their Rottweiler dogs! So, here are 22 of the funniest Rottweilers wearing their Halloween Costumes.

#1 Rottie Bee

20+ Hilarious Rottweiler Dogs in Halloween Costumes

#2 The evil and the kind

20+ Hilarious Rottweiler Dogs in Halloween Costumes

#3 Another Bee

20+ Hilarious Rottweiler Dogs in Halloween Costumes

#4 Pumpkin Puppies

20+ Hilarious Rottweiler Dogs in Halloween Costumes

#5 The cutest Lucifer!

20+ Hilarious Rottweiler Dogs in Halloween Costumes

#6 Star Wars Star!

20+ Hilarious Rottweiler Dogs in Halloween Costumes

#7 Most Adorable Thief

20+ Hilarious Rottweiler Dogs in Halloween Costumes

#8 Ghost!

20+ Hilarious Rottweiler Dogs in Halloween Costumes

#9 Chick Magnet

20+ Hilarious Rottweiler Dogs in Halloween Costumes


20+ Hilarious Rottweiler Dogs in Halloween Costumes


20+ Hilarious Rottweiler Dogs in Halloween Costumes


20+ Hilarious Rottweiler Dogs in Halloween Costumes


20+ Hilarious Rottweiler Dogs in Halloween Costumes


20+ Hilarious Rottweiler Dogs in Halloween Costumes

#15 3 heads!

20+ Hilarious Rottweiler Dogs in Halloween Costumes

#16 Rottweiler Diva

20+ Hilarious Rottweiler Dogs in Halloween Costumes

#17 Rottweiler Bee

20+ Hilarious Rottweiler Dogs in Halloween Costumes


20+ Hilarious Rottweiler Dogs in Halloween Costumes

#19 Lady Bug

20+ Hilarious Rottweiler Dogs in Halloween Costumes

#20 So evil, can’t you see!

20+ Hilarious Rottweiler Dogs in Halloween Costumes


20+ Hilarious Rottweiler Dogs in Halloween Costumes


20+ Hilarious Rottweiler Dogs in Halloween Costumes

14 Signs Rottweilers Are Flying Dogs!

Rottweilers are flying dogs! If you own a Rottweiler, you know how much they are very active, energetic, and are incredibly in love with running and exercising. Due to their unbelievable power and energy they have, they will need daily walks, runs, and exercises. So, their owners are usually fit just by having them. Very lucky, aren’t they? So, these are 14 Rottweilers running happily with their owners as they get out their energy! Enjoy scrolling down to know that Rottweilers are flying dogs!


Rottweilers Are Flying Dogs


Rottweilers Are Flying Dogs


Rottweilers Are Flying Dogs


Rottweilers Are Flying Dogs


Rottweilers Are Flying Dogs


Rottweilers Are Flying Dogs


Rottweilers Are Flying Dogs


Rottweilers Are Flying Dogs


Rottweilers Are Flying Dogs


Rottweilers Are Flying Dogs


Rottweilers Are Flying Dogs


Rottweilers Are Flying Dogs


Rottweilers Are Flying Dogs


Rottweilers Are Flying Dogs

15+ Rottweilers Sleeping In Weird Positions

These Rottweilers are caught sleeping in the weirdest, most adorable, and cute positions. They can’t hold their sleep. Rottweiler owners are always holding their cameras waiting for the funniest moments Rottweilers make! And apparently, they are A LOT! Besides their serious looks, big sizes, and confident look, they have a hidden funny, cute, and adorable personalities that are just similar to human babies! They act like kids, guard like angels, love like companions, and sleep like babies! Aren’t they the most adorable?

#1 Always ready for belly rubs

Rottweilers Sleeping

#2 This Rottweiler is wearing a sleeping mask so he can sleep peacefully

Rottweilers Sleeping

#3 Most Adorable chubby cheeks

Rottweilers Sleeping

#4 Spotting the coolest place to nap

Rottweilers Sleeping

#5 This cute Rottweiler puppy couldn’t make it after drinking water

Rottweilers Sleeping

#6 Tongue out, sleeping deep!

Rottweilers Sleeping

#7 Cutest tongue out sleeping puppy ever

Rottweilers Sleeping

#8 Always!

Rottweilers Sleeping

#9 We will keep walking after this short nap

Rottweilers Sleeping

#10 Is this even comfortable?

Rottweilers Sleeping

#11 Okay this is obviously a fake sleeping face!

Rottweilers Sleeping

#12 He can’t sleep without his stuffed animal

Rottweilers Sleeping

#13 Isn’t this crumpled face too cute?

Rottweilers Sleeping

#14 This is not your couch anymore

Rottweilers Sleeping

#15 Isn’t he look just like your baby boy?

Rottweilers Sleeping

#16 Why are you always sleeping in uncomfortable weir positions???


10 Celebrities Own Rottweiler Dogs

Rottweiler is the ideal best friend for anyone who has it. He is loyal and protective, alongside their funny and kind side. So, many celebrities own Rottweiler dogs, they chose this incredible breed to be their best friend and life companions. So, some of these celebrities are Leonardo DiCaprio, Mohan Lal, Tulisa Contostavlos, Robbie Williams, Brody Jenner, Miley Cyrus, Bruno Mars, Hayden Panettiere, Stephen Marley have Rottweilers. Moreover, some of them even have more than one like Will Smith. Therefore, this shows how amazing Rottweilers are as best friends.

#1 Leonardo DiCaprio

10 Celebrities Who Own Rottweiler Dogs

Actor and film producer and he is known for his love for Rottweiler dogs

#2 Mohan Lal


Indian actor, producer and playback singer

#3 Tulisa Contostavlos


British actress, singer and songwriter

#4 Will Smith

10 Celebrities Who Own Rottweiler Dogs

American Actor, he has more than one Rottweiler

He seems to love Rottweiler dogs a lot!
10 Celebrities Who Own Rottweiler Dogs

#5 Robbie Williams

10 Celebrities Who Own Rottweiler Dogs

English singer, songwriter and entertainer.

#6 Brody Jenner

10 Celebrities Who Own Rottweiler Dogs

American TV personality, model, and socialite.

#7 Stephen Marley 

10 Celebrities Who Own Rottweiler Dogs

Bob Marley’s Son

#8 Hayden Panettiere


American actress, singer, activist and model.

#9 Bruno Mars

10 Celebrities Who Own Rottweiler Dogs

American singer, songwriter, voice actor, choreographer, and record producer.

#10 Miley Cyrus

American singer, songwriter, and actress. However, she has a Rottweiler-Beagle mix.

So, these celebrities own Rottweiler dogs because they know how loyal, protective, kindhearted, and amazing friends they are. They are proud of having Rottweiler dogs and they always share their pictures with them.

10 Cool Rottweiler Tattoos Drawn On The Bodies Of The Most Loyal Owners

Rottweiler tattoos

If you have a Rottweiler, you know how they can literally change lives. Rottweilers can change your life in a very good way, and people who had their lives changed are very loyal to their life guardians. These loyal Rottweiler owners decided to make some cool and artistic Rottweiler tattoos to have their lifetime companions forever on their bodies. These tattoos are just as beautiful as Rottweilers. They look cool just like them! So, scroll down below to see 10 cool Rottweiler Tattoos drawn on the bodies of these loyal Rottweiler owners.

#1 This geometric background with the Rottweiler face is just amazing!


#2 You are the king of my life!


#3 You will be always close to my veins


#4 Paw n’ Face

 Rottweiler Tattoos

#5 Creation of Rottie

 Rottweiler Tattoos

#6 Rottweiler Tattoos are meant to save them on our bodies as they are on our hearts

 Rottweiler Tattoos

#7 Mandala’s artistic tattoo of a confident Rottweiler

 Rottweiler Tattoos

#8 Life time companion as shiny as the stars

 Rottweiler Tattoos

#9 Hiding the scars with the paws that saved my life

 Rottweiler Tattoos

#10 Geometric Rottweiler tattoos are just so artistic and expressive

 Rottweiler Tattoos

We don’t have tattoos of anything unless it means a lot to us. These drawings will last forever with us, just like the love we have to our Rottweilers. Rottweilers tattoos are so expressive and loving as these dogs literally saved lives and changed others. They are our guardians and our life companions. So, they deserve our unconditional love and care as a small return for what they do. As we know, Rottweilers are instinctively guarding their owners, watching and taking care of their babies, and also being the most friendly and funny companions. Can you imagine how much these things can save and change lives? How much they psychologically healed a lot of people with their kind hearts? And how many times they were there for them in their hardest times?

19 Rottweilers Mixed With Husky AKA Rottsky

Rottsky is not a purebred, it’s a crossbreed between Rottweilers and husky. These dogs look extremely unique as the two breeds are extremely different and amazing on their own. So, they made a great breed with some special features. If you’re curious to know what is the result of the blue-eyed gray furred husky with the shining black big Rottweiler will look like, scroll down below and enjoy 19 Rottskies from around the world!


The best thing about crossbreeds is that each dog is completely unique! All the pictures above were from the Rottweiler and Husky crossbreed. However, they all look like a totally different breed. Some have different eye colors, some have a German Shepherd-like shape, and others look like totally different dogs.

12 Signs You Are Crazy About Rottweilers

#1 Your family dinner is perfect with him

12 Signs You Are Crazy About Rottweilers

#2 Whenever and wherever you are when you see a Rottweiler you stop and say hi!

12 Signs You Are Crazy About Rottweilers

#3 Your ideal weekend is that you spend with your Rottie

12 Signs You Are Crazy About Rottweilers

#4 You have trouble being in a relationship because you can’t love anyone more than your Rottweiler

12 Signs You Are Crazy About Rottweilers

#5 You don’t think about having a baby because you already have one

12 Signs You Are Crazy About Rottweilers

#6 You love him even more than children, so you spoil him with children stuff

12 Signs You Are Crazy About Rottweilers

#7 You spend a lot of money on their toys and bed stuff

12 Signs You Are Crazy About Rottweilers

#8 Rottweilers themselves know that you are crazy about Rottweilers

12 Signs You Are Crazy About Rottweilers

#9 You don’t pick names for your future babies, you do for your Rottweilers

12 Signs You Are Crazy About Rottweilers

#10 When they see you, Rottweilers love you immediately!

12 Signs You Are Crazy About Rottweilers

#11 You skip plans to stay with your Rottweiler

12 Signs You Are Crazy About Rottweilers

#12 You never forget to celebrate his birthdays

12 Signs You Are Crazy About Rottweilers

10 Pictures Proving That Rottweilers Are Just Hidden Kids

What are the traits of your baby child? They are kind, funny, loyal, following you everywhere, love you endlessly, and do some weird stuff. If you have a Rottweiler you know how much they are similar to human kids. Also, they seem to be hidden kids pretending to be dogs. They eat like kids, hug you like little dogs, do weird stuff as well. So, here are 10 pictures proving that Rottweilers are actually hidden babies!

#1 They are just kids pretending to be dogs.

Rottweilers Are Just Hidden Kids

#2 “Who ate my candy!”

Rottweilers Are Just Hidden Kids

#3 They eat weird stuff too

Rottweilers Are Just Hidden Kids

#4 Kids hidden in fur

Rottweilers Are Just Hidden Kids

#5 Can’t you see!

Rottweilers Are Just Hidden Kids

#6 Two babies sleeping together.


#7 They think they are babies regardless their size


#8 Child seat on the trolly is not just for humans


#9 Rottie mommy is holding baby just like humans!


#10 This rottie puppy is sleeping like a baby


#11 Like daddy like son!


Rottweilers are like babies, they love you and sanctifies you. They see you just like godfather/mother. Also, they do weird stuff and use their mouths to know anything. They eat everything they see. So, don’t you think they are just hidden babies in dogs’fur?

10 Signs Prove That Rottweilers Are Dangerous For You Kids!

If you’re a parent and you’re willing to get a Rottweiler, people will always tell you that Rottweilers Are Dangerous for your kids. They tell you that big dogs are violent and dangerous for your babies and that you have to choose a smaller one. Never leave your baby with a Rottweiler, and now we’re going to prove that Rottweilers are dangerous for your kids. And that leaving them together will end up with a catastrophe! Here are 10 signs that prove that Rottweilers are violent, dangerous, and evil.

#1 You can’t leave your kid alone with a Rottweiler.

10 Signs Prove That Rottweilers Are Dangerous For You Kids!

#2 Rottweilers are boring and not playful.

Rottweilers Are Dangerous
Rottweilers Are Dangerous

#3 If you have 2 Rottweilers, it’s even worse!

Rottweilers Are Dangerous
Rottweilers Are Dangerous

#4 They are plotting their murder.

Rottweilers Are Dangerous
Rottweilers Are Dangerous

#5 They are antisocial.

Rottweilers Are Dangerous
Rottweilers Are Dangerous

#6 They will harm your kid.

Rottweilers Are Dangerous
Rottweilers Are Dangerous

#7 Rottweiler is not patient with kids.

Rottweilers Are Dangerous
Rottweilers Are Dangerous

#8 They don’t like any other animals or babies.

Rottweilers Are Dangerous
Rottweilers Are Dangerous

#9 Rottweiler is a predator by instinct!

Rottweilers Are Dangerous
Rottweilers Are Dangerous

#10 You kid will hate them.

Rottweilers Are Dangerous
Rottweilers Are Dangerous

So, you’re sure now that they are nothing but dangerous! In fact, Rottweilers are an amazing choice for your house if you have a kid. They are not vocal, they are patient, kind, sociable, friendly, and caring by nature. Rottweilers can even be watching dogs, so they take care of your child if you’re not focusing.

They are also so active and your kids will love walking them at the park. It’s also a great opportunity to have a fit kid that does stuff rather than playing video games. However, you have to be aware to teach your kids to treat their big best friend properly in order not to raise a violent kid. Rather than that, they will be having a mutual great, loving, caring, and loyal friendship.

So, If someone told you that Rottweilers are dangerous for your kids, share this article with them.

14 Things Rottweiler Owners Know So Well

Having a Rottweiler is like having a full of energy creature that lives at your place. As a breed, they are all so active and energetic. They will make you so because they are always in love with going out, walking, exercising, and playing. Rottweilers also seek your attention and want you to look at them all the 24 hours! They give you some looks that will make you focus on them more than anything. Rottweiler owners are always aware of how much exercise their pet needs, so they always have a chance to be active just like them. Also, they have the best and the most protective and loyal dog at all times! They are just lucky!

#1 You will not sleep as you wish on your weekends anymore.


#2 Don’t get mad when he jumps on the door when you arrive.

14 Things Rottweiler Owners Know So Well

#3 He always steals your food..


#4 All your shoes are marked

14 Things Rottweiler Owners Know So Well

#5 “What do you want from me?”

14 Things Rottweiler Owners Know So Well

#6 If you’re a Rottweiler owner, your Rottie has only you, don’t get angry at him.


#7 No space for you on the bed.


#8 If you’re a Rottweiler owner, you know these puppy eyes begging you not to leave.

14 Things Rottweiler Owners Know So Well

#9 or when they want attention.


#10 or when you shout at them.

14 Things Rottweiler Owners Know So Well

#11 They love any out door place and especially water.

14 Things Rottweiler Owners Know So Well

#12 That they are so friendly with other animls.

14 Things Rottweiler Owners Know So Well

#13 And give you that sad eye when they are guilty

14 Things Rottweiler Owners Know So Well

#14 And that they love you more than anything in this world.

14 Things Rottweiler Owners Know So Well

So, if you’re a Rottweiler owner, you know all the 14 points above so well. If not, I think you’re more motivated to get a Rottweiler now! These big four-legged friends are just beyond perfect! They will never leave you alone, will protect you anywhere, will know how to cheer you up. And most importantly, they will be here in your bad days!

19 Reasons Why Rottweilers Can Change Your Life

Rottweilers Can Change Your Life

If you don’t know how much Rottweilers are amazing, it’s just because you didn’t get one yet. Here are 19 reasons why Rottweilers can change your life completely.

#1 Because their sound is better than piano.

Rottweilers Can Change Your Life

#2 He will be more loyal than your boy/girlfriend

Rottweilers Can Change Your Life

#3 He snores

Rottweilers Can Change Your Life

#4 He will hug you at your worst days

Rottweilers Can Change Your Life

#5 He will be your forever companion.

Rottweilers Can Change Your Life

#6 Rottweiler will always protect you


#7 Rottweiler is so beautiful and shining


#8 His smiling face will warm your heart


#9 They will never leave you alone


#10 The most adorable face you’ll see!


#11 Your bodyguards.


#12 The most beautiful creature on earth!


#13 You can’t explain how amazing they are to someone that doesn’t have one


#14 They’re addictive


#15 Will always keep you active.


#16 Different and unique, not boring at all


#17 You will think it’s fine to destroy your favorite sofa


#18 You will never be worried to walk at night again.


#19 Loyal, affectionate, beautiful, and just amazing


You will never regret having a Rottweiler. They will change your life completely. Having a Rottweiler is like having a lifetime best friend, a funny companion, a loyal friend, and an amazing protective creature.

14 Signs Prove Rottweilers Are Plotting Your Murder

14 Signs Prove Rottweilers Are Plotting Your Murder

Some people think that Rottweilers are aggressive and evil. Maybe because of their shiny black fur with brown spots? Or their beautiful big black eyes? It can be because of their cuddly and warm big bodies? However, they are just like any other dogs, maybe better in some traits. They are so protective, loyal, friendly, and confident. Though, Rottweilers can be family pets, working dogs, and forever companions. They are the meaning of true friendship. So, if someone told you that Rottweiler is the worst dog breed ever, show them this post! Here are 14 signs that prove that Rottweilers are plotting your murder! Scroll down below to be sure that all the bad reputation they have is just a set of rumors!

#1 They are devastating.

14 Signs Prove Rottweilers Are Plotting Your Murder

#2 They trick you with their puppy eyes just to live in your house.


#3 It’s clear now!

14 Signs Prove Rottweilers Are Plotting Your Murder

#4 They are not that cute, they’re just pretending


#5 But deep down, Rottweilers are plotting your murder!

14 Signs Prove Rottweilers Are Plotting Your Murder

#6 Can’t you see!

14 Signs Prove Rottweilers Are Plotting Your Murder

#7 I told you that above!

14 Signs Prove Rottweilers Are Plotting Your Murder

#8 They invade your privacy.


#9 They are watching you.

14 Signs Prove Rottweilers Are Plotting Your Murder

#10 In every step you take.

14 Signs Prove Rottweilers Are Plotting Your Murder

#11 They are fierce and aggressive.

14 Signs Prove Rottweilers Are Plotting Your Murder

#12 They don’t even have manners.

14 Signs Prove Rottweilers Are Plotting Your Murder

#13 They deceive you.

14 Signs Prove Rottweilers Are Plotting Your Murder

#14 How evil.

14 Signs Prove Rottweilers Are Plotting Your Murder

25 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Rottweiler

If you’re a Rottweiler lover, you know they never miss a chance to eat more food! So, you always have to know more about them. Studying and researching are your best friends. From foods to training hacks, you’re always on Google!

25 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Rottweiler

So, if your Rottweiler got something from the ground and you knew it, you rush to Google to know if it’s dangerous for him or not. That’s why we have put together all the 25 most dangerous foods that you have to avoid feeding your Rottweiler whatsoever!

25 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Rottweiler

The foods are:

  1. Grapes and raisins
  2. Avocado
  3. Hops
  4. Xylitol
  5. Apricot stems, leaves, and pits
  6. Peach stems, leaves, and pits
  7. Marijuana and edibles
  8. Coffee and caffeine
  9. Mustard seeds
  10. Potato leaves, stems, skin, or any green parts
  11. Onions and chives
  12. Garlic
  13. Citrus fruits
  14. Raw eggs
  15. Chocolate
  16. Alcohol
  17. Milk and dairy
  18. Licorice
  19. Apple seeds and cores
  20. Cherry stems, leaves, and pits
  21. Other nuts, including almonds, walnuts, peanuts, and pecans
  22. Coconut and coconut oil
  23. Rhubarb
  24. Macadamia nuts
  25. Salt and salty snack foods

25 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Rottweiler

12 Photos Prove Rottweiler Is The Worst Dog Breed Ever

We are warning you of this dangerous, scary, and evil creature! Scroll down below to find out how much Rottweiler is the worst dog breed ever!

#1 “I dare you come close to my babies”

12 Photos Prove Rottweiler Is The Worst Dog Breed Ever

#2 This Rottweiler with Vitiligo looks like he is wearing another coat!

12 Photos Prove Rottweiler Is The Worst Dog Breed Ever

#3 So goofy, so intelligent.

12 Photos Prove Rottweiler Is The Worst Dog Breed Ever

#4 They have eyebrows!

12 Photos Prove Rottweiler Is The Worst Dog Breed Ever

#5 Even as puppies, Rottweilers practice their unique fierce growl!

12 Photos Prove Rottweiler Is The Worst Dog Breed Ever

#6 He looks like this when he asks for a belly rub!

12 Photos Prove Rottweiler Is The Worst Dog Breed Ever

#7 As you can see, he looks extremely dangerous.

12 Photos Prove Rottweiler Is The Worst Dog Breed Ever

#8 Don’t let their freaky adorable face fool you!

12 Photos Prove Rottweiler Is The Worst Dog Breed Ever

#9 See how scary!

12 Photos Prove Rottweiler Is The Worst Dog Breed Ever

#10 He is preparing for a fight

12 Photos Prove Rottweiler Is The Worst Dog Breed Ever

#11 They stuff their mouths with a lot of things, it’s a rottie thing

12 Photos Prove Rottweiler Is The Worst Dog Breed Ever

#12 They don’t even look extremley handsome!

12 Photos Prove Rottweiler Is The Worst Dog Breed Ever

It’s a joke. Rottweilers have some bad rumors that caused them to have a bad reputation. However, they are considered one of the most strong, confident, loyal, protective, loving, gentle, and kind breeds. Getting a Rottweiler is getting a new best friend with even more features than human best friends. Also, they are incredibly intelligent, they know when you’re not fine, will watch your kids, and also will know if someone is not a good person. These 12 photos probably made you believe that these dogs are the cutest ever.

10 Signs Show That Rottweilers Drive Better Than You

All dog owners know that their dogs are such super animals for them, coolest pets ever, most handsome and beautiful, and the ones who make them laugh deep from their hearts. We made you believe that your Rottweiler is cooler than you, But do you know that they can even drive better than you? Can’t believe it? No? Okay, we will make you do. Below, you will find 10 signs that will make you believe that Rottweilers can drive better than you and your driving expert friend!

#1 SUP

Rottweilers Drive

#2 Vintage cars are my fav

Rottweilers Drive

#3 I work as K9 and driver

Rottweilers Drive

#4 So focused, so serious


#5 Too short pup for the foot clutch but whatever


#6 After this nap, we’re going to continue the road trip


#7 Not just driver, even biker.


#8 Get in losers!


#9 Cooler than all of you


#10 Cutest driver ever


If you still can’t believe it, you have to try yourself. At least they look more handsome, cool, hilarious, and serious drivers than YOU ARE!

15 Rottweiler Photos Prove They Are Way Cooler Than You!

15 Rottweiler Photos Prove They Are Way Cooler Than You!

You know that your Rottweiler is so cool, but have you ever thought he is actually cooler than you are? So, just think about it, when you go with him to the park or you just walk in the street, who catches all the attention, you or your Rottweiler? Definitely you know the answer. So, you know that you have the most handsome pet ever, but your ego has to deal with how cooler than you he is! Here are 15 pictures that will prove that Rottweiler is way cooler than you!

#1 “Hey man wussup!”

Rottweiler Photos
Rottweiler Photos

#2 His RayBan makes him even more handsome than he is.

Rottweiler Photos
Rottweiler Photos

#3 This boy has the trophy of coolness you can’t beat him whatsoever

Rottweiler Photos
Rottweiler Photos

#4 “You can’t sit with me.”

15 Rottweiler Photos Prove They Are Way Cooler Than You!

#5 My grandma dressed him like this…

15 Rottweiler Photos Prove They Are Way Cooler Than You!

#6 You think if she’s a girl she can’t be cool?

15 Rottweiler Photos Prove They Are Way Cooler Than You!

#7 Can you tie a tie that perfect?

15 Rottweiler Photos Prove They Are Way Cooler Than You!

#8 Team bride or groom?

15 Rottweiler Photos Prove They Are Way Cooler Than You!

#9 Definitely GROOM!

15 Rottweiler Photos Prove They Are Way Cooler Than You!

#10 Tranweiler

15 Rottweiler Photos Prove They Are Way Cooler Than You!

#11 “I’m ready to catch the attention of all the wedding guests”

15 Rottweiler Photos Prove They Are Way Cooler Than You!

#12 He looks better than you in your glasses

15 Rottweiler Photos Prove They Are Way Cooler Than You!

#13 Just Chillin’

15 Rottweiler Photos Prove They Are Way Cooler Than You!

#14 He’s human more than actual humans

15 Rottweiler Photos Prove They Are Way Cooler Than You!

#15 Who’s the best boy at Disney Land?

15 Rottweiler Photos Prove They Are Way Cooler Than You!

How can be cooler than a handsome, confident, smiling, strong, black, and brown dog who catches the attention of all people anywhere? Okay it’s diffidently not you, deal with it, Rottweilers are way cooler than you!